Mischief 1: Chaos Awakens

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A girl with black-brown hair stood next to a girl with blonde hair, the two of them were watching Kamen Rider Zi-O and Another Den-O fight each other. "Hurry, we need to get the DenLiner before Another Den-O does." The blonde haired girl told her younger sister.

"Can we get there without getting hit by Den-O?" The younger sister asked.

"We have to, that is the only way to save the DenLiner, Carter." The older sister, Kaylee Oliver, told her younger sister, Carter Oliver. Carter looked at Kaylee and nodded to her gently.

"Let's go." Kaylee ran to the DenLinear while holding Carter's hand. Carter followed Kaylee. As they got to the DenLiner, Kaylee got both of them into the DinLiner. Kaylee check to see if the Another Den-O is going after the DenLiner but to see that Another Den-O is fighting against Kamen Rider Zi-O.

"This is huge." Carter said in awe. Kaylee nodded and see Ryutaros. Before Kaylee could called out to Ryutaros, Another Den-O got into the DenLiner and went to the past. Kaylee and Carter hides under the counter away from Another Den-O's view. They waited until none of them hear Another Den-O so they crawled out from under the counter.

"This is not good at all." Kaylee murmured. Carter nodded agreeing with her older sister.


Kaylee woke up with a blistering headache as she sat up. "Carter...?" The 23 year old female asked as she looked around, people gave her weird looks as she stood up and dusted herself off. "Carter?" Kaylee sighed, realizing at the moment it was hopeless to find her sister. Kaylee pulled her phone out and read the date. 'August 1st.' "How..." Kaylee whispered, she found the nearest person. "Excuse me, but what is today?"

"Hm? Oh uh August 1st 2009." The person told Kaylee and then kept walking.

"I traveled back in time... so right now I'm in America, luckily I won't run into my younger self." Kaylee sighed in relief as she scrolled through her phone and texted Carter.


Carter, are you ok?

Kaylee sighed in relief when her phone dinged, seeing Carter's message.


Mhm, I'm ok, I don't know where I am...

Kaylee frowns at her sister's message.


Can you describe the area to me?


It's hard to describe...

Kaylee doesn't like the answer at all. Without knowing where her younger sister is at, she has no way to get to Carter.


Carter, we are in the wrong time.


So, what year are we in?


We are in August 1st, 2009


Oh... ok... Nuna, will I be able to find you? Is there anybody in this year that you know?

Kaylee raised an eyebrow and sighed.


Yeah, but I don't know where the two boys are... ask around if you can find somebody names "Daiki Kaito" and once you find him, tell him "My sister, Kaylee, is looking for you."

Kaylee put her phone in her pocket and sighed again as she walked around again. The sky soon became dark, knowing her sister was out in the open scared her greatly, but she knew she could take care of herself. Kaylee sat against a building and fell asleep.


Roughly a week later, Carter is seen sitting on the side of a fountain. "I've asked everybody... nobody knows where Kaito Daiki is..." Carter looked up from watching the water, she heard something, a voice?

"Don't be afraid, Order, I'm here to find your sister." Carter blinked at the voice, it was a small tiger with wings. "I'm Tora from the Nexus Kingdom, you and Chaos have to help us before Shocker destroys our home!" Carter gave a confused look before sighing.

"You're telling me that, me and my Nuna have to help you and the Nexus Kingdom before Shocker destroys it?" Carter asked.


"You also just called me and my sister, "Order" and "Chaos", what is that?"

"You and her are Kamen Rider Order and Kamen Rider Chaos, alone you two cause a great threat to the universe, especially without me and Fang."

"You said something about "Shocker" too, who are they?"

"Shocker are the evil organization that has been threatening to the universe by changing. They have been around since 1971 and possible before 1971. Chaos told me the story about Shocker. So your sister know who the Shocker are."

Carter listen to Tora as Tora is telling what is Shocker to her. Carter nodded as she understand. "Who is Fang?"

Tora smiled at Carter. "Fang is your friend and partner."

"Is this Fang looked like you or no?" Carter asked as she was wondering who Fang looked like.

"No. He is coyote. The only difference between me and him are the crown. He has little moon symbol while I have little star symbol."

"Fang sounds really cute." Carter said cheerfully.

"Eh he kinda is." Tora mumbled as she sat on Carter's shoulder. "Have you found the thief and the Destroyer of Worlds yet?" Tora asked.

"Thief? Destroyer of Worlds??" Carter asked.

"The thief is called Kaito Daiki, aka Kamen Rider DiEnd, the Destroyer of Worlds is Kadoya Tsukasa, Kamen Rider Decade." Tora explained to the young female.

"Oh... no I haven't yet, I've been looking for Kaito-san, but no luck, Kadoya-san on the other hand, I haven't heard from him either." Carter mumbled and looked down.


"If only I had Tsukasa or Senpai's number." Kaylee groans as she walked around. Kaylee let out a frustrated sigh as a coyote with wings and a crown sat on top of his head. "Ahhhh moeeee! Fang get off me!" Kaylee growled as the coyote flew off her head.

"We need to find Carter!" The coyote, Fang, growled back.

"I know that!" Kaylee snapped at the fairy. A sudden scream erupted from out of nowhere. Kaylee looked at Fang before grabbing the fairy in her hand and runs to where the scream came from. "The hell...?" Kaylee gasped as her eyes widened, in front of her stood Narutaki, with none other than, Carter, who was struggling to free herself from the evil males grasp. "Carter!" Kaylee screams.

"Kaylee!" Carter screamed back, Narutaki turns his head to see Kaylee standing there.

"You gotta be kidding me... Damn you Decade!" Narutaki yelled. Kaylee raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Ah ah, now now, Narutaki, put the girl down and I won't hurt you." A male with dark colored eyes, light brown hair, with lightish skin, wore a white v neck with a black and pink colored jacket along with dark blue jeans and pink sneakers.

"Tsukasa..." Kaylee smiled, and turns back to Narutaki who still had ahold of Carter. Kaylee glared at Narutaski. "Let's my sister go!"

"Maybe I don't wanna, she could make a good shocker~" Narutaki smirked. Kadoya Tsukasa, Kaylee and Kaito Daiki, growl as the two riders pull out their Decadriver and Diendriver.

Tsukasa pulled out a card and smirked, "Henshin!" He yelled as he swiped his card across his driver.

"KAMEN RIDE: DECADE!" The Decadriver yelled as he henshined into Kamen Rider Decade.

"No one makes my sister into Shocker," Kaylee snarled. Carter struggled to get free after hearing Narutaki say something about her make a good shocker.

Daiki pulled out a card and swipe it, "Henshin!"

"KAMEN RIDE: DIEND!" The Diendriver said as he henshined into Kamen Rider Diend.

Both Tsukasa and Daiki attacked Narutaki which caused him to lose the grip on Carter. Carter escaped from Narutaki and ran to Kaylee. While Tsukasa and Daiki are fighting against Narutaki. Carter got to Kaylee as Kaylee has her arms open to hugs Carter.

"Are you ok, Imouto?" Kaylee asked. Carter nodded. When Carter looked up she saw Tsukasa thrown to the ground by a shocker.

"Decade!" The young child screams. Kaylee looked at Carter and stands up she looked at Tora who was in Carter's pocket.

"Tora! Chaos needs you to henshin!" Fang said, Tora looked over at Fang and nods as the Tiger fairy and the Coyote fairy switch partners. Kaylee looked at Tora as the, 23 year old female pulled out a new driver, the Creadriver.

"It's now or never." Kaylee mumbled as Daiki hit the ground next to Tsukasa, Carter ran over to the two riders. Kaylee took a deep breath and put the driver on.

"Galaxy locked in! Tiger locked in! READY? OK!" The Creadriver yelled as Kaylee hit two buttons on the side.


"Create the Galaxy~!!!!" The Creadriver yelled yet again as Kaylee stood there as Kamen Rider Chaos, the helmet resembled a tiger in a way, it had rounded ears on top, while the eye part was a purple-black color.

"I am Kamen Rider Chaos, don't get in my way." Kaylee growled as she looked at the shocker.

"Kamen Rider Chaos..." Daiki mumbled as he sat up.

"I wonder if we get new cards." Tsukasa asked himself. Kaylee ran at the shocker and kicked it roughly, she immediately pulled out her weapon.

"Star Bow!" She screams as she summons an arrow and placed it into the slot and pulled the arrow back. "FIRE!" She yelled and shot the air into the shockers chest destroying it.

Carter watch her sister transforms and destroyed the shocker. She really wanted to help her older sister. Tsukasa and Daiki looked awe after seeing that Kaylee destroyed the shocker. Kaylee looked at Tsukasa, Daiki, and Carter. "Nuna..." Carter whispered amazed as she helped Tsukasa sit up.

"Thief Boy, Destroyer Boy, it's good to see you." Kaylee said with a smile.

-End Chapter 1-

Star: Hey everyone. If you think I copy this story from my friend, then you are wrong. I did this so our book can spread out to any of our followers who would like to read this.

Kookie: She is right

Star: Well I better get going and get chapter 2 finished up. Come on Kookie

Kookie and Star: *left*

Carter Oliver/Kamen Rider Order/Fang/Kookie belongs to beyondsevenexokidsx. Tsukasa Kadoya/Kamen Rider Decade and Daiki Kaito/Kamen Rider Diend belong to Toei. Kaylee Oliver/Kamen Rider Chaos/Tora/Star belongs to me

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