Jeon Jungshooketh

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"She liked my thiccc juicy thighs too................. especially in tight leather pants"

Boi if you weren't too busy choking on the air in your lungs, your nose would probably be gushing about now. A bright red flush burned it's way onto your face as you struggled to breathe, the man child at your side simply laughed at your suffering for a moment before pulling you into his side for a hug.
"Glad my *cough* pain amuses you *cough cough*" you coughed out, a half assed slap landing on his chest.

He was still laughing hysterically as you calmed down your coughing fit. "But in all seriousness, I think she would be happy you found me."

"She sounds like she was really sweet," you said, a little awkwardly

"She was...." Jungkook trailed off, letting the awkward silence bloom as he still held you at his side. Neither of you dared move a muscle, both just sitting, stiff and painfully awkward.

"YOU BETTER BE USING PROTECTION!" A voice suddenly shouted from outside the door.

"Jin! Shhhhh. Theres no way they're having sex right now."


"Because its dead silent in there. Jungkook is incapable of being silent, even when he's getting himself o-" in the blink of an eye Jungkook was at the door, politely threatening to kick them in the butt if they don't shut up and leave.

"So uhhhh.......... how much of that did you hear?" He casually asked, leaning against the door frame and flicking his hair out of his face.

"That you can't be quiet when masturbating." Jimin said from behind him. "Hi y/n!" He poked his head in, waving with an adorable eye smile.

Jungkook just stood there with his eyes widened into saucers as if he were internally monologuing about his own existence.

"Yah, Jeon Jungshooketh." Jimin laughed, snacking his butt.

"Huh? What?"

"I said breakfast is ready," the shorter said enunciating each word slowly and clearly.

"Oh okay, we'll be there in a minute" Jungkook replied practically pushing Jimin out the door. You couldn't help but chuckle at their childish behaviour.

"Yah oppa," you teased, knowing it would get him pouting.

"No oppa." He shot you a glare, jutting out his bottom lip as he crossed his arms.

"But oppa," you whined cutely, dragging out the last syllable. He looked conflicted, like he wanted to correct you again, but also praise your adorable behaviour. After a moment of staring at you conflicted, he slowly began to walk over to you.

Every step he took towards you, you took one back, not liking the look of mischief in his eyes. He was closing the distance with long powerful strides, his thigh muscles contracting and relaxing in a very distracting manor. You froze when you felt the back of your legs brush the edge of the bed. With one last stride, he was in front of you, still moving closer until you were pinned on the bed, his arms trapping you at your sides.

Your breath hitched when he moved even closer, whispering in your ear, "No oppa." His voice was husky and seductive, causing a massive flush to cross your face. The blush worsened as you could swear you felt his teeth graze your earlobe in a gentle bite, his hot breaths lingering on your skin.

"O-or else what?" You tried to sound confident, but your voice came out breathy and desperate. He chuckled deeply, his chest booming with thunder. His hands moved to your waist painfully slow, his warm breaths migrating slowly down your neck. A soft kiss was placed at your collar bone, causing you to gasp, and pulled away.

"Or else I'll have to punish you......" he trailed off, observing your face for a moment before breaking into a giant grin. "Like this!"

A fit of laughter erupted from your lungs as he began tickling you mercilessly.
"J-jung-kook. S-stop it! Yah!" You managed to wheeze out between laughs. He finally gave way, letting you push him away as he rolled to lay beside you.

You were hiccuping as you tried to catch your breath, causing him to chuckle again. He looked back at you with his big doe eyes, sighing with a soft smile. "Common, lets go get breakfast."

As you let him pull you up and lead you out of the room, a single thought crossed your mind.

How could this young man go from taking your breath away, to tickling you to death in literally one heart beat.

Uhhh.... because he's Jeon Jungkook and thats just what he does? Lol

Anyway, I know I keep apologizing for the lack of updates, but I really do mean it. Life is crazy lately and I don't get much time to write. So please forgive author-nim. She's doing her best.


And I'd love to hear what you guys think of this fic so far. I love reading your comments, no matter how corny or random. I want to hear your opinions and any silly references or jokes you have. Seriously, i love reading them. You guys crack me up and when you comment it makes my day.

Also some shameless self promo, the first two Chapters of "The Bet" WILL be up sometime this week. It's a Jungkook x reader/vkook fanfic and so far I'm really happy with the planning I've done. I think you guys will really enjoy it. It's filled with witty comments and bizarre humour.

Swaeg long and prosper 🖖 😎
Kook-Book out~

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