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Jungkook pulled a chair out for you at the dining table, seated between he and an older looking man. From the way he and Jin were looking at each other you knew it must be Namjoon.

"Hello," you greeted, smiling and waving at the others.

"Hi Y/N. thank you for getting Kook back to his normal self." Jin returned, passing a plate of pancakes topped with assorted fruits and chocolate. You were practically drooling over the food, completely zoning out.

"Yah!" Jungkook laughed out, rubbing your back, snapping you out of your food induced daze.

"Hmm?" You hummed, flushing when you noticed everyone laughing.

"Wow hyung, you're cooking really is hypnotizing," Hobi laughed. It seemed to be contagious as you let yourself giggle in embarrassment.

"Well go ahead. It's not gonna bite," Jin chuckled. He was still holding the plate out.

"Right, sorry." You quickly took it and started to eat. "Mmmmmmm" you practically melted as the flavour attacked your tastebuds without mercy. You once again let the food grasp the entirety of your attention as you continued to eat.

"Yah! Noona," you heard the overgrown child whine beside you once again.

"No noona," you said, pointing at him with the fork. He was staring at you expectantly, causing you to go bug eyed, "What did I miss?"

He pouted. "I asked you what your plans were for today."

"Oh, sorry. I have some studying to do for tomorrow, I didn't end up doing any yesterday. My first exam is Monday, I should be free for a couple hours though-"

"Wait, did you say Monday?" Jungkook said wide eyed. You nodded confused as to why he suddenly seemed so worked up. "When?"

"At noon, why" you asked as he checked his watch.

"Y/N, today is Monday."

"WAIT WHAT? OH SHIZZLE!" you stood up and shoved the rest of your pancakes into your mouth, not caring that your face was definitely covered in chocolate sauce and bits of food as you scrambled to get your slippers on.

"Y/N wait, You can't go out like that-" Jungkook tried to slow you down, pointing at you food streaked face, matted hair and pyjama clad body.

"No time. Can't miss bus"

"Slow down, Jin can drive you," he said looking to Jin with a hopeful expression.

"Of course. Go grab a quick shower. As long as we leave in the next half hour you'll make it."

"I'm sure I have some clothes you can borrow, and you can use my flip flops." He hushed you before you could protest, gently pushing you towards the bathroom, "now go."

"Thank you, you guys are life savers" you sighed in relief, closing and locking the door behind you.

"You can change in my room when you're done. The clothes will be on the bed."

When you finished your shower, you grabbed yourself a fresh towel from the linen closet in the bathroom. Patting yourself dry and wrapping it securely around your body. You picked up your laundry before leaving the bathroom, crossing the hall to the room you were in earlier that morning. The door was open and there was a pile of clothes on the bed. You chuckled at the boxers folded a top the pile.

You quickly changed into the cozy black sweats and oversized white tee, wearing your bra from the previous day. You may or may not have taken up the offer on the boxers, and they may or may not be the most comfortable article of clothing ever to exist around your nether region.

You towel dried your hair briefly before tying it back in a ponytail.

The car ride was unsurprisingly not quiet in the slightest. Most of them insisted on coming for the drive, and Yoongi was dragged along. He was now passed out in the back seat between Hobi and Jimin. They were all telling corny jokes, Jin winning the dad joke race by a landslide of 10+ rounds of groans of disapproval.

"Do you want to hang out after your exam?" Jungkook asked, nudging you gently, the two of you were in the middle row Jungkook in the middle beside Taehyung.

"Sure, what do you wanna do?"

"It's a surprise," he winked, shooting finger guns, causing both of you to burst out laughing. "When are you done?"

"I should be out by 2:30," you replied undoing your seatbelt as Jin pulled up to the drop off zone.

"Okay sweet, I'll meet you here then. Good luck noona~"

"Thanks oppa~" you replied sticking your tongue out

"No oppa." he pouted.

"No noona." You laughed, ruffling his hair as you left. "Thanks again for the ride Jin, I really appreciate it. And thanks for breakfast, it was delicious."

"Any time dear. Good luck on your exam!"

You thanked him and the others as they shouted out the same phrase, waving as they pulled away.

You pulled out your phone as you heard a notification.

Good luck on your exam baby girl.

Who is this?
Seen 11:48 am

You looked around, feeling like you were being watched, but all you saw were crowds of people making their way to their exam rooms.

Right. You have an exam to focus on. Ignore the creep Y/N.


This story has more than doubled in reads since my last update.
I am so so so so sorry for not updating as much as I want to. I'm finally done my first year of college though and should hopefully have more time to do some writing in my free time without feeling guilty about not doing school work.

Seriously this time. I'll be focusing on updating this, The Bet, and Project Hyde in the next couple weeks.

Thank you all for your support. I read every single one of your comments and truly appreciate every single one of you readers.

Also don't forget to vote for BTS for BBMAs and stream Boy With Luv.

Swaeg long and prosper~ 🖖😎
Kook-Book out 💜

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