Chapter 8: Forever forest

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Zion and Ruby got back to where the dorms with smiles on there faces.

Ruby: That was really fun Zion.

Zion: Yeah I would like to do this again If you would like to.

Ruby: Of course. I would love to do this again.
Zion smiled as he leaned his back to the wall.

Ruby: You coming in?

Zion: No I'm going to stay outside for a bit.

Ruby: Alright see you tomorrow.
Ruby walks in as Zion looks up at the sky.

With Midas they finally got done and Midas stretched his limbs and some of his bones cracked.

Midas: Well that was fun. Now let's—
Midas was interrupted when he starts to yawn.

Weiss: Well it seems to me you need to some rest.

Midas: Oh no I'm not that tired I promise.

Weiss: Oh don't you dare lie to me you've been studying all night and I can tell by how low your voice has gotten.

Midas: What no I— Alright I maybe a bit tired.
Weiss raised an Eyebrow.

Weiss: Maybe?

Midas: Ok fine fine. I am tired.

Weiss: Why are you so resent to sleep then?
Midas felt his heart pounding really fast as he looks down.

Midas: Well it's just... *Whispers* I want to hang out with you more.

Weiss: Can you be a little louder.

Midas: I said *Whispers* I want to hang out with you more.

Weiss: I can't hear you.

Midas: I said because I want to hang out with you more!
Weiss gasped and Midas realized what he just said as he looked down at the ground.

Weiss: Sure. We can hang... Out more tomorrow.

Midas: Really!

Weiss: Yeah. Now get some sleep. You'll need the energy tomorrow.

Midas: Yes ma'am!
Weiss chuckles a little as she rolls her eyes and closes the door she puts her back on the wall and puts her hand on her chest as her cheeks turned red.

Weiss: (Thinking) My heart if feels like it's about to pop out of my chest. Why am I feeling this way?

Ruby: Weiss?

Weiss: Oh hey Ruby. Where have you been.

Ruby: Oh I just went star seeing with Zion you?

Weiss: Helping Midas study.

Ruby: Hey why is your cheeks red?
Weiss then covers her face.

Weiss: It's nothing for you to worry about.
Both Zion and Midas where looking at sky with smiles on there faces but then with there superior hearing that could hear Jaune yelling and the one thing that surprised them was that Jaune use transcripts to get here and the reason he did that was so he could be just like his grandfather. It surprised them but they didn't see Jaune no differently they still saw him as there friend. As they continued to listen they heard Cardin voice. And how he wouldn't tell anyone about Jaune secret if he did what ever he asked him to do.

Midas: (Thinking) Cardin he's going to.

Zion: (Thinking) Blackmail Jaune. I could tell the others but.

Midas: (Thinking) They know his secret.

Midas and Zion: (Thinking) What do I do!?

It was the morning and both of them woke up at the same time they looked up at each other and saw both where visible upset about something.

Zion: Oh hey your up.

Midas: Yeah I know great start huh.
Both where silent then Midas broke the silence.

Midas: Hey is something wrong.

Zion: Oh no no. Nothings wrong. Um we should our School uniform on and get ready.
Zion gets out of bed as heads to the bathroom and Midas looks down.

Midas: Yeah yeah right.

Few minutes later in there history classes Oobleck was teaching them something but Midas and Zion blocked out everything he said as the only thing they can think of was Jaune. Team RWBY all saw how different Zion and Midas looked. Normally they looked more lively and happy but through the day they looked upset. Ruby noticed Zion taping his finger with a very annoyed face as class continued his taping got faster and finally when he hears Cardin laughing he accidentally pushed his hand into the wooden desk getting everyone's attention.

Oobleck: Um Mr Goodwitch are you alright.
He looks at Oobleck then at his friends who are looking at him with concern as the blue glow in his dorsal Finns and Eyes start to die down.

Zion: I'm sorry... I need to go.
Zion walks out of the class the bell rings and a worried Ruby chases after him and sees him leaning on a wall Ruby walks up to him worried as she taps on his shoulder as he looks at who tapped his shoulder to see Ruby.

Ruby: Zion are you ok?

Zion: Ruby...

Ruby: Zion what's wrong? Your not normally like this?
Zion was quite for a few minutes but then spoke.

Zion: A friend of mine. Is in big trouble because they found out his secret. I want to help him but. I'm afraid I'll make it worse and... I don't know what to do.
Ruby then looks at Zion and sees how much distraught he's in and she walks closer to him.

Ruby: Well you should do what ever you're heart is telling you.
Zion then looks at Ruby with his eyebrows raised.

Ruby: I know it's wise to use your brain before you go in to action but I think when it comes to situation like this you must listen to your heart.
She then taps in Zion's chest.

Ruby: If your heart tells you to help your friend then do it.
Zion smiled as he patted Ruby head.

Zion: Thanks Rub's.

At lunch Weiss was looking at her nails and finally Midas scooted towards her to ask her something.

Midas: Hey Weiss can I ask you something.

Weiss: Yeah what is it?

Midas: So let's just say. A good of yours had a big secret and now there getting blackmailed by someone you don't like.

Weiss: Uh huh.

Midas: Do you think it would be a good idea to just stay out of it.

Weiss: No. I would do what ever I can to make sure the people there black mailing are stopped.

Midas: You would?

Weiss: Yeah. I might be really cold at times but I'm not heartless. Especially when it comes to friends in need. That's what I wou—
Weiss is interrupted by Midas hugging her surprising her then he finally releases her.

Midas: Thank you so much.
Midas then release the hug.

Weiss: Um your welcome... May I asked why you were hugging me?

Midas: Oh um just to be... Nice.
Midas chuckles as he scratches the back of his head.

The next day they where in the forever free forest Zion and Midas were at the forever free forest collecting samples Midas looked around to check if someone was watching him and finally he snuck off into the forest. Zion got finished making a sample and he starts to walk until.

Glynda: Zion.
Zion then turns around to look at his mother.

Glynda: Where are you going?

Zion: Um I left something I have to go get it.

Glynda: With out a teammate?

Zion: Mom I'm a living laser beam with sharp spikes and a powerful tail and super strong. I'll be fine.

Glynda: *Sighs* Fine go.
Zion then starts running as team RWBY watch's Zion leave.

Yang: Is it just me or is Zion and Midas a little off today.

Blake: Yeah they seemed upset.

Weiss: I would say determine is more like it for Midas at least. Yesterday I saw him training. Fighting multiple decoys at once. It was like he was getting ready for a fight.

Ruby: Well I saw the way Zion looked so I decided to ask him if everything was ok.

Flashback Ruby was talking to her team and then saw the way he looked she walked up to him.

Ruby: Hey is everything ok?

Zion: Yeah I'm fine. Why you ask?

Ruby: Well you're face. You looked upset.

Zion: Not upset... determined. You see after that conversation we hade yesterday. I became determined to save my friend more then ever. And I'll do just that.
He then gives Ruby a thumbs up.

Zion: So wish me luck.

The flashback ends.

Weiss: You know it sounds exactly like the conversation me and Midas had.

Ruby: You too.

Weiss: Yeah we talked about at lunch right Midas.
She turns around to look at Midas but notches he's gone.

Weiss: Midas? Midas?
Midas is walking in the forest looking for Jaune as he continues his search he hears footsteps behind him he gets in the defensive ready to fight when he sees Zion walk out.

Midas: Zion?

Zion: Midas.

Zion and Midas: What are you doing here?!

Zion: I'm here because I wanted to save him from Cardin.

Midas: Huh that's strange I did too.
Zion and Midas then looked at each other for a little bit.

Midas: So did you hear Jaune's secret too.

Zion: Yeah. You don't hate him?

Midas: No not at all.

Zion: Well that's good to know.

Midas: So you don't hate him either?

Zion: No he's one of my bests friends. There's no way I can hate him.
They then hear a scream.

Zion and Midas: Jaune!
They run to where they heard the scream they make it to see an Cardin land on the ground as the Ursa lifted it's arm to kill Cardin Jaune blocks it with his shield Midas was about to run in when Zion used his tail to block him.

Midas: Zion what are you—

Zion: He has to do this on his own. In order for Jaune to grow he has to do this. Besides I believe in him. Do you?
Midas looked at Zion then nodded as he watched the fight. Jaune slashed at the Ursa and rushed in to try and kill it but it swiped him away again and again Jaune looked at his scroll that showed his aura depleted. Jaune charges again at the Grimm again the Ursa swiped at him but then he lifted his shield and then cut the Ursa head off both of them sigh of relief as Jaune was ok he then put out his hand to help Cardin up.

Cardin: Holy crap Jaune.

Jaune: Don't ever mess with my team. My friends again. Got it.
Cardin looked at Jaune for a moment then he nodded as he starts to walk away.

Zion: Nice work Jaune.
Jaune quickly turns around to see Midas and Zion walking up to him.

Jaune: Zion Midas! How long have you been watching?

Midas: Long enough to know that you do belong here no matter what anyone says
Jaune smiles.

Jaune: Wait a second you heard my secret too.

Zion: Well we are Faunus's are hearing tends to be better then a normal humans. But Midas is right you belong here. You might not have a lot of skill but you have the heart.

Jaune: Aww guys don't you think you're being a little too nice.

Midas: Yeah your right.
Zion sighs heavily as he smacks Midas in the back with his tail.

Midas: Ow kidding kidding!
Jaune just chuckles at this Interaction.

Back at Vale it was night as Jaune was on the roof of the dorm rooms and Pyrrha walked out to find Jaune.

Pyrrha: No Cardin tonight? I thought you two were best buds.

Jaune: Pyrrha I'm sorry. I was jerk. You were only trying to be nice and I hade all this stupid macho stuff in my head—

Pyrrha: Jaune. It's ok. Your team really misses there leader you know. You should come down Ren made pancakes no syrup tho you can thank Nora for that.

Jaune: Wait. I know I don't deserve it but. Do you think you can still help me? To become a better fighter.
Pyrrha turned around a little then walked up to Jaune and pushed him.

Jaune: Hey!

Pyrrha: Your stance is all wrong. You need to be wider and lower to the ground.
Pyrrha then helps Jaune up.

Pyrrha: Let's try again.
Zion and Midas where listening from there window as they looked at each other and smiled.

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