Kanofist one-shot

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Specially doing this for all Kanofist shippers and I DO NOT own Kanofist Areesya_Is_A_Shipper does. The pic above is a chibi version of this ship Kanofist :) I hope u like it Areesya.

So hope u enjoy this one-shot!!

One bright morning,in the living room,sat a bunch of friends,talking about random stuff when suddenly Chan spoke up," Hey Kano? Have u confessed to Pacifist yet?" Kano spat out his drink and stammered," W-what no......" The girl,Pacifist,whom they were talking about was still asleep.

"Well you better start confessing or someone just might take her away from you :)" said Mari. "We
know you like her so just admit it," added Ivy. The whole squad,which was the dan squad,started teasing Kano. Pacifist came out of her room,still in her pjs,while stretching when she overheard a lot of voices.

She knew those voices anywhere and peeked around the corner to see that she was right. The dan squad sat in the living room,laughing and drinking their sodas.She just shook her head at how childish they could be at times. She went back to her room and did her morning routine.

Kano said," I told you I dun like her!!" Kido just smirked and said," Don't lie to us Kano...."
Momo added," Admit it or we'll tell her...." Ivy stated," You do know she can control the dreams of other people. He realised and facepalm.Did she ever know my dreams...................fudge......

Pacifist went to the living room which surprised everyone. Kano glared at the others while they just smirked back devilishly. Pacifist looked at Kano with confused face. "What's going on? Is it something that I need to know?" asked Pacifist in curiousity. "Uhhhhhhhh no....." replied Kano nervously.

Pacifist looked at the others but they were glaring at Kano for some reason which Pacifist didn't know abt. "You................are going on a date with Kano!!" shouted Chan without warning. She covered her mouth immediately after saying that.

The others look at her in shock while Pacifist and Kano just blushed. "Are you kidding us Chan?" asked Pacifist,still having a tint of blush left on her face. Chan's facial expression changed from a slightly scared expression to a big grin plastered on her face. "I know that look on your face,Chan," said Kido looking at her face.

Chan smiled happily and said," So you two will go on.a.date.okay?" The others nodded in agreement and Kano said," We never agreed to this....." Chan shot back," Well you better or there will.be.a.penalty." while smiling creepily.

Kano shivered Scary........ he thought. "F-fine just this once...." he replied. Pacifist looked at him in shock before turning back to meet Chan's deadly gaze. She too shivered and finally agreed to go on a date with Kano. Both went to separate rooms to get changed and once they got out,they looked ready to go.

The others simply waved goodbye and the pair went to the Pacifist's car and off they went. Wonder how this is going to end?..... this question was on everyone's minds now.

"So Pacifist, where do you wanna go?" asked Kano out of the blue. Pacifist was too busy looking at her surroundings that the question caught her in surprise. "Huh.... oh ummm I saw this dessert shop that looked inviting. Want to try it out?" replied Pacifist while pointing at the shop opposite of the street they were at.

"Hmmm okay I'm in the mood for dessert anyways :)" replied Kano while dragging Pacifist across the empty streets. It was still early in the morning so there was barely any cars on the street. "I heard from people that this place is famous for its ice cream burgers and macarons." said Pacifist recalling.

Kano said," Oo can't wait to try them out!!" They entered the shop and a waitress walked up to them. "Hello,may I ask are you two a couple?" asked the waitress looking at the two. The pair blushed and Kano replied," N-no we're not..........." Yet........ he thought. "Aww that's bad I ship you two really badly. Anyways let me bring you two to your seats," said the waitress while leading them to their seats.

They sat down and ordered what they wanted then started a random conversation. "Eh? Kano? Pacifist? Is that you?" asked a familiar voice. The pair looked to see that Celeste,a friend which Chan introduced to the dan,was looking at them with her friend standing beside her. "O-oh umm Celeste? What are you doing here?" asked Pacifist. She giggled and said," Why I am here to eat their famous ice cream burgers and macarons of course....how about you two? Are you like on a date maybe?" she replied while grinning mischieviously.

The pair cursed under their breaths and thought How did she know? "I can read minds if you didn't know." Celeste spoke up again looking between the two. They mentally facepalmed and replied," Yep we're on a date." Celeste fist pumped and said," I knew it #KANOFIST!!" The pair shushed the girl while everyone was looked at them then after a minute turned back to whatever they were doing.

The pair sighed in relief and glared at Celeste. She apologized and said her goodbyes as she and her friend went to another table. The pair stared at each other awkwardly before Kano spoke up," Well that was awkward...." Pacifist nodded her head in agreement and their desserts came in a blink of an eye.

Both had sparkling eyes at how delicious the dessert looked and started taking bites of their desserts. "The desserts here taste delish!!" said Pacifist gleefully. "Mmm I agree the food tastes amazing!" replied Kano in the same tone as Pacifist.

Once they had finished their desserts and was about to pay, the same waitress from before came up to them and said," Waittt we still have a smoothie that is one of our specialties that is free for couples!! It's on the house!!" The pair looked at each other before agreeing for the said drink.

The waitress ushered them back to their seats and she went to get the smoothie. After 5 mins, the waitress came back with a medium sized strawberry milkshake with whipped cream topped with a tiny pretzel,a strawberry and some oreo crumbs. The pair looked at it like it was the only drink for survival but the thing that bothered them was that there was only one bendy straw in the drink.

The pair was abt to ask for another straw but she had already left to attend other people. "Guess we have to share this..." said Kano before taking a sip of the drink. "Hey Pacifist this drink tastes amazing why don't you try it?" he budged her to do so. Pacifist hesitated a minute before taking a sip of the drink using the same straw. (IT'S INDIRECTLY KISSING OMG!!!//slapped)

They continued sharing the drink with that one straw till the glass was empty. Celeste was secretly spying on them,she promised Chan to check on them to see if any "connection" or a closer relationship was happening between the pair.The other girl,seated in front of her,was none other than Ichi,who was a big shipper of Kanofist.

"Looks like the ship is sailing!!" squealed Ichi in delight. Celeste just sweatdropped at her actions. Meanwhile the pair had already paid and exited the store. They were just taking a stroll around the city when Pacifist saw a bracelet that caught her eye. It was indeed a very eye-catching bracelet that she went to the shop's window to take a closer inspection at it.

Kano noticed that Pacifist was gone from his side so he frantically looked around till he saw her staring into a shop's window. He sighed in relief,thinking that he had lost her, and ran up to her to see what she was looking at. "Whatcha looking at Pacifist?" he asked while peeking over her shoulder.

It was a half golden half silver heart shaped gear with the words P + K carved in cursive black on it.The chain was silver and the pendant sparkled in the sunlight. Kano observed how Pacifist had stared at it for a long time so he decided to surprise her. He dashed into the store without her noticing,bought it and rushed back out while hiding the small black box,in which the necklace was put into,behind his back.

Pacifist sighed as she saw that someone had already bought that necklace but was surprised when Kano held the necklace right in front of her face. She gasped as Kano helped her put the necklace around her neck which matched perfectly with her outfit.

She hugged Kano as a return of saying Thanks and Kano returned the same gesture. They stood there peacefully in each others arms. Snap! the camera sounded from far away(but the pair can't hear it)as a pic was taken by the two girls spying them. They were fangirling on how cute the moment was,especially Ichi.

The two let go of each other and Kano gave her a kiss on the forehead unconsciously and smiled. Pacifist blushed and hid her face with her hands. "K-Kano!!" she shouted in embarrassment while punching his chest playfully. Kano just laughed at her reaction and ruffled her hair. "Haha your face was priceless lmao" he said.

Pacifist huffed and said," Cmon let's go back............." Kano stood in front of her and said,"Nu uh we still have a place I would like to bring you to." Kano dragged Pacifist to.............the arcade and both of them played various games. They both went back to Pacifist's house after 2 whole hours of playing the arcade games while eating cotton candy.

"So how was your date?Had fun?" asked Ivy while smirking. The pair blushed and said," Uhhhhh it was a great date we got to know each other more...." Once they said that,the others gathered around them asking did they kiss?hug?where did they go to? all that. "Ah so the couple did arrive back after all" said a voice from the shadows.

"Eh? Is that?" asked Pacifist while squinting her eyes at the figure. "Yup it's us Pacifist..." replied another figure as they stepped out of the shadows. The so called "couple" gasped in surprise. "C-Celeste and Ichi?! What are you guys doing in my house?!" questioned Pacifist in surprise.

"Huh oh we came to deliver something to Chan you see......." replied Celeste while handing Chan the pics. Chan and the others beside the couple glanced at the photos and awwed at how cute they were tgt,which the pair didn't know of. "What's that?" asked Kano who walked over to them. He took a peek at the pictures before blushing.

"WERE YOU TWO STALKING US?!" yelped Kano in surprise. Upon hearing the word "stalking us", Pacifist dashed towards the grp and looked at the pics. "Andddd there I've sent it to all of u to keep in ur galleries. These photos are printed out as a remembrance I can say....." said Celeste.

"I should have known you were stalking us...." mumbled Pacifist. Celeste scratched the back of her head nervously and said," Well you should have..........afterall me and Ichi ship you two. #KANOFIST!!"

Will they stay as friends? Or more than that? *smirks*


Okay the one-shot ish complete. Give a vote to this chappie if possible :) Bye!



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