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Neko_Milk_Tea  ur really good at this guessing XD iSnowCeline it took u too long just to guess 😂😂 and damn do u have a lot of ships. Yep it's the ship JONA!!!! *waves Jona flag*

Jona shippers: JONA!!!!

Me: Joker,Yuna come meet ur fans!!

Joker: Eh? *sees many people* Hello everyone thx for all ur suppor-

Yuna: Ahhh *covers face in embarrassment* 0/////0

Joker: Nani? Yuna you okay?

Yuna: H-hai........

Me: Let's get the one-shot started!
It was a beautiful afternoon,a young yet beautiful brown-headed girl named Yuna opened her door to go outside, only to be greeted with the face of her friends.

One of them, a silver headed blue-eyed phantom thief,Joker, was suspiciously hiding something behind his back. Two-wait make that the girls were giggling softly while the boys were patting Joker's back as in saying good luck.

Yuna,who was clueless, just tilted her head one side,which Joker found cute. One of her friends,Celeste,nudged Joker to go which Joker then glared back at her. She glared back at him and used her eyes to give him a signal. The others just tapped their feet impatiently,especially the main shippers, for Joker to make his move.

Yuna was still standing there is curiosity,while Joker went up to her and gave her a big bouquet of 101 roses wrapped in a black and red paper. She gasped and said," J-Joker,you didn't have to buy so many!!! It could have cost u a lot!!"

Celeste put a hand on Yuna's shoulder and said,"It's okay Yuna,we all helped him to pay a bit for the things" Yuna sighed in relief and asked," So may I ask what are all of you doing here?"
Joker replied," Well you see...........I want to ask you to go out with me,but I didn't really had a plan on where to go...........but then the girls found good places to visit." The girls just smiled back to Yuna.

Yuna was surprised and said," Uhhh okay I'll just go get ready!" and ran up to change. After 5 minutes,she came down wearing red jacket,a black tank top that says in blue "Say yes to adventure!" with a tiny gold heart at the end,a mini gold skirt with leggings underneath and a pair of gold sneakers. She was holding a big bag filled with whatever adventure stuff inside.

"Okay I'm done!" shouted Yuna while panting. "Okay let's go!" says Joker while he dragged Yuna to the Road Joker,that was parked in front of he house. Joker started the engine while
Yuna just waved at her friends goodbye.

The road trip was silent until they have reached their first destination,the icicle cave. Yuna walked towards the cave in wonder and asked Joker to hurry up. They wandered into the cave and to their wonder, it was indeed a very beautiful cave.

It had sparkly crystal like icicles that were hanging from the ceiling and they came in all pastel colours like pink,purple, you get the idea.......Yuna said," Wahhhh Joker this place is amazing!!" Joker replied," Yes it is............." but in mind he was busy thinking of a devious plan.

He secretly stole a blue to purple ombre icicle and hid it in his bag and another icicle that is blue to green ombre coloured,he put it into his bag as well. Yuna asked," Uhhh Joker? What are you doing?" Joker immediately turned back to her and said," N-nothing......."

Yuna looked at him suspiciously before turning her attention back to the cave. "It's a good thing Celeste gave me this anti-freezing jacket and this supply bag filled with everything needed. It's not heavy at all......" said Yuna while taking a selfie with the background.

"Uhhh yea yea....." said Joker. After a while,they went to back to the Road Joker and continued their journey. The others however,were spying on them through the blimp that was on auto-pilot. "I don't want her to fly the blimp I dun trust her in doing so," said Shadow while pointing at M.

"Hey dun talk to me like that Shady." said M while whipping him with the whip she had. "Serves that idiot right for doing so...." murmured Celeste.

"Apple pie is better!" shouted Rose. "No Strawberry cakes are better!!" rebelled Queen. "No Cranberries are the best!!!" shouted Cranberry. The others were all sweatdropping at how pointless the arguement was."Now let's continue checking on them," said Celeste as she made the blimp move forward.(I dunno how to fly one of these obv 😂)

Back to where the pair was, they were already splashing at each other. Well u guessed it, they were at the beach. Yuna was just focusing on the sea life beneath the surface while Joker was glaring at other boys who stared to their direction.

"Joker look at this!!" squealed Yuna in delight. It was a beautiful white spiral seashell that had no holes in it. Joker took the seashell from her hands and placed the seashell in her hair right on top of her ear. What Yuna didn't know was that Joker was secretly taking pics of her doing cute faces which he thought was quite adorable.

The pair played and swam in the water for a little while more before going back to where they had placed their stuff. Joker asked," Yuna would you like some ice cream?" Yuna nodded and got up to follow Joker to get ice cream. Little did they know that the others were somewhere amongst the crowds of people.

All of them were wearing their beach attires and were playing volleyball in the meantime. "Hey guys I just saw Jona past by!" shouted Frost. The others stopped immediately and went to look for themselves. The two.were.holding.hands.OMG!! Bold started taking pictures and after that they went back to playing volleyball.

The pair had just gotten their ice cream and were now heading back to their spot to chillax or get a little tanned. "Hey Joker,where are we going next?" asked Yuna out of curiousity. Joker replied," It's a secret~" while winking at her.

Yuna just pouted and continued eating the last bits of her ice cream. Once they got back, they laid down side to side for about 10 minutes before packing up and leaving to their next destination.

Good thing Pinko noticed or else they wouldn't have noticed the pair had went off. Ace finished off her sandwich that she was eating and they ran to the blimp and off they went.

Yuna was enjoying the view around them with her eyes sparkling in amazement. Joker on the other hand,took a glance or two at Yuna each time he could. He checked the time to see it was already 5:00 pm. He had to reach the next destination at like 1 and a half more hours to go.

Timeskip to when they arrive(Soz I'm lazy), Yuna really wanted to go into the place already but Joker kept on tugging on her hand to wait. The moment Joker let go of her hand, she rushed off to a restaurant and Joker had to run after her.

It was a pretty decent place to eat but to Yuna she loved it either way. As long as she got to be with Joker she's happy. Joker eventually found her and ran up to the table and sat down. The waiter asked what they wanted to order and they gave their orders to the waiter and he left shortly after.

The two were left alone so Joker decided to start a convo." So umm Yuna, any events happen lately?" asked Joker. "Well there was....." replied Yuna and from there on they chatted till their food arrived. Yuna ate ramen while Joker well you know him, he ate curry :) The two enjoyed the food and finished it faster than you can count to 100.

Joker payed cuz he was a gentlemen apparently and he brought Yuna to the provided bathrooms. Both of them took their separate ways and went to the bathrooms to bathe from swimming earlier at the beach.

The others were still enjoying their meal in the restaurant and boy were they hungry. The pair eventually emerged from the toilets in the spare clothes they had brought along and they hopped into the car and the last plan for the night...............was for Joker to bring Yuna for a night drive around the city.

The others decided to just head back to the Sky Joker to surprise them so all of them went back into the blimp and flew it back to the said airship. Now let's focus on the duo now shall we?

The two entered the city and Yuna just looked around at all the dazzling lights,bustling streets and the aromas of food from the stalls were just heaven.

They went to various stores,mostly Joker wanted to buy food and he saw this goldfish store which reminded him of the time when he was with Hachi,so being Joker,he went to try to get the goldfish which he will name "Sakura-chan". Yuna gave Joker a kiss on the lips and said," A good luck kiss will help right?" Joker blushed and said determinedly," Yes I can do it!" and started playing the game.

Timeskip to when they went back........

The duo opened the Sky Joker door only to be shocked to see all their friends were still there."What took you guys so long?" asked Bold while smirking. The duo blushed and Yuna said," B-bold it's nothing like that......"  Now it was Celeste's turn to question,"Joker is that a goldfish??" as she noticed Joker
holding something.

"Yes it's my dear Sakura-chan!" said Joker happily. Everyone just sweatdropped and said," That's Joker for you......" Joker suddenly thought of something and reached into his bag to take something or more like somethings......

He finally found it and said," Hey Yuna I have something to give you...." while placing something into her hands. Yuna looked at her palm and gasped. You guys remembered from earlier when Joker stole the icicles? Yea he turned it into necklaces. One for him and one for Yuna. "Y-you took one of the icicles and turned it into a necklace?!" she shouted.

Joker scratched the back of his head and said," Y-yea I thought it would make a perfect gift considering that it matches you..... I have one too." and showed her the other necklace. I'm pretty sure you can guess which icicle was whose right? The girls awwed while Spade said," You stole the icicles just to make this"

"Yea....." replied Joker. He looked up to the night sky and said," WELCOME TO THE SHINING NIGHT!!"


That's all for this one-shot hoped you like it!!! Buh bye!!

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