Chapter 9: Blakes secret

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Zion and Midas was walking with Team RWBY in the streets of Vale Midas and Zion saw how happy Weiss was.

Zion: Hey Weiss.

Weiss: Yeah.

Zion: I couldn't help but see that you are... very um.

Midas: Very happy today.

Ruby: Yeah I don't think I've seen you smile that much Weiss... It's kinda creeping me out.

Weiss: How could you not smile! A festival dedicated to the culture of the world! There will be dances parades a tournament oh the amount of planning in this event will be breath taking.

Yang: You really know how to take a good thing make it sound boring.

Weiss: Quiet you.

Yang: Remind me again why we are spending our Friday afternoon visiting the stupid docks?
Ruby then pinches her noise.

Ruby: They smell like fish.

Weiss: I heard the students visiting from Vaco will be arriving today. And as a representative of Beacon I feel as tho it is my duty to welcome them to this fine kingdom.

Blake: She wants to spy on them to get an upper hand in the tournament.

Weiss: You can't prove that!

Ruby: Whoa.

Zion: What?
They then see a Dust shop that looked like it got robbed and they approached the shop to see 2 detectives.

Ruby: Hey what happened here?

Detective 1: Dust shop got robbed... again.

Detective 2: They took all of the dust again.

Detective 1: You thinking White fang?

Detective 2: I'm thinking we don't get paid enough for this.

Weiss: hmph the white fang. What an awful group of degenerates.

Blake: What's your problem?

Weiss: My problem? I simply don't care for the criminal insane.

Blake: The white fang is hardly a group of psychopaths. There a group of miss guided people.

Weiss: Miss guided? They want to wipe out humanity from the face of the planet.

Blake: Then there very miss guided. Either way it doesn't explain why the white fang would rob a down town dust shop in vale.

Zion: Blake dose have a point. Me and Ruby did fight that torchwick guy a few months ago.

Ruby: Oh yeah that's right. It could have been him.

Weiss: Well that still doesn't change the fact that the white fang are a bunch of scum. Those Faunus only know how to lie cheat and steal.

Yang: That's not necessarily true.

Man 1: Hey stop that Faunus!
They then see a monkey Faunus jumping off the boat and hangs on the lamppost.

Midas: Wow such timeing.

Salor: No good stowaway!

Monkey Faunus: Hey a no hood stowaway would have been caught I'm a great stowaway.
As he starts to peel the Banana then the detectives throw a rock at him but he moves out of the way.

Detective 2: Hey get down here this instant!
He then throws the banana peel at the detectives face as the detective growls in anger the monkey Faunus then jumps over them and starts to run away as he run passes team RWBY he looks at Blake and winks at her.

Yang: Well you wanted to see the competition there it goes.

Weiss: Quick we have to observe him!
They start to chase after him but then Weiss bumps into someone as the Faunus got away.

Weiss: No he got away!

Midas: Uhhhhh Weiss.
Midas points at the ground as Weiss finally looks down to see she was on top of a girl with orange hair and green eyes. She freaks out as she quickly gets up.

Girl: Salutions!

Ruby: Um hello.

Midas: Are you ok?

Girl: I'm wonderful thanks for asking.
They all looked at each other.

Yang: Do you want to get up?

Girl: Yes.
She then jumps up to her feet surprising everyone.

Penny: My name is Penny so great to meet you!

Ruby: I'm Ruby.

Weiss: Weiss.

Blake: Blake.

Yang: Are you sure you didn't hit yourself in the head?
Blake then hit Yangs arm.

Yang: Oh I'm Yang.

Zion: Zion.

Midas: And I'm Midas.

Penny: It's so great to meet you.

Weiss: You already said that.

Penny: So I did.

Weiss: Uhh well be off then.

Zion: Well I hope we'll see each other again.

Ruby: Goodbye friend.

Yang: Well she was... Weird.

Midas: Well we all are weird in a sort of way.

Weiss: Now where did that Faunus rift raft run off to.

Zion: Ok Weiss you need to seriously chill with—
Then to everyone surprise Penny was in front of them.

Penny: What did you call me?

Yang: Oh I'm sorry I didn't think you heard me.

Penny: No not you.
Penny then walks up to Ruby.

Penny: You.

Ruby: I don't understand. What did I say?

Penny: You called me Friend. Am I really your friend.
Ruby looked back at the others and they all shook there heads no while Midas Nodded his head yes she then looks at Zion. And he gives her a thumbs up with a smile.

Ruby: Sure why not.
Her teammates all fell while Zion and Midas nodded in approval.

Penny: Wonderful. We can paint our nails buy clothes and talk about cute boys.

Zion: Well looks like we're all friends now.

Penny: Wait you consider me your friend.

Zion: Yup.

Penny: Oh fantastic!

Midas: Wait am I not your friend.

Penny: *Gasp* You want to be my friend too!

Midas: Uhh. Yeah.
She then wrapped her arms around Zion Midas and Ruby.

Penny: I didn't just gain 1 friend but 3 in one day! How amazing!

Yang: So uhhh what brings you to vale?

Penny: I'm here to compete in the tournament!

Weiss: The vital festival?

Penny: I'm combat ready!

Weiss: Please excuse me but you hardly look the type.

Zion and Midas: Says the girl wearing a dress.
They then high five each other.

Weiss: It's a combat skirt.
Ruby the dashed next to Weiss.

Ruby: Yeah.
They then low five each other

Weiss: Wait a minute. If you're here from the tournament then you must of seen that Faunus repscallion.

Penny: The Who?

Weiss: The filthy Faunus from the boat.

Blake: Why do you keep calling him that!

Weiss: Huh?

Blake: Stop calling him a repscallion. Stop calling him a degenerate. He's a person.

Weiss: Oh I'm sorry do you want me to stop calling this trashcan as a trashcan or this lamppost as a lamppost.

Blake: Stop it!

Midas: Come on guys let's not—

Weiss and Blake: Stay out of this!

Midas: Ok.
Midas walks away with his head down.

Weiss: He clearly broke the law. Give him time he'll probably join those Faunus in the white fang.

Blake: You ignorant little brat!

Weiss: How dare you! I am your teammate!

Midas: I tried.

Zion: Well hey it might stop when we make it to beacon.
At Beacon Zion and Midas were in team RWBY dorm Blake and Weiss were still arguing.

Midas: I thought you said they would stop.

Zion: Well it looks like I was wrong buddy.

Blake: Why do you think they hate humanity so much? It's because of people like Cardin! People like you that make the white fang take drastic measures!

Weiss: People like me?!

Blake: Your discriminatory!

Weiss: I'm a victim! You want to know why I despise the white fang. Why I don't trust the Faunus. It's because they been at war with my family for years. As In actually blood shed. My grandfather company as had a target panted across there back for as long as I remember. And ever since I was a child. I've had family friends disappear. Bored member's executed. An entire train full of dust stolen. And everyday my father would come back home furious. And that mad a very difficult child hood.

Ruby: Weiss I—

Weiss: No! You know why I hate the white fang! It's because there a bunch of liars thieves and murderers!

Blake: Well maybe we just got tired of being push around!
Everyone eyes widened as Blake realized what she said.

Blake: I...
She then dashed out of the room.

Zion: No wait Blake!
Midas then looked back at Weiss who was just glaring at the door where Blake came from.

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