Chapter Sixteen

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"Battle begins...NOW!"

the announcer took to the sky, and neither of them moved. Goji thought for sure that the older monster would attack first, but he looked like his fighting days were long behind him. The dragon simply collapsed into a sitting position.

"BOOOOOOOOOO!!!" went the crowd.

Goji slowly approached the older monster, who drooped his heads and muttered, "kill me..."

"What?" Goji said, confused.

"KILL ME!!!!" The dragon said, grabbing Goji's head with both his claws before collapsing onto his back.

"BOOOOOOOOO! MORE DEATH!" went the crowd.

Goji went around the dragon, and nudged him up into a sitting position.

"I'm not going to kill you." Goji said.

"BOOOO-oooo?" went the crowd.

The dragon collapsed onto Goji in a crying mess "I miss my family!" He moaned. "My wife!"

"Awwwwwww..." Went the crowd.

"Oh, this is great." Rodan said with an irritated tone. "Kill him already!"

"I won't fight him." Goji said, looking up at Rodan. "He deserves to live."

"Ugh." Rodan groaned. "Fine. I'll give you something else to fight."

She clapped her talons, and the beetle doors on the sides of the arena opened, and four Megalon Beetles came out, charging at Goji. He charged up and fired his atomic breath, incinerating the four beetles immediately.

"Fine. Be that way." Rodan muttered angrily. "Guards, take both prisoners back to their cells."

Goji was grateful she wasn't going to kill him, but then wondered;

Will I ever get out of here, and free all my friends as well?

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