Chapter Twenty-One

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"You absorbed the fire from her body?" Rina asked, confused. The ringing of the Rodanian Guards flying overhead had stopped, and they could now talk while hiding behind the waterfall. "Is that even possible?"

"It's not supposed to be." Ghid replied. "I've never heard of a Godzilla being able to do that."

"I have." Kyro interjected.
"There are stories from long ago of a war that broke out on Monster Island, one that brought all of the races together in order to defeat their enemy. The stories say that the king of the Godzillas had absorbed enough energy that his scales burst into flames, and only then he was able to defeat their enemy once and for all."

A long moment of silence passed.

Goji broke the silence. "We should go now. Grandeur, who are you allied with?"

Grandeur struggled to get up. "I was allied with Queen Golden and the Godzillas." he croaked. "The Godzilla's kingdom isn't far from here."

"Alright, let's head there. If we show them we rescued one of their own, maybe they'll let us go."

"We're not coming with you." Kyro said, putting his arm around Scarlet.

"Why not?" Lea asked, concerned.

"My daughter and I would only slow you down, and further endanger you." he explained. "We'll go into hiding somewhere."

"You sure?" Rina asked sadly. Goji could tell she was growing fond of Scarlet.

"Yes." Said Kyro. "Now go, before the guards come back."

The monsterlings didn't hesitate.

The monsterlings trudged through the forest towards the Godzilla's territory. It would be a long trek, they had to pass through the mountainous Ghidorat territory first, but luckily the forest was very thick and expansive, and seemed to stretch all the way to where they were going.

It took them at least a week to make the journey there, as many of them could not fly, and those who could didn't want to, which was probably for the best, since flying there could give away their position.

When they arrived in the Godzilla territory, they were almost immediately met with a trio of Godzillas with steel armor strapped to their chests. They wielded spears, and pointed them at the group of monsterlings.

"Don't move." Said the biggest guard, who had a three-clawed mark over his left eye, which Goji guessed was from a Rodanian that had attacked him.

The guard to his right was tall and thin, with large eyes and two canine teeth that stuck out at the front of his mouth. The guard to the left was rather heavyset, and had a fat snout, and short dorsal plates.

"We're taking you all into custody." said the big guard. "You will be- Grandeur?"

The Godzilla recognized the older Ghidorat they were escorting. "General Skales." Grandeur said gleefully, and the two embraced in a friendly hug.

"I thought for sure you would be killed after the Rodanians captured you!" Skales said. "And who are the oddballs with you?" he gestured to the monsterlings.

"These," Grandeur started. "Are the prophecy monsterlings. They rescued me from Rodan's castle, and made quite a mess too."

Skales' eyes widened as he observed them. Goji waved, hoping that, as a Godzilla, he might be given a special treatment of some kind.

"And what are you here for?" He asked them.

"We're not entirely sure." Goji explained. "We actually escaped from underneath a mountain, but Rodan and her guards attacked us, and killed the guardians protecting us."

"We haven't exactly figured out what we want to do yet." Rina added.

"And we also haven't had a lot of time to think about it." Ghid noted.

"I think we should meet the three Ghidorat Queens!" Lea suddenly said gleefully. "So we can see which one we should choose, right? Isn't that what the prophecy says?"

Goji watched as Skales looked like he was thinking about something. "I guess we could take you to see Queen Golden," he said. "But first, you'll have to see King Kiryu."

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