Chapter 2: Welcome to beacon

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Midas got on the ship looking at the amazing view in the sky absolutely amazed by the beautiful view.

Midas: (Thinking) Wow I knew being on a bullhead would be amazing but this. This is a hole different level. And I'll get to meet so many different people. I wonder who I'll meet. Meanwhile in the front side of the ship Zion was also looking out the window then looks down at the necklace then he grabs the key and stares at it as he takes a few breaths then looks back up and thinks about what happened last night.

Midas: Man I really wish I got that girls name.

???: I can't believe my baby sister is going to beacon with me! This is the best day ever!

Little Red: Please stop.

Zion: Huh got what I wanted. Thanks universe.
Midas noticed the two sisters and ignored there loud commotion. As he was looking through his scroll when Glynda Goodwitch showed up as a hologram and stated talking to the students finally few minutes later they finally landed at Beacon. Midas starts to walk out of the ship when a boy in blond hair and in knight like armor bumped into him.

Midas: Hey watch it!
The blond kid starts to throw up in a trash can. Midas just shacks his head as he continues to walk out of the ship amazed at the sight of beacon.

Midas: Wow It looks amazing. There so much places to explore!
Midas starts to explore the school even climbing on one of the small lamps as he had a big smile.

???: Hey are you ok up there?

??? 2: He's fine look at him.
Midas looks down to see a girl with a pink skirt and orange hair and a boy wearing green black hair with a pink stripe on his hair Midas quickly drops down.

Midas: Sorry if I weirded you guys out it's just seeing this place it's so.

??? 2: Amazing right!

Midas: Right!

???: What's your name by the way?

Midas: Midas Menz. What's your names?

Nora: I'm Noraaaaa!

Ren: I'm Lie Ren. But please call me Ren.

Midas: It's nice to meet you all. Umm I just wanted to ask. Do any of you know where we going? Because I think my exploring got into my head.

Nora: Don't worry we'll help you find the way!

Ren: Just fallow us.

Midas: Thank you.

Meanwhile Zion hade begun walking out when he noticed the blond kid was throwing up in the trash can he walked up to him and started to pat his back.

Zion: Motion sickness?

Blonde kid: Motion sickness.

Zion: A common problem that a lot of people don't understand.

Jaune: Finally someone gets it! The names Jaune arc.

Zion: Zion Goodwitch.
Jaune face turns green as he throws up in the trash can again.

Zion: Uhhh I leave you alone. Get better dude.
Zion starts to walk away as he looks at his surroundings as he took a deep breath.

Zion: (Thinking) Beacon academy. It's crazy that I'm here. At the age of 15 too. I hope I can see Res anywhere.
Then he hears a loud explosion.

Zion: (Thinking) I've been here for only ten minutes and something exciting is already happening.
Zion starts to walk to where the explosion is and he saw red and a girl with white hair blue eyes and wearing a fancy Combat skirt Zion then walks up to them.

Zion: Hey hey hey let's not yell at each other. What's going on?

Princess: (Scoffs) She tripped over my luggage.

Zion: It was simple accident.

Princess: She should have watch where she was going!

Zion: Geez I didn't realize a mistake can be such a horrible crime.
Weiss then looks at Zion's features.

Princess: I honestly shouldn't be surprised that you would defend this dolt. People like you are nothing but annoyances.
Zion's dorsal Finns and eyes start to glow blue.

Zion: What is that supposed to mean?!

Little Red: Hey his features shouldn't matter princess!

???: Heiress actually.
They all turned to look at a girl who hade Amber eyes and hade a bow.

???: Weiss Schnee. The next Heiress to the Schnee dust company the most produced dust company in the world.

Weiss: Finally some recognition!
Zion rolls his eyes.

???: The same company Infamous for it's controversial labor forces and questionable business partners.
Red starts to chuckle.

Zion: Quiet girl One Ice Queen zero.

Weiss: What how dare—! The nerve of—!
She then snatches the dust out of the girls hand and walks off.

Little Red: I promise I'll make it up to you!

Zion: Yeah I wouldn't bet on it Red.

Little Red: I guess I'm not the only one having a rough first day. So what's—
Then she sees the quiet girl walking off Ruby then falls on her knees.

Little Red: Welcome to beacon.

Zion: Uhhh I'm still Red.
She looks up and realizes Zion is still there with her he puts his hand out to help her up Ruby smiles as she takes his hand and lifts her up.

Zion: Today is not going so well but there is another day but for now let's put that frown upside down.
Red giggles.

Zion: Yeah I know it's pretty wack.

Jaune: But at least it made her smile.
They both look at Jaune.

Meanwhile back with Midas. Midas was talking with Ren and Nora and hade a great time talking to them even tho Nora took over most of conversation.

Nora: And Ren was like my Noraaaaa!

Ren: It didn't go like that at all.

Midas: (Chuckles) Your fun at party's.

Nora: Sooooo I've been wondering. Why did you want to become a huntsman?

Midas: Well you see. Through out my entire life I lived in the woods. I never got to see most of the outside world but here at Beacon I can adventure the world and with my strength help people in need.
Nora and Ren looked at each other surprised at what they just heard.

Nora: You never went out of the woods. Like ever.

Midas: Ever. Until now.

Ren: So technically we're your first friends right.
Midas thought about it and then smiled.

Midas: Yeah I guess you are my first friends.

Nora: Well glade that we could become your best friends! Say do you like Pancakes?

Midas: (Chuckles) Is it bad that I don't like pancakes.
Nora gasped in horror but then let go pretty quickly.

Nora: Ok it's whatever.

Midas: Whoa that was fast!

Meanwhile with Zion he was walking with Red and Jaune and they were all talking to each other.

Jaune: Look all I'm saying is motion sickness is a much more common problem then people let on.
Little Red: Look I'm sorry vomit boy was the first thing I can think of.

Jaune: Oh yeah well what if I called you creator face!

Little Red: Hey that explosion was an accident.

Jaune: Well the names Jaune arc. Short sweet rolls off the tongue. The ladies love it.
Zion raised an eyebrow.

Zion & Little Red: Do they?

Jaune: They will... I hope.
Zion chuckles.

Zion: (Chuckles) Don't worry dude. It will.
Zion pats his back hard with his tail making him tumble a bit making Red chuckle.

Little Red: Sooo I got this thing.
She takes out her weapon making Jaune jump.

Jaune: Whoa is that a scythe!

Little Red: It's also a customizable high impact velocity sniper rifle.

Jaune: What?

Zion: It's a gun Jaune.

Jaune: Oh cool.

Little Red: So what do you got?

Jaune: Oh I got this sword.

Little Red: Ohhhhh.

Jaune: And I got this shield.

Little Red: What do they do?
She taps on it became smaller then turned back into a shield as Jaune try's to to catch it but Finally Zion grabs it.

Zion: I think this belongs to you good sir.

Jaune: Thank you. Well as you saw there it's a shield and well it can turn smaller and when I feel like it. I can just put it away.

Little Red: Wouldn't it weigh the same.

Jaune: Yeah.

Little Red: Well I'm kinda a dork when it comes to weapons. So I guess I went a little overboard making this.
Zion jaw dropped with Jaune's.

Jaune and Zion: Wait you made that!?

Little Red: Yeah all students in the school I'm at make there's. Didn't you make yours.

Jaune: No this is a hand me down. My great grandfather used it during the war.

Zion: Ohhh so it was passed down to you. That's cool dude.

Little Red: Yeah not a lot of people appreciate the classics.

Jaune: Yeah. Classics.

Little Red: Wait I just realized. What's your weapon.
She points at Zion.

Zion: Oh well I never really used a weapon but use my bare fist. But I also have these bad boys.
One thumb Points to his dorsal Finns and the other points to his tail.

Jaune: Oh yeah you have a tail and it looks pretty strong but what's up with the spikes.

Zion: There called Dorsal Finns and I can use it for defense if anyone try's to attack me behind.

Jaune: Oh cool.

Little Red: Wait what about that thing you shoot out of your mouth.

Zion: Oh my atomic breath?

Jaune: Wait do you spit acid.

Zion: No it's not acid silly.

Little Red: Wait where are we going?

Jaune: I was fallowing you.

Zion: Don't worry I know where to go. Fallow me.

Jaune: Wait you knew where to go this hole time!

Zion: Yup I just wanted to have a conversation with you guys.
They start to fallow Zion.

Zion: Hey red I never got your name.
Ruby looks at Zion but then realized that she didn't give him her name.

Ruby: Oh right sorry my name is Ruby Rose.

Zion: Zion Goodwitch.

Ruby: Wait like that Lady from the hologram!

Zion: Yup.

Jaune: Holy crap that's cool!

Few minutes later they finally got to where there supposed to be.

Zion: Well we're here.

Ruby: I guess this is where we go our separate ways for now.

Jaune: Yeah it was nice chatting with you guys.

Zion: Well actually I was hoping that I would stick with you Ruby.

Ruby: Oh well. Sure I wouldn't mind.

Zion: Yes.
Zion started to fallow Ruby and couldn't help but think about how beautiful Ruby was Ruby then looked at Zion.

Ruby: Umm is there a problem?

Zion: Oh sorry I dozed off.

Ruby: Oh I get it I do that a lot. But I've been meaning to ask you. What type of Faunus are you?

Zion: Oh well. I'm a Godz—
Before he could finish he bumped into someone as they fell on the floor.

Midas: Aaa shit.
Zion looked down and saw a boy that hade gorilla like arms a boy named Midas.

Zion: Oh sorry about that. Let me help you.
Zion offered his hand Midas looked up and was about to accept it when he saw Zions features. The lizard like tail and the dorsal Finns.

Flashback Jason finally revealed to Midas the ancient war that the Kongs and Godzilla's hade.

Midas: So we went to war with these things a long long time ago. And they banished us.
Jason nods.

Jason: And do to that banishment are kind numbers has dwindled. The same happened to the Godzilla's. But I have no doubt there's still more out there. They are just in hiding but if you do see one of them stay away from them. They are ruthless savages who think of nothing but destruction.

The flashback ends and Midas swats Zion hand away and gets up.

Midas: I don't need your help. Stay the hell away from me.
Midas then walks away leaving Both Zion and Ruby shocked at his reaction.

Ruby: The heck. Do you two have some history?

Zion: No. I never met him. I don't know what his problem is.

Ruby: Huh looks like Little miss princess the only one who's a jerk huh.

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