Mischief 2: Order Arise

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Kaylee dehenshined as she is still smiling. Daiki and Tsukasa was shocked when they realized who Kaylee is. Carter looked confused with the nickname that Kaylee has called to Daiki and Tsukasa.

"Kaylee, is that you?" Daiki asked. Kaylee nodded as she smiled brightly.

"How?" Tsukasa asked as Daiki nodded agree with him. "You should be in America."

Kaylee rubs her neck. "It's a long story." Carter kept staring at Tsukasa and couldn't help, but start blushing when he suddenly smiled.

"I'll get it from you later." The male destroyer of worlds said with a smile as he turns his head to the pixie haired girl next to him. "Carter... right?"

Carter froze in her spot almost instantly, "Y-yes, Kadoya Tsukasa-oppa..." Tsukasa looked at Carter and shyly smiled.

'She's kinda cute...' The male rider thought as he turned his attention to Daiki and Kaylee who were laughing amongst themselves. Deciding to join in he said, "We should catch up, maybe the amusement park?" Daiki and Kaylee look at Tsukasa and nod.

"Mhm sure." Daiki replied.

"Why not, but we also should keep an eye out for shocker." Kaylee explained as the three of them started to away, leaving Carter standing there alone.


While the others were enjoying rides, Carter was sitting on the ground holding everybody's stuff.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"I don't think so Order." Tora said as she sat on Carter's shoulder.

"You might've." Fang said with a snicker, his devilish side sliding out a little.

"Fang." Tora grumbled.

"It's the truth." Fang shot back at the tiger fairy with a small huff.

"Remember what happened last time when you say that." Tora said as she glared at Fang.

"It wasn't my fault, Tora. It's just happen." Fang said pointed out some facts.

Carter looked at both fairies. "What are you talking about?" Carter asked as she was confused.

"That story will be told for another day Order." Tora said.

As they were talking, Daiki, Tsukasa, and Kaylee were talking as they were headed toward Carter and the fairies. "Those Shocker still want to take over the world." Kaylee murmured to them. Both boys nodded agree with her. "We better check on Carter. I felt bad leaving her behind with all the stuff."

"Same here." Daiki and Tsukasa said at the same time caused both to glared at each other.

Kaylee laughed at Daiki and Tsukasa as she knew that they still don't like each other. "Stop glaring at each other and accept it that you both agree." Kaylee said as she sees her younger sister.

Carter sees her older sister, Daiki, and Tsukasa walking back. Carter was blushing a little when she sees Tsukasa. Tsukasa walked over to Carter and put his arms around her neck. "I-" Carter was speechless. Tsukasa smirked as he pulled off his camera around her neck.

"Carter? Are you ok?" Daiki asked as he raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"Y-yeah of course!" Carter snapped as she looked away with a small pout.

"Imouto, are you sure?" Kaylee asked as she smirked knowing that Carter may have a crush on Tsukasa.

"Yes!" Carter squealed as she covers her face.

"Ok." Kaylee said with a shrug.

"So Who is ready to go?" Tsukasa asked.

Before any of them answered to Tsukasa, the explosive was nearby caused them to run toward the explosive to find out who set it off. All of them ran and got to the scene to see different Shocker.

"Shocker!" Kaylee growled as she took her Creadriver out and put on her waist.

Before she could transform into Kamen Rider Chaos, the Shocker threw a bomb toward Daiki and Tsukasa to knocked them out. Carter was pushed out of the way by Tsukasa when a bomb was thrown. Carter turned to see Daiki and Tsukasa were out cold.

"Daiki! Tsukasa!" Kaylee and Carter yelled.

"That's it!" Kaylee growled.

"Galaxy locked in! Tiger locked in! READY? OK!" The Creadriver yelled as Kaylee hit two buttons on the side.


"Create the Galaxy~!!!!" The Creadriver yelled yet again as Kaylee stood there as Kamen Rider Chaos, the helmet resembled a tiger in a way, it had rounded ears on top, while the eye part was a purple-black color.

"I am Kamen Rider Chaos, don't get in my way." Kaylee growled as she is pissed that her Senpai is hurt along with Tsukasa. So, she fights against the Shocker.

Carter saw the fight and her older sister is losing the fight against the Shocker. "I need to help Nuna..." Carter mumbled. "But how?" Carter looked at Tsukasa and Daiki's drivers. "I need to be a rider..." Pleadingly she looks at Tora and Fang, the two fairy animals shook their head in sadness. Carter furiously looked back to Kaylee, who was sent back to the ground.

"Ack!" Kaylee yelps as she tried to throw the shocker off her. Carter's eyes widen a great amount as she stood there, her body shaking in fright. Carter fell to her knees.

"Kaito-oppa... Kadoya-oppa... Nuna..." Carter's eyes fill with tears as her bangs cover her eyes. "N-No!" Carter grabbed Tsukasa's arm, in panic, she was scared. "Kadoya-oppa! Kadoya-oppa!" The 22 year old girl cried out as she shook him.

Tsukasa groans as he opens his eyes, by now Kaylee had dehenshined and was on the ground passed out, Daiki was knocked out next to him. Tsukasa sat up with the help of Carter. "Carter." Tsukasa said grabbing her wrist. "We need to run now."

"But what about Kaito and Nuna?" Carter asked as the two of them stand up.

"We'll come back for them later." Tsukasa said as he pulled Carter along and ran. Carter looked back only to see Daiki and Kaylee being picked up by the Shocker.


Tsukasa sat down as Carter sat next to him, the night... felt cold as the two of them sat there, Tora and Fang were snuggled up into Carter's hoodie that she took off for them. "Nuna..." she mumbled and hugged her knees. Tsukasa looked at her with pity as he pulled one of his hands from his jacket, he scooted close to Carter and draped the other part of his jacket over her.

"I know it's not much... but I'm going to protect you." Tsukasa told Carter as he looked at her, they sat very close to each other, to the point of their arms touching one another, to keep warm.

Carter nodded as she is still hugging her legs. "I am worried about Nuna..." Carter murmured.

"Same here even Daiki too. I am hoping that Daiki is protecting Kaylee." Tsukasa said agree with Carter. He remembers the last time when Kaylee got hurt badly last time that she and Tsukasa were separated. That is when Kaylee was much younger when it happened.

"What if she was hurt or turn against us?" Carter asked.

"I won't let either of them hurt you." Tsukasa mumbled before yawning. Carter blinked at him and blushed, Tsukasa looked at her as he adjusted his jacket. "We should sleep... it's late." He whispered and watched the young female lay down on the ground. Tsukasa joined her and noticed her discomfort.

"Look uh... this will probably be awkward, but it's comfier if you lay against... me..." Tsukasa said as he adjusted his bag as his pillow. Carter nervously nodded as Tsukasa laid down, Carter placed her head on his chest slowly and looked at him. Tsukasa smiles gently and put one of his arms over her. "I'll protect you." He whispered.


Kaylee groans in pain as she sat up and looked around. "Well well, hello there." A man's voice said.

"Where am I? And who are you?" Kaylee asked with a snap.

"Don't you recognize me...?" Kaylee's eyes widened.


"That's right."

"Kaylee! You bastard! Where is she!" A voice yelled, Kaylee knew immediately who it was.


"Shut up you bitch!" Wolfa known as Urga yelled and slapped Kaylee, the 23 year old cried out in pain.

"Kaylee!" Daiki yelled. Kaylee laid on the ground in pain.

"Hmm... Kadoya and Oliver will have fun when I do this... Shitface, turn Kaito evil!" Urga commands a short blonde haired male, who nodded and injected something into Daiki, he cried out in pain.

"Daiki no!" Kaylee cried out only to have the same fate as Daiki.

"Soon.... you two will kill Decade and Order." Urga said with a laugh.


Tsukasa woke up and see Carter in his arms sleeping. He smiled softly liking her but he knew that he needed to wake her up so they can find Daiki and Kaylee. Tsukasa shaked Carter to wake her up. "Wake up."

Carter stirred but still sleeping. Tsukasa looked at her and smirked. Tsukasa hesitated for a second before moving his hand up and rubbed her head gently. "It's stupid..." He whispered, "but I think I love you."

Carter woke up a while later to see Tsukasa, Fang and Tora looking at her. "Those bastards." He hissed as he picked up Carter.

"B-bastards?" Carter asked.

"Shocker, they came by this morning." Tsukasa replies as Carter wraps her legs around him for support. "C'mon let's go find Daiki and Kaylee."

"You don't have to." Daiki's voice echoed in the ally way.

"Daiki." Tsukasa smiles gently with hope. The hope quickly disappeared when the two riders aimed their weapons at them.

"We're here to kill the destroyers." Kaylee said.

"Carter, I'm sorry, I don't wanna force you to do this." Tsukasa said as he sat Carter down and faced her. "I need you to use the Destrodriver." Tsukasa pulled out the driver from his bag.

"You has it the whole time!?" Fang and Tora yell.

"I stole it from bad guys." Tsukasa snapped as he placed the driver on her waist. "Look, I'll transform with you, but you have to fight your sister..." Carter nodded hesitantly as Tsukasa stood next to her and pulled out his driver too. Tsukasa pulled out a card and smirked, "Henshin!" He yelled as he swiped his card across his driver.

"KAMEN RIDE: DECADE!" The Decadriver yelled as he henshined into Kamen Rider Decade.

"Fire targeted! Coyote targeted! READY? OK!" The Destrodriver yelled as Carter hit two buttons on the side.


"Destroy with Fire~!!!!" The Destrodriver yelled yet again as Carter stood there as Kamen Rider Order, the helmet resembled a coyote in a way, it had pointed ears on top, while the eye part was a cyan-white color.

"Kamen Rider Order, prepare to lose!"

The two destroyer riders attacked Kaylee and Daiki who were now Chaos and DiEnd.

The battle seemed endless as DiEnd summoned Ixa and Todoroki to fights against Decade. Decade shooting at Ixa while kicking Todoroki.

"This battle seem like endless here, Carter. We have no choice but to knock them out to get them back to normal." Tsukasa told Carter as he blocks the attack from Ixa.

Order nodded as she blocks the kick from Chaos. Chaos took her dagger out and slashes Order. Order dodged as she backflipped to avoid the dagger. Order knew how good Chaos is with the dagger and hoping that Chaos doesn't used her bow to shoot at Order.

Order held her arm and looked at Decade, he had seemed to pinned DiEnd to the ground. She sighed and summoned her sniper rifle. "Burn Rifle!" she yelled and pointed it at Chaos. "FIRE!" she screams and shot a bullet that flared up with an aqua glow, it hit Chaos, transforming her back to Kaylee and becoming good again.

"Nuna!" Order yelled as she turned back into Carter and ran to her older sister. "Are you ok?"

"Mhm... just sore..." Kaylee said as she sat up to see her sister with a worried look on her face. Kaylee watched Carter's smile appear as Tsukasa and Daiki came over to the girls. Carter stood up and looked st Tsukasa with a gentle smile.

Daiki held out a hand and helped Kaylee stand up. He smiled and pulled her into a hug tightly. "I'm so glad you're ok... I'm pretty sure Kadoya and your sister like each other." He whispered in her ear. Kaylee let out a soft giggles and nods.


"We found an apartment, that's a good size for the four of us... but now we need to find jobs so we can pay for it." Carter mumbled as she sat her bag down on the coffee table. Tsukasa sat down his bag down next to her as Kaylee and Daiki went to go find their rooms. Carter turned her head and looked at Tsukasa, he was staring at her with a nervous small smile on his face, she nervously and slowly laid her head against his shoulder, without a word, Tsukasa slowly put one arm around her waist and stayed like that for a while.

-End Chapter 2-

Star: Well that was fun writing. 

Kookie: Yeah.

Daiki: Star you need to stop being slacking off

Tsukasa: Hai

Star: W-What?! Senpai!

Kookie: Hey!

Star: *looks down and leaves*

Kookie: You should know that she was busy with her work

Daiki and Tsukasa: Oh...

Carter Oliver/Kamen Rider Order/Fang/Kookie belongs to beyondsevenexokidsx. Tsukasa Kadoya/Kamen Rider Decade and Daiki Kaito/Kamen Rider Diend belong to Toei. Kaylee Oliver/Kamen Rider Chaos/Tora/Star belongs to me 

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