Episode 3 - Meeting with the King

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Another school day in Kuoh Academy, and Issei just finished his class.

Right now, he is resting his head on the table while looking out the window. Still having troubled thoughts about the events from the last episode.

Shun: Issei!

Issei: Huh? Shun...

After Issei heard Shun's call, they both hanged out in the hallway.

Shun: So, how are you doing Issei? Are you getting use to things around here?

Issei: *nods*Mm, I'm not having any trouble in my studies. And even everyone here are not giving me a hard time.

Shun: That's great to hear! But still Issei, if there's anything you need, just let me know.

Issei: Thanks Shun, you really are a good friend.

While the two are still having a conversation, there's a blonde hair boy walking down, where the girls started be attracted, treating him like a popular student.

While he continues to walk down the hall, he spotted Issei.

Shun: -So, you want to get some lunch later?

???: Excuse me, is either one of you Issei Hyoudou?

Issei: Sure he's me.

Kiba: Ah, there you are. My name is Yuuto Kiba, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Issei: Yeah, nice to meet you too.

Issei and Kiba then shook hands.

Kiba: I've been looking for you. Do you happen to have some time after school?

Issei: Sure, why?

Kiba: My club's president would like to meet with you if you have the chance.

Issei: For what?

Kiba: I cannot say, come to the Occult Research Club, we'll be waiting for you there. I'll see you around okay?

Kiba then left as the girls continue to be attracted by his appearance.

Shun: Wow, never thought he would want to meet with you too.

Issei: Shun, do you know Yuuto Kiba too?

Shun: Uh huh. He's this school's pretty boy and a lot of female students adore him. Still, I wonder what does he want with you.

Issei: ...Well, that's what I'm going to find out.


Issei is seen following Kiba to where he's going to meet the "president".

Kiba: Here we are.

Issei: Hey I know this place. It's the old school building Shun showed me the other day.

Kiba: The Occult Research Club to be more precise. Come on, the president is waiting for us.

Issei and Kiba then entered the building to find the inside not broken or anything, but looking like it belongs to a very rich person.

Issei: What happen here? Where are we? ...Huh?

Issei then sees the small girl from earlier sitting on a couch, eating some chocolate.

Issei: Who is she?

Kiba: Her? Koneko Toujou, she's a 1st-year and a valued member here in the Occult Research Club.

Koneko then turned to see the two for a minute, but then went back to eating her chocolate.

Issei: A strong silent type, isn't she?

Kiba: *chuckling*Don't feel bad, Issei. Koneko just has her reasons.

Issei then hears the sound of water spraying in the corner.

Issei: *thoughts*It sounds like a shower. But right here? In a club?

As Issei continues to wonder, she heard the voice of the young woman with long black hair in a ponytail.

Female1: Ms. President, your clothes have been laid out when you're ready.

Rias: Thank you, Akeno.

Issei: *thoughts*That voice. I feel like I recognize it.

The girl known as Akeno came out and saw Issei.

Akeno: Oh, I didn't see you there *giggles*.

As Akeno approached Issei, he begins to blush.

Akeno: So you're the new transfer student. It's nice to meet you *bows*.

Issei: Oh, uh you too.

Akeno: There's no need to be shy, everyone here is super nice. I'm Akeno, the vice-president of this club.

Issei: Nice to meet you, I'm Issei Hyoudou.

Rias: Well this is a surprise, looks like you came here sooner than expected.

Rias then came out, still drying her hair with a towel.

Issei: Rias it is you!

Rias: Apologies for waiting, but I didn't have a chance to wash myself this morning.

Issei: Oh, no it's fine. You don't have to apologize.

Rias: Well then, since everyone has arrived, let's begin.

Everyone sat down and Rias began her introduction.

Rias: Allow me to begin with a formal introduction. We like to officially welcome you to the Occult Reseach Club

Issei: Oh, thank you very much.

Rias: But even though this place is a club and abandoned, it's actually a front for this some sort of hobby.

Issei: So why did you call me all the way out here?

Rias: Straight to the point are you? Then allow me to be thorough. We happened to be keeping an eye on you for quite some time. You seemed to be hunted down by those beings, were you not?

Issei: So you've been spying on me... Yes. I don't know why this is happening, but those monsters have been hunting me down when I was a kid.

Rias: The truth is you've only been hunted down by those who have wings. Just like that man you faced the other day, a fallen angel.

Issei: ...!

Rias: Some think we are the same, which isn't true. They want to serve god, but it was too late for them. Their dark emotions have forced them into the underworld. The confusion is understandable however, because they too walk the earth beside humans. But they want to please gods, so their goals are to wipe us devils out and gain supremacy of our own realm, which you call it Hell. And there are more recognizable angels, which sent down by god as well. So we're constantly defending ourselves from both sides.

Issei: ...?

Rias: Is something the matter? You look a bit confused.

Issei: No, it's just that what did you mean by that last part? How you said about "we devils" and this talk about religious things.

Rias: Well, actually...

As Rias and the others stood up, they began to show their devil wings.

Much to Issei's shock, he stepped back fast and got into his stance.

Rias: There's no need to be cautious, you should at least be use to seeing something like this.

Issei: Yeah, unless you're also planning to kill me.

Akeno: *giggles*I assure you Ms. President means no harm. Unlike those fallen angels you encountered, we only wish to help you.

Issei: How can I be sure?

Rias: Look, we understand you've been running away your whole life that it's nearly impossible to trust anyone. But please, at least hear what we have to say.

Issei: ...Fine.

Issei then sat back down, but still has his guard up.

Rias: Now back to the point. ...Remember Yuuma Amano?

Issei was surprised, but looked down in sadness.

Rias: Then you already know what she really is.

Issei then got out the photo he took of her, the one that shows her black wings, and stared at it.

Issei: To be honest, I didn't want to believe it, only wanted to say it was a dream. But to think that she's...

Rias: Right, also a fallen angel.

Issei: Then, what the hell did she want from me?

Rias: Yuuma needed to kill you. But only after realizing whether or not there's something within you that's dangerous or a threat.

Issei: I think I might have a clue why she's after me. Yuuma and that other fallen angel said it's because of what I am.

Rias: Interesting... By the way, Issei. I've been wanting to ask you something.

Issei: Sure, what is it?

Rias: Normally you would've been dead instantly if it wasn't for that mysterious armor you were wearing. Mind telling me what it is?

Issei: Faiz. That's the name of the gear I wore.

Rias: It seems rarely a coincidence for someone such as yourself to receive such a weapon to defend yourself. Where did you get it?

Issei: I don't know. Back when I was living in my apartment, there was a box right at the door. When I opened it up, it showed the suitcase for the gear. I didn't know where it came from, and why it was sent to me. It didn't even labeled where it came from and the deliveryman left before I could even ask.

Rias: I see. Issei, the real reason why I called is to ask you to join us.

Issei: What?

Akeno: The truth is we thought you were going to die after you met up with that fallen angel from earlier.

Kiba: President Rias planned to revive you so you can be one of us.

Issei: Wait, one of you? A devil?

Rias: The offer still stands Issei. If you join us, join me, you will have my full cooperation and protect you from any harm.

Issei: ...Can I... take some time to think about this.

Rias: Of course, but please make a decision before its too late. You may go now if you wish.

Issei didn't say anything, only bowed, grabbed his stuff, and left.

Akeno: Are you sure it was wise to let him go, Rias?

Rias: Well, he doesn't have anyone to turn to, so he has no choice. Besides, it's like I mentioned earlier, the rest depends on him.


Issei is on the bridge where he met Yuuma the next morning. Began thinking of what he should do.

Issei: The president, or Rias does make a point. But can I really trust her?

Issei then turns to stare at his suitcase on his motorcycle.

Issei: Even though I have that, will I continue to survive like this?

While thinking, he suddenly felt a vibe, but the sky is still the same.

Issei: Another fallen angel nearby?

As Issei felt the direction the vibe was coming from, he got on his bike and ride towards it.

Issei then entered the sewers with his belt already on, and continued walking down the pipeline.

Issei: *sniffs*Uegh, it really stinks down here, although this place happens to be a perfect hiding spot. It's kind of dark in here though. Wait a minute...

Issei then grabbed his Pointer. Even though it's a weapon, it also functions as a flashlight.

After turning it on, he can see things a little bit clearer because of the light.

Issei: That's better.

After Issei continued walking down, he walked in an open area where it's bright again.

Issei: This feeling led me out here. ...But where's the fallen angel, or monster?

???: Mmm~I smell something bad. But I also smell something delicious. I wonder if it's sweet, or if it's bitter?

Issei: ...! Who said that? Show yourself!

He then hears some crashing footsteps that made the ground tremble a little, but he sees in the dark a woman who is naked.

Issei: You're not a fallen angel. Are you a devil?!

Viser: Fufufu. You can call me Viser. Who do you happen to be little boy?

As Issei grabs out the FaizPhone, he looks around the dirty water to find a bunch of skeletons.

Issei: My god... Did you murder these people!?

Viser: They were trespassing on my territory. I didn't know what to do with them, until I craved for blood. They were so delicious after hearing their cries and pain, and it made me so totally hot~.

As Viser started to rub her breasts, Issei started to get terrified, but it later turned to anger.

Issei: You sick bastard!

Viser then came out from the dark, revealing her full body.

Viser: *evil giggle*Now it's time to see how your blood tastes~.

Viser attempted to crush Issei with her giant claws, but he dodged and landed in the dirty water.

Issei: That won't happen. Cause I'll stop you you here and now!

Issei then got his pressed the numbers on his phone and puts it on the belt.

FaizPhone: 5-5-5. Enter. Standing By!

Issei: Henshin.


After Issei transformed, Viser begins to attack first. But Issei slide and got in close.

He then attacked Viser, but not doing any damage.

Viser then smacked Issei, which got him smashed to a wall.

She then played with her breasts, until she fired yellow beams from the nipples.

Issei dodges right on time, he sees the beams are actually acid, as the walls are melting.

Faiz: Okay. Now that's messed up.

Viser attacked again, and attempted to crush Issei using her lower-half's big teeth.

But Issei caught the teeth, and struggled to not get eaten. Luckily he brushed to the side, only for Viser to crash into the wall.

While Viser is still trying to recover, Issei grabbed out the digital camera he used on Yuuma.

Another weapon called, the SB-555C Faiz Shot.

Issei grabbed his phone's mission memory and put it on the Shot.

Faiz Shot: Ready!

Issei lowered the handle of the Shot, turning it into a knuckle-duster.

Then, Viser recovered, and seemed angry.

Viser: You little slut! How I'll enjoy taking my time killing you!

Viser then charged towards Issei, but he performed an uppercut that sent Viser flying onto her back.

Issei then opened his phone and pressed Enter.

FaizPhone: Exceed Charge!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

note: From 0:58 to 1:20

The photon stream then coursed through Issei's right arm to the Shot.

As soon as Viser tries to get up, Issei ran towards her and performed Grand Impact.

After Issei punched Viser's lower-half, it showed the Faiz symbol again, and Viser screamed in pain before exploding.

Issei then de-henshined after pressing End Call from his phone.

Faiz: You're done hurting innocent people...


Issei is on his motorcycle, riding his way to school.

But as he was riding, he reflects back to what Rias said to him.


Rias: The offer still stands Issei. If you join us, join me, you will have my full cooperation and protect you from any harm.

*end flashback*

Issei: *thoughts*I wonder if President Rias really meant that... I mean, it didn't sound like she had an ulterior motive by hearing her words, she sounds like a nice person. But still...

As Issei continues to ride, he suddenly hears a voice a girl's voice.

Issei then saw the girl, who happened to trip and fell down.

???: Oh... Oh no, it looks like I fell down again. I'm such a klutz.

Issei blushes after seeing the girl's panties, but he got off his bike and helped her over.

Issei: Hey, are you okay? Here, let me help you.

???: Oh, thank you so much.

After helping her, Issei froze when she saw the girl's beautiful face.

Issei: Who... are you?

To be continued...

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