Mischief 5: The Decade Within

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It was a few days since Carter was attacked, none of the others knew what happened to Carter when she went out for a walk. The short brown haired girl rubbed her eyes as she looked around, they glitched to an obsidian black color before becoming scarlet red again. Kaylee went to check on Carter as Carter slept late. Kaylee knocked on the door of Carter's room.

"Imouto you awake?" Kaylee asked.

"Yeah." Carter replied.

"Ok. You better come to the dining room to get you breakfast before the boys decided to eat the last oatmeal. I swear they really like how I cooked..." Kaylee said.

"Be there in a minute and tell the boys to stay away from my oatmeal or I will yell at them." Carter said remember the last time both Decade and DiEnd took her breakfast.

Kaylee smirked softly hearing her sister says that. While, Daiki and Tsukasa were argue who would take the last breakfast cause them to sneeze. Decade and DiEnd has bad feeling that they shouldn't get on Carter's bad side if they are going to take her breakfast.

"Someone is not going to be happy with us if we took the last breakfast." Daiki said.

"Yeah. Carter is scary like her older sister, Kaylee." Tsukasa said.

Daiki nodded agreeing with Tsukasa. Then both boys see Kaylee walked in smirking at the boys. They knew that Kaylee knew about the last oatmeal that is on the table.

"Imouto says you better stay away from her breakfast or she will yell at you." Kaylee said.

Kaylee didn't see who took the last oatmeal as Daiki took it from the table. Tsukasa distracted Kaylee hoping that he would not get in trouble with Carter. Daiki quickly eats up the bowl of oatmeal and put it back on the table. Carter entered the kitchen to grabs her breakfast. Carter picked the bowl up and was about to eat when she noticed it.

"Who ate my breakfast?" Carter growled.

"Wasn't me as I told the boys to stay awa-." Kaylee said before quiet as she glared at Tsukasa.

"What?" Tsukasa asked.

"You distracted me so Thief boy can take it and eat it all?!" Kaylee snarled at Tsukasa as he gulped.

"DAIKI STOP STEALING FOOD FROM ME." Carter yelled at Daiki.

Daiki gulped as he became paled. Kaylee smirked at Daiki. Carter glared at Daiki and pulled his right ear. Daiki yelped in pain trying to get out of Carter's hand. Tsukasa looked scared so he slips out of the kitchen. Kaylee smirked at her boyfriend.

"Next time, you or Oppa steals food from me. You better pray that you both are hiding from me." Carter snarled. "No more stealing."

"O-ok. No more stealing from you." Daiki said.

Carter smirked as she let go of Daiki's ear. Kaylee shakes her head at her idiot lover. Daiki rubs his right ear feeling painful after being pulled by Carter. Carter looked around not seeing Tsukasa.

"Where is Oppa?" Carter asked.

"I think he slips out after you grabs Daiki's ear." Kaylee replied.

"Ok. I am going to headed to work soon." Carter said.

"Yeah. I need to leave now. See you later, Imouto." Kaylee said as she leaves.

"Bye, Unnie." Carter said.

Carter went back to her room and gets ready to head out. Carter smirked darkly as she took the watch out of her pocket that reveals Another Rider watch. Fang snuck into Carter's room to check on her. Fang has a bad feeling about Carter but tried to tell Kaylee about his feelings. Kaylee just told him to leave Carter alone. So, Fang talk to Tora about it and Tora agrees with Fang. Tora will help Fang to find out what Carter is up to.

"What are you up to, Order?" Fang thought.

"You will die but my hands Chaos, DiEnd, Decade." Carter said dark smirked looking at Another Rider watch. "Especially you, Chaos!"

"I knew it!" Fang thought but continued to watch Carter.


Daiki is wondering where is Carter as she never show up at work. He knew that she is usually appears about a minute before their shift started but Carter never appears in work. That can worried Daiki that there might be something wrong with Carter. Before Daiki can make a phone call, his boss came out and walks toward Daiki.

"Where is Oliver?" The boss asked.

"She said she was coming I wonder what happened." Daiki mumblee and looked around.

"Call her and find out where is she?" the boss said.

"Yes sir." Daiki said as he steps into the employee office.

Daiki took his phone out and dials Carter's number. He waits for Carter to pick up the phone but no answer. Daiki looked at his phone wonder why Carter didn't answer it. Usually, Carter answered the call from him, Tsukasa, and Kaylee but not today. It's went straight to voicemail.

"Carter if you got this message. The boss is wonder where you are. Where are you and why you didn't answer the call?" Daiki said leaving the voicemail on the phone.

Daiki doesn't like the feeling and decided to call Kaylee to see if she has seen her little sister. So, he dials Kaylee's number to call Kaylee. Daiki waits until he hears the click from his phone that Kaylee accept the call.

"Hai?" Kaylee asked while taking a break from her work.

"Have you seen your sister lately? She didn't come to work today." Daiki said.

"Not since I saw her back at the apartment as she says she is getting ready to go to work. That is when I left that time." Kaylee replied.

"I see. She didn't answer the call and you know that she always answer the call from any of us. I am worried that there might be something wrong with Carter." Daiki said.

"...I see. Tsukasa should be getting off work soon so he can check the apartment to find Carter. I won't be able to get off for a while as I am working over shift right now since I am covering someone today." Kaylee said.

"Alright. Thanks mo stór."

"Welcome Thief."

Daiki hangs up the call and went back to work after telling his boss what is going on. His boss accept it and told him that Carter will report to him. Meanwhile, Kaylee hangs up and looks at Tsukasa.

"Tsukasa can you find Carter? She didn't come to work today."

"Sure." Tsukasa said.

"Arigato Tsukasa." Kaylee said.



Fang and Tora watch Carter as they followed her. Carter walks to the park. Tora can sense that there is something is wrong and has a bad feeling about this as Fang already knew and told Tora. Fang told Tora that Carter is not herself as she might be controlled by someone like Shocker.

"Fang, we need to warn others about Order." Tora said.

"I tried but DiEnd ignored me when I told him that something is not right with Order." Fang said.

"He's such a baka."


A sneeze came from a certain thief as he looked around wondering who is talking about him. Fang and Tora saw Carter went into the woods. This is unusual for Kamen Rider Order that the fairies have seen since Kamen Rider Chaos always goes into the woods.

Tsukasa was walking back to the apartment after his work. Tsukasa saw Fang and Tora going into the woods. He is not sure why they went there so he follows them. Tsukasa stays hidden until he saw Carter. Carter took Another Decade Watch out. Tsukasa sees something in Carter's hand but couldn't see it.

"What does she has in her hand?" Tsukasa asked to himself.

Carter dark chuckled as she clicks the Another Decade Watch. She put it in herself and change into Another Decade. Tsukasa was shocked and wonder how she can do that.

"Watch out. Here I comes." Carter laughed darkly.

"I got to stop her but how?" Tsukasa mumbled to himself.

Carter hear Tsukasa and dark smirked. "Come out Decade and fight me."

Tsukasa cursed under his breath as he steps out of the hiding place. Tsukasa looked at Carter. Carter sees him coming out from behind the tree.

"I really don't want to fight you." Tsukasa said.

"Well too bad Decade. Because I will." Cater said.

Carter attacks Tsukasa as Tsukasa henshins into Kamen Rider Decade. Fang and Tora saw Tsukasa and worried. Tsukasa blocks the attack from Carter while trying not to harm her.

"You can't beat me, Decade." Carter taunted.

"I will and I will bring you back to normal." Tsukasa said.

Carter shoots at Tsukasa as he dodged it. Then Tsukasa tackled Carter to the ground to stop the movement from her. Tsukasa punches Carter's in the stomach. Carter coughed and kicked Tsukasa off of her. Tsukasa managed to get up and use the card to swipe on the Decadriver.

"Final Attack Ride: D-D-Decade!"

Tsukasa did a Rider Kick against Carter. Carter screams in pain as she went back to normal and the Another Decade Watch destroyed by Tsukasa. Carter pass out as Tsukasa Delhi shins and runs to Carter.

"Carter!" Tsukasa said.

Fang and Tora came out of the hiding place and went toward them when Tsukasa picks Carter up. Tsukasa sees the fairies and wonder why they are there.

"Why are you two here?" Tsukasa asked.

"We were following Order as there is something not right with her." Fang said.

"So you both were watching her?" Tsukasa asked.

"Hai." Tora said.

"What did she turn into?" Tsukasa asked.

"I believe that is called Another Rider as Chaos would call since that form is usually takes place in 2018 since another Rider called Zi-O fights them." Tora explained.

Tsukasa thinks about what Tora says. Carter groaned softly as she was coming around. Tsukasa looked at Carter and carried her back to the apartment while Tora and Fang followed Tsukasa.

-End Chapter 5-

Star: Took forever as I was the one who writes almost entire chapter except for the small part which Kookie did.

Kookie: *nods*

Daiki: Kookie really need to do most of her part

Star: Senpai!

Tsukasa: Daiki stop teasing them

Daiki: *smirks*

Kookie and Star: *glare at Daiki*

Daiki: *gulps*

Kookie and Star: I'm going kill you

Daiki: *runs away*

Kookie and Star: *runs after Daiki*

Tsukasa: Well they are gone. So if you need to know the wiki about this story, just ask Kookie or Star. See ya then. *vanished*

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