Chapter 13: The party

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Midas was sitting in his room still upset at the fact that Weiss is going with Neptune Zion then walks in.

Zion: Hey Midas I'm going to spend time with team RWBY for a bit want to join.

Midas: Um yeah sure.
They both get up and walk towards team RWBY dorm but then run into Mercury Emerald and Cinder.

Zion: Oh it's you three.

Emerald: Oh why hello. You are?

Zion: Zion.

Midas: Midas.

Emerald: Ohhhh so you were the big giant monster fighting all over the city.

Midas: How did you?

Mercury: You'll be surprised how much the media gets there information.

Zion: Huh. Well do you mind telling me why you decided to drop the match with Pyrrha.

Mercury: Like I said I was no match for her.

Zion: *Sighs* We both know that's bs it was a close match at best. It was 50 50.
Mercury glares at Zion and Zion dose the same thing.

Cinder: Come on boys let's not get heated. After all.
Cinder then traces her finger on Zion chin and he moves away.

Cinder: It was just a spare.
They walk off as Zion knocked on the door. The door opens to reveal Ruby.

Ruby: Hey guys.

Zion: Hey!
Ruby grabs both of them and drags them inside.

Yang: Hey Zion hey Midas.

Zion and Midas: Hello.

Weiss: So what brings you two here?

Zion: Well I just wanted to hang out with some friends.
Zion and Midas looked at Blake and saw how much of a mess she looked.

Zion: Goodness.

Blake: What?

Zion: Well it's just... You—

Midas: Look like a complete mess.
Blake glares at Midas as Zion sighs.

Zion: Well there goes trying to say it in a nice way. But Midas is right. This investigation has messed you up pretty badly.

Blake: Do you think I care!

Zion: You should care!

Midas: Uhh yeah I don't think you're eyes are supposed to look like that.

Zion: Blake we'll find Torchwick.
Zion then puts his hand on Blake's shoulder.

Zion: Just give it enough time and patience and we'll—
Blake then stands up.

Blake: We don't have time! Roman and the white fang are out there god know's what and we're in here doing nothing!

Midas: Yeah but you won't be able to do anything in the state you're in. So just take break and have fun. There will be tons of stuff to do at the party and then after that we can go find the white fang. What do you say?

Blake: I say it's a waste of time.
Blake begins to walk off but then Zion grabs her arm.

Blake: Zion let go.

Zion: Blake I can't do that. Not if you're going to continue this.

Blake: I won't repeat myself.

Zion: Blake this is not healthy for you. This obsession is killing you!

Blake: I said. LET GO!
Blake then turns around and punches Zion in the eye surprising him he falls as the chain breaks and the key that falls off his neck falls on the floor.

Ruby: Zion!
Ruby walks towards Zion and gets on her knees to check on him. Blake is about to walk off when Zion says something to her.

Zion: Blake believe it or not I understand how you feel. About wanting to go out there and find what you desperately want. Everyday I wonder if There's others like me or if I'm the only one of my kind. And I'm still searching for my birth mother.
Everyone was surprised to hear him say that.

Zion: But you don't see me going out there starving myself and going sleep deprived. You can't do this to yourself!

Blake: I can. And I will.
Blake then walks off as Zion looks down.

Zion: Damit.

Yang: Zion what you said. Is that true?

Zion: Is what true?

Weiss: Ms Goodwitch Isn't your real mother.

Zion: I wouldn't say she isn't my real mother. She's raised me since birth I will always see her as my mother. But she didn't birth me.

Midas: So why are you looking for your birth mother? Didn't she abandon you?

Zion: No she didn't. She and my father were protecting me. You see as you already know there's not many of Godzilla Faunus left. And that's because someone out there is going around killing us. So to keep me out of danger my father went to Goodwitch so who ever was hunting him would only kill him.

Ruby: And how do you know your mother is alive?

Zion: I don't. But all I know is that the key I got will show me who my mother was.
Zion then looks around.

Zion: hey! Where is it!

Weiss: I have it.
Zion turns around and Weiss hands it to him and Zion takes it.

Zion: Thank you.
Zion gets up and puts the key in his pocket.

Zion: Come on Midas. Let's go get some sleep.

Midas: Yeah.
They walk out the dorm to get some sleep.

The next day Zion and Midas where helping Yang and Weiss with carrying stuff into the party. Looking good right Midas... Midas?
Zion looked at Midas and saw him staring at Weiss and Neptune and saw how sad he was. Zion then put his hand on his shoulders.

Zion: Hey you can tell me what's wrong?

Midas: I'm fine I promise.
Zion dropped it but knew that he was lying.

The next night they were wearing suits for the party but could see that Midas was still upset they got to the entrance and saw Yang.

Yang: Hey you two.

Zion: Hey Yang glad I was able to make it. even tho I don't like wearing this stuff.

Yang: (Chuckles) Have fun you two.
Zion chuckles as he sees Ruby at the punch bowl.

Zion: Hey there's Ruby. Want to go over there and talk to her.

Midas: Naw I'm going to be at the top balcony.
Midas then walks upstairs Zion was going to fallow when he hears a voice he didn't think he would hear.

Blake: Hey Zion.
Zion turns around to be face to face with Blake.

Zion: Blake it's good to see that your at the dance.

Blake: Yeah thanks to Yang knocking some sense into me. Hey Zion.

Zion: Yes.

Blake: I just want to apologize for—
Zion interrupts her by putting a finger on her lips.

Zion: hey hey hey. There's no need for you to apologize.

Blake: But I—

Zion: Blake it was punch to the eye. I've taken much worse. Don't worry about me. Go out there and have fun.
Blake smiles.

Blake: Thanks.
Zion then starts to walk up the balcony to find Midas.

Zion: Ok Midas it's time to have a brotherly talk.

Midas: I'm fine.

Zion: You know you're not convincing me right?
Midas sighs as he leans on the balcony and looks up at the shattered moon as Zion joins him.

Midas: I... I love Weiss so much. And every time I'm near her my heart feels like it goes at a past at one thousand miles per hour. And I want to be hers and her be mine but. She's going with Neptune and... I guess I'll be this single worthless loser.

Zion: What?! That's not true!

Midas: Yes it is!

Zion: No it's not!

Midas: How do you know. The one person I love is with someone else. And I don't think I can find someone who will ever love me for me and—

Zion: Do you know how many people said that to themselves. A lot. And you know what happened in the end.
Midas was silent.

Zion: They ended up having a bunch of kiss marks on there face. Why? Because eventually they found someone they loved. I'm telling you this there is someone out there for you.

Midas: I. I doubt it.

Zion: Well I don't. Sure Weiss was your first crush. But she won't be the last. You need to stop doubting yourself that's not going to help you. Maybe it will take a week a month a year even. But someone out there will love you. I just know it.

Midas: Thanks man.

Zion: Anytime.

Jaune: Well I got some good news for you Midas.
They both turned there head to see Jaune walking towards them.

Jaune: I heard Neptune rejected Weiss.

Midas: What!?

Jaune: Yeah I was just as confused as you. But now is your chance.

Midas: But Jaune you've been after her since.

Jaune: The first day in Beacon. Yeah I know. But if I have to be honest. You two would be a way better relationship.

Midas: But Jaune—

Jaune: Nope I don't want to hear no buts. You love her. With all of your heart. And after hearing everything you've been through. You deserve to feel love. And I will happily give up my chance to be Weiss if it means you get to be with Weiss.
Zion smiles at Jaune a single tear drops from Midas face as he hugs both Zion and Jaune.

Midas: Thank you guys so much.

Zion and Jaune: Your welcome.
They then let go and look at each other as Midas walks back in with confidence.

Zion: I'm surprised you let her go so easily.

Jaune: *Chuckles* Well I wasn't lying. What I said was true. Man I feel such a jerk tho.

Zion: Why?

Jaune: Well it's just. Pyrrha went to the dance with out a date and well. I'm just such a huge jerk for not noticing that she wanted me to be her date.

Zion: Well then what you waiting for?

Jaune: Huh?

Zion: You still got a chance. Pyrrha is in there. Go in there and make her night. Jaune there's something that you need to realize and that is. To not hide your emotions man. Pyrrha dosen't see you for this.
Zion points at Jaune's arms.

Zion: She sees you for this *Points at his heart* For your heart. You are one of the strongest people I've met. And not because of your fighting it's because of your will power to go on how much you care about this. And that is admirable.

Jaune: Wow. You are really good at cheering someone up. Thanks.
Jaune starts to walk back inside and stops.

Jaune: Oh Zion.
Zion looks at Jaune.

Jaune: You know you should take your don't hide your emotions advice. I see the way you and Ruby look at each other.
Zion chuckles as Jaune walks away. Meanwhile with Weiss she looks down in sadness as she has no date then she sees a pair of shoes she looks up to see Midas offering a hand.

Midas: Want to dance?
Weiss was surprised but then smiled.

Weiss: Yes.
Weiss takes Midas hand and they started to dance Weiss was having a good time and she thought she would have to teach Midas how to dance but surprisingly he was really good.

Weiss: Wow Midas I didn't expect you to be this good.

Midas: Well I do have a sister and well she always did this with me because well we couldn't go to the outside world so yeah.
Weiss chuckles Midas then looks at Weiss blue eyes and his face turns red.

Midas: Weiss.
Weiss looked at Midas in his eyes.

Midas: Weiss I just wanted to tell you this. And I just want you to know that... I. I love you.
Weiss eyes widened.

Midas: The more we hung out the more I started to develop feelings for you. I just wanted to get that out the way and I understand if you don't feel the same way.
Weiss looks down then she looks up at Midas as a tear falls but as a huge smile.

Weiss: Oh Midas you don't know how much that means to me.
Midas looked at her confused.

Weiss: Midas. The only reason why I asked Neptune is because. I didn't think you liked me in that way.
Midas eyes widened.

Midas: So... That means.

Weiss: I love you too.
They stop dancing as Midas shed a tear but it wasn't because he was sad but because he was happy Weiss then put one hand on his cheek as she wiped away the tear then she put her other hand on the other cheek and pulled Midas towards her as they finally kissed Zion from the top pumped his fist. Happy for his friend.

Yang: Looks like Midas and Weiss are finally together.

Ruby: I'm so happy for them.

Zion: Yeah *Wipes a tear* Me too.
They finally departed as both of them smiled at each other.

Midas: You know you should thank Zion and Jaune.

Weiss: Why is that?

Midas: They were the ones to give me the confidence to do this.

Weiss: Hmm perhaps I should.
They then hear the crowd laughing as they see Jaune enter with a dress with team JNPR dancing.

Zion: Man who knew Jaune could dance?

Ruby: Yeah.
Zion looks at Ruby.

Zion: Hey Ruby can I talk to you. Out side.

Ruby: Oh uhhh sure.
They walk outside as Zion starts to take some deep breaths.

Ruby: Hey what's up?

Zion: So Ruby there's been something I wanted to tell you for a very very long time.

Ruby: What is it?

Zion: You see Ruby. I... I...
Zion then looks into Ruby silver eyes.

Zion: I li—
Zion and Ruby then noticed a woman that was wearing a cat burglar suit jumping roof to roof.

Ruby: Sorry looks like it's going to have to wait.
Zion looks down.

Zion: Yeah.
He then runs with Ruby to find out what's going on they make it to the tower a guard knocked out.

Zion: Trouble.
Ruby presses a button to call her locker to get her weapon they run in and see tons of guards knocked out.

Zion: Wow she's good.

Ruby: Well she's not better then us.
They get in the elevator and as they get to the communications no one is there they walk out slowly checking if anyone was here.

Ruby: Hello. Anyone here? Hello!

Zion: I don't think anyone is going to come out of you say hello.

Ruby: Well it's worth a shot.
Ruby then stumbles as she looks down on her heels.

Zion: Hey why don't you just take them off?
Then they see the woman from the roof top.

Zion: Swiper?

Ruby: You know this isn't a masquerade party so why don't you—
The cat burglar then shoots a bunch of crustals at her Ruby quickly swings her scythe in a circle then shoots at the burglar she uses her hand to block it then Zion comes in swinging in some punches but the burglar dodges out the way Ruby jumps over Zion and swings her scythe down to slash at the burglar but the burglar jumps as she makes a bow and fires at them but Zion is quick to fire his atomic breath which makes a huge explosion making them slide across the area.

Zion: Are you ok?

Ruby: Yeah.
They look back to see Ironwood they smile but when they look back she's gone.

Zion: Well. This is awkward.

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