Chapter 1: Eventful night

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9 years later a 15 year old boy named Zion was walking down the streets of vale as he was looking for the dust store. He looks up and finds it.

Zion: Bingo.
Zion walks in as he waves at the cashier and he waves back he was looking for the dust his mother asked him to find but to his right he saw what looked like a girl in a red hood. But then the door opened opened to reveal a bunch of thugs with Black suits gloves when a red tie and glasses.

Zion: (Thinking) Please don't come here to rob me please don't come here.
As Zion continued to ignore them he felt a tap on his shoulder he sighs as he turns around.

Thug 1: Ok kid give me what ever money you got!

Zion: God damit. Look listen man I don't want to fight and I have a good feeling you don't want to fight either. So it be wise for you and your friends to walk away.

Thug 1: (Scoffs) Wow look at you tough guy. Your funny kid. Now hand it over.

Zion: I tried to warn you.
Then they see one of the thugs go flying into the air the other thug wasn't paying attention as Zion punched him in the face sending him flying as well. Another thug ran at him but he immediately charged him and tackled him through to stores glass he got up and saw the girl in the red hoodie as rised and took out her scythe.

Zion: Wow that's so cool.
Then what seem to be there boss looked at them.

Boss: Okayyyyy... Get them.
They all started running at the two as they both got in there fighting Stances The first thug swings his sword but Zion sucks out the way as he fallows up with and upper cut then kicks him into three guys then another thug swings his sword Zion turns his back as his sword clashed with Zions and the blade broke off then Zion swept his foot with his tail then tail whipped the next thug coming after him.

Little Red: Wow you were awesome back there!

Zion: Thanks but you aren't bad yourself especially that scythe of yours.
Red then hugs her scythe.

Little Red : Thanks she's my baby.

Boss: You were worth every cent. Truly you were. Well Red and lizard boy I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening and as much I would like to stick around.
He then lifts up his cane as the bottom of the cane opened up to reveal a cross hair.

Boss: This is where we part ways.
He shot at Ruby she was about to jump but Zion got in the way as his dorsal finns glow blue as he shoots his atomic breath causing a huge blue explosion.

Zion: Crap I hope my mom didn't see that.

Little Red: Whoa that was so cool was that your semblance?

Zion: Well no but we don't have time we need to find the boss man.
They look around to find him until they see him climbing a ladder.

Little Red: You ok if we go after him.

Store owner: Uh huh.
They both run to the ladder Ruby took her scythe out as she put her feet on the blade as she started shooting so she could get up to the roof faster. Zion looked down as he jumped then shot his atomic breath down at the floor and started to go up finally meeting the two at the roof.

Little Red: Hey!
He stands there for a second until an airship rises the door opens as he jumps in.

Boss: End of the line Red and Lizard boy.
He throws a fire crystal Zion immediately notches it and grabs Ruby and shields her to protect her he shoots the crystal but when Zion has his eyes closed he feels no impact he opens them as he turns around to see his mother Glynda goodwitch who protected them with a energy like shield then shot a purple like energy balls at the ship making it tilt a bit then she summoned a cloud above the ship then made it rain sharp icicles then a woman wearing red clothes walked out and her clothes were glowing she fired a fire ball at Glynda which Glynda blocked but the small sparks glowed as they started to glow Glynda dose a back flip as it blows up she then uses all the debris and forms it into a spear and throws it at the ship the mysterious woman shoots fire balls destroying the spear but it reformed going after the ship again the ship tilts as the sharp objects deflected upwards then started to surround the ship but then there was a shockwave of fire. Red looks at Glynda then starts shoot at the women but she blocks it with her bare hands Then causes a huge explosion beneath them Zion grabs Ruby and moves out the way with his mother doing the same thing the ship gets away Zion then try's to sneak away but then he realizes he's in a purple bubble.

Glynda: Oh no you don't. Your not going anywhere young man.

Zion: Damit.

Back at the interrogation room Zion was sitting next to Red as she was scolding them.

Glynda: I hope you realize that you're actions tonight will not be taken lightly you two. You put yourselves and others in great danger.

Little Red: They started It!

Glynda: If it were up to me. You would be sent home with a pat on the back.
Ruby and Zion smiled then Glynda glared at them.

Glynda: And a slap on the wrist.
She slaps her crop on the table as Red jumped on Zion arms as he catches her.

Glynda: But there is someone who would like to see you.
Then Ozpin started to walk in the room.

Zion: Uncle Ozpin?

Little Red: Wait He's your uncle!

Ozpin: Indeed. Are you going to get out of his arms.
Ruby realized that she was still in Zions arms as she quickly got back to her seat.

Glynda: Zion you'll be waiting outside.

Few minutes later Zion was sitting on a chair but then he hears the clicks of high heels and he knows who's he looks up to see Glynda staring at him.

Zion: Ummm hey mom. You look very pretty tonight.
Glynda depend her glare.

Glynda: Why did you disobey me?

Zion: Mom I went to the store like you said. Those guys tried to rob me just like what red said.

Glynda: (Sighs) I suppose I could let it go.
Then he sees Red humming happily as she skips out of the building Zion watches her leave.

Ozpin: So she caught your eye too.
Zion the looks at Ozpin.

Zion: Uncle Ozpin. Came here to scold me too?

Ozpin: No actually. As I know you wanted to be a huntsman and even tho your 15 I want to welcome you to beacon early. Would you like that?
Zion hade a huge smile.

Zion: Yes!

Ozpin: (Chuckles) Well then welcome to beacon.
Then his scroll started to ring.

Ozpin: Well looks like I got a call to pick up. See you at Beacon.

The next morning Midas was snoring very loud as he was sleeping in bed the alarm clock was going off he wakes up then realizes he might be late so he quickly jumps out of bed he takes a shower once he's finally done he puts his clothes on he puts on his paints and starts jumping to get his foot through his pants finally he was all dressed as he he ran out the door he got in the elevator and pressed the button that Ozpin told him to press then he finally started running out accidentally running into people and apologizing he finally runs out.

Midas: I should really thank Ozpin for the apartment. Beacon here I come!

Meanwhile Glynda was standing in the middle of the hallway waiting for Zion. She hears Zion foot steps as she sees Zion ready to head to beacon. She tears up a little and hugs him and Zion hugs back. And finally they both release the hug.

Glynda: I'm so proud of you.
She puts her hand on his cheek as they stare at each other in the eyes.

Glynda: Hold on there's something I want to give you.
Glynda takes a key out of her pocket that was connected to a steel chain

Glynda: I wanted to give you this. When ever you became a huntsman. Your father wanted me to give you this when I told you about your birth parents.

Zion: This Key... Do you think it will help me find my birth mother?

Glynda: I don't know honey. But even if it doesn't. Don't ever give up.

Zion: I won't.

Glynda: Now go on. You have a airship to catch.
Zion smiled as he started to walk out the door but then he stopped and looked at Glynda.

Zion: I'll see you At beacon.
Zion then closes the door as he walks to the airship to get to beacon with a smile on his face.

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