Chapter 16: Midas meets Winter Schnee

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Zion and Midas watched the next few matches with Team RWBY and Midas thought back to when Zion was glaring at Emerald and Murcary and finally decided to ask him about it.

Midas: Hey Zion why where you glaring at Emerald and Murcary back there?

Zion: Because there's something about them that is very... Dark about them.

Midas: How can you tell?

Zion: I don't know I can just feel it. I don't trust them not one bit.

Ruby: Hey Zion.
Zion looks back at Ruby who's looking at him with concern.

Ruby: Is everything ok?

Zion: Everything's fine I promise.

Ruby: Zion I know you're lying to me. You don't have to hide how your feel.

Zion: Well it's just...
Then he sees the image of his dream holding Ruby in his arms and Ghidorah standing over him.

Zion: I'm sorry I have to go.
Zion gets up as he walks off Team RWBY look at him with concern.

Yang: What happened?

Ruby: I... I don't know.
Team SSSN finally won there match as Oobleck told everyone to leave Weiss looks up to see an Airship.

Weiss: She's here.

Midas: Who?

Weiss: Come on!
Weiss grabs Midas arm and drags him away to meet this woman she was very excited to see Ruby looked back at the direction Zion went she sighs as she runs with Weiss and Midas.

Finally they were at Beacon as they finally stopped running.

Ruby: Weiss what's the big deal?! Who is it?! Who is she?!

Weiss: Winter.

Ruby: Wait your sister?

Midas: You had a sister!?

Weiss: Winter!
Winter turns around to see her sister and two people she's never seen before running towards her When Midas Ruby and Weiss was finally close to her Midas couldn't help but feel a little intimidated.

Weiss: Winter I'm so happy to see you. Your presence honors us.

Winter: Beacon it's been a long time. The air feels different.

Ruby: It is fall so it's probably colder.
Weiss then punches Ruby in the shoulder.

Weiss: So what are you doing here?

Winter: Classified.

Weiss: Oh ok so how long are you going to be staying?

Winter: Classified.

Midas: Is everything classified with you.
Weiss then punches Midas in the shoulder.

Weiss: Of course.
There was an awkward silence.

Midas: Well this is awkward.

Weiss: Your going to love it here! I know you travel a lot but so much of Beacon is different from Atlas Vale as well. The government and core are completely separate can you believe it! I—

Winter: I'm more then familiar with how this kingdom handles there bureaucracy. That's not why I came.

Weiss: Right sorry.

Winter: Nore did I come here to watch my own blood fail miserably in battle but it seems I have no choice in the matter.

Weiss: But we won.

Winter: Only a novice would count that as a victory I counted 3 misses. Leave us.
The drones then walk back.

Winter: *Sighs* How have you been?

Weiss: Oh splendid thank you for asking. I'm actually the very top ranking of the sparing class. The rest of my studies are going good too and.
Then Winter smacks Weiss on the head.

Midas: (Thinking) Geez and I thought my siblings were bad. Well other then Ace.

Winter: Silence you boob! I don't recall asking your ranking. I ask how you been? Are you eating properly? Have you taken any new hobbies? Are making any new friends?

Weiss: Well there's Ruby.

Ruby: Hehe boob.
Ruby then pushes the lump back in her head.

Winter: I see. So this is the leader you wrote of. How appropriately underwhelming.

Ruby: Uhhh thank you.

Winter: And who is this? If I remember correctly I don't remember you writing anything about him.

Weiss: Oh this is Midas he's my um.
Weiss then has trouble about what she's going to say because she doesn't want Winter to judge him.

Winter: He's your what?

Weiss: He's... He's.

Winter: Spit out.

Weiss: He's my boyfriend.
There was an awkward silence as Winter eyes widened a little as she looked at Weiss and then at Midas who was a little nervous.

Winter: So my sister has gotten into a relationship. Midas was it.

Midas: Uhhhh yes ma'am.

Winter: I think it would be appropriate if you joined me and Weiss later for tea. I do want to get know the one who earned Weiss heart.

Midas: Um ok. (Thinking) Oh crap she's totally going to kill me.

Winter: I have business with the general and Your headmaster but seeing as I'm early. Why don't you take me to your quarters.

Weiss: Really!?

Winter: Yes I wish to expect them and make sure there up to my personal standers. Hey why don't you join us Midas.

Midas: Oh um sure.

Ruby: Alright I'll just be looking for my boyfriend.
Few minutes later Ruby finds Zion at the spot where they were looking at Stars Ruby then sat next to him and leaned on his arm.

Ruby: Hey.
Zion then looked back at Ruby.

Zion: Hey... Sorry for walking out truly I am. Just tones of things have been in my head.

Ruby: Like what?
Zion looks down he wants to lie but when he looks up he stares into Ruby's eyes he couldn't resist.

Zion: *Sighs* Ruby remember when I had that nightmare.

Ruby: Yeah.

Zion: Well In that nightmare there was a three headed golden dragon there and the reason why I'm mentioning this is because I saw that exact dragon in the cave paintings before the nightmare. And I'm just so afraid that I won't be able to protect you guys.
Ruby then grabs onto Zion hand.

Ruby: Zion. I'm 100 percent confident that nothing will happen to us. We can protect ourselves and as for the big golden dragon. It's no match for you.

Zion: How can you be so sure?

Ruby: Because your you. I've realized a lot of things about you when I spend my time with you. And one of them is your fighting spirit. You won't give up even if the odds are against you. And you do it for not only yourself but for others. And that's what I love about you.
Ruby then leans up to Zion cheek and kisses it. Zion smiles then looks at Ruby and grabs her as they start rolling down the hill finally they stop and Ruby is on top of Zion.

Ruby: Hehe I win.

Zion: Yeah you sure did.
Both of there cheeks turn red as Ruby starts to lean in to kiss Zion on the lips they hear people cheering then they see a large crowd.

Zion: That's a large crowd.

Ruby: Let's go see what it is.
Ruby gets up and starts to run to the Large crowd and Zion did the same thing.

They finally made it to see Weiss and Midas watching.

Ruby: What's going on?

Weiss: Some crazy guy started to attack my sister.

Ruby: Oh no who would do such a that is my uncle!

Weiss Midas and Zion: What?!

Ruby: Kick her butt uncle Qrow!

Weiss: Uhhh teach him some respect Winter!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Because honestly I'm too lazy to write the hole fight.

As both Qrow and Winter got into a fighting position Qrow then smiled and sheathed his sword then used his finger to tell her to come to him Winter charges at him while Qrow just stood there as Winter blade got close to Qrow's neck then she stopped when she hears someone yell her last name.

Ironwood: Schnee!
She turned her head a little.

Winter: General Ironwood sir.

Ironwood: What is the meaning on this?

Winter: He started to altercation sir.

Qrow: That's actually not true. she attacked first.

Ironwood: Is that right.
Winter stood there in silence.

Ironwood: And you. What are you doing here?

Qrow: I could ask you the same thing.

Ironwood: I—
Finally Ozpin walked In stoping the argument Ruby Weiss Zion and Midas all walk out from the crowd Penny looked back and waved at Zion and Ruby they waved back then Ruby jumped onto Qrow's arm.

Ruby: Uncle Qrow! Hey it's so good to see you did you miss me did you miss me!?

Qrow: Nope.

Ozpin: Qrow. A word.

Qrow: I think I'm in trouble.

Ruby: Well you did tear up are court yard.

Qrow: Yeah I did. See you around kiddo.
Qrow then walks off as Weiss walks up to Ruby.

Weiss: And suddenly your recklessness makes sense.

Ruby: Your just mad because he whooped butt.

Weiss: That was a draw at best.


Midas was shacking a little Weiss noticed it and grabbed onto Midas hand.

Weiss: Hey what's wrong?

Midas: Well I'm just nervous. Your sister is really intimidating.

Weiss: Yeah she can intimidating but she's really soft from the inside. I promise.

Midas: *Sighs* Alright.
They begin walking to where they meet Winter.

Winter: Midas Weiss it's great you came. Come sit we have lots to discuss.

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