Chapter 36: The ancient war

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Zion eyes started to flutter open and he could hear muffled voices they were finally could hear clearly and could hear Team RWBY JNR Midas and Oscar

Zion then sits up.

Zion: Hey everyone.

Everyone: Zion!

Zion: Hi.

Ruby then hugs Zion.

Zion: I guess I worried some peo—

Weiss then pinches Zion's cheek.

Zion: Ow ow ow.

Weiss: Beyond worried!

Zion: I'm sorry I'm sorry it won't happen again.

Weiss then let's go.

Jaune: Don't be mad at him. This is my fault what I said to you was unforgivable.

Zion: Yeah well. I'm not innocent either. I. I didn't mean those things.

Jaune: I know. We all know. You're not the type of person to be so cruel. We still friends.

Zion then offers a fist bump.

Zion: Friends.

Jaune then fist bumps Zion.

Zion: Hey can everyone leave except for Ruby. Me Weiss and Zion we need to talk.

Jaune: Ok everyone move out.
Everyone begins to leave except for the three he was talking about.

Ruby: So. What do you want to talk about.

Zion: Well me and Midas have been thinking about this for awhile now. Jinn said that it could grant 3 questions we used one. So I was wondering if we could use that question to learn about the origin of the Godzilla and Kong Faunus kings.

Weiss and Ruby looked at each other.

Ruby: You want to use one of the wishes.

Zion: Yes. Me and Midas have felt something we've felt so connected to them and we've never got our chance as too why. Until now. This our one opportunity. Please let us use the lamp.

Ruby stayed silent for a bit then looked at Weiss who nodded.

Ruby: Alright we'll let you use it. On one condition.

Zion: That being.

Ruby: Me and Weiss want to be here for it too.

Zion looked at Ruby then at Midas and Weiss and both girls had smiles on there faces.

Zion: Well I have no problem with it. You?

Midas: No I'm all game.

Ruby then gives Zion the lamp they all nodded as Midas and Weiss walked towards Zion and Ruby.

Zion: Jinn.

Then everything stops as appearing in front of them is Jinn.

Jinn: Well hello again. It seems like the old man isn't with you this time. Well no matter what is your question.

Zion looked at everyone and they were all smiling and nodded at him to do it he stood up he stumbled a bit but then caught his footing.

Zion: I want you to tell us everything little details of the Godzilla & Kong Faunus that ruled together as Kings.

Then a blue smoke surrounds them Midas holds Weiss hand while Zion holds Ruby's.

Midas and Weiss where in remnant but there was no city's or buildings just a grass field

Jinn: You've heard the stories of the gods. And how they destroyed humanity but what others don't realize was that there was 3 more gods



And Godzilla

Jinn: All three of them have created something that they were happy with. Kong made the mountains rock and the ground. Mothra had created light the wind and clouds above and Godzilla had created water grass and trees but with creation must come destruction so Mothra made tornados Kong made earth quakes and Godzilla made tsunamis. While the brothers had there dispute of power the three Gods took no part in it and only enjoyed there creations but then the two brothers went to the other gods and offered them one final creation.

Weiss: Humanity.

It then switched to Zion and Ruby.

Jinn: Unlike the two brothers the three Kaiju gods did not take part in sanctuary's they just want Humanity to live on there lives. But come that fateful day when the brothers destroyed humanity. The Kaiju gods were furious of the gods action they were aware of what Salem was doing but to destroy all of humanity was crossing the line to them. As the Kaiju gods went to confront them they were gone. The three gods didn't know what to do at first but then they came to a conclusion they would create humanity again but they would also add additional creatures. They created created Faunus's and titans. But just in case the titans they created went out of control and tried to destroy remnant or humanity they created the Kong and Godzilla Faunus's and gave them the gift to transform into there Kaiju form. And while Mothra and Kong left Remnant Godzilla stayed in case the gods return and attack.

Midas and Weiss where looking at there surroundings and see that there in a castle full of Godzilla Faunus and Kong Faunus's

Jinn:Kong Faunus and Godzilla Faunus once lived in harmony they saw each other as kin and always kept the Kaiju forms a secret unless there was a kaiju attacking there home. But then the witch known as Salem had tried to convince the two factions that one will betray the other but they denied it and kicked the witch out. But then Salem committed an act that would changed the relationship between the Godzilla Faunus and Kong Faunus. Salem killed the two princes's from each faction and left evidence that made it seem one betrayed the other and so the Godzilla's and Kong's went to war. Both sides fought to the bitter end as blood was spilt and bodies piled up each battle field but in the end the Godzilla's won the war and drove the Kong's out. And for years both factions stayed away from each other and to never interact with each other again. Until 1 fateful day.

Zion and Ruby where in the forest and saw a female Godzilla Faunus walking through the forest looking for food.

Jinn: A female Godzilla Faunus named Alice.

Then they see a male Kong Faunus walking through the forest.

Jinn: And a Kong Faunus named Jason. Later did they realize that they were about to meet.

Alice and Jason then see each other and both get in a fighting position getting ready for one to attack the other but then they get back to normal positions and they begin to back away from each other but looked back a few times to make sure the they won't attack them.

Jinn: Time after time they met each other over and over and over again. They still kept there eye open but eventually they didn't see each other as a threat then one day they spoke to each other.

Jason was collecting some water for his bottle and Alice was collecting some apples but then Jason spoke up.

Jason: Name?

Alice looked at Jason confused.

Alice: Huh?

Jason: What's your name?

Alice: Why do you want to know?

Jason: We meet each other almost everyday so we might as well get to know each other.

Alice stayed quiet but then answered.

Alice: Alice. You?

Jason: Jason.

Jinn: This interaction made them friends everyday after there duty's they met up in this forest then eventually they became lovers they enjoyed each other's company but they were afraid to confess because of there traits. But the day came when Alice was going to confess her feelings but she was in for a surprise.

Alice was walking down the forest her heart was beating really really fast because she was going to confess as she continued to her walk she was surprised to see fine Kong Faunus she did not know and they had rope and her shock expression was replaced with fear. She could transform into her Godzilla form but they could too and they most likely have something to drag her away.

Jason was looking down at his reflection of the lake.

Jason: *Sighs* I never expected this. Me fall in love with a Godzilla Faunus. Crazy. I don't know if I should confess my feelings to her. I love her like I never had with anyone else except for my family but what if she doesn't except me. What if my tribe finds out what I've been doing. Father I know your looking down at me with disappointment but I can't help it! No other girl as looked at me the same way she did. They either a freak or they don't like me at all.

He then hears Alice scream he immediately gets up and runs towards noise he then sees the Kong Faunus's beginning to drag her to a mountain and there's torches lit up he was about to run over there to save her when he felt someone hit him from the back of his head he turns around and sees a Godzilla Faunus holding a sword to his neck.

Jason: Look you have to listen to me—

Godzilla Faunus: I don't have to listen to anything you have to say. Now tell me what your tribe is up to.

Jason: I no clue but you have to listen to me.

Godzilla Faunus: No I don't! I refuse to listen to a group who participated on the murder of our prince after the full moon rises.

Jason was confused because that was the same time there prince no matter he had to save Alice so he grabbed some dirt and threw it into the Godzilla Faunus eye and he ran away the Godzilla Faunus then shoots an atomic breath in the air all the other Godzilla Faunus see it.

Godzilla Faunus 2: There's trouble come on!

They all grab there weapons and begin to run where they see the signal meanwhile at the mountain all of the Kong Faunus's where all together gathered around as the leader was on top looking down at the tribe.

Kong Faunus Leader: Today is the day everyone. We have planned this day. Today our prices murder will be answered! During the full moon. He was killed by the Godzilla Faunus's we once saw as family. And we retaliated and we were driven out of our home well now they will answer for it!

At a far distance the armor of Godzilla Faunus's where marching towards the mountains back at the mountain the group of Kong Faunus's where dragging Alice. Alice tried her best to fight back but the numbers and strength got the better of her then they place her head on a rock.

Kong Faunus leader: She will be an example. We shall avenge the prince that fell by the Godzilla Faunus's hands he then takes out the battle axe

The then leans the axe to her cheek and slowly cuts straight on her cheek the Godzilla Faunus made it and saw one of there kind about to be killed they then started to run towards the mountains the leader lifted his axe and was about to swing it down when Jason protected her by covering her head with his.

Jason: No!

Everyone was shocked even the Godzilla Faunus's stop there charge.

Kong Faunus leader: What are you doing? Move!

Jason: No! If your going to take her out then you'll have to take me out too.

Kong Faunus leader: Why are you risking your life for this Godzilla Faunus.

Jason: Because I love her!

Everyone eyes widened hearing that. They all started talking wondering what to do but then they released her she was able to get up then Jason and the leader glared at each other.

Kong Faunus leader: You and your... Lizard friend can go. But don't ever come near are tribe again. You are banished.

Jason didn't say a word as he walked off while holding Alice hand.

Alice: You... You love me?

Jason: Yeah.

Jinn: Jason was ready to be rejected when to his surprise.

Alice: I love you too.

Jason eyes widened as he looked at Alice who has tears of joy.

Jason: So what do you want to do next?

Alice: What ever we want.

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