TOD part 10

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Me: come the TODS again

Others: Noooooo

Me: Well I haven't done this for quite a while so let's see what we have today.

Me: I'll just put all of these in one chapter cuz I'm lazy -3-

Others: That's a lot too!!!

Me: first one! *reads TOD card* Pfttt what? 😂😂😂

Others: ??

Ichi: Oh izzit the one related to rainbows?🌈🌈

Me: Yup now let's go find a rainbow!!!

Venue: A place filled with rainbows lol

Joker: Nevere knew a place like this existed......

Me: Now...............Hyah!! *throws smokebombs at Lupin,Joker and Dump*

J&L&D: GAHH!!!

Others: ??? *when smoke clears* HAHAHAHAHA

Joker(as a unicorn): Ghhh I hate this *looks at himself*

Lupin(as a unicorn): *scratches hair with hoof* Well this is a little embarrassing....

Dump(as a unicorn): I've never been more embarrassed my whole life *hides his face*

Me: Now you guys look fab 👏


Me: Okay now Ace,Crescent and Snow please jump off that rainbow *points at the nearest rainbow*

A&C&S: Uhhh okay? *jumps off rainbow*

Me: Now,majestic unicorns go save ya mates! Spread your beautiful wings!!!

Others: *sweatdrop*

The majestic unicorns: *make unicorn noises* *flies to go save their gurls*

Everyone: HAHAHAHA

Shadow: D-did the smokebombs
you throw actually made them actual unicorns?? *ish holding back laughter*

Me: *nods* Heheh

Ace: Why must this eggplant save me??

Crescent: Etto Joker.......*strokes his magneficient silver long hair*

Snow: *blushes*

Me: Well they are majestic creatures now.....


L&D: Neither do we

Me: Geez okay *throws smokebomb at them*

Joker: *looks down to himself* Yes I'm not a unicorn anymore!!!

Me: Do you know how many people want to be a unicorn? Tons......

Joker: Well I dun like being one

Me: Just shut ur trap already......ahem next TOD *reads card* Pstt Snow come here

Snow: Hmm? *reads card* Oh they are going to kill me XD

Me: Okay you can do it now

Timeskip to when after creating a grp chat

Snow: Okay now lemme spam :) Abracadabra

10000000000000 spams of Abracadabra later

Everyone: *checks phone* HOLY SH*T SNOW!!!!!

Me: *checks* *phone explodes* Well R.I.P my phone.......

Joker: My phone is heating up is it gonna exp--


Joker: *has a black face now due to explosion* Yea why phone died......

Me: Well since my phone is dead guess no more texting :(

Snow: Well it was a dare......

Me: Anyways moving on........*reads TOD card* Spade! Shadow come here! There is a dare for you two.

SJ&S: *reads TOD card* Oh there's one thing it didn't say we couldn't use tools.

Ichi: Dammit

Me: *shrugs* Well I'll only take ur balloon gum and ur Bloody Rain *takes away both the items*

SJ: But that's the only way I can save myself

Me: Can't save urself this way,try another way.

S: Well..........idk....

Me: Well good luck trying *pushes them off the rainbow

S: Adios!!

3 mins later......
Me: How in the world did u guys reach back up here?

SJ&S: Secret

Me: :(

SJ&S: :)

Me: Anyways next! *reads TOD card* Ahhh Ace come here I'm pretty sure you'll love this dare

Ace: wait dun tell me it's *reads card* WHAT?! NO!! THERE'S NO WAY I'LL BE ASKING THAT EGGPLANT

Me: I swear she has 0 chill now

Ichi: Nuh uh it said no holdbacks so u have to do so :)

Ace: No.

Me: Or I'll ban you from throwing pies or spamming Yune

Ace: Uhhhhhhh fine............*walks hesistantly towards Lupin* Ummm Eggplant

Lupin: Yes Milady?

Ace: *sighs* *looks another direction while blushing* Would you go out on a date with me?

Lupin: *blinks* Ummm sure?

Ace:Okay let's just get out of here before anyone teases us again.........*walks out door with Lupin*

Me: Now that's over with the next dare will be............*reads TOD card* Oh...........:/

Ichi: *secretly grinning*

Me: *looks at Ichi* Are you serious.....

Ichi: Yes

Me: *rolls eyes* I'll go get him....*walks into a portal*

Ichi: Heheh two ships will be sailing :)

Bold: Marcel?

Ichi: Hai! *waves Marcel flag*

M: Marcel!

Hikari: Mate!

Aria: Marcel! Marcel!

Madison: Hai Marcel will sail! It's my top priority now :)

Me: *drags Mark through portal* Found him..... *looks at girls* So you guys found out......

Girls: *nodded*

Me: Well let's get going too.......*drags Mark out*

Mark: Huh oh......

Madison: Well that's two ships
in one chapter :)

Skyla: Wish there was more Joscent......

Bold: Or Shara Or Dowko :)

M&P: No Bold.......

Aria: Wish there was more Phoebold *smirks*


Yune: Wish there was more Cranrose :) and Luace

M: I say more Dowko

Pinko: No more Shara

M: Dowko

Pinko: Shara

M: Dowko

Pinko: Shara

Both start bickering and the others had to stop them from bickering.

Madison: *throws two smokebombs at SJ and Joker*


Joker: GAH!

Both Jokers: *looks at outfit* EH?!!! WHY AM I IN UR OUTFIT?! STOP COPYING ME! NO YOU STOP!!


Frost: Joker looks weird with Shadow's outfit......

Maren: I can say the same for Shadow.........

Madison: Hmmm too weird *throws another type of smokebomb*

Jokers: *look down at their outfits* Wait why is it a skirt? Wait dun tell me *looks at each other* GAH UR HAIR IS LONG!!!

Joker: Why am I a girl again?!

SJ: I really hate this look now....

Others: *laughs*

*Luace walks in*

Ace: Oh hey guys! *sees Joker* HAHAHA JOKER WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU 😂

Aria: Wow u guys are back already?

Ace: It's already been an hour and a half

Aria: Time sure passes fast when ur having fun.....

Ace: Yup.....*looks at Madison*

Madison: Heheh *throws another smoke bomb*

SJ: *opens eyes* Ehh?

Joker: *cough cough*

Akai: Joker~わたしは、あなたを愛しています!(Means I love you in Japanese)

Joker: Ah at last I found my other half~ *hugs Akai*

Others: *look at Madison* What smokebomb did you throw dis time?

Madison: Ummm I threw the wrong ones by's a yaoi bomb apparently.............

M: Oh no I didn't want any Yaoi *runs off to the kitchen*

Bold & Neko: Yush Jackai :3

Boys: *shiver* the horror


Joker: Eh why don't we go somewhere *drags Akai somewhere in the airship*

Me: Something tells me that something I dun wanna know is gonna happen.........

Girls(beside Bold and Neko): Oh gosh...............*covers ears*

Me: Sorry to ruin ur mood........

Boys: *already wearing earmuffs*

Realisation hit them

Others: WHEN DID U GET BACK?! *points at me*

Me: I came in without anyone noticing that's all......

Mark: Aye......

Me: Anyways what happened when I was gone besides what just happened.......

Shadow: Madison happened.......

Madison: Heheh oops......I might have messed around with ur magic bombs........

Me: You what?! Please give me the bomb that changes people from Yaoi mode.......

Madison: Here *hands me bombs*

Me: Mark I need u to follow me.......

Mark: Okay? *follows me*

M: *peeks from kitchen* Is it over now?

Skyla: Hai

M: Pheww

Me: *runs out to living room and hides behind couch* Oh god......

Others: What happened?

Me: Something that will give u nightmares.......

Mark: That was horrible but I threw the bombs anyways.......


Me: Yea it's horrible



Me: That was the worst nightmare I ever had.....

Mark: Agreed.......

M: Why do u have those kind of bombs anyways?

Me: Madison made them without me noticing...........*glances at Madison*

Madison: Etto.........*sweatdrops*

Me: Anyways let's continue.....*reads TOD card* JOKERS COME HERE

Jokers: Geez what.......*reads card* WHAT?! No tools?!

Me: Yup bye *pushes them through a portal*

Jokers: Gah! *disappears*

Me: Okay now my job is done. Let's wait for them......*eats Pocky*

M: Wahhh pocky! I want!!

Pinko: Me too :)

Me: Well umm okay *sweatdrops*
But i needa go get my supply first *walks through a portal*

M&P: Awwww

Spade: Wonder what's on the news.........*on the television*

This is DJ peacock with BREAKING NEWS!!! A girl was seen to have stolen all the pocky in the Pocky Factory!!!! A witness said that she has blonde hair. But her last words that she said was," I'LL BE BACK FOR MORE POCKY!!" and ran away into a portal.Also some people said they had saw both Joker and Shadow Joker running past people holding a pot of gold with a leprechaun chasing them!! What on earth is going on?!

Others: *sweatdrops* So that's her supply of Pocky........


The door flew open and there stood both Jokers panting and sweating like mad. At the same moment, I walked out of a portal with well a mountain of pocky behind me.

Me: Oh umm hey guys *laughs nervously*

Others: Ur stealing you know that.......

Me: Well I am a kaitou afterall :)
And the treasure I steal ish pocky :)


Joker: I think we got away from the leprachaun......

Shadow: Yea..........

Me: How did you guys manage to steal the pot without ur tools?

Joker: Well it's thanks to my smart thinking here *points at his head*

Shadow: Tch who says

Joker: I say so!

Jokers: Grrrr *lightning line between both eyes*

Me: Etto you two stop please............anyways next TOD! *reads TOD card* Mr. Shovel it's ur turn.........

Spade: Oi don't call me that! *reads TOD card* Oh I can use tools right?

Me: Yes

Spade: Okay.................I need to go get my air--

Me: Already got it.

*image gum pops*

Everyone: EH?!

Me: It was Spade's Airship I just disguised it hehe

Spade:Well okay

Venue: Rooftop of Twin Thunder Shark

Skyla: It's so windy out here

Yune: Cold too brr *shivers*

Me: It's not one bit cold

Others: Maybe cuz u have ice powers?

Me: I do but I'm just used to this cold.......anyways Spade do ur dare

Spade: Okay Adios! *jumps off*

Me: Okay Joker,Shadow now ur turn to jump

Jokers: Eh?

Me: *shows TOD card*

Jokers: Okay............*jumps off*

Me:Now let's all wait........

Timeskip 5 mins later.......

Me: Ah great ur back..

S&J&S: Hai

Spade: Good thing we could use tools........


Me: Now next TOD *reads card* Oh sh*t *drops card* *runs away*


Ichi: *grins mishieviously*

Mark:? *reads card* *grins devilishly* Heheh payback *runs off*

Others:?? What? *reads TOD card* Oh

GAH!! NO!!!

*sounds of footsteps audible*





Me: *appears in front of everyone* I will not let him do so!

Mark: *hugs me from behind* Aha now I got you

Me: *struggling to get out* Dammit *disappears into the shadows*

Mark: Oi *disappears into shadows*

Shadow: *eyes sparkling* I wanna learn that move it's so cool!

Rose: O-onii-chan.........*sweatdrops*

Mark: I win *appears from shadows*

Me: Tch

Mark: *stars tickling me*


Joker: Oioi let me tickle her too

Me: I will murder you in your sleep *glares at Joker with glowing eyes*

Joker: *backs away* N-nevermind

Me: Okokay s-stop!! *requips a big sword and knocks the back of the sword on his head*

Mark: *faints*

Me: Tch serves you right

Others: 0-0

Me: Who wants to go next *giving everyone death glares*

Others: *back away*

Me: Ichi....................I'll make sure I'll get revenge *eyes twinkling evilly*

Ichi: *gulps* Snow help me please........

Snow: Sorry but if I do,she'll kill me too...........

Ichi: *curses under her breath*

Me: Now we will continue the TODS *reads TOD card* Ace!

Ace: Yes? *reads TOD card* Oo a time machine sure :) *starts on the time machine*

Timeskip 3 hours later......
Ace: Anddd done!

Me: Okay Joker u have to test it *shows him card*

Joker: Oo!! *jumps into time machine*

Ace: Hehehe

Me: Something tells me ur up to something Ace........

Ace: I can check him from this big screen

Me: *checks screen* *sweatdrops* I knew it was something suspicious...........

What is displayed on the screen.........

Joker: GAHHH ACE I'LL GET YOU *runs away from dinosaurs*

Dinosaurs: RAWRRRR *chases after poor Joker*

Joker: *checks pockets* EH?! WHERE ARE MY TOOLS?! ACE!!!!!
*continue running*


Me: *sweatdrops* Anyways guys let us continue our TODS *reads two TOD cards* Oh Snow,Jessica come here.(Ummm when u mean horror story,u mean the book or
movie? I'm just putting it as movie)

S&J: ? *reads cards*WHAT?! 7?!

Me: I have to admit this is scary............just thinking about it makes me scared *shivers*

S&J: Hai

Me: Now you two gotta move good luck to you two hope u survive *salutes*

S&J: *sweatdrops* *salutes*

Others: *sweatdrops*

S&J: Well we'll be on our way then *walks off*

Timeskip 7 horror movies later...

S&J: *come in with pale faces and their hair standing up*

Me: Uhhh hello? *waves hands in front of their faces*

S&J:*instantly hugs me* That.was.the.worst.dare.ever.......

Me: *murmurs silently* At least it wasn't me.........(I'll kill you if any of you give me this dare *glares*)

S&J: I want to hide in my bed and never come out again.......

Me: Uhhhhh.........*sweatdrops* Anyways last TOD *reads card* YES!!!

Others: ?

Me: *ties Joker to a pole* Heheheheh

Joker: Ummm what are you doing?

Me: *cracks knuckles* Well I had a choice to do my dare and I chose to do so. Now get ready Joker!

Joker: EH?!

Others: 0-0

Me: This is gonna hurt a lot Joker.........

After punching Joker for 100 times,

Me: Now that was a fun dare heheh

Joker: *soul ish coming out of mouth*

Others: *backs away* Scary.......

Me: Don't ever mess with me Joker..........

Mark: *sweatdrops* Anyways thx for reading this chapter *looks back to see me beating the life
out of Joker* Uhhhhh please mind the violence of her *stuffs a pocky in my mouth* and please leave a vote bye!


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