Episode 7 - Two Families

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Again, it's another school day in Kuoh Academy.

Issei is doing a job of sending out flyers to the entire school.

Issei: Here. Thank you so much. ...Here. Thank you so much.


It started out back at the Occult Research Club.

Issei: So President Rias, I heard you have another job for me.

Rias: Indeed, and this is a very important one. I want you to go around the school, and give out these to the students as much as you can.

Rias shows a piece of paper that shows the Gremory's Magic Circle.

Issei: What is that?

Rias: It's our club's flyer.

Issei: Wait, are you trying to recruit more people?

Rias: No, not really. These flyers are important themselves. When we give these out to the students and are walking around town, my family's magic circle printed on here will glow. This will signal if there's an enemy out there.

Issei: Oh, I get it! That way we can find them faster and defeat them before they cause more harm.

Rias: You catch on quick. Just for the rest of the day, please do your best to deliver out these flyers as much as you can. I'm counting on you, Issei. *winks*

*end flashback*

Issei: *thoughts*Normally someone would say this is lame. But I think this is very important.

Shun: Issei!

Issei: Ah, Shun!

Shun: Whew, thank god I found you. I haven't seen you for a couple of days and I was getting pretty worried.

Issei: Yeah, I was sort of busy in those days. Sorry, I should've let you know sooner.

Shun: It's fine, really. Speaking of which, what are doing with those papers?

Issei: Oh, this? I recently joined a club, and now I'm doing a job of sending out these flyers.

Shun: Wow, you've been here for a few weeks and you've joined a club. That's awesome!

Issei: Thanks. Here, do you want one?

Shun: Sure thing, bud.

After Issei gave the flyer, he sees a student being bullied.

But then, a young woman appeared in front of the bullies and ran away.

Young woman: Are you alright?

Student: Yes, thank you so much! *bows*

Issei: ...Wow, I never thought she would stand up for someone.

Shun: Oh, you mean Souna Shitori? Yeah, I know right? She's the Student Council President of Kuoh Academy. She's prideful and an intelligent person, and ranked 3rd of the most popular girls here.

After her action and dismissing the student being bullied, Souna turns and glares at Issei. Which makes him uncomfortable, thinking he might be in trouble.

But Souna just turns around and walks away.

Issei: What... was that all about?


It shifts back to the Occult Research Club.

Rias: So Issei, did you deliver the flyers like I told you to?

Issei: Yeah, I'm pretty sure I gave out at least most of them around the school. Including to my friend and my classmates.

Rias: Then that should be enough. I'll let you know in some days when to send out more.

Issei: Sounds good.

All of a sudden, everyone present in the club heard the doors knocking.

Akeno: Yes?!

Then, a group of students came in to the club, and one of them in Souna.

Souna: Sorry to interrupt.

Rias: Why hello, Sona. What can I do for you?

Souna: Nothing, I recently heard you recruited a new servant and came here to see it for myself. So, you're Issei Hyoudou, the new transfer student?

Issei: Yes I am, and you must be Souna Shitori, the student council president. *bows*It's nice to meet you.

Souna: I could say the same thing.

Issei: Wait a minute, did she say "servant" just now? How does she know about that?

Akeno: Her actual name is Sona Sitri, and she's not just the Student Council President, she's the heiress to the house Of Sitri, another devil family.

Issei: Wait, are you saying there are other devils at our school!?

Then, the only guy in the student council, who has blonde hair speaks up.

Saji: Rias, I'm hurt to find out you didn't tell your little boyfriend about us. But I suppose if you don't trust with inside info, then it must be not worth much to you, huh?

Sona: It's considered bad form to get involved in the affairs of other households. It's only natural Rias held this back. I apologize or my colleague's behavior, this is Genshirou Saji, my pawn.

Issei: Wow, so you're a pawn too? Then I guess that means we're the same.

Saji: *scoffs*Can it, D-bag. You and your sluts don't deserve to be in the same room of distinguished devils like the Sitris.

Issei: What did you just say!?

Saji: You heard me!

Issei and Saji are staring at each other head-to-head before their masters pulled them back.

Rias: That's enough Issei, calm down.

Sona: You too, Saji.

Issei & Saji: *turns head*Hmph!

Sona: Anyway, the reason why I came is to see your status. Since we haven't seen eye-to-eye, I want to see how much you've improved.

Rias: Well then, since you're so interested I guess there's one way to settle this.

Issei: Oh boy...


Rias' Peerage are at Kuoh Academy's gym, stretching and preparing themselves to play the most dangerous sport known to man... Dodgeball.

note: still sunset

Issei: I thought when you two said that we're going to settle this, I thought you meant do battle, not a sport.

Rias: It's prohibited for fellow devils to engage in combat without permission.

Kiba: Plus, believe it or not, Rias and Sona happen to be good friends, so they always challenge themselves with friendly competitions.

Rias: You played dodgeball before, right Issei?

Issei: Yeah, it's actually a lot of fun back in my old school. Although, I kind of got hit in the face one time... Oh yeah! Before we start, here you go guys.

Issei then passed out headbands to everyone.

Rias: Headbands?

Kiba: Wow, they look nice.

Akeno: We're totally going to look bad-ass.

Issei: Sorry if it looks weird, I just wanted to do something cool before we start. Back in my old school, a person who was very nice to me said that giving out something like this to the team members gives them spirit and courage before going into battle. Also to make sure you're not hitting the wrong person. Thought of this as my way of saying thank you for everything you've done for me.

Rias: That's sweet of you, Issei. In fact, I think they look perfect. Now then everyone, let's get out there and kick some Sitri butt.

All: Yeah!!!

Sona: -It seems you guys are ready.

Sona's team then showed up, ready to play.

As the battle began, it turns out to be way more than what Issei expects.

Both sides use magic to perform deadly throws at each other. Even some of the girls have their clothes ripped and burned off.

Eventually, it turned out the Gremory side is the winner.

Rias: Well now, it seems we are the victors.

Sona: As much as I hate to lose, it was still a lot of fun. Although if it was a Rating Game and not just fooling around, there's no way you could've beat me.

Rias: You really think so? Well, I guess we will know for sure until we actually play the game. but it'll be a while before we worry about that.

Sona: Don't be so sure, Rias. You may never know what's coming up.

Then, Sona and her team walked away.

Issei: What's a Rating Game?


Issei and the others got their stuff and left the club.

Rias is at the window, staring at her servants leaving. But really, she's only focused on seeing Issei.

Akeno: Don't you think it's funny how you're only focused on Issei?

Rias: And what do you mean by that, Akeno?

Akeno: As a devil, he's a massive faliure. He doesn't have any power, only to be relied on by that armor he's got. But at the same time, the clients seem to adore him. No idea what to make of it, but there you go.

Rias: ...

Akeno: Still though, he is trying his best, so-

Rias: But that's not enough. Consider he's only a pawn, the Faiz gear he possesses is a part of him. Despite being a part of this team however, we're only being encountered by more strays who are still pursuing him. I don't underestimate his strength, but if this keeps up, he will eventually break down.

Rias begins to recount the things Issei said to him at the park.

Rias: I must focus on him. After all, he needs me now more than ever.

Akeno: Well, that's very assertive of you.

Rias: Is there a pont you're trying to make?

Akeno: Just remarking that your style is more fair. But I find this commitment fascinating, that's all.

Rias: ...

Akeno: If I may, I would like to go home now.

Rias: That's fine, I'll just see you in the morning.

But after Akeno left, a magic circle appeared, where a person appears in front of Rias...


Issei is back home, and is getting treated by Asia from his injuries in dodgeball.

Issei: Whew, thanks Asia.

Asia: No problem, I'm always happy to help you. Although, I can't believe you got this from playing a sport.

Issei: It wasn't even dodgeball anymore, it was more like a fight to the death. Anyway, I'm going to go wash my face, if you need anything just call.

Asia: Sure thing, Issei.

Issei then got out and went around the back to a sink.

After he washed his face, he turns around to see Rias.

Issei: Rias? Hey, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?

Rias suddenly ran up to Issei and hugged him.

Issei: H-Hey, is everything alright?

Rias: Issei, please. You have to take me.

Issei: T-Take what?

Rias: I need you to take my virginity. And I need you to do it now!


Rias takes Issei to a love hotel, and the lights are all off in the room. He's already on bed and is witnessing Rias taking off her clothes.

Rias happens to be blushing in embarrassment as she does this.

Issei: *thoughts*O-Okay, stay calm. Is this really happening? President Rias seriously wants to do this, with me? What do I do? I really don't want to do this, but if I say no, she'll be angry.

Rias: What's with that look? Am I not good enough?

Issei: What!? N-No, that's not what I meant!

Rias: I've given this a lot of thought and there's just no other way.

Issei: Wait, what do you mean "no other way"?

Rias: Once it becomes known I did with you, I'll finally be free. You are lacking in most areas, so I'll be trusting in your potential.

Issei: Um, okay?

Rias: Besides, what I want won't take a lot of skill anyway.

Rias then get on the bed and slowly pushes Issei till he lies down, while being on top of him.

Issei: N-Not to be mean, but this is kind of sudden...

Rias: You too? I mean, you and I are both virgins and neither has much experience, but we'll figure something out that works.

Rias then takes off her bra, and Issei started to blush to the point where his whole face is red.

Rias: Don't worry, it's okay. All you have to do is put yours into mine, right there.

Rias grabs Issei's hand and put it on her breast.

Rias: Let's start here. I'm a little nervous about this, so...

Issei: Yeah, m-me too...

Rias: You don't need to rush, but take as much time as you need.

Issei: President Rias... I don't know what to say... but I don't know if this is a good idea.

Rias: Does that mean you choose to deny me?

Issei: Wha-!? No, I-... R-Rias!

Issei then thinks quick and hugs Rias.

But then all of a sudden, a magic circle appeared, and someone is appearing.

Rias: *sigh*I had a feeling I came here too late.

Then, someone appeared out of the magic circle, a woman. Who's none other than Grayfia Lucifuge.

Grayfia: Really Rias, you're here with this low-borne? You do realize Sirzechs will be terribly disappointed in you.

Issei: Sirzechs?

Rias: She means my older brother.

Issei: Wait, you have an older brother?

Rias: My virtue is mine to do as I please. How's it wrong to give to whomever I want? And another thing, I will not allow anyone to call one of my honored servants a "low-borne". I don't care if you're my brother's Queen or not.

Grayfia then went to pick up Rias's clothes.

Grayfia: ...Noted. But think, you are the next head of the House of Gremory. So have some respect for yourself.

Grayfia then turns to Issei.

Grayfia: Pardon for the interruption. My name is Grayfia and I'm also a service to the Gremory Family. *bows*We'll get out of your way now.

Issei: O...kay?

Rias: I'm so terribly sorry, Issei. I haven't been in my right mind tonight. Can we forget about this?

Issei: Yeah, sure thing.

Grayfia: Issei? You mean this boy is him?

Rias: Yes, he's my pawn.

Grayfia: *looks close*The one who bears and is possessed by the Crimson Dragon.

Issei: ...! How did you know-?

Rias: I will listen to what you have to say at my headquarters. You won't mind if Akeno joins us?

Grayfia: The Priestess of Thunder? Of course I don't mind. In fact, it's only proper for a noble devil to have her Queen by her side in times like these.

Rias turns and got close to Issei.

Rias: Forgive me for tonight, please?

Issei: S-Sure, I don't mind.

Grayfia: Shall we go, Rias?

Rias: No, I'm going to take Issei home. I can't afford to leave my servant like this.

Grayfia: Very well, then I'll accompany you.


Issei and Kiba are seen walking to the club.

Kiba: You're right, I think there is something bothering her. If I had to guess, it's House of Gremory drama.

Issei: Do you think Akeno might know what's going on?

Kiba: Well she's her right-hand lady, so if anyone were to know, it's her. Unless...

Issei: Unless what?

Kiba: Well, I can think of one reason. And it's pretty bad news.

Then, the two entered the club.

Issei: President Rias, we're here-!

Issei is surprised to see Grayfia, the woman from last night.

Issei: Ms. Grayfia?

Rias: Well it looks like everyone's here, good.

Grayfia: My lady, if you don't mind, may I have your permission to speak openly.

Rias: Alright, let's hear her out-...!

Everyone is surprised to see a magic circle appeared out of nowhere.

Within the flames comes a young-adult man, Riser Phenex.

Riser: Ah, and Riser has arrived to the Human Realm. I've come all this way to see you, my beloved Rias.

Issei: Who the hell is this guy?

Grayfia: This gentleman is Lord Riser Phenex. He's a pure-blooded devil of noble birth, 3rd heir-in-line in the House of Phenex.

Issei: Let me guess, another Devil Family.

Grayfia: He's also the fiancé to the next head of the House of Gremory.

Issei: Wait, fiancé!? To President Rias!?

Rias: ...

To be continued...

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