Chapter 14: Ancient cave paintings

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Zion was walking down the dorm rooms as he was drinking a soda. He was walking down his dorm he sees Midas.

Zion: Hey Midas.

Midas: Hey so Zion dude you won't believe what me and Weiss did last night.

Zion: Oh what did you and Weiss do last night?
Zion then starts to take a sip of his drink.

Midas: I never seen a girl with out clothes before is that weird?
Zion eyes widened as he spits out his drink as he starts coughing.

Zion: What!?

Midas: Oh my gosh did I do something wrong?!

Zion: No not at all it's just very very surprising to me.

Midas: Why?

Zion: Well because out of all the people I didn't expect Weiss to do... That. Now it makes sense why you and Weiss were sleeping together in your bed last night.

Ruby: Um Weiss.

Weiss: Yea.

Ruby: Why is there milk on the pillow sheet?
Zion eyes widened as he runs into his dorm.

Zion: That's not milk!
Zion then quickly takes the sheets off the bed and puts them in a plastic bag.

Ruby: So what is it?

Zion: Oh it's um.

Midas: It's something me and Weiss did.

Ruby: What did you do?

Midas: Well you see Weiss pined me to the bed and—
Before he could finish Zion Covered his mouth.

Zion: Wow look at the time I think it's time for us to go to that um ceremony. See you there.
Zion chuckles as he starts to drag Midas out and closes the door with his tail.
As Ruby looks on With confusion.

Meanwhile Zion walks out the dorm as he finally let go of Midas.

Midas: Hey what was that for?

Zion: Midas there's one thing you need to realize. When you do stuff like that with your lover you don't just go around telling people.

Midas: Oh.
Zion then gets a notification on his scroll that Ozpin needs him and Midas in his office.

Zion: Well seems like my uncle needs us.

Midas: Why?

Zion: Your guess is as good as mine.

They made it to Ozpin office as they see Glynda Goodwitch and James Ironwood.

Midas: *Wispers* Who's the guy in the white uniform?

Zion: *Wispers* That's James Ironwood but I would suggest keeping your distance from him.  

Ironwood: So this is Midas the Kong Faunus.

Ozpin: Yes.

Ironwood: Zion.

Zion: James.

Ironwood: It's General to yo—

Zion: Yeah yeah what ever.

Glynda: Zion!

Zion: What?

Ozpin: Anyways you might be wondering why your here.

Midas: Hmmm yeah pretty much.

Ozpin: Well you two remember this right.
He then takes out the relic that shows a Kong Faunus and Godzilla Faunus sitting side by side.

Zion: Yeah.

Ozpin: Well today you'll be discovering the origins of this.
Both Zion and Midas face lit up hearing this.

Midas: Really! Are you serious!?

Ozpin: I am indeed serious.
Midas jumps up in the air and screams yes but then looks down and realizes that everyone is just staring at him.

Midas: Sorry.

Ozpin: No don't apologize. It is very exciting for you two. To find out more about your kind. So today is a very important day for you two. I'll even allow you to bring some class mates with you. If you can find any.

Midas: Wow this is amazing! I'm so excited.

Zion: Me too buddy me too.

Ozpin: But you'll have to have a teacher with you.

Zion: Oh and who is that teacher?

Glynda: That would be me. I will be accompanying you. After all I wouldn't want my son and his friend to do something foolish.

Zion: Mom we wouldn't do anything foolish.

Glynda: Do we really need to discuss what happened at the docks

Zion: That was a— Nevermind.

Ozpin: Well that's all I wanted to discuss. I'll see you both later.
They both nod and proceeded to walk back to the elevator. The elevator went down Ironwood finally decided to speak his mind.

Ironwood: So I'm guessing you haven't supervised them either.

Glynda: James perhaps you haven't noticed but this is an academy not a prison.

Ironwood: Do you think I forgotten what those two did to vale when they transformed.

Ozpin: James you have to realize that was Zion first time transforming under that much stress and anger he was bound to go out of control.

Ironwood: Those two should be checked at all times!

Ozpin: There kids James.

Ironwood: There monsters!

Glynda: They are not monsters there people like us James and I refuse to allow you to put any harm on them!
Ironwood sighs in defeat.

Ironwood: Your right I just want to protect remnant.

Ozpin: And I understand that but one of those steps to doing that James is to trust them. They are a key factor to defending Remnant.

Meanwhile at the elevator as Zion and Midas are waiting to get to ground level Midas finally ask the question.

Midas: Hey Zion how come you said I should keep my distance from him?

Zion: Well because since your a Kaiju he most likely saw you as a threat.

Midas: Really why?

Zion: Well one of the reasons is because he most likely he saw the news of us fighting months ago. What ever seems like a threat to him he either wants to kill it or is supervised. And he always always kept an eye on me. He even told my mother. One day he's going to go berserk and you'll regret not listening to me. So I don't trust him as much as he doesn't trust me.

Midas: Oh sorry to hear that.

Zion: Your fine it's not your fault. Well let's go see what are ancestors left behind for us Huh.
Zion taps Midas shoulder as the elevator finally made it to the destination and they walk off.

Time skip Ozpin finished his speech Zion and Midas were looking for team RWBY and finally found them and ran towards them.

Midas: Hey guys!

Ruby: We've been looking all over for you.

Midas: Oh you have we've been doing the same.

Yang: Oh well that's cool to hear. Soooo why were you looking for us?

Zion: Well my Uncle found something about our kinds history. And we were wondering if you would like to join us.
They all stayed silent.

Yang: Well you see about that ummm.

Ruby: We're kinda going on a mission on our own.
Zion then falls to the ground with his leg twitching as Midas looked down at Zion with a question mark above his head.

Zion: (Thinking) Damit I was hoping when we are alone together I would confess to her.
Zion then gets up.

Blake: We would join you if we could but this is a mission we can't stop at.

Weiss: Please understand.

Zion: Don't worry we get it truly we do. Just be safe out there.
Team Rwby nodded as Weiss walks up to Midas.

Weiss: You be careful too both of you. You hear me.

Midas: I will.

Weiss: Good.
They then kiss each other.

Weiss: Alright take care of each other.
Weiss walks off with the rest of her teammates.

Midas: Man I'm so lucky.

Zion: Indeed you are.

Midas: Now we need to find a team that we know who will want to come with us.
Zion then looks at a certain group.

Zion: I think I found one.
Midas then sees who Zion is looking at and sees he's looking at Team JNPR. Zion walks towards them and puts a hand on Jaune shoulder who looks back.

Zion: Hey so are you going on any missions?

Time skip Zion and Team JNPR were on the ship with Glynda goodwitch getting ready to be dropped off.

Jaune: So Ozpin found something that might give you answers about the war between your ancestors?

Midas: Yes. Well at least we hope so.
Glynda was looking at Zion and Midas as she starts thinking about the time they actually found the so called entrance to the cave.


Glynda: Ozpin are you sure this is the entrance?

Ozpin: Indeed I am Ms Goodwitch.

Glynda: How?

Ozpin: With this door you'll need a key. Midas and Zion are that key.

Flashback ends as they start to land they jump off ready for there adventure. Glynda got in front of them to give them the instruction to give them a few instructions as they fallowed Glynda as she knew where it was but they managed to make some small talk.

Nora: Congratulations Midas.

Midas: On what?

Nora: On you and Weiss dating.

Midas: Oh yeah thank you.

Ren: We are very happy for you.

Midas: Yeah thanks again. Me and Weiss are very happy.

Nora: Soooo Zion did you confess to Ruby yet?

Zion: Yeah I tried.

Jaune: Wait you did?

Zion: Yeah I was so close but then trouble happened.

Jaune: Dang I'm so sorry man. There's always next time.

Zion: *Sighs* Yeah.

Glynda: Zion. May I speak with you.

Zion: Um alright be right there mom.
Zion runs up to Glynda to talk to her.

Zion: Yes Mom.

Glynda: I wanted to talk to you. About your feelings for Ruby.

Zion: Mom I know Ruby can be very hyperactive and childish but I was the same and—

Glynda: No that's not it Zion.
Zion was confused for a bit.

Glynda: Zion No matter who you loved I would support it as long as they weren't hurting you. And so far Ms Rose has done nothing for me to distrust her. I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you. I have seen you grown so much and I'm so proud of the person you've become. And I love you.

Zion: I love you too mom.
Glynda then kisses Zion on the cheek. Finally they made it and they were disappointed to see a giant rock.

Midas: What?

Jaune: It's a giant rock.

Ren: Did Ozpin make a mistake?

Zion: No no nonono there must be something we have to do. Midas help me lift this up.
Midas nods as they both jogged towards the rock but as soon as they got near the rock there were two glowing hands on Midas side it glows orange while on Zion side it glows blue. Everyone was amazed to see this Zion and Midas looked at each other.

Zion: Well let's see what happens when we put are hands on it.
Zion and Midas placed there hands on the hand prints and the hand prints sinks like a button as the rock starts to open like a door.

Nora: (Gasped) It's a secret door!

Midas: Well let's go in!
They all walk in and as they do torches start to light up as it lights up a hallway and through the hallways were cave paints of the past battles of Godzilla's and Kong's.

Jaune: So is that why you hated Zion when you two first met?

Midas: Yes but I'm not worried about the past.

Ren: Look there's a door in front of us.
Zion and Midas open the door and they couldn't believe what they saw. It was a throne room and more cave paintings but the cave paintings were different. It wasn't the Kong's and Godzilla's fighting. It was them working together.

Zion: These cave paintings it's.

Midas: Kong's and Godzilla's working together As one.
They then see two thrones one glowing blue and the other glowing orange.

Pyrrha: Hey look. Most of these events that take place are always accompanied by two people who look like kings.

Ren: Your right. It seems like one is a Kong Faunus and the other is a Godzilla Faunus.

Midas: So these thrones it belongs to.

Zion: To the two kings. They both ruled. Together.

Midas: This is living proof that everything that my father said was false.

Glynda: So are you boys satisfied?
Zion and Midas looked at Glynda.

Zion & Midas: Yeah.
As they were about to leave Zion felt something odd something calling to him he looked to his left and saw a painting of a Godzilla fighting a three headed golden Dragon he starts to walk towards it and everyone notices him going towards that certain painting Zion puts his hand on it and sees visions of the monster he quickly stumbles back a bit startled.

Jaune: Zion are you alright!
Zion takes a few breaths then looks back at everyone.

Zion: Yeah I'm fine. Come on guys let's get out of here.
Midas Glynda and Team JNPR all look at Zion worried for him as they know he's lying. They exit the cave as soon as they did Jaune gets a call from Ruby and answers it.

Jaune: Hello. Uh huh. Yeah. What!? Alright we'll be right there.

Midas: What is it?

Jaune: Seems like there's going to be tons of Grimm to deal with in vale.

Timeskip as Team RWBY struggled to fend off the horde of Grimm as they got closer and atomic breath came out of nowhere and evaporated the Grimm they look back to see Zion.

Ruby: Zion!

Zion: Hey I'm not alone I brought back up.
Then team JNPR and Midas came running out Midas jumped in snaps a Beowulf's neck one tries to jump on him but he dodges out the way grabs it's foot and slams it to the ground then he spins in a circle using the Beowulf body as a weapon hitting all the other Beowulf's then throws it into a building Zion runs in and tail whips a few then punches a Ursa in the chest making a huge dent slamming another Grimm on the ground and stomping on its head Zion and Midas were now back to back fighting off the Grimm with team RWBY and JNPR they also managed to start a conversation.

Midas: So when are going to tell Ruby how you feel?

Zion: When we are done with this mission! Wonder where mom is?

Midas: She said she went to go get back up.
As soon as he said that tones of ships appeared and to reveal Atlas soldiers dropping down to fight.

Zion: Wow great timing.

Midas: Let's finish this so you and Ruby can start dating already.
Zion blushes but then looks at Midas and nods.

Back at Beacon Zion was pacing back and forth waiting for Ruby but his heart was going really fast as he was nervous.

Midas: Come on man you got this.

Zion: I know it's just so nerve racking.

Ruby: Oh hey Zion.
Zion gets startled as he sees Ruby.

Zion: Ruby I've been wanting to talk to you.

Ruby: Oh you have. That's funny I was going to tell you the same thing.
Midas and WBY realized what's going on they all smile WBY went to there dorm room as Midas stayed there but Weiss grabbed him and dragged him inside the room.

Zion: Do you want to go first?

Ruby: No no I think you should.

Zion: Yeah but it's always polite to—

Ruby: No no it's fine just go ahead and tell me what you want to say.
Zion takes a deep breath as he stares into Ruby eyes.

Zion: Ruby ever since I met you there has been this feeling inside me. And well I was always scared to tell you this because I didn't want to ruin our friendship. But I'm telling you now. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen with your red tip hair and your cute face and your beautiful silver eyes... Ruby would you be my—
Before he could finish Ruby kisses him in the lips surprising him she leans back as her cheeks are all red.

Ruby: Dose that answer your question?
Zion then smiles.

Zion: Yes... Yes it does.
At team RWBY dorm they were all secretly celebrating as Ruby and Zion was finally dating.

Yang: I'm so proud of my sister.

Weiss: I think we should allow them to be alone for a while in you and Zion dorm.

Yang: Why? So they can get to the business.

Weiss: Noooo not like that!

Midas: Well then where am I going to sleep?

Weiss: Well you can always sleep with me.

Midas: I mean are you guys ok with that?

Yang: Yeah I have no problem with that.

Blake: I see no issue either.

Midas: Awesome I get to sleep with them legs.
Midas jokingly points at Weiss legs she smiles and rolls her eyes as she kisses him on the cheek.

Weiss: Your such an idiot.

Midas: Well I'm your idiot aren't I.

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