Chapter 29: Zion story

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After Zion has returned every had all sorts of questions for him.

Ruby: Where were you?

Weiss: How did you survive?

Jaune: And how did you find us?

Zion: Guys guys. I will answer them but.
Then Zion stomach begins to growl.

Zion: Can we get something to eat first.
Everyone began to laugh.

Few minutes later they finished cooking and Zion was enjoying the meal as he was eating he couldn't help but noticed Ruby staring at him.

Zion: You missed me that much?

Ruby: Um yeah. Your my boyfriend. I thought you... Died. We all did.
He then looks at everyone on at the table who were all smiling at him.

Zion: Awww I knew you guys would miss me but I didn't think you would miss me that much.

Jaune: Well things weren't the same with out you.

Midas: And trust me it effected us more ways then you think.

Zion: Yeah I'm so sorry I couldn't be here for you guys. That fall did a lot of damage to me. I'm still surprised that I lived.

Ren: So you survived the fall?

Zion: Yeah. We all underestimated the strength of my Godzilla form. I just needed to heal. For a very very long time. But you won't believe who helped me speed up my heal process.

Blake: Oh. Who were they?

Zion: It was Midas parents.
Ruby Weiss and Midas eyes widened.

Midas: Wait are you serious?

Zion: Yup.

Nora: I'm sorry but is it something that we should know about?

Ruby: Oh well the last time we saw them. It didn't end so well. But what happened.

Zion: Well By mr Jason's words your brothers found me. Which by the way. I didn't know you had other brothers.

Midas: Oh well they usually are at my aunts and uncles house so yeah.

Zion: Anyways he was sitting near the lake just watching the water thinking about his life decisions.

4 months ago it shows Jason sitting on the ground as he is looking at the water he was thinking back to the argument and sighs.

Kelly: Jason?
Jason looks back to see Kelly. She walks up to and sits next to him.

Kelly: Still thinking about the argument.

Jason: Yeah... I was... Such a fool. I judged that boy because of his features. But yet there he was defending remnant. He probably knew full well that he might die and he did it anyway. He he defended Midas from that monster. Maybe he wasn't the monster. I was.

Kelly: Don't say that about your self. You made a mistake a big one. But that's part of life. We learn from are mistakes so we don't do it again.

Jason: Yeah but.

Brother 1: Daaaad!
They both looked at where the direction was coming from and both started running there.

Jason: What's the mat—
He stops mid sentence when he sees Zion washed up on sour.

Jason: It's the kid. Come on Kelly help me get him up.
Kelly nods as she picks him up and puts his arm over her shoulder and Jason dose the same thing as they start to drag the unconscious Zion.

Kelly: So where are we taking him?

Jason: To our house.

Few minutes later Zion eyes started to open as he started to look around and sees that he's in a living room then he sees Ace.

Ace: Oh hey your awake.
Zion then looks around and tries to get up and growns in pain.

Zion: Where...Where am I?
He then realizes that he's been to this place before he hears someone walking towards them to see Jason.

Jason: Oh hey your up.

Zion: You!?
He then falls off the couch and frantically gets up but could feel the pain through his body.

Jason: Whoa whoa. Easy there you're body is still healing.

Zion: What you care about that?!

Jason: Look kid. I know I didn't give a... Good impression. And I was discriminatory. But after that argument we had. I saw you on tv. You protected Remnant even if it meant you would die. And you protected my son. And I don't know how I could repay you for that. I see what my son sees now. You are hurt and I'm no condition to be moving let alone standing. I know you are angry to see me and you have every right to be. But I need you to trust me.
Zion glared at him for a little while but then sighs as he laid back down on the couch.

Jason: Thank you.
Zion didn't say a word as Jason walked off and was face to face with Kelly.

Kelly: Giving you the cold shoulder.

Jason: Yup and I don't blame him.

Kelly: Oh he'll come around.

Jason: To be honest. I very much doubt that.

It been a few minutes and Zion was bored as he was making his tail go up but then flop down over and over again as he was bored but then Jason put down three movies on the table Zion looked to see what he put down and saw that it was the Sam Rami Spider-Man movies.

Jason: You know. My son always loved the Spider-Man movies well the Sam Rami ones to be more specific. So I decided to see if you would like to watch them.
Zion stayed silent.

Jason: *Sighs* I understand. I'll leave you alone.

Zion: I remember watching those as a kid.
Jason then looks at Zion.

Zion: I remember always getting excited when ever my mom put them on. And he's been favorite Superhero ever since.
Jason then smiles.

Jason: Yeah he's a great character. So is he your only favorite?

Zion: No. Superman and Batman are my favorites too. And Spawn.

Jason: Wow. I never expected you to like Superman.

Zion: Well a lot of people don't realize is that he's a really good character if you write him correctly.

Jason: Oh my gosh thank you someone finally gets it.
They both chuckle.

Midas: So when you two first met how did it go.

Zion: Well he didn't like me at first because well because of features.

Jason: Yeah I had a feeling you would say that.

Zion: But over time he started to realize the error of his ways and. We became best friends. Now we do have are disagreements. I try tell him that Weiss shouldn't define who he is and that he can be something more but. I can't really change his mind and I understand full heartedly.
Jason smiled.

Jason: Wow. I'm glad that he as good friends like you. And that he's in a relationship.

Zion: (Thinking) Huh he's not that bad.

Jason: I remember the time when I met his mother.
But both boys don't realize hiding behind a wall is Kelly who is listening to there conversation and she has a big smile on her face as she walks off.

Back with the group.

Jaune: Wow they really did that for you?

Zion: Yeah. They changed. For the better. They helped me out a lot. When ever you get the chance you should give them a call. If they have Scrolls.

Midas: Yeah I would. But they don't have scrolls.

Nora: Ok that's good and all but continue the story please.
Zion chuckles.

Zion: Well you see Kelly gave me these weird stones.

Midas: The infinity stones.
Zion smiles while shacking his head.

Zion: No you idiot.

Midas: Hey I couldn't help.

Zion: *Chuckles* It's good to see you haven't changed. But anyways she gave me these's stones and for some reason they had some strange type of energy.

Flashback Zion was holding three stones a black a White and light blue one Zion was confused until he sensed some type of magical power in them.

Zion: Whoa. What are these?

Kelly: There Healing Stones. By just that name I think you can already tell what they can do.

Zion: Oh so do I need to do anything to activate them?

Kelly: No you just sit there relax and let them do there thing.

Zion: Um alright.
She left and as Zion sat on the couch he felt the pain slowly go away he smiled but then he slowly started to drift to sleep. But then he wakes up and sees he's in a camp some where.

Zion: What. What the hell?
But then he hears some familiar voices he turns to hear where those Voices are coming from and Sees Yang Weiss and Midas. He smiles as he runs towards them.

Zion: Yang Weiss Midas!
But as soon as he runs towards them to give them a hug he phases through them and falls to the ground. He gets up and turns around to see them still standing there he looks at his hands then back at them.

Zion: Am I... Am I dead. No that can't be.
He sees Everyone about to walk into a tent when he sees Midas is not moving and is looking at a certain direction. He looks at what he's looking at and sees himself but he could sense something dark about this other him he's seeing he starts to walk towards it and inspect it. He swings his hand at it and he phases through it again but a dark energy starts to flow out.

Zion: What the hell.
Then it disappears as he turns back to see Midas looking at the direction where the other Zion was. He then sees Midas and sees a bright energy ball in his chest he walks towards it he then sees a black tendril wrapped around it he then phased his hand into Midas Chest and grabbed the tendril and saw that black Smoke start to appear he let go and the smoke disappears.

Zion: What the hell.
He then felt pushed back and started to go at a fast paste he then sees he's traveling to his body on the couch he then goes into his body and wakes up he then sits up freaked out about what happened.

Zion: What the hell was that?
Zion then starts to move around and doesn't feel no pain. He gets up and stretch's a bit he smiles realizing he can move Freely again.

Zion: I can go and Find Ruby and Midas I can go find everyone. But first I need to leave a little note.

Few minutes later Jason walked down stairs to check on Zion but sees that he's gone but then sees a note on the table he picks it up and reads and it says

Dear Mr and Mrs Menz

Thank you so much for your act of kindness you managed to heal me up in no time. I know I was really difficult at first and honestly you can't really blame me. But I seen that you changed for the better. Just like your son. I'm glad I got to know you a little bit more. But now that I'm fully healed there's someone I need to go visit and there are a group of people I must find. But again thank you for everything.

From Zion

Jason smiles as he looks out the door.

Flashback ends.

Midas: They did that much for you Huh.

Zion: Yeah. There living proof that people can change for the better. And that equality is possible.

Jaune: You know it's still surprising to me that you are Ms Goodwitch son.

Yang: Yeah you two are totally opposite.

Zion: *Chuckles* Yeah. I hear that a lot. She might seem like a cold person and honestly I don't blame you for seeing that. But deep down she's a very kind caring and loving person. She just doesn't like showing her soft side. I'm probably the only person who has seen her soft side.

Zion knocked on the door a few times waiting for a few minutes then the door opens and Glynda Gasped seeing Zion.

Zion: Hi mo—
He was interrupted by being hugged by his mother he smiled and hugged back. She backed away as she wiped a tear.

Glynda: I... I can't believe your here.

Zion: Yup. In the flesh.

Glynda: Well why don't you come in.

Zion was sitting on the table across from Glynda as she was drinking some tea.

Glynda: I still can believe it. Your alive. How did you survive?

Zion: I guess my Kaiju form is way stronger then we realize. I took a lot of damage but not enough to kill me.

Glynda: You always knew how to take a hit.
They both chuckled.

Glynda: But I'm glad your here. I cried for days when they were saying you were dead. But I'm glad to see your still alive.
They hugged each other again but then Zion thought about Ruby Midas and all of his friends.

Zion: Mom.

Glynda: Yes Zion.

Zion: Do you know where Ruby and Everyone else is? I need to find them.
Glynda looks down.

Glynda: No. I sadly don't.

Zion: Oh.

Glynda: But.
Zion looks up.

Glynda: I think Professor Port and Doctor Oobleck might know.
Zion face Lighten up hearing that.

Flashback ends

Ruby: Oh so that's how you found us.

Zion: Yup the Professor and Doctor were both kind enough to tell me where you guys were and here I am.

Midas: Wait question all those hallucinations. You were able to see them?

Zion: Yup and I was the one who stopped them.

Midas: You did!?

Zion: Yeah. Something or Someone was messing with you soul.
Everyone got scared for a second.

Zion: Don't worry you weren't going to die but. It was causing all those hallucinations to mess with your mind. And break you. Thankfully you were strong enough to fight through it.

Midas: So what about that one when I was dying. It felt like it was helping me.

Zion: Oh that was me.

Midas: ... What!

Zion: Yeah you see when you were dying I was able to sense it so I came to original encourage you to keep fighting but I also saw how much stronger you became. So I tested you in a way. And you pass.

Midas: Oh well that explains a lot.

Ruby: Well that doesn't matter now. What matters now is that your here with me. With us.

Midas: All of us.
Zion looks up and sees everyone smiling at him.

Yang: We all missed you man. It's not the same with out you.

Nora: But with out of a doubt Midas and Ruby missed you the most.
Weiss starts to pout and Midas then pats her head.

Midas: Hey I missed you equally as much.

Zion: *Chuckles* It's great to be back.

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