Chapter 30: The Box's Secrets

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It was the morning and Yang was in the bathroom brushing her teeth then she sees Weiss and Ruby walk in tired.

Weiss and Ruby: Good morning.
They start to put tooth paste on there tooth brush but then Yang noticed something about there clothes.

Yang: Hey Ruby Weiss. Aren't those Zion and Midas shirts?
Both there eyes widened as they both look at each other they blushed and then screamed.

Yang: Well I won't tell anybody so go ahead and change before the others wake up ok.
Yang then walks off.

Ruby & Weiss: Wait it's not like that Yang!
Then it proceeds to show Zion and Markus asleep with bite marks on there bodies.

Time skip Zion was walking with Ruby as he was holding on his neck.

Zion: Man you were ruthless last night.

Ruby: *Chuckles* Sorry. I just really wanted to experience it. With you.

Zion: Well don't be. Not going lie kinda like it.
Ruby chuckles as she starts to poke her fingers together and blushes.

Ruby: Well it's get back with the others!
Ruby then starts to run off.

Zion: Hey wait for me.
Ruby then uses her Semblance.

Zion: I hate it when she does that.
Zion chuckles as he starts to run after Ruby. Finally the two finally made it to the group as Ruby bounces with excitement. And the group all look at Ruby.

Yang: And!
Ruby then shows Yang the bag she got.

Weiss: What an absolute waste of time.

Midas: You think everything is a waste of time.
Weiss then glares at Midas.

Midas: Ok I'll shut up now.

Yang: What did you get me?!

Ruby: You'll have to wait and see.

Yang: No fair.
Ruby sticks out hey tongue as Yang tries to grab the bag but Ruby moves out the way Zion chuckles seeing this as he has a big smile on his face.

Midas: Well someone's happy.

Zion: Well why wouldn't I. I'm back with my friends. And my girlfriend.
He looks at Ruby and smiles again.

Midas: Man I know the feeling trust me.

Zion: Yeah you did go out in that crazy adventure to get Weiss back. You could of died.

Midas: Hey high risk high reward.
He then slides next to her.

Midas: And I got a high reward.
Weiss rolls her eyes but then kisses him on the cheek.

Zion: Yeah.
Then he sees a red blur dashed towards him and tackled him to the ground.

Zion: Ow what was that for?

Ruby: Oh I just wanted to give my best boyfriend ever a hug!

Zion: Aren't I your first?

Ruby: Exactly!
Zion chuckles as he starts to get up but Ruby managed to hang on they look at each other in the lips and got closer but then they were interrupted.

Huntsman 1: Aww isn't that cute.

Huntsman 2: Yup sure is.

Nora: And you are?

Dee: Why Dee and Dudley of course. The Argus limited very own huntsman. We'll be keeping everyone safe as we pass through Grimm territory.

Dudley: But for a genres tip. We can make sure your passengers cart gets extras special attention. Should things. Get dangerous.
Everyone just look at the two huntsman unimpressed.

Midas: He dose realize that we can transform into giant monsters right?

Zion: I don't think so.

Qrow: Hey I got a tip for ya. Buzz off. Looks like mistral really scraping at the bottom of the barrel these days.

Dee: Hey your talking to—
Qrow then shows his licenses.

Qrow: A professional huntsman right? Well it seems like one of you hero's left the staff entrance to the cabooses wide open. It be a shame if you lose your job before it started.

Dudley: I— I didn't do it!

Dee: Come on dummy.

Midas: (Thinking) Man I'm sure glad it's us trying to save the world and not them.

Timeskip they were at the train and Midas was sitting next to Weiss reading the book in her hand while Zion and Ruby were playing Mario party they were playing a Mini game called pushy penguins. They were both struggling but in the end Zion won the mini game.

Zion: Yes!

Ruby: Dang it! How are you able to do that!? There's so many penguins to watch out for!

Zion: *Chuckles* Don't worry you'll learn my ways.
Then pats her head.

Zion: Eventually.
Ruby Growls but then realized that she still had. Something Zion had she takes it out to revel the key he gave her.

Ruby: Hey Zion I wanted to give this back to you.

Zion: Oh my key. Thanks.
He then takes it back but holds Ruby's hand a bit.

Zion: Thank you for keeping a close eye on it.

Ruby: Of course.
Ruby kisses him on the lips Weiss then looks at the key for a few minutes then gasp.

Weiss: Hey Midas I'm going to talk to Zion real quick.

Midas: What did he do something?

Weiss: No it's just a very important topic.

Midas: Oh ok.
Weiss then walks up to Zion.

Weiss: Hey Zion I need a word with you.

Zion: Sure what it is—
Before he could finish Weiss drags him out of the room with a blink of an eye Ruby blinks a bit surprised.

Ruby: Uhhh.

Weiss finally stopped as Zion was shocked that she did that.

Zion: Geez Weiss what was that for? Am I in trouble or something.

Weiss: No it's just. Can I see that key again.

Zion: Uh sure.
He then pulls out the key.

Zion: But I don't know why it required you to—
Then Weiss takes out the box that she took at her Manor Zions eyes widened.

Zion: Weiss Did... did you know this key was connected to the box your holding.
Weiss: In all Honesty no. It's just a guess.

Zion: Well let's hope it was a good one.
He then started to put the key in the keyhole and it fit.

Zion: Ok it fits but will it—
Then he turns the key and unlocks the box as they hear a loud clicking sound they both look at each other surprised they then put the box on a table and open it and they see what looks like a piece of paper faced down with two necklaces which to his surprise both necklaces are the Schnee symbol except one is White and the other is silver.

Zion: Huh that's strange.

Weiss: What?

Zion: It's strange that—

Weiss: No I'm not asking you question I'm just trying to piece together why my mother would give me this as a birthday gift I couldn't open for years. This can't be it? She gave this to me for my birthday said I would find something special I don't understand.

Zion: Weiss there's still this piece of paper.

Weiss: Oh right.
Zion went to go grab it but as soon as he touched it. It didn't feel like paper. At least not the ones you draw on.

Zion: Huh. This doesn't feel like normal paper.
He then takes the it out and turns it around to realize it's not paper but a picture but to there surprise it's a picture of Willow a Winter but she's a little girl in the picture a Godzilla Faunus and in Willow arms is a baby. Both of them were too shocked for words.

Zion: Do they look familiar to you?

Weiss: That's my Mother that little girl is Winter. I have no idea who that is but he.

Zion: Shares the exact same features as me.

Weiss: And that baby there holding. It. It has a tail.

Zion: My mother told me that this key would show me who my mother and father was one day. The photos. The man in the picture. It's all connected.
They both then looked at each other.

Weiss: We're.

Zion: Family.
Zion looks down and tears began to drop.

Zion: Finally after all these years. I finally know where I came from.
He then wipes the tears off his face to look at Weiss.

Zion: Yeah sorry if I'm not the little brother you wan—
He was then interrupted by Weiss hugging him and he could feel small tears dropping down her face.

Weiss: Shut up and hug me. Your the best little brother I could ask for.
Zion smiled and hugged back.

Weiss: Why would you even think that Zion?

Zion: Beacon we never talked that much.

Weiss: I thought you didn't want me around.
They both then release the hug.

Zion: I did want you around. I wouldn't have minded if we were friends but this. This is so much better.

Weiss: Yeah you can say that again.
They then put on there necklaces as they both smiled at each then the train starts to shack they look outside to see some Grimm flying around the train. They both nod as they ran out ready to fight.

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