Halloween special

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Midas looked at his scroll and saw that this was the place he was supposed to be at Midas knocks and the door Opens to reveal Glynda goodwitch in a witch costume.

Glynda: Ahhh Midas you arrived come come.
Midas walks in and to his his surprise the place was set up like a birthday party.

Midas: Hey why is it set up like a birthday party?

Zion: Because it's someone's birthday today.

Midas: Wait really?

Zion: Yeah it's Ruby's birthday!

Midas: Wait really!?

Zion: Yeah I over heard her conversation yesterday.

Flashback Zion was walking down to talk to his Girlfriend but then overheard a conversation.

Weiss: Aren't we a little old to be trick or treating.

Ruby: Oh come on! It's the one that we get candy for free! And besides tomorrow is my birthday!
Zion eyes widened and then a smile grew on his face.

Flashback ends.

Zion: So I wanted to make it a surprise for her. I've been texting her a little bit and told her I was busy so when she comes here we'll surprise her.

Midas: Oh awesome!
Zion then grabs two Werewolf costumes here wear this.

Midas: Huh why?

Zion: Because we're going to act like a prop And scare the trick or treaters.

Midas: Ohhhh ok.

Zion: But you must stay completely still alright.

Midas: Alright.

Meanwhile with RWY They all got there candy and had all big smiles on there faces.
Weiss was dressed up as a evil queen Yang was dressed up as a bear and Ruby was dressed up as a wolf.

Weiss: You know it's actually fun going around getting candy.

Yang: Yeah Halloween is the best holiday.

Ruby: Yeah it would be better if Zion was here.
Yang and Weiss looked at Ruby worried and Yang put her arm over Ruby.

Yang: Hey don't worry he'll show up. If he knows what's best for him.
Ruby chuckles.

Meanwhile with Zion and Midas. They were in there werewolf costumes Zion had Trick on his chest while Midas had Treat as a few kids walked up to them and saw both had bowls of candy a little hesitant to grab them they quickly grab some but then Midas and Zion gave a loud scream scaring them. As the parents laughed and told them Happy Halloween.

Midas: Wow this is more fun then I expected.

Zion: Yeah. Shh here comes some more.
They got into position as another group of trick or treaters came and they all froze seeing the costumes.

Kid 1: Is that real?

Glynda: No it's not real.
The group went to separate bowls to get there candy.

Zion and Midas: Raaaaaaa!
The kids then jumped as they screamed and they all laughed.

Glynda: Happy Halloween.
Zion then looked at Glynda and Nodded she nodded as she took out Zion scroll and started texting.

with RWY they were walking down the streets with a bag full of Candy when she gets a message from Zion.

Ruby: Hey guys I got a message from Zion.

Yang: Oh yeah what did he say.

Ruby: He told me to go to a certain location. Maybe that's where we'll see him.

Weiss: Well let's find out and see.
Finally RWY made it and it was almost the end of Halloween night and as they make it to the location they see the two Werewolves.

Ruby: Whoa so creepy.
Ruby then grabs her candy and then.

Zion and Midas: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Ruby jumps back her eyes widened then looks at both of boys in the costume they get up put there bowls down and removed there mask to reveal Zion and Midas.

Ruby: Zion Midas! You—

Zion: Yup I knew today Is your birthday.
Ruby then uses her semblance to dash into Zion as Zion catches her.

Ruby: Oh I love you soooo much!

Zion: (Chuckles) You though that was good wait till you see what's inside the house.
They walk in the house and to her surprise she sees a banner strapped up that said happy birthday and a birthday cake on the table and she also saw Glynda Goodwitch.

Weiss: Professor Goodwitch your here too?!

Glynda: Well this is my home. And well any one who's friends with Zion are welcomed here and he practically begged me to get this cake when really didn't need to.

Ruby: Ahhh Zion.

Zion: Hey it's my girlfriends birthday how could I not.

Ruby: Your too sweet to me.
Ruby then kisses Zion on the cheek.

Yang: Come on let's have some cake!

Everyone: yeah!
They all started to cut themselves some cake and started eating it.

Zion: Hey I got us a movie we can watch.

Ruby: Oh what's the movie called?

Zion: Halloween kills

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