Special One-shot Chapter: Hyakkirora

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Me: Remember when I said only 3 one-shot chapters? Well I decided to make 2 more for boldwriter4 since she kind of requested for it.

Anyways onto the special chapter
"Hyaaa! Ninja Art Dragon King Imferno!" shouted a red long-haired ninja. A big dragon made out of purple flames appeared and attacked the dummy,burning it to a crisp.

He had just finished his training for the day and he had to go to venue where he and his crush,Aurora had agreed to meet at. He had always liked her and decided that he would confess to her today.
A long blue-haired girl sat in her room fixing her hair and clothes for her meeting with her crush,Hyakkimaru the ninja mentioned earlier and checked the clock on the wall to see that it was almost time.

She quickly grabbed her bag with everything inside and teleported to the venue.Upon arriving,she saw Hyakkimaru waiting for her at the front of the cinema.

"Hyakkimaru I'm sorry if I made you wait so long!" said the blue haired girl. The said person turned his head towards her direction and waved," It's okay Aurora I haven't waited long. Anyways let's go the movie starts in 5 minutes.

The girl,or known as Aurora,simply nodded her head and they rushed in to buy some popcorn and drinks for the movie.

With 3 minutes remaining,Aurora looked around to check if no one was around before teleporting into the cinema where the annoying advertsiments were still on show.

They took their respective seats and munched on the popcorn while waiting for the movie to start.(The movie is up
to all of you to decide so let ur imagination go wild)

The movie eventually started as Aurora watched the movie in interest and being an alien from
outer space,it was her first time watching a movie which made her more excited.

There was once where Celeste,her blonde haired friend, gave her a tour of the cinema which now Aurora was vaguely familiar of.She was more than happy to spend her time with her crush.

What she didn't realise was that her sister,Winter, was spying on her alongside Celeste. Winter had asked the blonde haired girl to accompany her to keep an eye out for her sister,which the blonde haired girl accepted the request.

During halfway of the movie,both Hyakkimaru and Aurora's hands unconsiously crawled towards each other and joined together. Upon contact,both of them immediately looked down to their enlocked hands and looked away the second their eyes met.

They were lucky that other people or either one of them saw their blushing faces.The spying duo however noticed it immediately.

Bold-san will be proud of me for making this ship sail...Celeste whispered to herself while looking through her see-in-the-dark binoculars.

At somewhere else...
Bold sneezed "Achoo!" and this worried Jessica. "Hey are you okay?" asked Jessica. Bold sniffed and said," Yea but I think someone's talking about me idk if it's good or bad though.." was Bold's reply.

Back to where the Hyakkirora ship is......
The pair walked out of the cinema as soon as the movie had ended. "So where do you want to head off to next?" asked Hyakkimaru.

Aurora thought of it for a while before replying," Well it would be awesome if you could teach me some of your ninja arts!" Hyakkimaru looked at her like she was crazy and said,"Are you sure? What if you got hurt?"

Aurora facepalmed and replied," Have you forgotten that I can use my powers to heal? I can't die I'm immortal you forgot?" Realisation hit him and he said," Well in that case let's get going." Aurora teleported them to the place where Hyakkimaru trains.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Let's get started!" shouted Aurora with enthusiasm.Hyakkimaru shook his head while chuckling and said," You seem to be very excited......but just remember you have to focus 100% on your training okay?" Aurora nodded her head and thus the training began.

Timeskip cuz I can....

After 2 hours of training, Aurora tried using some of the arts that Hyakkimaru had just taught her.
"Ninja Art: Leaf-Hiding technique!" she shouted. Wind and leaves started to surround and scatter around them and then suddenly she was hidden from view.

Hyakkimaru looked utterly impressed as she had learnt this in just two hours. Aurora reappeared again and smiled happily while shouting," Yay I did it Hyakkimaru!!"

Hyakkimaru simply smiled and said," Yea that was simply amazing,others usually take 1 day to learn all this but you.....learned all this in just 2 hours,very impressive." He fished out something from his pocket and gave it to Aurora.

"Here take this as my gift of congratulation," He said while placing the item into her hands. She looked at it in wonder and she opened it to look inside. Inside the item was a picture of both her and Hyakkimaru together and it was taken on their first date together.

The item was...........a golden shuriken shaped locket and inside was a picture of Aurora and Hyakkimaru in doing a ninja hand posture. Both of them laughed at the picture and Hyakkimaru helped Aurora to put on the locket around her neck.

"It's suits you Aurora." said Hyakkimaru. Aurora blushed at the comment. "Cmon let's go get a treat at the newly opened cafe," said Hyakkimaru and Aurora teleported him and herself to the cafe.

In a blink of an eye, they appeared in front of the said cafe. "Here we are!" chirped Aurora. They entered the cafe and a delicious aroma of pastries filled their noses and you could see Aurora drooling if you were standing in front of her XD.

"The pastries here smell delicious!" exclaimed Aurora."Let's get a seat then," replied Hyakkimaru and they found a good spot next to
the window.

The waiter came and asked for their orders and both of them said," One chocolate lava cake please." then looked at each othet and laughed.The waiter looked curiously between the two and said," Mymy aren't you two a cute couple."

The both of them went silent immediately and blushed at the waiter's statement.The waiter eventually left their table and to the kitchen. They sat in silence before starting up a conversation about their lives.

Their orders came after 20 minutes and let me tell you it looked so good that if I posted the pic here all of you would drool. Aurora poked her fork into the lava cake and took out a small portion of it into her mouth.

Once she had swallowed the piece,her eyes sparkled and she said," Oishi!" Hyakkimaru just chuckled at her reaction and took a bite out of his lava cake too.He had to admit it was the best dessert he had ever tasted.

About five tables away from the pair,were the two girls who was spying on them from earlier. The blonde-haired girl peeked over the menu to see that they were about to leave and tugged on the white-haired girl seated next to her.

They had been following the pair around without them noticing because if they were caught,they'd be so dead.Once the pair was out of the cafe and the blonde looked around to see that the coast was clear, she motioned her friend,Winter,to follow her.

The pair had arrived back at Aurora's home and looked inside to see that her sister,Winter,was not around. When she looked outside again,she saw her sister and her friend,Celeste standing at the doorway panting. Aurora raised an eyebrow at them and asked," Where did you two head off to?"

The panting duo looked at each other before Celeste replied," Oh nothing we just went to visit uhhh Queen." Both Aurora and Hyakkimaru didn't seem very convinced but bought it anyways.
"Eh who gave you that necklace sis?" asked Winter curiosly. Celeste gazed at the necklace before smirking,already knowing who gave it to her.

Aurora shuffled her feet a bit before replying,"H-hyakkimaru gave it to me," while blushing. Called it. Celeste mentally thought. "Hey want to see the new ninja arts that Hyakkimaru taught me earlier?" asked Aurora.

Both Celeste and Winter acted like they were very surprised and Celeste said," He taught you what?!" Eventhough the botj of them knew,they didn't want it to seem obvious.

"Ninja Art: Dragon King Inferno!!" she shouted,and a dragon made out of purple flames appeared in mid air and attacked the wall,leaving a burnt mark on it.Celeste and Winter jaw dropped eventhough they had seen it earlier, it was quite hard to master this ninja art.

They applauded her with claps and Celeste said," Wow that's impressive Aurora." Winter hugged Aurora and said," Now that was awesome sis!" Aurora smiled,happy that she had accomplished some ninja arts today.
The end!! :D Thx for reading this chapter!! Hope you all liked it!
Peace you guys ✌
Celeste Out! 😃

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