Chapter 34: Dead end

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They got out of there ride and was looking around the area.

Zion: So Jaune while we were gone where have you been staying?

Jaune: *Chuckles* Well.

???: There you are.

They then see a girl with blond hair and blue eyes and then they all made the connection between the girl and Jaune.

Zion: Ohhhh that's were you've been staying.

Midas: What? I don't get it.

Zion: He's been staying at his sisters house.

Midas: Ohhhhh.

Mini time skip they made it to the woman's house now known as Saphron. And Ruby had many questions.

Ruby: Oh my gosh I can't believe I'm meeting your sister. I got so many questions.

Nora: Oh I'll give you the run down later.

Jaune: Will you guys knock it off!

Saphron: What? *Pinches Jaune cheeks* I love telling stories about my baby brother.

Jaune then waves his arms around.

Jaune: I am not a baby! That is a baby.

The baby then pouts. Making Yang and Weiss adore him even more.

Midas: How many siblings do you have?

Jaune: Seven.

Midas: I got six.

Zion: You got that many siblings huh?

Midas: Yeah but most of them can be really annoying but I still love them either way.

Zion: Aww isn't that adorable.

Midas: Oh shut up. I'm not adorable.

Weiss: Yes you are.

Midas: No I'm not.

Weiss: There are like thousands of examples I can think of.

Midas: Oh yeah?! Name them!

Weiss then kisses Midas on the cheek he has a surprised look then begins to blush hard.

Saphron: Well that's a good example. *chuckles*

Midas then covers his face.

Midas: Damit Weiss!

They all start to laugh then someone enters the door and sees a woman who has dark brown eyes light brown skin and black hair.

Saphron: Everyone this is my wife Terra Cotta

Everyone: Hello.

Terra: Hello there you weren't kidding. Wow quite a party. Hun could I get some help please.

Saphron rush's to her wife to help her.

Minutes later after Saphron help with Terra with the groceries they sat next to each other on the couch.

Weiss: Are you sure your ok with us staying?

Saphron: Of course. We're happy to house huntsman and huntresses.

Terra: You risk so much to keep people like us safe. It's the least we could do.

Midas: Even us.

Points at him and Zion.

Terra: Of course.

Midas: Well that's a relief.

Terra: Why do you say that?

Midas: Because the type of Faunus we are.

Saphron: We don't discriminate.

Zion: He doesn't mean that he means by we can transform into giant city destroying Kaiju's.

Midas: Yeah Ironwood was on A—

Weiss then punches Midas on the shoulder to stop him from talking.

Midas: Oh what the heck I was just trying to—

Weiss then points at the baby who was giggling at seeing them interact like that.

Midas: Oh right. I mean he chewed our butts out.

Terra: *Chuckles* Don't worry you won't have to worry about that. So you and Ms Schnee are in a relationship.

Weiss then wraps her arms around Midas neck.

Midas: Yup.

Saphron: I'm surprised. I never expected a Schnee to date a Faunus. No offense.

Midas and Weiss: None taken.

Weiss: Besides we hear that a lot.

Terra: Well are you two the only ones in a relationship?

Ruby: Nope.

Ruby then jumps in Zion's arms.

Ruby: We're in a relationship too! Me and my sugar cookie.

Zion's face began to blush at that nickname.

Zion: Sugar cookie!

Saphron: Awww what and adorable name.

Then team JNR brought out the food and severed the food to them.

Zion: Your not getting off are you?

Ruby: Nope.

Zion sighs but then smiles as Ruby grabs two sandwiches one for her and another for Zion they all begin to eat Weiss then notices the way Ruby is feeding Zion by using one hand to eat her sandwich and using her other hand to feed Zion the other sandwich. Weiss then lifts up her sandwich to Midas's face to feed it to him he's hesitant but then eventually he eats it. Terra then feels the vibration of her scroll she sighs as she gives the baby to Saphron.

Terra: Excuse me I'll be right back.

Blake: Is everything ok?

Saphron: Yeah it will be. Terra is a technician for the towers relay tower. Unfortunately the military radar system is also house there. And guess what's been on the frites and is being falsely accused of it.

Terra: *Whispers* So what's your plan for tomorrow.

Ruby: Well. We're trying to make are way to Atlas. We'll probably start with the military base.

Ren and Nora look at each other unsure.

Jaune: So we kinda already tried that and... It didn't go... Super great.

Yang: Come on. It couldn't be that bad.

Minutes later they were at the base and the gates shut in front of them.

Midas: You had to open your fat mouth.

Yang growls in frustration as she walks towards the gate.

Yang: Come on you didn't even hear us out!

Soldier 1: Are orders are clear. The mistral atlas border is closed. Please.

Soldier 2: Have a good day.

Yang: But—

Soldier 1 & 2: A good day!

Qrow: Look if you don't want to believe I'm friends with Ironwood—

Soldier 1 & 2: General Ironwood.

They all just stare at them unamused Midas then leans towards Weiss.

Midas: Are people in Atlas always like this?

Weiss: No but then are some who are.

Qrow: Yeah General Ironwood then fine. But look we got Weiss Schnee with us and we're trying to get her home safely.

They then look at other then at the group.

Soldier 1 & 2: Approach.

Weiss looks at Blake. Blake shrugs as Weiss walks towards the gate as the two soldiers stare at Weiss for a few minutes.

Soldier 1 & 2: Very well.

Soldier 1: You may speak to our commanding officer.

Soldier 2: We will fetch at once.

They then begin to march towards back to the base.

Blake: They were.

Ruby: Weird. Yeah.

Zion: And annoying too.

Maria: Hmmm.

Zion: Is something wrong?

Maria: Well I may know this commanding officer.

Ruby: That's good right? If she's your friend then maybe she's more willing to help us.

Maria: I wouldn't exactly call us friends.

Weiss: Acquaintances?

Maria: Not quite.

Blake: Colleagues?

Maria: Warmer.

Midas: Lovers.

Maria: Colder gods no.

Yang: Enemies.

Maria: That's the one!

Midas turned pale white as he dropped to the ground.

Zion: Ohhhh gives us a big fat break!

Oscar: Wait what?!

Maria: Yes I come here once every ten years to get my eyes checked up in atlas you bring outside cashews on one flight. And suddenly you're placed on the additional screening list for life!

Qrow: You got to be kidding me.

Maria: Now now let's not give up hope. Perhaps she's dead.

Midas: Of course you would wish that.

The gate begins to open as the two soldiers from before stand in front of the door.

Soldier 1: Introducing!

Soldier 2: Special operative.

Soldier 1 & 2: Caroline Cordovin.

Then Caroline walks in Zion eyes widened as he leans towards Ruby.

Zion: Is it sad that I didn't expect her to be this short?

Ruby then elbows Zion Caroline walks towards Maria.

Caroline: Witch.

Maria: She devil.

Caroline: Hmm I see you choosen not to contraband to smuggle this time.

Maria: Oh Cordo. You know what they say. Time changes people but I see you still got that stick right up your—

Ruby then puts Maria hand down.

Ruby: Hello ms uhh. Cordovan. My name is Ruby Rose and I was wondering if—

Caroline: I already heard what your little friends had to say Ms Rose.

She looks to the side and sees Team JNR.

Caroline: What are you doing back here?! I thought I told you to leave!

Nora growls as she tries to run towards Caroline but is being held back by Ren and Jaune.

Nora: And I told you we won't rest until you let us through!

Ren: Nice to see you again as well.

Caroline: You civilian's are clearly incapable of comprehending the importance of our mission here In Argus. So allow me to say this slowly with smaller words. This base. That relay tower. The very safety of Argus are all gifts from the glorious kingdom of atlas. And is my duty to uphold them as only I have the wit and tenacity for such a task.

Soldier 1: Such wit!

Soldier 2: Such tenacity!

Maria: Or maybe Atlas just wanted to get you as far away from the kingdom as possible.

Midas: I wouldn't blame them either.

Caroline: Your just like the rest of these Argus ingrates. The city won't even be here if weren't for our ancestors and what do we get in for return?! The entire world is ready to put a knife to our throats.

Zion: Whoa no one here is blaming you for what happened at beacon.

Midas: Even tho your an ass hole.

Zion then hits Midas in the back with his tail.

Weiss: No one is happy about the Atlas borders or the embargo. But I know general Ironwood is just worried. It why we need to talk to—

Caroline: The general is no coward.

Zion: No body said he wa—

Caroline: Atlas is strong!

Zion: And you didn't even let me finish.

Caroline: If all the kingdoms plan to be our enemy then so be it. Atlas will prevail.

Soldier 1 & 2: Atlas will prevail!

Yang: Do you guys seriously have to do that?

Caroline: If Ms Schnee truly come to her senses and wants to return to her family then of course will escort her home. But the kingdom will not be responsible for her friends of questionable character.

She looks at Zion Midas and Blake and all of them were a little hurt by that Ruby held Zion's hand for comfort.

Weiss: Um excuse me but your talking to *Points at Blake* one of my friends *Points at Midas* my future husband and *points at Zion* my little brother.

Midas: *Gasp* I'm your future husband.

Weiss: Yes but we can talk about that later.

Caroline: Ms Schnee this is no joking matter.

Weiss: It's not a joke!

Zion could tell that Weiss was on the verge of getting physical with Caroline so he uses his tail to hold her back.

Zion: Ok sis that's enough.

Weiss: No I want to know what she meant by that?!

Caroline: It means we're done here.

The gate then closes.

Midas: You dick!

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