Episode 2 - The Power of Five

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Right now, Issei is face to face with Yuuma(?), who revealed herself to be an angel with black wings.

But right now, Issei just transformed thanks to the power from his belt.

Yuuma(?): I may not know what happened, but it doesn't matter. Besides, do you honestly think such a pitiful suit of armor can protect you.

Faiz: I can say this much, like you, I can also be full of surprises.

Issei then charges at Yuuma(?), who began to charge towards him while still flying on low ground.

Yuuma(?) attempted to pull a round-house kick while floating, but Issei dodged it by stepping back and side kicked her in the back.

As soon as Yuuma(?) turned around, Issei struck a fast punch to her stomach, sending her flying back a bit.

Yuuma(?) quickly recovered and start to fly up in the sky.

Yuuma then summoned her light spear and started to throw a few at him.

Issei saw the spears coming toward him. He dodged a few, while the rest he hit them to the side.

Yuuma(?): Impossible!

Yuuma(?) summoned another light spear and started to dive and charge towards Issei. Attempting to stab him.

But Issei readied himself, and as Yuuma(?) tried to stab, Issei tilt his head towards his left and punched her right in the face.

Yuuma(?) then got pushed back to a tree, sitting down while injured.

Yuuma(?): *grunt* *pant*How could I lose...? And to him!?

Faiz: It's over Yuuma, it's time for some answers.

As Issei began to approach her, Yuuma(?) immediately spread her wings and flew to the sky once again.

Yuuma(?): Tch, how embarrassing. Going through all that trouble just to make a fool out of myself. Don't think this is over, Issei! Next time we meet, I won't be so merciful.

Issei: Yuuma, wait! *angrily grunts*

Yuuma(?) then flew away, leaving Issei all alone at the park.

Issei then grabbed his phone out of the belt and pressed the End Call button, putting the armor back and returning to normal.

However, after he de-henshined, Issei got on his knees. Not feeling any pain, but shock and sadness.

Issei: How did this happen? Does she know who I really am? How did they find me, after all this time?

While Issei is still trying to figure things out, the three girls earlier are currently spying on Issei.

Female2: Well that was a shocker.

Female1: *giggles*It seems the new student is much more than we thought he was.

Red-Hair Female: I admit that was a surprise, and here I thought he couldn't take care of himself. Well then, I believe it's time to take a different approach.


It's another school day, and Issei is now with Shun who, as promised, show around the remainders of Kuoh Academy.

Shun: -And so, because the field from the back entrance is so huge, most of the club activities in this school are hosted there.

Issei: ...

Issei and Shun then reached a building all the way out from afar the academy.

Shun: Well, here's our final stop, the Occult Research Club.

Issei: This place looks... abandoned.

Shun: Yeah, this place used to be a activity club, but now it's abolished due to the lack of students. Nobody hardly ever goes there, and some students even made some rumors about this place. What are your thoughts Issei-

Shun notices that Issei has been looking and feel down the whole time.

Shun: What's wrong, Issei?

Issei: Huh? Oh... no, it's nothing.

Shun: Don't say that. It's very clear that something happened to you. Your face shows it all.

Issei: ...

Shun: Issei. *puts his hand on Issei's shoulder*Tell me what's wrong. We're friends aren't we? Whatever it is, I'm here for you.

Issei then sat on the stairs, followed up by Shun.

Issei: Tell me something Shun, how would you describe someone you love?

Shun: Where is this coming from?

Issei: Just... please.

Shun: ...Well, it's someone who cares about you with all their heart. Whether it's by doing them a favor or expressing how you feel, it grows into love in time. *scratches head*It's kind of weird, suddenly saying this.

Issei: I... I went out on a date.

Shun: Eh!?

Issei: I thought she loved me, just like how I loved her. But then she... betrayed me.

Shun: Oh...

Issei then started to show tears flowing down his eyes.

Shun: Hey, Issei...

Issei: *sob* *sob*I thought I can finally fit in since I'm back home. But it just feels like... *sob*I'm falling apart.

Shun then hugs Issei close to him, while he continues to cry.

Shun: It's okay... It's okay, I'm here for you.

he then continued to comfort Issei while he's still crying.


Issei and Shun went back inside the school building, and walked down the hall.

Shun: Are you sure you're okay?

Issei: *sniffs*Yeah, I'll be fine. I just need time.

But both of them suddenly heard girl screamings.

Shun: Oh, here Issei, to the side.

Shun grabbed Issei's wrist and pulled him to the wall.

Issei started to wonder, but then he sees the red-hair girl's actual appearance. As she started walking down, the students got to the side and admiring her beauty and such, treating her like princess and making a path for her.

Issei: Who is she?

Shun: That's Rias Gremory, this school's most popular student. All the girls and boys idolize her for her beauty and high grades.

Issei: Wow. She really is that popular?

As Rias continued walking down, her caught on Issei.

Rias: Hm? ...Why hello. You must be the new transfer student.

Issei: Eh? Oh, y-yeah.

Rias: Then it's an honor to meet your acaintence, my name is Rias Gremory.

Issei: Issei, Issei Hyoudou. It's nice to meet you too, senpai.

Rias: *giggles*There's no need to be formal, I'm actually the same year as you. And please, just call me Rias.

Issei: *blushes*O-Okay.

Rias: Well, again, it's a pleasure to meet you Issei. I hope to see you again soon.

After Rias waved goodbye towards Issei, Issei started to blush.

Issei: She really is beautiful, isn't she?

Shun: She sure is. I'm actually surprised you caught her attention.

But suddenly, a whole bunch of students began whispering to each other about some negative thoughts of how and why was Rias interested in Issei.

Issei: I think they're starting to hate me.

Shun: No no, it's not that. Don't think too badly, they're just jealous because no one dared to speak with Rias except you.

Issei: Is that so. *thoughts*Rias... Gremory...


Issei got out of school and resting on the ledge of a fountain in a park. The same park where Issei fought Yuuma after revealing who she really was.

Issei: This park... is where my date with Yuuma ended. Even though this place brings up a bad memory, somehow it calms me down a bit.

However, while he's resting, some flashbacks played of Issei when he was a little kid, seeing his previous house on fire.

Issei: *thoughts*Looks like my past still catched up. Still, what do they want with me?

Suddenly, Issei felt a vibe, and as he blinked, he looked around the area to be dark. Also, the sky is giving off some weird color formation, as if somebody has vertigo.

Issei: *surprised*This scenery! It's like that time with Yuuma...

Issei then felt another vibe and turns around to see a regular middle-aged man confronting him.

???: Well this is rather unfortunate. Me running to you that is.

Issei backed up a little just to stay on the safe side.

???: It's pointless in finding a way out. Actually, I find it unbelievable how Lady Raynare can be beaten by the likes of you.

Issei: Ray... what?

???: Let's see, it looks like your friends and master are nowhere to be found. There are no signs of disappearances or magic circles being deployed either. Therefore, I can assume you there young boy are nothing but a stray. Is that correct?

The middle-age man then summoned a light spear, similar to Yuuma(?). But this time it's blue.

???: That means killing you won't be a problem!

He then threw his own light spear, but Issei side-rolled out of the way just in time.

Issei then began to run far off from the man.

???: Heh, running away is pointless, you should know that.

But Issei wasn't running away, he was actually heading towards his motorcycle.

Issei quickly grabbed the silver suitcase and opened up.

Issei immediately grabbed the gear and assembled it, forming a belt.

After he put on the belt, he then grabbed the phone from earlier, the SB-555P Faiz Phone, and dialed the numbers.

Then, he putted onto the belt.

FaizPhone: 5-5-5. Enter. Standing By!

Issei: Henshin!


???: I see, so that's the suit of armor that beat Lady Raynare. Faiz. I won't go down by the likes of you, 'cause I came prepared.

The man then snapped his fingers, and called forth a bunch of fallen angels.

After they all landed on the ground, Issei flicked his wrist and began to charge towards them.

One angel tried to stab Issei, but he grabbed the spear and pulled it towards him. Hitting him with the knee and punched right in the face.

But Issei's fist glowed red before he punched, resulting in the fallen angel exploding, destroying a few more.

Issei then went back to hand-to-hand combat and beat up all the fallen angels with just a few or one hit. While continuing to dodge the spears.

???: It seems I underestimated this boy. Well, let's see if you can handle this.

The man then used a magic circle to call forth another fallen angel. But this one's different, all muscular and stuff.

The new fallen angel pulled a fast one and grabbed Issei by the throat.

He then dragged Issei to the ground while flying.

While being dragged, Issei continuously attacked the fallen angel on the torso and stomach repeatedly.

Surprisingly, the fallen angel started to take damage, so he threw Issei to a wall.

After Issei got himself un-stuck, the fallen angel summoned lightning. But Issei side-rolled out of the way.

Issei then ran to the fallen angel while continuing to dodge the lightning. Then, he performed a wheel kick that send the fallen angel rolling on the ground.

Issei then grabbed on his right side of the belt, his SB-555L Faiz Pointer.

Then, he grabbed his phone's Mission Memory and puts it on the Pointer.

Faiz Pointer: Ready!

Issei then puts the Pointer at the side of his right leg. Then, he opened his phone and pressed "Enter".

FaizPhone: Exceed Charge!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Issei started to bend down his legs, when a red photon stream went coursing down his right leg.

He then performed a side kick, which fired a red energy drill that froze the fallen angel, preventing him from moving.

Issei then jumps and kicks at the center of the energy drill, and went through. That was his signature move, the Crimson Smash.

After Issei landed across from the other side, the fallen angel started to feel intense pain and explode, with the Faiz Symbol appearing.

Faiz: *pant* *pant*

???: It would seem that you're more of a threat than I thought.

Issei immediately turns to see the man walking towards him.

Faiz: Who are you people!? And what do you want from me?

???: Hmph, I have no use explaining to the likes of you. But I'll tell you one thing as a reward, as long as someone like you continues to exist, you will bring nothing but danger to this world.

Faiz: What!?


Yuuma(?): I'm sorry for doing this, but the fact is you are far a great risk to us. I now have no choice but to dispose of you. If you're looking for someone to blame, then it's yourself.

*end flashback*

Faiz: *thoughts*He's talking about the same thing Yuuma just said.

The man then started to leave, but then...

Faiz: Wait, there's so much I want to ask you! Do you know who I am?! And why is this happening to me?!

The man then spreads his wings, flies off and disappears from the scene.

Dohnaseek: There's nothing left for me to say, but you'll find out in time. My name is Dohnaseek, I pray that you and I never again cross paths.

After the man, who is a fallen angel Dohnaseek disappears, the skies returned to normal.

Faiz: ...What did he mean? As long as I exist, I will hurt others? What's going on here?

To be continued...

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