One-shot: Joscent🃏❤️🌙

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Me: Hey guys thx to boldwriter4 I finally got the idea for this chapter!!! So hope you enjoy cuz the ship JOSCENT is on the wayy!!!
skyla_san thx for letting me use Crescent in this story!
(Virus: B-but Crescent is mi-- Me: *kicks him into space* GO AWAY VIRUS YOUR NOT WANTED BY THE JOSCENT FANS!!)
Ahem anyways thx to that annoying Virus,I delayed this so witthout further ado let's get on to the chapter (^u^)
Kapoww!! XD
The kaitou thieves,one girl and boy was fending off the guards. The girl was fighting of the guards while the boy used one of his cardsand threw it to the wall while shouting "Shooting Star!!" to make their escape.

"Cmon Crescent let's go!" shouted the boy while pulling the girl along. They ran through the halls with the Art Detective,Viridian and the guards chasing after them. "My Darling Crescent please come with me and as for Joker,capture him!" shouted Viridian to the guards.

Both Joker and Crescent increased their speed and Joker quickly threw his card and shouted,"Shooting Star!!" and the wall exploded. He quickly blew his balloon gum and he flew off with Crescent holding his waist.

"Hahaha too bad you couldn't catch us Viridian and just saying CRESCENT IS MINE GOT IT?!" shouted Joker while laughing.They left Viridian with an angered face and they flew off to the Sky Joker.
Inside the Sky Joker......
They entered the Sky Joker and they sat down on the sofa while sighing in relief. "Phew that was too close," said Crescent while wiping her forehead.

"But at least we got the treasure," said Joker as he held up the Sky Jewel that they had stolen from the museum. "It's a beauty isn't it?" said Crescent while admiring the jewel. "But not as beautiful as you," Joker said while winking.

Crescent hit his arm,"Joker!!" she said while blushing."Eh that reminds me why didn't you bring Hachi along with you for the heist earlier?" she asked.

"Oh umm I decided to let hin get a rest since he deserves it.After all,we've been travelling all around the world." he replied.

"Never knew you were the caring type....." Crescent said while giggling.

He replied immediately," HEY! I can be caring at times okay don't act like you don't know me!" At that moment,a blond haired girl came into the living room.

"Crescent,Joker where were you? Everyone is waiting for you," the blond haired girl said.

"Huh what do you mean Celeste?"questioned the pair. The blond haired girl also known as Celeste,deactivated the invisible shield and after it was deactivated,they could see all their friends seated in a circle.

Joker was utterly shocked and yelled," WHAT ARE ALL OF YOU DOING HERE?!" Everyone had to cover their ears cuz of that.

"Joker,Crescent come sit down in the circle," said Skyla while moving to the side a bit. They took their seats and Crescent asked," What are we here for?" Everyone besides the pair smirked and Celeste showed them her phone.

It said- To:Joscent
Dare: To go on a date
From:boldwriter4 (well she gave me that idea so why not let her be the one to request this :D)

Crescent shouted," WAIT WHAT?! A DATE WE DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT THAT!!" Joker nodded his head in agreement. "It was supposed to be a surprise date duh," replied Bold. "And besides,we heard everything you guys said since you two have entered the Sky Joker." replied Shadow while smirking.

"Hey who even gave you guys permission to enter my airship?" asked Joker. "Oh Ace and Hachi did." Yune replied. Joker glared at his cousin and assistant and asked," Why did you let them in?"

Ace cleares her throat and said," Well I can since they are urs and my friends so yeah." Skyla clasped her hands together and said," Now now let's get on with the dare shall we?"

Ace and Celeste pushed the pair to the door and said," Enjoy your date Cous/Joker and Crescent!" before closing the door in their faces. The pair sighed and Joker said," Well let's go then..." while blowing a balloon gum with Crescent holding his waist again as they flew off somewhere.

They landed on the ground gracefully before Joker faced Crescent and said," Hey Crescent,want to go on a heist date?" She blinked in shock but nodded otherwise. "Where and what is the treasure this time?" she asked.

"The treasure is called the Nebula Ring. Legend says that the rock in the ring is a very rare kind of stone and it is said to bring good luck to the person wearing it." said Joker then added "It can be found in the Galatic Muzeum.So you with me??"

Crescent nodded her head firmly and said,"That ring is such a worthy treasure of course I want it " Joker couldn't help but chuckle at her expression and said," Then let's get going." and they were off.

Upon the arrival of Galactic Muzuem.......
"Damn who knew everything here was so amazing and pretty," said Crescent in joy.

She was busy admiring the accessories that were on display. (just saying they are in the normal citizen clothes)

"Cmon Crescent I think I see the treasure," said Joker while dragging Crescent with him.

Once they had reached the room,Joker gasped and whispered shouted," Pstt Crescent there's the treasure and it looks more magneficent than what I imagined."

Crescent looked in front and she had to say it was the most beautiful ring she had ever seen.

Crescent gasped and pulled Joker along to the treasure. "It looks so beautiful and enchanting " Crescent said with her eyes glued to the ring. "Hey you two what do you think you're doing? shouted a familiar voice.

The two phantom thieves turned behind and was shocked to see Viridian here. Once they had turned around,Viridian immediately recognised the two kaitous and shouted," GUARDS CAPTURE JOKER AND CRESCENT YOU SHALL BE MINEE!!" Viridian knew that they were coming to steal the Nebula ring as they had sent out their advanced notices.

The pair quickly took thr treasure and started running away from Viridian."Hey Joker,let me use my newly made teleportation card to get us out of here," said Crescent as she activated the card and they disappeared without a trace. "Darn it they got away again." grumbled Viridian in frustration.

Somewhere near the museum...
"Heheh we got the treasure!!" said Joker while holding out the ring. "Yay!!" cheered Crescent along with him.

"Here Crescent I'll give you the ring,the reason why I wanted to get this treasure was because I wanted to give it to you as a present from me." said Joker as he slipped the ring onto her finger(and no it isn't a marriage ring).

Crescent gasped in shock and said," J-joker?! You're really giving to me the ring?" Joker nodded while smiling.

Crescent hugged him and said,"Thank you so much for the ring it is an awesome treasure!!" Joker returned the hug while placing his chin on her head. "You're welcome my princess," he replied teasingly.

She hit his chest lightly and pouted. "That wasn't funny..." she said. "Hahaha" was all she got in reply. She came up with an idea to tease Joker too.

She wrapped her arms playfully around his neck and kissed him on da lips.This took Joker off guard. Then he kissed her back while wrapping his arms around her waist.

They stayed like that for about 2 minutes before releasing each other. "Thank you my prince, hehe" said Crescent mocking the same tone as what Joker had done earlier. He blushed and said,"Y-you're welcome."

From afar,you could see a pissed off Viridian. He saw the whole kissing scene and he swear to God that he would hunt Joker down.
Location: Sky Joker
"Hey guys we're back!!" shouted the couple while holding hands.
"Hello lovebirds,how was your date?" asked Skyla. "Oh it was great!" replied Crescent.

Celeste noticed their enlocked hands and gasped. The others looked at her questioningly then looked at the direction she was looking at and gasped as well.

"Are you two finally a couple?" asked Aurora. "I guess you can say that." said Crescent while hugging Joker's arm.The girls "awwwed" at how cute they were together.

"So where did you guys go on your date?" questioned Bold.The couple looked at each other then faced back towards the others. Crescent said," We went on a heist date and Joker gave me the treasure as a present."

"What was the treasure?" asked Celeste in wonder. Crescent raised her hand in front of her face and said,"It's the Nebula ring from the Galactic Muzuem."

The girls looked at the treasure and said," Woahhh it's so pretty!!"
Bold nudged Crescent," You have such a good boyfriend,Crescent." Crescent blushed,"Well I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend as he is the one whom I belong with.

Everyone awwed at how sweet Crescent was towards Joker.

That's all and hope
you enjoyed the chapter!!! Remember I dun own the characters/OCs they all belong to their respective owners :D
Celeste Out!!

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