Chapter 35: A heated argument

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Nora: Oh yeah well your face looks... Like a big dum boot.

Jaune: Way to show them Nora.

Midas: That went well.

Weiss: I don't—

Ruby: Weiss. I told you we wouldn't leave your side for a second. We'll find a way to Atlas. Together.

Qrow then begins to walk off as the group watch him leave.

Ruby: So where do we go now?

Nora: Yeah what's the plan?

Qrow: The plan? The plan just got shut in our face three times over. I'm going for a drink.

Ruby then chaises after her uncle to talk to him.

Ruby: Uncle Qrow I really think we should come up a plan—

Qrow kept on walking leaving Ruby behind.

Ruby: Together.

Jaune: What's his problem? It wasn't your fault we can't get on.

Zion: *Sighs* He's just going through it.

Nora: Well ether way if he wants to be a jerk we can come up with a plan with out I mean we got Ozpin with us he usually knows what do.

Everyone except Team JNR flinched at hearing her say that.

Ren: What is it?

Midas: We'll tell you back at the house.

Back at Saphron house

Jaune punch's a wall make a huge crack.

Ruby: Jaune!

Jaune: This was all for nothing.

Blake: That's not true.

Nora: Really because it sure dose sound like it.

Blake: I um—

Ren: If Salem can't be killed how are we supposed to win this.

Everyone stayed silent until Midas stood up.

Midas: We can't give up. We have to keep going.

Jaune: Oh yeah? How can we?

Midas: Well even tho Salem can't be killed we can still try and save as many lives we can and-

Jaune: Save it Midas. Your heartfelt speech won't help us.

Midas glares at Jaune but then sits back down Weiss holds his hand for comfort.

Oscar: Look none of this is great we know but we're not the bad guys.

Jaune: Are we sure about that?

Everyone looked at Jaune.

Zion: Jaune what trying to say.

Jaune: Ozpin is in his head. Isn't he?

Jaune then walks towards Oscar.

Jaune: Did you know about this?

Weiss: He didn't know anything!

Jaune then grabs Oscar and pins him to the wall.

Jaune: How much longer can we trust him?

Yang: Jaune!

Jaune: How do we even know it's really him what if we've been talking to that lair this hole time.

Zion then grabs Jaune shoulder and pushes him off of Oscar.

Zion: Jaune that's enough! He has nothing to do with this!

Jaune: He has everything to do with this!

Zion: Oscar didn't choose this! You can't blame it on him because he has Ozpin soul inside of him.

Jaune: Ohhh here comes the big giant lizard man defending that liar! Some king of the monsters you are?

Zion: Excuse me?

Jaune: Through out this entire journey you have done nothing but make mistake after mistake after mistake! You fought Midas and nearly killed him you couldn't save Penny you couldn't be here at Mistral! Your a failure Zion! And eventually you'll fail Ruby too!

Ruby: Jaune!

Zion was now full of anger as his dorsal Finn's began to glow.

Zion: Oh so we're gonna go there. We're going to go the personal route. If I'm such a failure where's Pyrrha then!

Everyone's eyes widened as they couldn't believe what Zion just that.

Midas: Zion that's crossing the line.

Zion: No since I'm such a failure at saving people your the definition of it. You couldn't save Pyrrha from the Cinder.

Jaune: Don't!

Zion: You couldn't get the job done when you fought Cinder.

Jaune: I am warning you!

Zion: What's the matter bud getting a little angry. See one of the difference between me and you is that you try to hide who you really are. Maybe that's why Cinder got the better of you.

Jaune yells in anger as he punches Zion in the face Zion then retaliated by punching him in the face back eventually both boys started throwing punches at each other Midas Yang Nora and Ren tried to hold them back but they were strong enough to keep fighting.

Ruby: Zion stop it! This isn't you! You don't hurt you're friends.

Zion kept fighting until Ruby grabbed him and pulled him him back.


Zion was breathing heavily as he glared at Jaune full of anger but when everything was calmed down he realized how bad Jaune looked Jaune hit him a few good time but Jaune had tons of bruises on his face and blood was coming out of his noise Zion then looked at his hands and realized he has blood on his knuckles Zion face changes to guilt Zion looks at everyone and there's mix reactions some where worried while others had disappointment and fear Zion then got out of Ruby's grasp and walked out the front door.

Midas: Will Jaune be ok?

Nora: I don't know?!

Nora also walks upstairs.

Ren: I think it be best if we all had space.

Midas: You guys can. I'm going to find Zion.

Midas then walks out the door to try and Find Zion.

With Zion he was sitting in a bar as he looked down he was looking at his scroll with all of the pictures of him and his friends at Beacon.

Zion: A drink please.

Bar man: Uhh aren't you underage.

Zion: *Sighs* A sprite.

Bar man: Ohhh gotcha.

The bar man then grabs a glass and starts to pour sprite in it he then gives it to Zion. Zion takes it and begins to drink it then puts it down.

Bar Man: Any reason your here?

Zion: I like to drink some sprite when ever something bad happens.

Bar Man: You lost a family or friend?

Zion: *Sighs* I'm about to.

Zion then begins to chug down his sprite he finishes his glass as he slides the Bar man his lien.

Bar Man: A tip?

Zion: For your troubles for having someone my age be in your bar.

Zion then walks out.

Hours later Midas has been searching for Zion but to no avail.

Midas: Hey have you seen this guy?

Woman 1: No sorry.

Midas sighs he then sees Team JNR and Saphron.

Jaune: Oh hey.

Midas: Hey. Have you seen Zion or Oscar anywhere?

Jaune: No. We've been trying to find them. I need to apologize to both of them. Especially Zion. He's been fighting hard for us and I—

Midas: Knowing him. He's going to forgive you.

Jaune: I really hope so.

Timeskip some where in the city Zion as he truly saw himself as a failure.

Zion: He was right... I'm a failure.

He look's at his hand again and sees Jaune beaten up then sees Midas in his Kong form.

Zion: Maybe I should leave. They won't need a monster like me who hurts people.

As Zion was about to leave someone says something.

???: No. you shouldn't.

Zion looks to the side and sees a woman who is wearing a white hoodie with a cape.

Zion: How long have you been listening in my conversation.

???: Long enough.

Zion: I should. I hurt one of my best friends. Again. They don't need someone like that on there team. They probably all hate me. And I wouldn't blame them.

???: Well then your in for a surprise because they don't. Four of them are searching for you right now. And Ruby is worried about you.

Zion eyes widened as she somehow knew her name.

???: Sure you couldn't save everyone. But think of the lives you did save. From the docks to the attack in vale and Ghidorah. You've Helped Midas too. More ways then not. The team needs you. Especially Ruby.

Zion stays quiet but then smiles.

Zion: Thanks.

???: You're welcome. And please.

She then looks at Zion to reveal her red and black hair and has silver eyes as well she almost looks like Ruby.

???: Keep taking care of my daughter.

She then disappears in thin air he then sees Jaune. Zion was about to walk towards Jaune but then faints and falls to the floor Jaune hears the fall and sees Zion.

Jaune: Zion!

He then runs towards Zion and checks his pulse and sees his still ok but is still going to take him to the doctors.

Jaune: Don't worry buddy I got you! I can't lose you either!

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