Jackai confirmed?

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So here's a little entertainment for those Jackai shippers...........

It all started when *cough cough* the couple as what some people say,Marcel, was wandering around the forest when they saw a little kid.

The girl's eyes were wide as she could not believe what she was seeing. She informed the boy about it and he too had his eyes wide open. The kid glanced over their direction and asked," Hello,miss,may I know who are you?"

The girl just replied," W-well I am  Celeste and he is Mark. May I ask...............what's your name little one?" The little kid just grinned and said," My name is.....(create ur own name Imma just call him whatever I want) Jeremy and do you happen to know where are my parents?"

Celeste just carried him and asked," Uhhhh I think I know your parents but I would like to ask,how long have you been wandering around here?" The little kid,or u can call him Jeremy, just placed a finger under his chin in thought,then said," For about 3 weeks?"

The pair looked at each other and nodded. "Hang on kid,this will be a rough ride," said Celeste as her and Mark flew to the Sky Joker.

"And the-" BANG!! The door flew open,which had interrupted Joker from finishing his sentence. Everyone looked to the door and there stood the pair. Celeste saw Joker and went to him and asked," Joker.........are you sure ur not gay??" Joker choked on air and said," WHAT?! NO I AM NOT FOR THE LAST TIME!!"

M asked," Why would you ask that  question?" while glancing at Celeste. The others gathered around them,curious to know what was happening. Celeste just glanced at Mark,who nodded in response and Celeste sighed," Jeremy,we're here....." The others just questioned," Who's Jeremy?" A kid poked his head from behind Celeste and ran towards Joker and hugged his legs.

Everyone glanced at the kid in surprise while Joker's eyes widened like saucers. "W-why does this kid look like me??" asked Joker. Celeste said," Indeed he does look like you...........but look at his eyes...........who does it remind you of?"

Joker looked at his eyes and was shocked. Akai asked,"What's wrong Joker?" and looked at the kid too. "Let me explain to those who are confused,the kid...........I think he is Jackai's child...." said Celeste awkwardly. Bold and Neko immediately looked at Celeste immediately.

"Did you say Jackai kid?" asked Neko. Celeste nodded and took Jeremy out of Joker's arms. "Jeremy, tell them who are your parents?" asked Celeste while looking at the kid. Jeremy glanced at the others and pointed at Joker and Akai. Almost everyone choked on their drinks and looked at Joker and Akai.

"How da eff did this kid come along?" asked Shadow. "Who knows......" said Mark. " I SWEAR I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!!" shouted Joker while blushing. "Sure you didn't......" said Queen. "WHY DON'T YOU TRUST ME I AM NOT GAY WITH THAT YAWNING JERK!!" shouted Joker once more while stomping his feet.

This is how the kid looks like:

(Ummm just pretend that those eyelashes at the side of his eyes are not there...........they're just too much......)

"He's kinda cute just saying....." said Ichi while pinching the kid's
cheeks. The kid grumbled under his breath and suddenly,he thought of a devious idea. He swooped a low kick to make Ichi fall and he ran to Ace instead.

Ichi yelped as she fell down and she shouted," THAT KID IS A RASCAL!!" Meanwhile Ace was about to throw a pie at Joker again but she was stopped by Jeremy. She looked at the kid and the kid just punched her in the face with his fists on fire.

Everyone jaw dropped at the scene. "J-jeremy..........how did you do that move?" asked Celeste in surprise. Even Akai couldn't do that move but why his kid can do it? Jeremy just laughed and ran towards Joker,who was frozen in place too. "I did great right dad?" asked Jeremy. Joker suddenly cheered happily and said," HAHAHAHA ACE MY KID BEAT YOU HAHA-" but slapped his hand over his mouth straight away.

"Aha you said My Kid Joker we caught you red handed!" shouted Bold. Joker blushed again and Jeremy just poked Joker's red face. Jeremy suddenly jumped out of Joker's arms and went over to Shadow.

He tugged at Shadow's cape and asked," Mister? Are you my dad's twin? Can I call you Uncle?!" The others just laughed uncontrollably while Shadow stood there triggered by the kid's words. He started sulking in the corner while the others just sweatdropped.

"Hahaha he called you Uncle,Shadow 😂😂" said Joker while tears were coming out of his eyes from laughing too hard.
"Hmmm Uncle Umbrella will be his new name!!" shouted Jeremy in glee.That made the whole group laughed again."Onii-chan don't be like that. Remember kids act like that.............well unless your a kid." said Rose.

Skyla picked up Jeremy and said," Hmm such a cutie," Maren looked at Jeremy's facial features while saying," Yea the kid does look like Joker but his eyes and hairstyle is like Akai." Bold and Neko took the kid from Skyla's arms and awwed at how cute he was. Bold took a photo of Jeremy and ruffled his hair.

Jeremy pouted and Bold laughed while saying," Joker his attitude is sure a lot like you." Spade added," Well Joker's still a kid afterall" Joker glared at Spade while saying,"Hey at least I dun look like a peacock." Bunch of oooos could be heard in the background while Spade just glared at Joker.

"If you say my dad's a kid,then what about you?" asked Jeremy. "Oh snap." said Frost. "You just got wrecked by a kid,Spade." said Joker. Spade said," Alright you win this round Joker,but the next round I'll win ya" Joker smirked and said," Oh really Mr. Shovel......" Jeremy looked up to Spade and said,"So your name is Mr.Shovel.................I'll call you that from now onwards."

Spade just sighed. This kid's a pain in the ass.(like that hair of urs?) "Tell me something,do you like spicy food?" asked Akai. Jeremy's eyes lit up at the mention of "spicy" and said," Of
course! My fav is curry!!" Others just sweatdropped.Yep totally Joker's kid.........

"Really?!" asked Joker in surprise. Jeremy nodded. Joker carried Jeremy and he shouted," Hachi!!! Me and Jeremy want some curry!!" Hachi shouted from the kitchen," Hai Joker-san!"

"Joker never changes......" said Celeste while shaking her head at how childish those 2 boys are. "Oh yeah we forgot to ask you Jeremy but how old are you?" asked M. Jeremy said," A thousand years old" Everyone jaw dropped and shouted," YOU'RE A THOUSAND YEARS OLD?!"

"I guess that's why he's Akai's kid as well.........." said Celeste while sweatdropping. "Wait if the kid's a thousand years old..........doesn't that mean Joker's younger than Jeremy?" Mark said aloud. Everyone looked up immediately and focused their attention on Joker. "Hahahah Joker your kid's older than you 😂😂" chuckled Spade. "Urghhh SHUT UP SHOVEL HEAD!!!" shouted Joker.

while bashing his forehead on Joker's. "Hey at least my face is not shaped like a shovel!!" shouted Joker while bashing his forehead too. The others just sweatdropped at their actions.

"Well that's your dad for you,Jeremy...." said Celeste while carrying Jeremy. Jeremy asked," Hey Sister Celeste? Does my dad have a special catchphrase?" Celeste blinked while saying,"Of course he does!" She brought Jeremy to the wide opened window,in which the stars were twinkling above. "You can say it when I say it okay?" said Celeste. "Hai!" replied Jeremy.

"WELCOME TO THE SHINING NIGHT!!" shouted Celeste and Jeremy tgt.


That's the end of the Jackai story hoped you like it bye!! Leave a vote if u are kind enough thanks very much!! Luv ya all!!

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