Chapter 6: Busting Through Space (Part 2)

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(In an asteroid belt, Bicarb is seen floating in side space, and then we zoom in to Earth, where Rimbaud is seen looking at him.)

Rimbaud: Steve? (uses his telescope) What the hell are you doing up there?

(Rimbaud starts writing, looking into the skies, pressing some buttons, looking through his telescope again as time passes, and he even falls asleep before resuming what he was doing, and then he looks to see his plan to bring Steve back. He smiles, and then he runs, and then the next scene cuts to a poster of Steve saying "Wanted! Have you seen this Pyro? Reward: 100 keys.", and then Rimbaud takes the poster off.)

Rimbaud: Hang on, Steve, I'm-a coming for ya.

(Then the next scene shows Rimbaud standing in front of his team. Then he starts explaining his plan.)

Rimbaud: First we're gonna build us a spaceship out of scrap metal. Then we're headed to space. Once we're there, we find Steve and Luke's friends, and then we head back home. Any questions?

Lancer: Are we going to space?

Gandhi: No, we're going to Detroit. Dumbass.

(Then the team gathers some pieces to build the spaceship. The Pieces are seen ready to be melted. At Night, they are planning to build an engine which Rimbaud builds, but it malfunctions. Next day, Rimbaud is seen looking at his team bringing some crates, and then Gandhi is seen being helped while building the jet, but Rimbaud presses a button, testing it. Aron is seen attaching a turret into the spaceship, but notices that he accidentally lit up a dynamite in his chest. Gandhi is seen giving some final touches to the jet while supported by his teammates again, but they fall, and so does the jet. Kami has to heal them so they can resume their work. Rimbaud, Dimitri and Kershaw are seen giving the final touches to the spaceship and it eventually is finished.)

Rimbaud: Damn, ain't she a beauty! Nice work, team.

(Back to Bicarb, he is seen still in space as he looks at his diary.)

Bicarb: I'll give a look at my diary.

(He opens the diary and sees the pictures he took. Suddenly he sees a picture flying away.)

Bicarb: Hey!

(He catches a photo of himself and Rimbaud.)

Bicarb: Rimbaud...

(A tear falls from his eyes, and suddenly he trips into a stone.)


(He crashes into an abandoned ship, and suddenly a light shines upon him.)

Bicarb: My mask... uh?

(Then Bicarb sees a UFO.)

Bicarb: Shoo! (destroys the UFO) Phew. (then he looks up to a giant UFO, which opens a door)

Bicard: WHAT?

(The UFO starts pulling him up.)

Bicarb: Oh no. NOOOOOO! HELP MEE!

(Bicarb ends up being abducted by an alien spaceship.)

(Back to the team, they prepare to fly the spaceship as they grab their jets and helmets before Rimbaud presses a button to open the door as they enter it.)

Rimbaud: Y'all oughta grab onto something, it's gonna be a bumpy ride!

(Rimbaud prepares to fly the spaceship, and during the preparations, he drinks his coffee before flying the frigate through Earth's atmosphere, and they end up in space. The team starts having fun while in zero gravity until Rimbaud activates the artificial gravity. They all land on their feet, except for Gandhi.)

Gandhi: No no no...

(Gandhi falls down as Rimbaud turns to the team.)

Rimbaud: Well. We did it, fellas.

(Back to Bicarb, he is seen screaming as he gets inside the alien spaceship ashe gets up and goes to a door.)

Bicarb: That's it?

(He opens the door and gets in a room, where some people are seen in the line.)

Bicarb: That's weird.

(Bicarb picks his number and sits beside the others.)

(Back to space, Rimbaud is seen yelling Bicarb's name as his yell echoes through space.)

Rimbaud: Bicarb! Bicarb? Bicarb, I know you're out there somewhere. Get your mumblin' ass over here! (Angry) Bicarb!

(The Team is seen minding their own business until Lance sees something.)

Gandhi: Uhh, Rimbaud? (Rimbaud turns to him) There's something outside you should see.

(Rimbaud sees Bicarb's gun and goes outside the frigate to catch it.)

Rimbaud: Oh. Hell.

(Then John returns to the spaceship, carrying Bicarb's gun in grief, and then he sees the frigate's fuel is getting low. Dimitri pats his shoulder, and then he sighs.)

Rimbaud: I guess that's it then. Saddle up boys, we're getting back to the ranch.

(They head back to Earth.)

(Back to Bicarb, he waves at a robot.)

Bicarb: Hi there.

(The robot waves back, and then Bicarb sees it's his turn.)

Bicarb: Oh, my turn.

(He gets in the room.)

Bicarb: This is getting weird.

(He walks as he sees people with some parasite aliens in their heads.)

Bicarb: Poor things.

(He goes to the center and gets trapped in a tube)

Bicarb: What the... HEEEELP! GET ME OUTTA HERE!

(Suddenly the parasite falls upon Bicarb's head and controls him..)

(Back to the team, they're seen sleeping in the spaceship.)

Gandhi: Kershaw... What are you doing with my mom?

(Suddenly Rimbaud wakes up, and then he sees something. Deciding to confirm his suspicions, he turns the frigate, and sees the alien spaceship.)

Rimbaud: What in the name of... Guys, fellas! Everyone wake up!

Lance: Oh? I was only pretending to sleep!

Gandhi: Five more minutes, mom...(wakes up) What the...

Lance: What in the name of liberty is that?

Rimbaud: I don't know. I'm running a scan.

(The alien spaceship aims at the team's spaceship.)

Gandhi: Um, Rimbaud? (Rimbaud turns to him) I think it's.. uh, you might wanna, um...

(The alien spaceship shoots the team's spaceship, and deploys its brainwashed troops.)

Gandhi: It's happening. Oh god, it's happening.

Rimbaud: Aw, hell, here they come, boys! Aron, man the gun! Everyone else. Ya'll gotta get get yourselves outta here and fight.

Lance: Sir, yes sir.

Rimbaud: That means you too, Gandhi. Get!

(Then the team grabs their jets, helmets and guns as they prepare to fight the aliens.)

Gandhi: Whoa-ho-ho. Hooo!

(Gandhi shoots down a UFO.)

Gandhi: You see that?

Lance: Oh-Aah!

Gandhi: Man, it's cold here. You think John has made us some space suits, or something... I have so many questions!

(Then Alberto blows up another UFO.)

Alberto: Hehehe! (sees another UFO) Hold still.

(Alberto shoots the UFO down, but gets blocked by it.)

Alberto: Piss!

(Then three UFOs approach the spaceship.)

Rimbaud: Incoming.

Aron: Aye!

(Aron shoots two of them down.)

Rimbaud: Nice shot!

Aron: To the left!

(Rimbaud sees the UFO ready to shoot, and then he accelerates the spaceship as Alberto almost loses balance. In Space, Lance takes down three UFOs and shoves them, besides stomping on one of its pilots. Then Jenson is seen getting hit by some UFOs.)

Dimitri: Kami?

(Then she hears Kami's screams of panic.)

Dimitri: Kami!

(Then he takes down some UFOs.)

Dimitri: Incoming.

(Dimitri takes the Incoming UFO down.)

Dimitri: Get behind me, Kami. (sees Gandhi) Gandhi, help me! (throws Gandhi) Now, Kami.

(Then Kami shoots, and Gandhi destroys various bombers.)

Gandhi: That... really freakin' hurt.

(Back to the Frigate, Aron tries, but fails to shoot the UFOs.)

Rimbaud: What the hell is your problem, son? You're trying to miss?

(Aron is seen still shooting, but his vision is somehow blurry, and then he passes out.)

Rimbaud: Give me that, you boozed up buffoon.

(Rimbaud shoots one of the UFOs, but the other three approach the spaceship, and then Aron drives it. Meanwhile, Kershaw causes one of the UFOs to malfunction while Dimitri shoves another off. Lance is seen trying in vain to bust a bomber, and then Gandhi is seen trying to take two UFOs down, but in vain as well. Alberto blasts a UFO away. The spaceship lures another UFO to crash down, and then Kershaw takes three UFOs at once. Rimbaud is seen trying to get away from the UFOs, but gets hit by a UFO, and then he sees the scanning and clicks a button, seeing the weak spot of the enemy ships.)

Rimbaud: Everyone, get back here! It's time to finish that.

Gandhi: Yo, copy that!

Lance: Roger!

Dimitri: Very well!

(They return to the spaceship)

Rimbaud: Hold on your hats, boys.

(They approach the mothership.)

Rimbaud: Fire!

(Aron shoots its cannon down.)

Rimbaud: Yeaha!

(Unbeknownst to them, an UFO piloted by the mind-controlled Bicarb is chasing after them and shoots one of the sáceship's jets.)

Rimbaud: Darn!

(Then the spaceship falls down while the enemy main fleet is destroyed as well. Then they crash into the ground. Some minutes later, Rimbaud gets out of the spaceship, and sees the team patching up their wounds as the UFOs fall down, one by one. Then the mind-controlled Bicarb gets out of the ship.)

Rimbaud: Bicarb?

(Then Bicarb reveals himself with the alien controlling his mind.)

Rimbaud: Oh, my God. Steve!

(Then the mind-controlled Bicarb uses his weapons to try to shoot Rimbaud, and then they have a brief fight. Rimbaud tries to shove Bicarb's weapon, but gets knocked off.)

Dimitri: Rimbaud.

(Bicarb hits and burns Dimitri before turning to Rimbaud.)

Rimbaud: Wait! Bicarb, wait. (grabs a corn) Come to your senses, boy.

(Then Bicarb tries to shoot, but the corn is shoved at the flamethrower, and the weapon is blown up. Then Bicarb and Rimbaud draw some crowbars and have a brief clash as Rimbaud sees the alien controlling Bicarb, and tries to take it off using the force, but gets blown away, and then Rimbaud gets hit by the mind-controlled Bicarb's crowbar. Kershaw tries to approach him, but gets punched in the face. Then the mind-controlled Steve prepares to choke John, but Rimbaud shoots the alien and Dimitri crushes it. Then they turn to Steve and the others.)

Rimbaud: Bicarb? Bicarb!

(Then the team approaches the scene.)

Rimbaud: Steve, it's me. John, Captain John. Come on, boy. Wake up!

Bicarb: Huh?

Rimbaud: Bicarb.

Steve: Rimbaud.

(They have a hug while the heroes clap along.)

Gandhi: We did it.

Kami: He's back, everyone!

Rimbaud: We got our friend back.

(Then they celebrate their accomplishment.)

Rimbaud: What do ya'll say we get back to the base? Maybe we'll be back in time for breakfast.

Aron: (comes in) Aye! What did I miss?

(Some minutes later, in their hideout)

Rimbaud: Yay! Bacon and eggs, by the metric tonne!

(The team is seen having breakfast.)

Gandhi: And that's how I single handedly saved Saigon.

Lance: You are full of crap.

Gandhi: I just want people to like me.

(Rimbaud is seen making more bacon and eggs until he sees Bicarb looking at the picture.)

Rimbaud: Bicarb?

(Bicarb sees a birdcage.)

Bicarb: Whoo-hoo!

(Bicarb claps in excitement as the phone rings.)

Rimbaud: Hang on, phone's ringing. Alright, quiet down, boys. (attends the phone) Hello?

RED Spy: (comm) Rimbaud? Gather your team. We need your help.

(Then the screen goes black.)

(To be continued)

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