Chapter 10: Rise of the Kaijus

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I didn't create the thumbnail in on the top by the way

Team RWY Zion and Midas went out to find Blake but to no avail.

Ruby: Blaaaaake.

Yang: Blaaaaaake.

Midas: Come out Blake! If you do we'll buy some fresh fish!

Zion: Midas.

Midas: What she dose like that stuff.

Ruby: Weiss your not helping.

Weiss: You know who could help. The police!

Ruby: Grrrr Weiss.

Weiss: What it was just an idea.

Ruby: Yeah a bad one.

Yang: I think we should hear Blake side of the story.

Weiss: And once you hear it you'll realize that I was right.

Zion: And I think you are being unreasonable.

Penny: And I think Weiss hair looks wonderful today.

Ruby: Daaaa Penny where did you come from!

Penny: Hey guys what are you up too?

Yang: Uhhhhh we're looking for are friend Blake.

Penny: Ohhh you mean the Faunus girl.

Ruby: How did you know that?

Penny: The cat ears duh.

Midas: What do you mean she wears a... Bow.
There was an awkward silence as a tumble weed rools by.

Zion: Well I guess it explains her weird desire to eat raw fish.

Penny: So where is your friend?

Ruby: We don't know she's been missing since Friday.

Penny: *Gasp* That's terrible. Don't worry my friends I won't rest until I find your teammate.

Yang: *Whispers* Come on nows are chance to leave.

Midas: Hey we can't just.
Then Weiss grabs Midas and drags him away.

Ruby: That's really nice of you Penny but we're fine right guys.
She looks back to see that everyone was gone.

Zion: Wow that was rude.

Penny: Sure is windy today.

Zion: Yeah I say those three were gone like the wind.

Penny: Who?

Zion: Nothing don't worry about it.
Zion pats Penny's head and Ruby pouted a bit but then realized what she was doing.

Ruby: (Thinking) Wait why am I pouting? There's nothing to be upset about.

Zion: Hey you ok Ruby?
Ruby then looks at Zion.

Ruby: Yeah I'm fine. Come on let's go find Blake.

Meanwhile with Midas he was with Yang and Weiss they went into a store as Yang was asking everyone if they seen Blake Midas made a small distance between Weiss and himself Weiss noticed and finally said something.

Weiss: Hey what's wrong?

Midas: Huh? Oh it's nothing.

Weiss: *Sighs* Midas I know you're lying. What's wrong?
Midas stayed silent then he finally looked at Weiss.

Midas: Weiss. Do you really like me... As a friend.

Weiss: Of course I do.

Midas: If that's true then... Why do you hate the Faunus so much.

Weiss: I don't hate the Faunus what makes you say that?

Midas: Because you said that you don't trust the Faunus and you were so quick to judge the Faunus on the boat and... When you did that. It felt like all the things you said were.
Weiss then put a comforting hand on his arm.

Weiss: No I... I didn't mean it like that. Look I'm sorry I made you feel that way. I wasn't trying to be discriminatory against Faunus and I know I came off like that. And I'm sorry but I truly do value our friendship. Especially since you and Zion showed me a brighter path. It's not the Faunus I have a problem with it's the White Fang.

Yang: Well it seems nobody here has seen Blake.

Midas: Well looks like we are off.
They walk out the store and Yang looks at Weiss.

Yang: You don't care if we find Blake do you?

Weiss: Of course I do! I'm just afraid what she's going to say. The innocent never run.

Meanwhile with Ruby and Zion Penny has been asking them a lot of questions about the current situation which made the walk less awkward.

Penny: So Blake is your friend?

Ruby: Yes Penny.

Penny: And your mad at her?

Ruby: Yes pe— Well I'm not mad at her Weiss is.

Penny: Is she friends with Blake?

Ruby: Well that's kinda up in the air right now.

Penny: But why?

Ruby: Well you see Blake might not be who we thought she was.

Penny: *Gasp* Is she a man?
Zion had to hold in his laughter hearing that.

Ruby: No no Penny she's... I don't know what she is. She didn't really talk to us when she ran off.

Penny: I don't really have a lot of friends but if I did I would want them to talk to me.

Ruby: Me too.

Zion: Well hey once we find her we'll all talk things out. And you said that you don't make that many friends.

Penny: Yeah.

Zion: That's honestly surprising.

Penny: Why do you say that?

Zion: Because you seem like a really really nice person.

Penny: Oh why thank you.
Then Zion feels a huge Amount of pain in his head stomach and legs as he bends down and Growns in pain.

Ruby: Zion are you ok!?
Zion then sees a image of a creature who is standing on its hind legs that has scales all over it's body and it's eyes were glowing blue but the most important detail was the dorsal Finns on its back The pain finally goes away as he looks up to see a worried Penny and Ruby.

Ruby: Zion answer me are you ok?

Zion: Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine.

Ruby: Are you sure?

Penny: We can take you to the doctor Friend.

Zion: No no I'm fine I promise.
Ruby and Penny look at each other but then nodded as they start walking and Zion joins them.

Zion: (Thinking) That creature. Is that what a Godzilla looks like.

Timeskip they were walking through vale but then they hear a huge explosion Zion and Ruby look at each other.

Zion and Ruby: Blake!
They start to run to that location.

With Midas. Midas Yang and Weiss heard as well and Midas quickly scales the building.

Weiss: Hey where are you going?

Midas: Blake is most likely there. I'll meet up with you there.

Weiss: Midas wait it might be dangerous!
Midas didn't listen as he was already running to the location Midas finally got there to see Zion made it as well fighting off White fang members Midas jumps in and starts fighting off the other Members who were surrounding him. And both of them are fighting while talking to each other.

Zion: About time you showed up.

Midas: Yeah sorry about that. Where's Ruby?

Zion: Well she's fighting off some other guys.

Midas: And Penny?

Zion: Well.
As soon as Zion knocks out the last member they see a ship get blasted out of the air Midas looks were it's coming from to see Penny.

Midas: Holy crap.
Weiss and Yang made it to see all the fighting Yang ready's her gauntlets as Weiss takes out her weapon then they hear a scream as they Zion and Midas see Ruby being held down by White fang members.

Zion: Ruby!
He runs over to her but he doesn't notice the group of white Fang members running towards him he manages to throw some of them off But eventually the numbers got to him Midas tried to intervene but he was surround.

Zion: Ruby!

Torchwick: Aww isn't that cute Lizard boy here really cares about little Red.

Zion: Don't you dare!

Torchwick: Oh but I do.
Torchwick chuckles as he points the gun and Ruby.

Torchwick: Let's kiss little red goodnight.
Ruby closes her eyes as Zion eyes start to glow blue.

Then Zion body starts to glow blue as there is a huge gust of wind and he starts to glow blue and his body starts to change from a human body into a reptilian one the glow fades as it shows his new form.

Everyone eyes widened shocked to see this new form and the white fang started to quiver in fear Ruby uses her semblance to dash out of there.

Midas: Oh my go—
Midas didn't get to finish as he was interrupted by Zion roar.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

White fang member: Shoot it!
They all start to shoot Zion as he flinches a bit but then looks at all of the directions where he's being shot at and growls in annoyance as he quickly turns to the side and swipes his hand at the huge cantainer the white fang try to run away but they all go flying into the air Torchwick and Midas also get out of there as Zion continues his destruction a couple bullhead flys over him and shoot him but Zion hits one with his tail and try's to bite the other one but it manages to fly out the way Zion growls as his his dorsal Finns from his tail to his back and Eyes starts to glow and they hear a loud charging sound.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Then he fires his atomic breath destroying one bullhead then destroying the other then moves his head down destroying more of the ship containers that the white fang are on Zion finally stopped as he lifted his head and roars. Ruby Penny and Midas finally made it to Weiss and Yang.

Yang: Ruby thank goodness your safe.

Ruby: Yeah but that's not important right now. What's important is where is Blake.

Blake: I'm right here!
They turn to see Blake holding a the wounded Monkey Faunus they saw at the bridge.

Ruby: Blake your safe!

Blake: Yeah but something not right with Zion.

Weiss: What do you mean?

Blake: Look.
They all look to see Zion is destroying everything in his path even when the white fang are retreating.

Blake: He's not usually like this.

Midas: She's right why is he acting like this?
Ruby then remembers what happened moments ago.

Ruby: I think it's when he saw Torchwick point his weapon at me.
Everyone looked at Ruby.

Ruby: He was about to kill me but that's when he transformed into.

Midas: His Godzilla form. His rage has taken control over him. He needs to snap out of it.
Midas then runs to one of the cranes and climbs it.

Weiss: Midas no!
Midas starts to climb to get to the hight where Zion could see him.

Midas: Zion!
Zion then looked down to Midas and his face changed as he started to calm down and leaned forward to look at him.

Midas: Hey buddy you remember me.
Zion gives a small puff as Midas covered himself from the small gust of wind.

Midas: I guess I'll take that as a yes.
Team RWBY and Penny smiled as Zion was finally calm.

Police: Fire!
The police started to shoot at Zion as he roars in annoyance as he starts to walk towards them.

Midas: No!
Zion tail then accidentally hit the crane Midas was on as he goes flying into the water.

Weiss: Midas no!

Ruby: Stop shooting at him! Your only making it worse.
Weiss then runs towards the water where Midas went flying.

Weiss: Midas! Midas please come back! Midas!
Weiss was on the verge of tears but then there was a bright brown light glowing in the water as something began to rise from the water Zion charged his atomic breath ready to fire when he felt something grab his tail he turns his head to see who it is and sees this.

It's this Kong but he's much bigger then the one in Peter Jackson film and he stands on his hind legs instead of all fours.

He then tugs on Zion tail making him fall then with all of his strength and swings Zion around and throws him into the water as Zion starts to skit then falls into the ocean Team RBY and Penny run towards him and are in shock.

Yang: Midas.
Midas looks at the group and smiles but then sees the police pointing there guns at him and Ruby gets in there way.

Officer 1: Get out of the way kid!

Ruby: No! He's my friend I won't let you hurt him or the other one too.

Officer 1: There Monsters!

Weiss: No there not! There people just like you and me.
They Officer was about to argue when Zion rose from the water and glared at Midas. As Midas growled at Zion.

Blake: We need to evacuate the city!

Yang: And fast.

Weiss: I think Midas can hold back Zion but I don't know how long.

Ruby: And we need to find a way to calm down Zion.

Penny: Alright it's mission time!

Weiss: Midas.
Midas then looks at Weiss.

Weiss: Try to make sure Zion doesn't get in the city when we are evacuating the people. And remember Zion still in there.
Midas nods as he looks at Zion as he pounds his fist in ground. Zion Roars and Midas roars back as he changes at Zion jumps and swings both hands down into Zion head Zion then try's to bite him but Midas moves out the way and puts him in a head lock as he starts to hammer arm him over the head over and over again Zion try's to shack him off but then eventually he lifts his head still trying to shack him off then finally Midas goes flying off of Zion. Zion starts crawl on all fours and charges at Midas he jumps in the air and was about to slam his palm into Midas face but Midas managed to move out the way only for Zion to hit him with his tail sending him back to the ground Zion charges but Midas stops him by giving him a right hook to the face but Zion retaliates by swiping at him in the face with his claws he was about to hit him with his other arm but Midas catch's it and hammer arms in the head but Zion then bits his shoulder making Midas roar in pain and throws him across the area.

Meanwhile in Beacon team JNPR were in there dorm Room doing different things when Jaune gets a call from Ruby.

Jaune: Hey Ruby what's—
There was a small silence as Jaune eyes widened.

Jaune: What!?

Nora: What is it?

Pyrrha: Uhhh guys.
They all look at Pyrrha scroll and it's news reporting about two monsters fighting.

Jaune: Alright Ruby we'll be right there.
He hangs up the phone and looks at his team.

Jaune: Come on guys we need to help evacuate the people of Vale.

Back with the fight Zion was trying to scratch Midas but he managed to move out the way Zion dose a three swing combo and Midas again moves out the way but the final swing managed to get his chest and then Zion hits him with a tail whip then sends him flying Midas gets up to see Zion is ready to tail whip him again but Midas jumps but Zion tail managed to hit his feet making him trip and fall Zion charges but Midas grabs both arms and struggles to push him back Midas roars as Zion continues to try and bite him but Midas head butts him then kicks him off Zion then charges his stomach breath and shoots it at Midas he ducks and starts running towards Zion while avoiding the atomic breath then he jumps at Zion and as he was about to get hit by the atomic breath but Midas managed to kick him in the face in time as he lands behind Zion and goes Tumbling into the ground Zion walks back a little and shacks his head as he turns around but Midas grabbed a boat and started hitting Zion with it like a bat Zion then shoots his atomic breath at the boat as Midas was about to swing it down on him Zion walks towards Midas as Midas holds him back Zion leaned his head back ready to fire his Atomic breath but Midas then shoves the boat in Zion's throat Midas then slashes Midas in the face as Midas starts to hear a ringing in his ear then Zion hits him with a tail whip that sends him flying across the area Midas touches his face as he can feel the scare across his face.

Back with Team RWBY they were helping evacuate when Blake walked towards Weiss.

Blake: Weiss I just wanted to say that—

Weiss: Stop. Blake I've had time to think about it and Blake I don't care.

Blake: You don't.

Weiss: Your not part of the white fang anymore right?

Blake: Not ever since I was a—

Weiss: Ba ba ba. Look the next time when something crazy like this happens just come talk to your teammates and not... Someone else.
Blake wipes a tear.

Blake: Right.

Ruby: Uhhhh guys I don't mean to interrupt you guys making up but we still have work to do.

Weiss: Right.
Then Team JNPR runs towards team RWBY.

Jaune: Hey guys sorry we were late but we managed to get some others to help us.
They then see Team CFVY Ozpin Glynda and other students from beacon.

Ren: Come we need to help as many people we can. I don't think Midas can hold Zion away from the city for long.

Back into the fight Midas Punches Zion in the face then elbows him in the jaw Zion roars in frustration and pushes him into the city where he slides into many buildings he gets up and sees Zion charging at him and swings at him again trying to get a direct hit but Midas dodges and moves out the way but then Zion scratches him in the stomach then the face as his head bounced off of the building. Zion was about to tail whip him but Midas jumps and grabs on to a building Zion runs towards the building but Midas jumps off and lands on another building and swings towards Zion and kicks him in the face and lands in front of Zion. Zion charges at Midas but Midas punches him in the face before he can proceed he then punches him again 5 Times in the face he grabs Zion head and slams his head into a building then knees him in the chin then uses both arms to hammer arm him on the side of his neck then he grabs Zion arm and lifts him up over his shoulders and uses his other arm to grab Zions leg and throws him over his shoulders. Midas looks in front of him as he sees a huge building in front of them Zion Gets up and Midas pounds his chest and roars as he uses two build to lift him up and Drop kick Zion.
Zion gets kicked back and his back hits the building Midas immediately runs away Zion looks at him confused until he looks behind him and sees the building crash down on him. Midas starts to breath heavily as everyone watch's in awe.

Nora: Sooo did he win.
Then the rubble starts to lift up Midas looks around as he sees a building to climb on and a crane as he takes it and scales the building Zion then gets up as all the ruble starts to fall off Zion puffs all of the dust out of his noise as he starts looking for Midas. Midas then throws the crane over Zion as it hits the building behind him Zion turns around and Roars but Midas then jumps on his back as Zion face goes into a building then Midas pushes off and then punches him and his face pounces off the building Zion then slams him self into a building to try and get Midas off but to no avail as Zion try's to get Midas off Midas starts to punch Zion on top of the head multiple times then Zion slams his back into a building again to get Midas off then he bits Midas arm making him roar in pain then Zion throws Midas off his back and walks towards him and lifts his foot as he roars Midas quickly rolls out the way when Zion was about to stomp on him but Zion quickly walks towards Midas and lunges at him Midas lifts up the arm that Zion pulled as Zion bites his arm Midas roars in pain as he punches Zion to let him go but Zion bites Midas wrist and pulls as he starts to swing him around and throws him across the city as he hits multiple buildings until he hits a building shoulder first he roars in pain while holding his shoulder but then moves out the way as Zion is running towards him and roars as he goes head first into the building he then swings his head around as Midas was about to get up but Zion tail whips him and Zion crawls on all fours crawling towards Midas as Midas try's to crawl away Zion try's to bite his left foot but missed but managed to get his right foot Midas slams his right foot to try and get Zion off but to no avail then he kicks Zion in the face Zion then jumps at Midas and slams his palm in his face and starts to scratch his chest Zion then gets up and stomps on his chest Midas punches Zion in the leg making him roar out of pain as he lifts his foot and stomps on his chest again making Midas roar in pain as Zion starts to grind his foot into his chest Zion then leans in to look Midas in the eyes and roars in his face Midas glares at him and Roars back.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ruby finally hade enough and used her semblance dashed towards Zion and Midas as fast as she could.

Yang: Ruby wait!
Zion and Midas finally stopped roaring at each other but then both Kaijus heard someone voice.

Ruby: Midas Zion that's enough!
Both of them looked at her as Midas gave a weak puff Zion face changed into a calming relaxed face as he starts to crawl on all fours again and slowly crawls towards Ruby Midas tried to grab his tail but was too weak as his arms go limp and transforms back into his Faunus form.

General: Damit what is she doing. Soldiers get ready to.

Ozpin: Stand down.

General: Are you crazy that little girl is about to get killed and you expect us to.

Ozpin: As far as I remember by Weiss story Midas almost calmed him down but then the police shot him and made him go on a rampage. If you order your soldiers to fire you'll make things worse. Stand down.

Soldier 1: Your command sir.

General: Stand down.
Zion finally made it to where Ruby was and Ruby wasn't afraid what so ever as she could feel that his breathing was normal and calm and the way he looked at her wasn't the same way he looked before.

Ruby: Zion I know you're in there. And I'm here to tell you everything is fine. See I'm ok I'm still here. There's no need to be angry anymore. I know you were just trying to protect me.
Ruby then put her hand on Zion's noise. Zion then closes his eyes as he slowly falls down and his body glows as he turns back to his Faunus form Ruby runs up to Zion and holds him in her arms as Weiss runs over to Midas and kneels next to him and starts to hold his hand as she looks up at Ozpin.

Weiss: Is he going to be ok?

Ozpin: Yes he'll just need to go to the infirmary.
Nora and Ren help carry Midas as Weiss follows Jaune and Pyrrha were about to do the same when Glynda uses her telepathy to lift Zion up.

Glynda: Don't worry I'll take him from here.
Ruby then gets up.

Ruby: Mrs Goodwitch. Will he be ok.
Glynda looks back to see how worried she was.

Glynda: He'll. He'll be fine. I promise.
Glynda then walks away carrying Zion with her semblance.

Ruby: I hope so

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