Mischief 4: The Beginning

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Narutaki gave out a strong laugh before grabbing the rifle and threw it aside. "You're the weakest one here, you should've never became a rider." Narutaki then threw Order, who slammed into the ground and detransformed. 

"Carter!" Tsukasa and Daiki yell as they run over to her. Kaylee on the other hand felt her white eyes return, in pure anger she attacked Narutaki who already had summoned a Shocker.

"Kaylee! We need to leave now!" Tsukasa yelled as he held Carter in his arms. Daiki ran over to Chaos and pulled her away from the Shocker. 

"Babe, come one, we can handle the Shocker later." Daiki said softly as he watched Chaos turn back into Kaylee.

"Fine." Kaylee said as her eyes went back to her natural purple before turning to leave with Daiki.

Tsukasa and Carter are already ahead of Daiki and Kaylee. Daiki holds Kaylee's hand as they ran. 

When the four of them arrived home, Tsukasa went to Carter's room and laid her on the bed. Tsukasa checking for any injuries on Carter. Kaylee sits on the couch looking down. Daiki sits next to Kaylee and hugs her.

"Carter will be ok." Daiki said.

"I hope so or I will hurt that bastard for hurting my Imouto." Kaylee said.

As Daiki hugs Kaylee, Tsukasa walked into the living room. Both Daiki and Kaylee turn to see Tsukasa. They noticed on his face but couldn't tell if it is good or bad.

"She will be ok but will be resting for at least an hour or so." Tsukasa said.

Kaylee nodded softly but was very worried for her sister. "Tsukasa... do you have feelings for Carter?"

Tsukasa didn't want to tell Kaylee the answer but he nodded slowly. "I do."

"I am glad to hear the answer from you but if you hurt my Imouto and I will kill you." Kaylee warned Tsukasa.

"I promised that I will never hurt your sister. I will always protect her with all of my heart." Tsukasa said.

"Good." Kaylee said before sighed softly.

"Mo stór(My treasure), I know you are worried about Carter but please relax for a little bit." Daiki said as he holds Kaylee.

"Ok, my theif." Kaylee said softly as she lay her head on his chest. Tsukasa made his way back to Carter's room and took a seat. 

"Xiao Lang... (little wolf)" 

Fang walked in and get onto the bed. He lay down as he is worried about Carter. Tsukasa looked at Fang and holds Carter's hand. 

"You do like Order." Fang said.

Tsukasa nodded as he looked at Carter. Fang smiled softly.

"She will need you when the time has come." Fang said.

Tora jumps into Kaylee's lap and lay there. Kaylee looked at Tora and pets her head. Daiki smiled softly.

"Don't worry about Order. She will be strong girl just like you Chaos." Tora said.

"I know Tora but I am worried about Imouto." Kaylee said.

"I know you are worried about your sister but you need to control yourself Chaos." Tora said. 

Daiki pulled Kaylee down against him and laid her down in his arms, with a deep breath in the quietness he said, "You're sister and Tsukasa are cute... but my baby, you're the most beautiful thing ever." he said and kissed her neck gently before laying back holding Kaylee, he fell asleep.


Narutaki were talking to the small boy who is wearing a blue jacket and bead around his head. The small boy named Heure handed the another watch to Narutaki. Narutaki smirked taking the another watch.

"You would only used it to rewrite the history and make someone to become Another Rider." Heure said.

"This would be good for the plan." Narutaki smirked as he is thinking of one person. 

"Who are you thinking of?" Heure asked.

"Just a Rider."


"Kamen Rider Order... aka Oliver Carter." Narutaki laugher wholefully and full of darkness.


Carter let out a soft groan as she opens her eyes. "U-ugh..."

Tsukasa hasn't fall asleep as he is worried about Carter. He heard her and looked at her.

"Carter!" Tsukasa exclaimed.

"W-what happened?" Carter asked as she sees him.

"You was fighting against Narutaki before get knocked out. Your sister was mad when you was knocked out so Daiki has to stop her after Narutaki sent the Shocker out." Tsukasa explained.

"Is Unnie ok?"

"Hai she is. She is worried about you."


When Kaylee heard the talking from Carter's room, she knew she was awake and talking to Tsukasa. Kaylee gets up and walks to Carter's room, Tora followed Kaylee as she is worried something might be wrong. Fang see Kaylee and Tora enter the room and knew that they are checking on Carter. Neither Carter nor Tsukasa see Kaylee and Tora coming in as they were talking.

"Hey Imouto." Kaylee said softly.

Carter turn around and see Kaylee. "Hey Unnie."

"How are you feeling?"

"A little better. What about you?"

"I will be ok, Imouto."

Fang and Tora both knew that Kaylee is not ok not when her little sister is hurt. Carter smiled softly at her older sister and knew that Kaylee is very worried about her as usual. Tora get up on the bed and looked at both sisters along with Fang.

“We both know you are worried each other, Kamen Rider Chaos, Order.” Tora said.

“But, Order, you know you shouldn’t be listening to Narutaki when you knew you are strong in your own way.” Fang said.

“Fang is right, Order.” Tora said. 

Carter stood up out of the bed and looked at her friends, “I need to go on a walk.” she started, the three of them looked at her odd, “I need to clear my head.” she added.

“Let me go wi-“ 

“It’s ok Thief, I can go alone.” Carter lightly snapped at Daiki with a small glare before grabbing her hoodie and her phone. 

“Wait…” Fang said after a few minutes. “SHE LEFT ME!” The wolf fairy yelled angrily. Tsukasa threw himself down onto a chair. 

“Fang, come lay down.”

“You’re not worried about her?” Kaylee asked.

“Oh I am big time, but I want to sleep my worries away, she took her rider belt with her, she should be ok.” Tsukasa explained.


Carter walked through the town, it was evening, the sky set a orange-yellow-pink color over the town, she took a small short breath and looked around, a cyan and black jacket sat in the window of it. “People keep asking who Stray Kids is… since they don’t debut until 2018… and it’s 2009 I should wear something else.” She stepped into the store and looked around before finding the jacket, she found the right size and payed for it before putting her hoodie in her bag and her new jacket on. “Hehe… cute.” she whispered before snuggling into it and walked more.

“Ah, Order.” A voice said, Carter whipped her head around, scared by the voice. 

“W-who’s there…?” She asked. 

“Pika-Boo!” A voice whispered from in front of her. 

Her scream was short due to a hand covering her mouth as the two figures laugh madly before knocking her out.


Night time had fully fallen and Tsukasa was restless, Daiki and Kaylee went to bed, Tsukasa on the other hand tossed and turned on the couch, he looked at the time, reading 10:30pm, it had been 3 hours since Carter went out, and she hadn’t come back yet. It scared him. “Xiao Lang…” The Destroyer rider whispered before hugging his arms. In the dead silence of their apartment he heard the door open. His eyes shoot open and quietly as he could he ran out of his room and saw Carter standing there. “Lang.” He whispered. 

He watched Carter’s small figure turn to him and smile, it was a scared-relieved smile. “Oppa…” Tsukasa walked over and hugged her tightly. Carter felt her eyes turn from scarlet red to an obsidian black, she tightly closed her eyes. “Can we go to sleep?” she asked.

“Mhm…” Tsukasa said and pulled away before going back to his room.

Carter stood there and smirked darkly as she pulled a circle out of her pocket. “Tick Tock.” she said darkly.

-End Chapter 4-

Star: That took little over a month since we last post the episode.

Daiki: Yep.

Star: Senpai! *jumps on Daiki*

Daiki: *yelps*

Kookie: *giggles* Star loves her sempai

Tsukasa: Yep.

Star: *giggles* Until next time on Kamen Rider Chaos

Fang and Tora: Wait! You both need to stop forgetting us.

Star and Kookie: Gomen(Sorry) *bows*

Carter Oliver/Kamen Rider Order/Fang/Kookie belongs to beyondsevenexokidsx. Tsukasa Kadoya/Kamen Rider Decade and Daiki Kaito/Kamen Rider Diend belong to Toei. Kaylee Oliver/Kamen Rider Chaos/Tora/Star belongs to me

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