Chapter 17: Visting Midas parents

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Weiss: And that's how me and Midas met.

Winter: Huh well I have to say I never expected you to get in a relationship at Beacon.

Weiss: Yeah I didn't either but then I met him. He was so kind and sweet and I love him.
Weiss wraps her arm around Midas.

Midas: Yeah all thought it took some encouraging for me to confess my feelings to her.

Winter: Oh and who helped you with that.

Weiss: Well there's Jaune and then there's Zion. He's helped me a lot with my growth of being a good person with Midas too of course. He's... He's like the nicest brother I never got to have.

Winter: Well I'm glad to hear that your making lots of new friends and got into a relationship.
Winter then looks at Midas.

Winter: Weiss you don't mind if I talk to Midas alone before I go do you?

Weiss: Oh of course not. I'll see when you done talking to Winter baby.
She then kisses Midas on the cheek as she starts to leave. He smiles but then gets nervous as he is now alone with Winter Schnee.

Winter: So do you love my sister?

Midas: Of course I do I—

Winter: No need to give out a long explanation. Honestly it was a stupid question to ask. But I just want to say thank you.

Midas: Thank you? For what?

Winter: Thank you for taking such an interest with my sister. You've made a huge impact on my sister and I haven't seen her this happy for awhile. You did something that I couldn't do for a long long time. You made her life feel like joy again. You and your friends have my gratitude.

Midas: Aww shucks you didn't have to say all of that.

Winter: But do. You have my blessing Midas.

Midas: Thank you.
Midas gets up to leave but then.

Winter: Oh Midas one more thing.
Midas stops walking and turns his head to look at Winter.

Winter: Just a small warning. If you hurt her I will hurt you just as bad do I make myself clear.
Midas gulps as he gives a thumbs up.

Midas: Got it.

Winter: Good off you go then.
Midas then walks off and Winter smiles.

Winter: Not that I need to worry about that since I already know your one faithful guy.
Midas made it to where Weiss was as she walked up to him.

Weiss: Hey how did everything go.

Midas: It went well but your sister is very scary.

Weiss: Yeah she can be very intimimidating but she's very sweet.
Midas started thinking and realized that they still have a few hours so he could introduce her to her parents and maybe Zion could see them too.

Midas: Hey we still have a few hours left so would you like to meet my parents.

Weiss: Oh sure I would love too.

Midas: Great! But first we need to find Zion as well.

Meanwhile Zion was playing a game on his scroll when Midas entered the Room.

Zion: Oh hey Midas.

Midas: Hey so there's someone I want you to see.

Zion: Oh who do you want me to meet?

Midas: My parents.
Zion froze as he looked at Midas.

Zion: Uhhh are you sure it's such a good idea.
Midas: Yeah why do you ask?

Zion: Because don't they still hate my kind.

Midas: Wait what! How did you—

Zion: Hey someone must of taught you that.

Midas: Well they probably change. Please can you just come for me.
Zion is quite for a second but then sighs.

Zion: Alright fine.

Midas: Yes!
Zion gets up and as they walk out the dorm room they run into Ruby.

Ruby: Oh hey guys where are all of you going.

Zion: We're going to visit Midas parents.

Ruby: Ooh can I join you.

Midas: Sure why not.

Ruby: Yay!
Time skip they made to the forest as they continued walking through the forest finally Ruby asked him the question they were all thinking.

Ruby: Um Midas do you even know where we going?

Midas: Yes I've lived here through out my entire life I know where we are going.
Then finally they made it to a house.

Ruby: Whoa that's a nice house. Reminds me of my house.
Midas walked up to the door as he took a breath and knocks on the door the door opens to reveal Kelly she gasped as she covered her mouth.

Midas: Hi mom.
She then hugs Midas and he hugs her back.

Kelly: Jason Midas is here!
Then from out of the corner Jason appears and his eyes widened as he saw Midas and he hugs him

Jason: Midas it's so great to see you again. Where have you been?!

Midas: I was at Beacon.

Kelly: Midas I thought we told you the boundaries the forest.

Midas: Yeah I know but it's not as bad as you made it out to be. Yeah there's bad people but there's also tons of good people too See.
He moves out the way to reveal the group behind him they smile until they see a boy who has a long reptilian tail and dorsal Finns traveling up his back and Tail they glared at him and Zion glared back.

Kelly: Um is he part of your group?
Midas then sees that she is looking at Zion.

Midas: Yes he is. His name is Zion. He's been a great friend to me.
Zion then walks up to her.

Zion: It's a pleasure meeting you.
Zion offers his hand but Jason put his hand in Zion way.

Jason: That's close enough.
Everyone was shocked to see him do that and Ruby just glared at him.

Kelly: Well why don't you all come on in.
They all look at each other as they walk in Zion looks at Midas. And Midas looks back concern as well but then they enter the house.

Weiss: Wow the house looks amazing.

Jason: I never expected you to like this type of style.

Weiss: Why is that?

Jason: Well after all you do have a fancy mansion don't you.

Midas: Dad!

Jason: What?

Midas: There's no need for that there my friends.

Jason: They are? Dose that include. *Looks at Zion* Him.
Zion growls.

Midas: Yes it does. He's my friend and his name is Zion.
Midas and Jason glare at each other for a moment.

Kelly: Ok well why don't you guys settle down.
They all find a place to sit but Midas sees Zion about to walk out the door but stops him.

Midas: Hey where you going?

Zion: Midas I can't. The discrimination man.

Midas: Ok look I know my father is being a real.
He looks at Jason then back at Zion.

Midas: Jerk right now but I think my mom is warming up to you. Just try please.

Zion: Alright alright fine.
Few minutes later they were all seated as Kelly took her seat across from them Jason glared at Zion and he glared back Ruby saw this and she did the same but then held on to Zion hand Zion looked at Ruby who was smiling at him and he smiled back.

Kelly: So I see you've been making new friends?

Midas: Yeah my time in Beacon has been great. I've learned many things.

Kelly: And Zion was it?

Zion: Yes.

Kelly: How have you been to my son.

Zion: I—

Midas: He's been really great!
Both of his parents looked at him surprised from his outburst.

Kelly: What was that for?

Midas: Well it's just. I know how you guys view his kind. But he's been really good to me. He's one of the bests if not is the bests friend I ever had.
Zion just smiles but then Jason gives a small Grown.

Kelly: What? What is it honey?

Jason: Oh nothing. Well I'm still trying to figure out how you got in Zion.
Zion raised an eyebrow as everyone in the room were worried.

Zion: What is that supposed to mean?

Jason: It means that I don't think you should be at beacon.

Zion: Excuse me?

Jason: You are a danger to others.

Zion: And how is that?!

Jason: Because of what you are. You are a Godzilla Faunus all you think about is destruction.
Zion growls as he stands up.

Zion: You don't know anything about me one and two if that was true then Vale wouldn't be here now would it!
Jason stands up as well.

Jason: Oh please your most likely planning something for the destruction of Vale. You probably using these kids.

Zion: That is—

Ruby: That's not true!
They all look at Ruby who is standing up as well.

Ruby: What you are saying is all false you don't know anything about him!

Jason: Huh I honestly shouldn't be surprised after all you are his little puppet.

Ruby: Hmph it's better then being a discriminatory old man!

Jason: What did you say!?

Ruby: He is the nicest person you could ever meet who has a heart of gold!

Jason: Heart of gold my—

Weiss: You do not have the right to judge him.

Jason: And who are you to judge me oh that's right because your a Schnee.

Weiss: I'm judging you by your actions. You judge people by how the way they look. Your just as bad as my father.

Jason: Shut your mouth you little brat. You might be able to do what ever you want in your home but I'm here your just like the rest of us. And as for you. I don't know if you're the last of your kind or not. But your kind deserved what happened to them.
Midas had enough And stood in front of Jason.

Everyone was silent.

Midas: That is the last straw Dad I was hoping you would change but. It seems like I was wrong.

Jason: Change! Change from what the Schnee family have been hurting Faunus for years and the Godzilla Faunus kicking us out is half the reason why I numbers dwindled so much!

Midas: Weiss is different from her father and as for the war. It's been thousands if not millions of years ago! What happened back then shouldn't define who they are!

Jason: Have you forgotten our ways?! Those two must of filled your head with junk!

Midas: No they haven't it's your head that's filled with junk. You've had that garbage in your head for years. come on guys. Let's go.
Midas walks out as the rest of the group join them.

Jason: So you're willing to leave your family! What's so special about them!
Midas stopped as he turned his head to look at him.

Midas: Like I said before Zion is my best friend he practically became a brother to me and Weiss is the love of my life. They are family. If you want to kick me out of your family then fine. But your not the only one I consider family.
Midas walks off as the rest fallow him back to Beacon.

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