Episode 8 - A Greedy Phoenix

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It's suddenly shown where Issei is dragging a huge bag up the hills, and is already sweating.

Rias: You're almost there, just a few more feet!

Akeno: Visualize, Issei!

Issei: *pant*C-Coming.

As Issei continues to move, Kiba and Koneko are grabbing a huge load as well. Even Issei's motorcycle, Auto Vajin is also carrying some bags.

Issei kept going non-stop until he's beside Rias.

Rias: I'm surprised you can keep going. Just a little more and we're there.

Issei: Okay...

Issei then saw Asia giving out water to the servants.

Rias: I'm also surprised you told Asia to come along.

Issei: Well, I can't just leave her at my house. Besides, she could be a great help in our training.

Rias: Right, and I assume you know what this training is for?

Issei then stayed silent, remembering the continuation from the last episode.


It's seen Riser, who sat down while enjoying his tea.

Rias: You know what I'm going to say, Riser. Let it go, why don't you understand that I have no intention of marrying you?

Riser: But darling, Riser believes your family's circumstances are still not afford you to be so selfish.

Rias: I won't bring my family to ruin! You have no right to involve in our right, and my husband will be choice.

Riser: Did you forget  that we devils have to remain pure-blood? We;re still recovering our numbers from the last war. Besides, your father and Sirzechs have already arranged this engagement for the future of devils.

Rias: My father, brother, and the rest of my family made this decision because they're too great a rush. For the final time Riser, I will not marry you.

Riser: And for the final time Rias, Riser bears the reputation of the House of Phenex. So swaying our good name is unacceptable.

Their eyes began to glow as they're about to burst out any minute, but Grayfia stepped up.

Grayfia: That's enough! My lady Rias, Lord Riser, as you know I'm here by orders from Sirzechs. Which means there will be no disruption of peace. My master anticipated this conflict of some-sorts. As such, he assigned me with a last resort should communications break down.

Rias: Of course he did. Would you be a little more specific?

Grayfia: If my lady insists on putting her personal preferences above those in her family, she is to settle this in a Rating Game with Lord Riser.

Issei: Wait, that sounds familiar... Oh yeah, Sona mentioned that didn't she?

Kiba: It's a game noble devils play with each other. Long story short, they and their servants battle to compete on who wins.

Issei: Similar to chess?

Akeno: Exactly, that's the reason why we're bestowed with individual powers inspired by what we call, Evil Pieces in order to play the Rating Game.

Riser: Hmph, Riser has played through numerous and scored several wins for himself.

Akeno: He only knows only mature devils are only allowed to participate, so it's not like Rias has an opportunity here.

Issei: So, we're at a disadvantage?

Koneko: We've got more to worry about that that.

Riser: Honestly Rias, I've got to ask. Is this adorable little group your servants, are they all you have?

Rias: And what if they are?

Riser then summons a magic circle, summoning all his servants.

Riser: Riser has 15 pieces. In other words, I have a complete set. Now do you understand, my darling? You can't defeat me with your numbers, so I suggest you should submit to me.

Riser returns to touching Rias's chin and continues to mock and tease her.

But then, Issei pulled a fast one by getting in front of Rias, and slaps Riser's hand out of the way.

Riser: ...?

Rias: Issei, no!

Issei: I don't know what's your problem. But stop treating President Rias as your personal toy!

Riser: And who might you be?

Rias: Issei Hyoudou, he's my pawn.

Riser: A pawn standing up against Riser? *chuckles*Oh Rias, this is why your family arranged this marriage for us. You couldn't even keep one of your servants in tact. Wouldn't you agreee... Mira?

Suddenly, a little girl wearing a white haori and red obi, with blue hair attacks Issei with her staff right in the stomach.

Then, she sended him flying to the ground, much to everyone's shock.

Rias: Issei!

Issei started grunting in pain from that attack.

Rias: I'm here. Please talk to me. Are you alright?

Issei: *grunt*Dammit... got caught off-guard.

Riser: He should be ashamed of what he did, after all he lost to the weakest of my peerage.

Rias: ...Grayfia, tell my brother I agree to the Rating Game.

Grayfia: I will inform him immediately.

Riser then started to walk away.

Rias: Riser... Believe when I say we will annihilate you.

Riser: I'm looking forward to that, dear. Riser will see you at the game.

As Riser left, Issei continues to see his departure, while being angry.

Rias saw Issei being angry, despite him being hurt.

Rias: Issei...

*end flashback*

The Gremory Peerage have reached the mansion where they will be training.

Asia: Wow, how beautiful!

Rias: Alright guys, let's go inside and begin our training.

As expected, everyone is inside and began changing to their fitting clothes.

For Issei's situation, he's changing in his room with Kiba.

But while changing, Issei is looking down, filled with doubt.

Kiba: Is something wrong, Issei?

Issei: Nothing, just kept thinking about what happened earlier with that Riser guy.

Issei meant the time where he was beaten by one of Riser's pawns.

Issei: Hard to believe I got beaten by his "weakest" pawn. Guess that means Riser is no push over.

Kiba went in and put his hand on Issei's shoulder.

Kiba: Don't be so hard on yourself because of what happened. What matters right now is winning the Rating Game, so let's focus all our energy in the present instead of the past. 'Kay?

Issei: Kiba... You're right.

The whole team is outside, and Issei already transformed to Faiz, facing Kiba in a sword match.

Faiz: Here I come, Kiba!

For a little bit, Issei and Kiba are doing some sword fighting, and both sides aren't hitting each other.

However, Issei's form of fighting with a sword is kind of a Jedi-like style with a lightsaber.

Kiba: Your skills are a little off. Remember, when you're facing an opponent, always widen your field of vision. Don't always focus on others attacks and weapons, keep an eye on your opponent too.

Issei and Kiba then stared at each other while they're blade-to-blade before they slide back.

Kiba: Come on, I know you can do better than that!

Faiz: Don't say I didn't warn you.

Next, it was Akeno's turn to teach Issei something.

Issei: Wait, I can do magic?

Akeno: Uh huh, since you're now a devil, it's time you became aware of the aura and magic surrounding you and try to stream it to a focal point.

Issei: Got it. Like this?

Issei stretches out his hand and tries to focus. While Akeno comes in to help.

Akeno: Let the image of light flow through you to release your magical power. ...Here, let's use this as an example.

Akeno grabs a water bottle and uses her magic to crystallize it into ice.

Issei: Whoa, I kind of wish I can do that.

Akeno: And you can. As long as you visualize and concentrate, you can master elements like fire, lightning, or ice.

Issei: Don't know if it will work, but I'll give it a try.

Issei reaches out his hand, facing another water bottle and closes his eyes. He slowly visualizes the outcome and concentrates hardly.

Slowly, the water bottle began to shake, seeing the water boiling inside. Then suddenly, it explodes.

Issei: Ah, I did it? Akeno, I did it-!

Issei then looks at Akeno's shirt wet, and can almost see through her breasts.

Akeno: Way to go, Issei. Although, it seems you need little more control.

Akeno then sees Issei turning away and closing his eyes, blushing on the side.

Akeno: Are you okay?

Issei: Uh, yeah. It's just, can you go put on another shirt, please?

Lastly, Koneko is sparring with Issei. However, Issei isn't using his Faiz Gear against her.

Issei is first seen being sent flying to a tree.

Koneko: That was lame.

Issei: *pant*One more time!

As Issei charged, Koneko quickly swept him into leg-choke hold, already struggling and feeling the pain.

Koneko: You got to aim more towards the body at a central axis and learn to strike with precision right towards its core.

Issei: *grunt*You mean... to aim at the center of the body? Right at the heart of the enemy?

Koneko: Yep.

THen, Koneko began to twist her legs a bit more.

Issei: Aaaaaaggggghhhhhh!!!


Issei is seen cooking in the kitchen with Asia.

Issei: Ow... Man, Koneko can sure be emotionless when doing training.

Asia: Are you sure you're alright, Issei?

Issei: Yeah, don't worry about me. Anyway, thanks for helping me cook tonight's meal Asia.

Asia: You're welcome. Besides, I don't want you to do this kind of thing alone.

Then, after some time, it was time to eat.

While everyone is eating, Issei looks around to see everyone eating.

Akeno: ...Thanks for assisting us in our training, Asia.

Asia: Oh, you're welcome. I still wanted to pay back to you all for saving me after all.

Issei: *thoughts*...How long has it been? Since eating with people so close?

Issei then saw Rias smiling at him, which he returns by smiling back.


It's night time, and Issei is taking a stroll around the mansion, not being able to sleep.

But it didn't last until Rias spotted him.

Rias: Issei?

Issei: President Rias! Why are you still up? It's getting kind of late.

Rias: Such perfect timing. There's something I need to chat with you.

Issei and Rias are outside in a spot. Which Rias already explained about their plan for the Rating Game.

Issei: ...I see. So that's the attack plan?

Rias: It is, but it's not a very good one. According to this manual, there's a lot to be worried about.

Issei: But you hardly even sleep and worked hard on this. So it has to work, right?

Rias: Doesn't matter now. You know we're up against Phenex, right? His ability comes from his beast's family's name: immortality.

Issei: ...! Hold on, isn't that even allowed in this competition? How's that possible?

Rias: It just is, he's indestructible. He regenerates immediately after an attack. Ever since the Rating Game has been put to effect, the House of Phenex has been dominating the playing field. They always have the highest score, so, I can't say I'm surprised.

Issei: ...I'm just glad you're refusing this marriage proposal, President Rias. I can't believe your family would force you to marry to the likes of him.

Rias: That's because of my title to the House of Gremory, and I'm not ever known as "Rias". The Gremory Family will always come before me, but I always got adjusted to it and lived things accordingly. Although, when it comes to marriage, I want to share to someone who loves me as "Rias", not my status. I understand that my idealism of love is a dream, but it's one I like to keep.

Issei: *thoughts*Loving her as "Rias", but not as a title... That's just like me, with Yuuma and her...

Issei then walked up to Rias.

Issei: I don't care about your title, I like you for who you are. I mean, look at everything you've done for me. Even though it's not true, you saved me, from my loneliness and despair. I just hope that I can pay you back for everything you've done.

Rias was surprised by what he said.

Rias: Issei...

Issei: I can't say for sure if we're going to win, but I can say for sure we're not going to lose. And I can be confident that what you're doing is the right thing. That's why if you're going down that path, then I -- we are coming with you.

Rias: You really have a lot of faith in me, don't you?

Issei: Of course I do, because... I believe in you.

Rias then slowly went down to Issei.

Issei: What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?

Rias then suddenly hugs Issei to her breasts.

Issei: P-President Rias!? What are you-?

Rias: You... really do say the sweetest things.

Issei: President Rias...

Rias: *giggles*Thank you, Issei.

The two continue to stay like that the rest of the night.


It's now the day where the Rating Game begins, and Issei and everyone else are getting ready.

Rias: Alright, is everyone ready?

It shows scenes where Koneko, Kiba, and Akeno are getting themselves ready. Then it shifts to Issei.

Rias: Issei?

Issei just opened his suitcase, assembled the gear on his belt, and puts it on.

Issei: Yeah, I'm ready.

To be continued...

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