Chapter 7: The RED, The BLU and the Ugly (Part 1)

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(The chapter starts with the scrapped Robo-Mercenaries, along with some dead bodies inside the factory, and then outside of it, we see the heroes walking in the deserted streets as RED Scout decides to mock the BLU Team.)

RED Scout: Hey, other team, wave goodbye to your secret crap.

(He then laughs.)

RED Demomite: I'm bloody proud of you.

RED Soldier: Yeah...

RED Spy: Was there any doubt?

(Suddenly a truck comes in and suddenly they lose the package.)

RED Scout: Ah crap!

(Inside the truck, the BLU Goatee Sniper shows up.)

Goatee Sniper: Piss off, bloody parkers.

(The Goatee Sniper laughs.)

Drake: Somebody stop that filthy, gentlemen.

(The Goatee Sniper is seen with the package in the truck as he laughs, and then he speeds up the vehicle as the heroes chase after them.)

SPi: Let's waste them.

RED Demomite: Whoo-hoo! (jumps in the truck) Hehehehe.

(The Goatee Sniper calls for backup and more BLU Mercenaries come in, driving some jeeps. Wizard stops one of the jeeps while RED Spy sees a BLU Pyro, and kills him before getting in the jeep.)

RED Spy: Gentlemen, move.

Flippy: Let's go.

(RED Fall-out Pyro speaks, but is muffled as usual, and then they start chasing the BLU Team while RED Scout throws a butcher knife which cuts a BLU Soldier, and hits the BLU Heavy's jeep, causing him to crash.)

RED Scout: Yeah, that just happened.

(Then RED Spy and his group are seen in the jeep until the BLU Medic comes in and hits their jeep with his.)

BLU Medic: Oops...

(Then Drake shoots the BLU Medic's steering, causing his jeep to crash into a farm. Then another jeep comes in, and the BLU Spy tries to stab Flippy, who dodges the attack and the BLU Spy tries to pull the knife out, only for RED Spy to brake, and the BLU Spy dies. The heroes resume their chase and RED Fall-out Pyro burns the BLU Soldier driving the jeep. Then RED Soldier sees the Goatee Sniper and gives him a death glare which scares him.)

RED Soldier: You can't hide from me and my fastest...

RED Spy: Stop!

(RED Soldier blows himself away, and gets into the truck, where he is confronted by the BLU Deadly Heavy.)

BLU Deadly Heavy: You! Remember me?

(Then a Flashback happens, showing RED Soldier shooting the BLU Deadly Heavy, and then stabbing the BLU Spy. The next scene shows the BLU Deadly Heavy exercising, and punching a punching bag with RED Soldier's picture.)

BLU Deadly Heavy: This is just the beginning. Did you think I would forget YOU? I am not done with you yet.

(Back to reality)

BLU Deadly Heavy: Did you think you could...

(RED Soldier shoots the BLU Deadly Heavy before he finishes his sentence.)

RED Soldier: Go back to Russia, bitch.

RED Demomite: Good shot, man.

(RED Demomite keeps shooting some enemies and even stabs a BLU Scout. Meanwhile, RED Fall-out Pyro goes to the enemy truck, and uses his axe to bust open the door, and then he looks at a BLU Spy.)

Fall-out Pyro: (Heeeeere's Johnny.)

(The BLU Spy screams in panic. Meanwhile, Drake jumps off one jeep to another, and kicks a BLU Demoman out of it, getting him killed by his own compatriots' jeeps, and then eaten by wolves. Back to the truck, the BLU Goatee Sniper tries to get The RED Soldier and RED Demomite out of the truck, but only RED Soldier falls while RED Demomite keeps shooting, and suddenly he is confronted by a BLU Kamikaze Heavy, who charges at him and explodes, killing both RED Demomite and himself, and the truck gets blown as well. The BLU Goatee Sniper gets out of the truck, only to be pinned down by Kamen Rider Wizard, , and then Mulkiewicz and the other members come in.)

Drake: This did not just fucking happen!

(Then Taylor and Nutty come in while Flippy sees RED Demomite's gun.)

Flippy: You are good, son. Real good. A true american.

(Then a noise draws the heroes' attention. And they turn to see a BLU Scout with some Dark Trooper Parts.)

Flippy: Holy Mary, mother of bilbo baggins. Um... THIS IS ROBOT WAR!

Wizard: Flippy! (throws the BLU Scout to him) Find out who is the boss.

Flippy: Roger that.

(Some minutes later, the BLU Scout is seen tied up in a chair.)

Flippy: Hahahaha! Time to talk, maggot. Which maggot dishonored this entire unit?

(The BLU Scout tries to talk, but his sound is muffled.)

Flippy: If I have to crack some skulls, I will. (starts punching the enemy soldier) I asked you a question!

(Meanwhile outside the truck, RED Scout is seen throwing some rocks at Nutty until they hear a sound.)

Flippy: You should have popped.

(Meanwhile Kamen Rider Wizard is seen with the BLU Goatee Sniper.)

Wizard: Ahem. What the hell is this?

(Taylor shows a Robo-Mercenary's head.)

Goatee Sniper: Piss off, you mongrel.

Wizard: Come on.

Goatee Sniper: PISS OFF!

(The Lego Enemy Officer chuckles at the squadron, and then RED Spy throws a knife close to him.)

RED Spy: Shut up, you repulsive bushman. (pulls the knife and threatens to cut the Goatee Sniper) I'm going to carve you like a pumpkin. Time to make that ugly face a little prettier.

(RED Spy throws the BLU Goatee Sniper down.)

Goatee Sniper: (sighs) Okay. I got hand land precision by...

(Then Flippy shoots the BLU Goatee Sniper, and Kamen RIder Wizard glares at him.)

Flippy: Oh, Hello Taylor.

Wizard: You IMBECILE!

Cuddles: Nice work, moron.

Flippy: Yay.

(RED Spy sees his suit covered in blood.)

RED Spy: My suit.

(Then he sees the real owner of the Robo-Mercenaries.)

RED Spy: Hmm... what's that...

Pan: What's up.

RED Spy: I recognize this. All right.

(Then a camera shows up above RED Spy's hat.)

Flippy: Holy maggots.

(Then RED Spy uses the camera.)

RED Spy: Let's see...

(Then RED Spy changes videos.)

RED Spy: Hmm... nope... (sees the last video) Ah, yes. This is it. Voilá, G. Mann

(Then the heroes find out who is the culprit.)

Drake: Holy crap.

Taylor: Yes, we need to sign the robots... okay.

(Then RED Spy uses his unusual tablet and finds the location.)

RED Spy: Yes. Good.

Cuddles: I'm at a loss for words.

RED Spy: I spell no expense on luxuries.

Nutty: Hey, over here.

Giggles: Hey, Nutty is...

RED Spy: Shut up. I will find them. I will follow them. I will...

Alex: Sniffles.

RED Spy: What?

Nutty: Look.

(Then they find out the address written in the crate.)

RED Spy: Oh, come on...

Handy: Hohoho.

(RED Spy slaps Handy.)

RED Spy: Shut up.

(Moments later, Kamen Rider Drake and his team are seen in the jeeps as Flippy flicks a Robo-Mercenary miniature.)

Flippy: Pow pow. We win again.

Shifty: Mulkiewicz.

Drake: Yeah?

Lifty: Come here.

Drake: Uh...

AV: We'll open the intelligence.

Wizard: What?

SV: We will...

Wizard: Nope. Unacceptable. We're not amateurs.

Lifty: We're doing this.

(Then the four open the package.)

Wizard: No...

(Then they see the package is empty.)

Shifty: Uh... nothing.

Wizard: WHAT?

(Then the jeeps stop)

RED Spy: Impossible.

(Then RED Spy sees the package himself)

RED Spy: This is outrageous.

(RED Spy throws the package down and kicks it, hurting his left foot before returning to the jeep.)

RED Spy: And we're done.

(Then they drive the jeeps.)

RED Spy: Tell no one else.


(Some hours later, the heroes are seen driving to the location of the Dark Troopers' factory.)

RED Scout: Yeah, I could see the base from here. We did it.

RED Soldier: Whoa-ho-ho!

RED Spy: Excellent.

(They get close and see a base.)

RED Scout: Okay, let's go with the planning.

RED Spy: May I make a suggestion?

RED Scout: NO! (calms down) Alright, let's go over the planning.

(Cut to the base, the scenes of Noah's plan are shown. The first one shows RED Scout's action.)

RED Scout: I'll run around and be awesome, fly through a windshield... here I go, perfect landing. Break knee caps, boom, Skull Fracture, go right, um... do some flipping, whoa, here I am, catch bullet, lot a good of that gun, did you? Slow down over there, no, I can't, too fast, too fast. You know what, girls love... me!

(Back to Reality)

RED Scout: Got it?

(RED Spy groans in annoyance.)

RED Scout: Soldier.

RED Soldier: Let's give them hell.

(The second scene of RED Scout's plan is shown. This time, with RED Soldier in his vehicle.)

Scout: Driving fast, crashing in slow motion, okay? Okay. Vroom, beep beep. Guy on the big motorcycle here. (RED Soldier shoots the motorcycle's wheel) Nice shot. Come on, Soldier, I believe in you. Oh man, real smooth flipping time. Grab it in. (RED Soldier grabs the enemy soldier and slams him down.) BOOM! (RED Soldier stabs the enemy soldier.) Classic.

(Back to Reality, again.)

RED Scout: Pyro, repeat after me. Never stop, never stop believing in your dreams. Hehe, I'm kidding.

(Cut to Fall-out Pyro's scene.)

RED Scout: Okay, stay frosty, which way we're flanking. All right, go right. Kill morons fast. Bang, you're dead, that's right. Let's get on the cap, fella.

(Cut to Spy's scene)

RED Scout: Spy. Yeah, let's go to the right. Take the flag, heads up, ladies... waste them. Meat shots, freaking meat shots. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, let's go! That's how a team of best friends wins the game.

(Then an explosion happens as they make a victory pose before they're back to the reality.)

RED Scout: Yeah, we're pretty great. Let's do this.

RED Soldier: It's perfect.

RED Spy: That was idiotic.

RED Scout: (to RED Spy) You are chicken.

(RED Scout imitates a chicken and RED Spy groans annoyed.)

Drake: Hey, what about us?

Wizard: What will we do?

RED Scout: You will take the front door, the easiest way to get in.

RED Soldier: Let's go.

RED Spy: Fine...

(The heroes prepare to enter.)

RED Spy: Are you ready?

RED Scout: Yeah.

RED Soldier: I am ready!

RED Spy: On three. One, two, three.

(Then the heroes enter as RED Soldier crashes the jeep.)

RED Soldier: Oh my head.

(RED Spy kicks the door, but his foot goes through it and the door falls. RED Scout tries to land perfectly, but fails, and then he screams in pain as his face has some glass carved in it.)

RED Soldier: There's nothing here.

RED Spy: Well, this was a disappointment.

RED Scout: My blood. Help, I'm dying here.

RED Spy: (gives some bandages) Here.

(RED Scout catches it as the rest of the heroes come in.)

RED Scout: Never, ever do that. So painful.

RED Soldier: Somewhere your father is weeping because of you.

(RED Spy laughs.)

Drake: What happened here?

RED Spy: Nothing.

RED Soldier: Okay. Where's Pyro?

(RED Fall-out Pyro is seen drowning in the river. Back to the factory.)

Wizard: Well, the moment has passed.

(Some minutes later, the heroes are seen making some kind of camping as RED Scout is seen taking the glasses off his face.)

RED Scout: This sucks.

Drake: This is a real freaking embarassment.

(Then RED Spy sees a door.)

RED Spy: Hmm...

(RED Spy gets in the room and sees some secret files before turning to a wall with a secret door with "Do not closely inspect this wall" written in it. He sees a light below it.)

RED Spy: Whooo.

(Then he softly pushes the door and it opens.)

RED Spy: Ohohooo. Yes.

(The door opens as the chapter ends.)

(To be continued)

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