Chapter 11: Food fight!

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Zion woke up as he was in his dorm room bed and looked around to see Ruby sitting next to him she gasped as she hugged him.

Ruby: Your awake it's so good to see you!

Zion: What... What happened?

Ruby: You don't remember?
Zion sat on the bed in silence for a few minutes then finally got pieces of his memory back.

Zion: I think I remember bits and pieces of it.

Ruby: What do you remember?

Zion: I remember we were fighting the White fang. And then we saw Midas. After that you got pinned by White fang members and Torchwick was about to shoot you. And then I transformed and—
Zion then remembers everything and even the fight.

Zion: Oh no! Midas!
Zion then gets out of bed but Ruby stops him.

Ruby: Hey you can't get out of bed yet!

Zion: But I need to check on—
Before he could finish the door opens to reveal Midas and Weiss walking in.

Midas: Zion.
Zion then sees the harness on his arm and looks down at the floor in shame.

Zion: Midas I—
Zion was interrupted by him hugging him surprising him Midas then steps back a bit.

Midas: It's good to see you again buddy.

Zion: Your not—

Midas: Of course not. I know you wouldn't do that on purpose.
Zion smiles but then they look back to see Ozpin and Glynda walking into the dorm.

Weiss: Professor Ozpin.

Ozpin: Hmm well I didn't expect you two to be here. I was hoping that I could talk to Zion and Midas alone.

Ruby: Well we could leave.

Zion: No. I want them to stay. If that's ok.

Midas: Yeah I'm with Zion.

Ozpin: Well I guess that settles that then.

Midas: So why have you come to visit us.

Ozpin: Well both of you. Or should I say all four of you are probably wondering about what happened hours ago.

Midas: Geez was it that obvious.
Weiss then hits Midas arm.

Weiss: Midas.

Ozpin: *Chuckles* No need Mrs Schnee.

Ruby: So do you know something about that?

Ozpin: Yes. You see that was your Kaiju forms.
Zion and Midas looked at each other then looked at Ozpin.

Zion and Midas: Kaiju forms?

Ozpin: Yes your Kaiju forms.

Ruby: So like is that there semblance?

Ozpin: No it's not there semblance. You see Zion and Midas aren't no ordinary Faunus. You two inherited Kaiju traits. And because of your inheritance you are able to transform into those creatures.

Midas: *Thinking* So that's why the cloth painting looked like two animals fighting instead of people.

Zion: Well it's a transformation I never plan to go back to.
Everyone looks back at Zion.

Ruby: Why?

Zion: Because it's dangerous and I went out of control the last time. If it happens again and one of you get hurt then.

Ruby: It won't.
Zion looks at Ruby.

Ruby: You can do this.

Zion: And what makes you so sure.

Ruby: Because I'm just am. I know you'll be able to do it. And besides we all know that the only reason you went out of control is because you wanted to protect me.

Ozpin: And it was your first time transforming. That and the high level of stress and anger. You were bound to lose control.
Zion looked down.

Ozpin: But do not worry. Over time you'll learn control of your Kaiju form. The same goes to you too Midas. You might not have gone out of control but you'll need to learn how to do it at will.

Midas: Yeah your right.

Ozpin: But that's all I wanted to talk about. You'll need to rest for a week after that battle. Especially you Midas. You took some serious damage fighting Zion. So you'll need time to heal. That is all I wanted to say. I hope you two make a fast recovery.
Ozpin walks out Midas and Zion looked at each other then looked at the girls who are standing next to them.

Meanwhile at a secret base Roman Torchwick was watching the news about the incident that just happened hours ago still shocked at what he saw.

Torchwick: Ok it's a official we are doomed.

???: Oh and what makes you say that?

Torchwick: Do you not watch the news! How are we going to beat one kid that can transform into a giant blue energy breathing lizard and the other a giant ape?!

???: Oh Roman you should know I have... Good connections. They'll find a way to get rid of them.

It's been a few weeks and they were finally ready to go back to classes tomorrow so they went to lunch Zion and Midas got there lunches and started eating.

Yang: So are you two... Ok.

Midas: Well yeah. We just needed rest. Mostly me tho.

Zion: I wonder why he wanted me to stay out of classes for awhile.

Blake: Maybe it wasn't your physical health but mental.

Weiss: Why mental.

Blake: Well I couldn't help but see when Zion finally calmed down I saw the guilt on his face. Trust me I know how feeling guilty can in your head.

Zion: Yeah but you don't have to worry about that. Hey you should have heard Midas. He missed you Weiss.
Midas eyes widened as Weiss eyes did the same and he cheeks started to turn red.

Yang: Oh reaaaally.

Midas: Zion!

Zion: Yup he was all like—
Before he could finish Midas shoved a broccoli in his mouth. Then Ruby slams a huge binder on the table.

Ruby: Sister's friends super awesome Kaiju's Weiss.

Weiss: Hey!

Ruby: Four scores and 7 minutes ago I had a dream.

Zion: *Spits out broccoli* This should be good.

Ruby: I had a dream that the 6 of us as a team and friends to have the most fun ever.

Weiss: Did you steal my binder?

Ruby: I am not a crook.

Blake: What are you talking about?

Ruby: I'm talking about starting the semester with a bang!

Yang: Well I always kick off my semesters with a Yang.
Everyone was unamused by her joke as Yang got hit in the forehead with an apple.

Ruby: But guys it's been a good 2 weeks and between more exchange students arriving and the tournament at the end of the year. The second semester is going to be great but classes start tomorrow. So that's why I planned some exciting events for us.

Weiss: I don't know if I should be proud or scared of what you got in stored.
Yang throws the apples back hitting a random student.

Blake: I don't know I think I'm going to sit this one out.

Weiss: Well sit out or not I think however we send this last day we should do it as a team. I for one—
Then out of nowhere Weiss gets hit in the face with a pie surprising everyone as the pie slides off of her face as they all look in front of them

Minutes later Sun and Neptune walked in to see everyone running out of the cafeteria and they see Zion standing on a table using a soda can like a microphone.

Zion: Ladies and Gentlemen children of alllll ages I am Zion Goodwitch your host for the Sunday night food wars! On the right side we have TEAM JNNNNNNNNPRRREEER

Nora: Hahaha I'm queen of the castle I'm queen of the castle I'm queen castle!

Zion: And on the left we have TEAM RWWWWWWWBYYYYYY!

Ruby: Justice will be swift justice will be painful justice will be delicious!

WBY: Yeah!
Midas then walks in the middle.

Midas: Alright I want to a clean fight from both teams and use all the food you can. Alright is team RWBY ready!?

RWBY: Yeah!

Midas: Is team JNPR ready!?


Midas: Alright annnnnnnd fight!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

In one part of the fight Zion and Midas were jumping up In down getting hype as Zion was eating some popcorn.

Zion then sees a white cloth and smiles. And grabs it.
Midas chuckles as he goes to tap Zion arm only to see he was gone the fight was over team RWBY won as Blake and Weiss got up.

Blake: Is everyone ok?
Then Yang comes falling down screaming landing hard on the floor but then gives a thumbs up.

Yang: I'm good.
She gets up to meet the rest of her team.

Ruby: Yay! Team RWBY won!
Then mist started to appear out of a formed table that looked like a cave.

Zion: Are you worthy to battle me?

Weiss: Worthy?

Zion: Well are you?
Team RWBY looked at each other and nodded.

Ruby: We are the food of justice.
Then a pair of blue eyes was seen in the darkness of the cave as the figure started to walk out wearing a white cloth that was like a cloak.

Zion: Food of justice. Hmph very well then.
Zion then threw the cloth away.

Zion: Come and battle me.
Yang nodded as she ran towards Zion and threw a few punches but Zion dodged them and caught her next attack then kneed her In the stomach and grabbed her arms and threw her at Blake who dodged out the way allowing Yang to go flying into the wall Blake uses the sausages to wrap them around Zion arm but he just pulls her in and hits her with a tail whip Weiss uses her glyphs to charge at Zion with a sword fish and try's to hit him but he turns around and uses his dorsal Finns to block it he sweeps her leg he was about to grab her until Ruby comes sliding in with a tray a kicks it towards Zion but he grabs a tray and throws it at the tray then hits Ruby with a low powered atomic breath. Enough force to push her but not hurt her.

Zion: Hahahha this kingdom is mine!

Midas: Not if I can help it!

Midas then charges In and throws a punches at Zion who blocks it causing a huge shock wave.

Ruby: Oh my gosh there power level is OVER NINE THOUSAND!

Zion: If it isn't King Midas.

Midas: Damn straight God Zion!
Zion then pushes Midas away as they start to brawl it out they keep hitting each over and over again Midas knees him in the chin but Zion then tails whip him sending him sliding across of the cafeteria.

Zion: Is the future of our race really worth for one small Kingdom.

Midas: You'll never stop at one!
Zion charges his Atomic breath and shoots at Midas who jumps and tries to kick him but Zion grabs his foot in mid air spins in a circle and then him as Midas grunts in pain and tries to get up.

Zion: Your all alone Midas.

Ruby: No he's not.
Ruby and Weiss stand by Midas side as Zion gives a small chuckle as he gets ready to fight Midas and Weiss run towards Zion together as they attack him at once but he either dodges or blocks there attacks finally he grabs Midas hand and wraps his tail around Weiss waist.

Zion: Your team up attack did not defeat me.
Midas and Weiss smiled.

Midas: It wasn't supposed to.

Zion: Nani?
Zion turns around to see a bunch of soda floating because of Pyrrha and saw Ruby in a running position.

Ruby: We made a truce with team JNPR.
Zion was ready to shoot his atomic breath when Midas grabbed him making sure he couldn't stop Ruby.

Zion: You'll kill us both!
Ruby then uses her semblance to dash at Zion and Midas as they get hit by tons of soda cans getting covered in soda as Midas and Zion go flying into the wall and Fall Ruby walks towards Zion and puts her foot on his chest.

Ruby: Who rules the kingdom now?

Zion: You... are... The queen.
Zion then sticks out his tongue acting dead. As Ruby walks towards Midas.

Ruby: Your sacrifice will never be forgotten.
Then a door swings open to reveal a very upset Goodwitch who growls in frustration and starts cleaning up the cafeteria.

Glynda: Children please * Adjust's her glasses. do not play with your food.
Nora burps then Zion burps then Midas gives the loudest burp that makes everyone laugh as Glynda growls in frustration again.

Ozpin: Let it go.

Glynda: There's supposed to be the defenders of the world. *Points at Zion and Midas* And they are only hope we have at defeating kaijus who threaten us.

Ozpin: And they will be. But right now they are still children. So why not let them play the part. After all it's a role they won't have forever.

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