Episode 4 - My Priestess' Name

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In the continuation from the last episode, Issei has encounted a young blonde hair girl.

Right now, they are talking with each other while sitting on a bench.

Issei: So, are you a tourist?

Girl: Oh no, not really. As a matter of fact, I just happen to be assigned to serve the church in this town.

Issei: I see, so you're a nun. I can tell by your uniform.

Girl: I'm so glad to run into someone kind like you. I guess someone is looking after me.

Issei: *blushes*Y-Yeah.

Issei then begins to hear someone's cry as he looks around.

GIrl: Are you okay?

Issei: It sounds like somebody crying. Ah!

Issei then spotted a boy who was badly hurt and ran over to him.

Issei: Hey, are you okay!? What happened?

Boy: *sob*I tripped, and my leg... *sob* *sob*

Girl: Oh dear!

The girl then ran over and checked the boy's leg. She then rubbed his head to comfort him.

Girl: You shouldn't cry over a scrape. Don't worry, you're going to be fine.

Issei: We should take him to a doctor, it's close by.

Girl: No no, please let me handle this.

The girl then put her hands on the boy's injury, and her rings on her hands started to glow green. Surprisingly, the boy's injury started to heal.

Issei: I... can't believe it. She healed him.

Girl: You see. There's no reason to cry at all, you're fine. *turns to Issei*It's all done now.

After that, Issei decided to give the girl a ride on his motorcycle.

Issei: *thoughts*Just how did she heal that boy's wound back there?

Girl: Um, I'm sorry for wasting your time to get me where I'm going.

Issei: Don't worry about it, I still have plenty of time before school starts.

Girl: ...You must be surprised of what happened.

Issei: Oh no, not at all, actually that's kind of a cool power you got there.

Girl: Thank you for saying that. I considered it to be a gift and a blessing. Truly, it's wonderful...

Issei begins to wonder why the girl is so sad on the last part.

GIrl: ...Ah! You can stop, we're here.

Issei then pulled over, and the girl got off.

They both then see the church up ahead.

Issei: Oh yeah, that does look like the church to me. I heard it's the only one here in this place.

Girl: Thank goodness I found it, I don't know what'll happen if I got lost. I want to thank you properly, but...

Issei: Yeah, I still have school.

Asia: But really, thank you so much for bringing me here, it was really sweet of you. My name is Asia Argento.

Issei: Issei, Issei Hyoudou. And you're welcome.

Asia: Issei? That's a wonderful name. Meeting you here was a blessing, and it's one I won't forget. I hope to see you again.

Issei: Y-Yeah, me too.

Asia: If you ever have some time, then come by and see me at the church. I will be waiting there.

Issei: Of course, I'll see you soon.

Asia: *nods*Mm. Well then, I'll be seeing you.

Issei then continues to observe Asia walking to the church. But he started to frown.

Issei: *thoughts*Although, she's been talking to me as if she's being forced to. It's probably nothing, but...


Issei and Shun are having lunch in the cafeteria.

Shun: So, you helped out a nun earlier, a sister?

Issei: Yes, her name's Asia, and she was very sweet. I helped her get to the church before coming here. I think I just made a new friend.

Shun: *chuckle*I'm happy for you, Issei. I knew you would get used to things around here.

Issei and Shun then heard the girl's and boy's cries at the appearance of Rias.

Rias then continues to walk to Issei.

Rias: Ah, Issei. There you are.

Issei: President Rias?

Rias: Come with me, there's something we need to discuss.

Issei and Rias then are in the lobby, alone.

Rias: Issei, I heard recently you've gone near the church.

Issei: Yeah, a nun named Asia was looking for the place, so I took her there.

Rias: Listen to me, you must never go near the church again.

Issei: Why would you say that?

Rias: For devils like us, churches can be enemy terriories. Setting foot inside will create major problems for both angels and devils. Even though you're not a devil as of yet, the churches are affiliated with exorcists whom also behave like fallen angels. They can really hurt you.

Issei: ...I understand.

Rias: I'm sorry, I got too worked up. I only want you to be careful, that's all.

Rias then walks away.

Issei: *thoughts*President Rias is actually caring about me. But even so...

He then remembers Asia's innocent face.

Issei: *thoughts*I don't think Asia knows who I am and has an intention of killing me. I can tell that based on her words. But there's still that forceful talking and smile of hers I picked up.


Issei is down with school and is riding back home on his motorcycle.

As Issei stops at a stoplight and waiting, he then sees a familiar face. A familiar nun to be more precise.

Issei: Hey, isn't that...?

Issei then rode all the way to the sidewalk, and he was right to recognize her, it was Asia.

Asia: Issei?

Issei: Asia, it is you!

Issei and Asia then began to walk and have a conversation, while Issei is dragging his bike.

Asia: What a coincidence, meeting you again. It must've been fate

Issei: What are you doing out here, Asia? I thought you were at the church.

Asia: Oh, well I want to explore this town a bit. I thought I should make more use of my time, suddenly arriving here and all.

Issei: Well, I can show you around.

Asia: Really!? Are you sure?

Issei: Why not? This city is where I used to grow up back when I was a kid. Besides, I'm more into helping people than to leave them be.

Asia: Than you so much, Issei!


Issei then began to blush in embarassment when he hears his stomach growling.

Asia: *giggles*

Issei: Heh heh, I guess we can start off with finding a place to eat.


Issei took Asia to a ramen shop, where they already bought their meals.

Issei is seen blowing his noodles repeatedly until he decides to eat it... But it was still hot.

Issei: Tss!

Asia: Are you okay?

Issei: Yeah, I'm not use to eating food that's hot.

Asia: I'm surprised for you to take me to a place like this. The food here looks delicious.

Issei: My sister used to take me here, and it's my favorite place ever since.

Asia: You have a sister?

Issei: Yeah, I do.

Asia: Are you living with her?

Issei: No. I actually transferred to another school before I came back. But my sister still has to do work over there.

Asia: I see.

Issei: Hey, your ramen is getting cold. It's still best for people like you to eat something while it's still hot.

Asia: Oh, right!

Asia grabbed her chopsticks and tasted her noodles. And Issei smiles and chuckles while enjoying their meals.

Issei and Asia stop by an arcade, the same arcade Issei and Yuuma went.

While walking around, Asia saw a crane game filled with stuffed animals of a yellow mouse with black stripes.

Issei: I see you like stuffed animals too.

Asia: Eh!? N-No, not all. Well sort of... Yes.

Issei: "Racchuu-kun", huh? I heard it's pretty popular in this city. Hang on, I'll get one for you.

Asia: Really? Thank you.

Issei then puts the coins and successfully got one of the stuffed animals.

Asia: Thank you so much, Issei. From now on, everytime I look at this little guy it'll remind me how much it was a blessing to get to know you.

Issei: Ah, no really, it's nothing. I played at this arcade a hundred times, so it was easy. Come on, there's still plenty of stuff left to see.

Asia: Thank you. This is really special. Even if it's only for today...

Issei and Asia then took a break at a park (another park).

Asia: You know, I can't imagine the last I had this much fun.

Issei: I'm glad, because I had a great time too. Yeah, the best...

Asia: Issei?

Issei: Oh, sorry. Lost in thought there. Hang on, let me go get something to drink- Ghk!

Asia: Ah, Issei are you okay?

Issei: Yeah, I kind of got hurt the other day. *thoughts*I guess it's from that devil I fought in the sewers.

Asia: Here, let me help you.

Issei then got his wounds healed by Asia's powers.

Issei: Wow, I'm all better now. Thanks, Asia.

Asia: You're very welcome.

Issei: I got to say, I never expect you to have kind of power in the first place.

Asia: Twilight Healing, that's what it's called.

Issei: Not a bad name, where did you get it anyway?

Asia: ...I suppose it's alright to tell you. When I was a baby, I was abandoned by my real parents.

Issei: What!?

Asia: They left me at a church in a small town in Europe. When they told how they found me, I wouldn't stop crying. And so, the nuns took me in. One day when I was 8, a sad little puppy was hurt on the way to the church where I lived. I prayed as hard as I could that god would spare him, then a miracle happened. Because of my power, I was taken to a larger church, and men and women would come everyday for me to heal them when they were injured or sick. I was happy when I found a purpose to help other people. But one day, a man came to a church and I healed him. But he wasn't a man...

Issei: He was a devil?

Asia: Yes, after that, they said anyone who had my power are cursed. So I had to run away.

Issei: Wow, that's just awful...

Asia: But even so, I never forgotten who I am. I say my prayers, and strive to live a good life.

Issei: ...Before I moved out of this town, I was caught in an accident that took my parents away from me.

Asia: Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that.

Issei: At first, when I moved to the other city, I thought my life would be better. But instead, it made it a lot worse. I even lost someone important to me... Someone I loved.

Asia: ...

Issei: After she died, I filled myself with the thought that whoever is near me will get hurt. But I changed ever since I moved back here. My point is Asia, I know how it feels like to suffer. To be all alone, with no one else being there for you.

Asia: It seems the two of us are quite alike.

Issei: Heh, yeah... But unlike those guys that insulted you, I don't care what they said. You are special, and you did helped people. Besides, what kind of person I would be to say horrible things to a friend?

Asia: ...! Friend... me...?

Issei: Yeah, you're my friend. I mean, how can we not after being together?

Issei: You're so kind. Thank you, Issei.

Suddenly, Issei felt a vibe and started looking around.

Asia: Are you okay?

Issei: Somebody's coming.

???: Well isn't that sweet.

Issei and Asia turned and shocked that it was Yuuma(?) who appeared.

Issei: Yuuma!?

Asia: Lady Raynare!

Issei: Ray-? Wait, you know her!?

Raynare: Well well well, I never thought I would see you again Issei.

Issei: What do you want, Yuuma?

Raynare: Oh don't worry, my business has nothing to do with you little boy. Although we could finish what we started for humiliating me. So let's have some fun.

Raynare then used a magic circle to summon a bunch of fallen angel warriors, just like Dohnaseek.

Raynare: It is a shame that I have to kill you, even though you're cute.

Issei: Don't count on it. I beat you once, and I can do it again.

Issei's motorcycle then came out driving itself again, and being in front of him.

Raynare: That thing again...?

Issei then grabbed and put on his belt from the suitcase, and dialed the numbers on his FaizPhone.

FaizPhone: 5-5-5. Enter. Standing By!

Issei: Henshin!


Asia: Issei!?

Raynare: Grrr... Get him!

Faiz: Asia go hide somewhere. Leave this to me.

Asia then went to hide and Issei begins to fight against the warriors.

Issei did some hand-to-hand combat on the angels. He even killed one who lift him up in the air and another one with his own spear.

After Issei defeated the warriors, he was suddenly attacked by another fallen angel with two swords.

Asia: Issei!

Asia then ran up to Issei, who was injured on the ground.

Asia: Are you okay!?

Faiz: Yeah, don't worry. This is nothing.

Asia: Here, let me heal you.

Asia used her Twilight Healing on Issei, and the scrapes and cuts from his armor are getting healed.

Faiz: *thoughts*It's actually working. The pain is almost gone.

Raynare: *evil chuckle*Now then Asia, be a good girl and come with me. And don't even try to run away. After all, your healing powers are far more valuable for our cause than the likes of him.

Asia then hides away her hands.

Asia: I knew it, you're only interested in me because of my power.

Issei then got shocked when he realized something.


Rias: For devils like us, churches can be enemy terriories. Setting foot inside will create major problems for both angels and devils.

*end flashback*

Faiz: So it was you. You were the one who called Asia to that church!

Raynare: My, you find out things quickly. Yes that's right, this girl is actually needed for our cause.

Asia: I'm sorry, I never wanted this to happen, so I ran away.

Faiz: You don't have to apologize, I'm glad you did it. So don't worry, I will protect you.

As Issei walked forward, the fallen angel readied his swords and charged.

Issei dodged for a little bit, then he kicked the angel's hands, making him let go of the swords.

Then, he grabbed his FaizPhone and bends it to form a blaster. After that, he dialed the numbers.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

note: 0:28 to 0:48

FaizPhone: 1-0-3. Enter. Single Mode!

As soon as Issei pressed the trigger, a continuous beam of photon energy was fired. Sending the fallen angel flying and crashing to a pillar.

Issei then dialed numbers on his phone again.

FaizPhone: 1-0-6. Enter. Burst Mode!

Issei then fired three bursts of photon energy, damaging the fallen angel and making him weak.

As soon as Issei puts the phone back on his belt, he grabbed his Pointer and put the Memory Mission in there.

Faiz Pointer: Ready!

He then puts it on his right leg and presses "Enter" on his phone.

FaizPhone: Exceed Charge!

Issei bends down as the photon courses through his right leg, then he side-kick to fire an energy drill.

As the fallen angel is stunned, Issei jumped and performed Crimson Smash.

After making it to the other side, the fallen angel exploded, and showed the Faiz symbol.

Issei suddenly heard a cry from Asia, and as he turned around, Raynare is walking towards Asia.

Faiz: Asia!

Issei tried to run over to her, but Raynare threw a spear of light, which exploded and sending Issei flying to a pillar.

Raynare: Let's make a deal little girl, if you come with me I'll spare your friend's life.

Faiz: Don't do it Asia! I'm alright!

Asia: Issei... Okay, I'll go with you.

Raynare then grabs Asia.

Raynare: Good girl. There's no need to be scared. After the ritual tonight, all your worries and fears will be gone forever.

Faiz: Yuuma! Let go of her!

Raynare: There's no need to be so alarmed, I'll take very good care of her. But I will see you soon, Issei. Until then...

Faiz: No, stop! Asia!

Asia: Goodbye, my friend. I'll miss you.

As Issei continues to run, Raynare and Asia immediately disappear.

Issei then stood still, shocked of what happened.

But then after a moment of silence, he sees the stuff animal he won for Asia back at the arcade.

As Issei walks over slowly, he picks up the stuffed animal and stares at it. He even recounted the time he spent with Asia.

Faiz: No... It's not over Asia, not yet. I will save you, I promise...

To be continued...

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