Chapter 8: The RED, The BLU and the Ugly (Part 2)

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(The RED Spy is seen slowly walking through the secret passage as he stays alert until something catches his attention. He sees the BLU Team working in some undeground mine as they are watched by the Robo-Mercenaries.)

RED Soldier: Oh hello!

(The RED Spy yelps in surprise as Kamen Rider Drake and Kamen Rider Wizard show up as well.)

RED Soldier: I cherish those moments we spend together...

RED Spy: Shhh!

(The next scene cuts to Kamen Rider Drake sneaking up to Robo-Scout.)

Robo-Scout: Freaking unbeliavable. What the hell is wrong with the systems? This isn't even a penitentiary... (gets whacked) My ass...

????: Soldier?  Where's the merrily been? Hell... get back to program!

(The four look at each other as the RED Soldier grabs the headphone which fell.)

RED Soldier: This is... Bravo... Burble... one reporting for duty.

????: Roger that!

(Then RED Soldier gives the three a thumbs up, and then RED Spy resumes his sneaking and sees the BLU Combat Medic digging something with a pickaxe until he uncovers a golden stone. The Robo-Demoman walks to the television.)

Robo-Demoman: Ay, we did it.

????: You found it? Quickly, turn me around.

(The Robo-Engineer turns to right.)

????: Other way!

(The Robo-Engineer turns to reveal Gray Mann himself in the TV.)

Gray Mann: (smirks) Ah.

BLU Gangster Demoman: Aye, what's this?

Gray Mann: What I've been looking for. Crystalized Australium. The final piece for my ultimate plan.

BLU Engineer: Now I've seen everything.

Gray Mann: Oh, you haven't seen anything yet. Observe.

(The Robo-Heavy approaches the Australium and touches it.)

BLU Gangster Demoman: What magic is this?

(The Robo-Heavy becomes the Australium Robo-Heavy.)

Australium Robo-Heavy: I feel alive.

(The BLU Team gets scared.)

Gray Mann: (glares) Don't give me that look. When I upgrade all these pathetic useless robots into an entire army of organic murder slaves, I'll be unstoppable. 

Robo-Demoman: Proper man...

Gray Mann: Oh please. Do you have any idea of how expensive it is to maintain an army that is literally powered by money? In hindsight, not my best design choice.

BLU Engineer: Well, another satisfied customer.

BLU Spy: (extends a hand) Ahem!

Gray Mann: Oh yes, your payment. Well, like I said, money is scarce, and we've got no use for you anymore, BLU Team. You're a loose end. Robots... (smirks) execute the humans.

(The robots aim at Gray Mann.)

Gray Mann: (stern) Not me, them!

BLU Gangster Demoman: You bloody traitor!

Ropbo-Soldier?: Okay.

(Then the Robo-Soldier reveals to be The RED Spy as he shoots three of the Robo-Mercenaries.)

RED Spy: (smirks) Surprise!

(Two Robo-Mercenaries are seen playing Jankenpo until they turn to see the RED Spy.)

Robo-Soldier: Spy! ATTAAAAAAAACK!

(The Robo-Mercenaries start shooting as the RED Spy shoots back and hides behind a crate and reloads his gun. The three heroes join the fight as the RED Soldier shoots a rocket on some Robo-Mercenaries, and Wizard changes forms.)


(Wizard changes forms.)

Wizard: Now, it's showtime!

(Then he cuts a rock, making it fall over the Australium Robo-Heavy.)

Wizard: Hmph!

(Then more Robo-Mercenaries come in.)

Robo-Soldier: Go go go! ATTAAAAAAACK!

(The BLU Soldiers are seen hiding behind a crate as more Robo-Mercenaries come in.)

Robo-Scout: Go go go!

Robo-Soldier: CHAAAAARGE!

Robo-Scout: What's going on?

(Then the heroes hide behind a crate, and then they show up as they prepare to attack. They start a crossfire.)

Robo-Soldier: Give them hell, boys!

(Then the RED Soldier shoots down one Robo-Scouter while the RED Spy shoots one Robo-Soldier. Then BLU Winter Heavy and BLU Combat Medic are seen still hiding behind the boxes until BLU Winter Heavy grabs one of the robots and throws it aside before giving a weapon for his team.)

BLU Winter Heavy: Come! We fight like men! HYYYAAAAAAAH!

(BLU Winter Heavy starts shooting the Robo-Mercenaries.)

BLU Winter Heavy: HERE I COME!

(The RED Spy and Kamen Rider Drake get dumbfounded until some grenades are shot close to their faces. The shooter is the Robo-Pyro.)

Robo-Demoman: Come through!

(They evade the explosion in time as Drake shoots the Robo-Pyro down while RED Spy shoots down a Robo-Soldier.)

Robo-Sniper: Go go go!

(Drake kicks a table to the Robo-Snipers, crushing them while the RED Spy and Kamen Rider Wizard turn to see the RED Soldier shooting down a BLU Scout.)

RED Soldier: This is my world. You're not welcome in my world.

Wizard: Soldier, stop, STOP! (aims at the robots) Kill the robots!

(Then the RED Soldier launches himself up with his rocket launcher and starts shooting down the Robo-Mercenaries.)

RED Soldier: Eat lead, (shoots a Robo-Soldier) robot metal team... (crushes a Robo-Scout) holligans. (blasts a Robo-Soldier and hits another one's chin) Motherfucker!

(RED Soldier knocks the Robo-Soldier out before trying to shoot down a Robo-Pyro, who shoots back.)

RED Soldier: (dodges the missile) Spark bag!

(Then the RED Soldier yells as he whacks more Robo-Mercenaries and throws his rocket launcher at them.)

(Somewhere in the base, the RED Scout is seen reading the "How to Read" book while wearing headphones, listening to some music on them, not aware of the fight downside.)

(Back to the fight, Kamen Rider Drake is seen hiding behind the box.)

Drake: Clock Up!


(Then Drake dashes to another box as the Robo-Mercenaries shoot it. Suddenly Robo-Soldier gestures them to stop.)

Robo-Soldier: Move up!

(Then they approach the box, and don't see anyone. Then Drake shows up and dashes at the Robo-Scouter.)

Robo-Scouter: Oh crap.

(He pins the robot down.)

Robo-Soldier: ATTAAAAAACK!


(The Robo-Mernecaries start shooting, but Drake uses the Robo-Scout as a shield.)

Robo-Scout: Ow! I'm dying here.

(Then Drake throws the Robo-Scouter at the Robo-Mercenaries, bringing them down.)

Drake: Rider Shooting!


(Drake shoots the Robo-Mercenaries down.)

Drake: You fight like fat men!

(Meanwhile the BLU Winter Heavy is seen still shooting.)


(BLU Combat Medic joins BLU Winter Heavy.)

BLU Winter Heavy: Alright, here is plan. No mor-

(Before BLU Winter Heavy could finish his sentence, the Australium Robo-Heavy breaks out of the falling rocks.)

Australium Robo-Heavy: RRRAAAAAAAARRRRRGH!

BLU Winter Heavy: Run!

(They get knocked by the Australium Robo-Heavy, and the BLU Pan Soldier charges at him, only to be punched and killed by him. BLU Masked Sniper tries to shoot him down, but no avail as he gets grabbed and thrown away.)

Wizard: (shooting the robots) Just me and you, ladybug!

(Then he places a Robo-Soldier's head on a Robo-Scout's head before knocking him out. The Robo-Sniper charges at him, but he slashes the robot. Then he turns to see the Australium Robo-Heavy throwing a crate at BLU Pyro, killing him. RED Soldier then challenges him.)

RED Soldier: You... big magic robot hit me. Get over here so I can kick you right in the fruit basket!

(Then the Australium Robo-Heavy grabs a weapon and starts shooting. One of the bullets hits the "How to Read" book RED Scout was reading, drawing his and the other heroes' attention. Back to the Australium Robo-Heavy, he manages to shoot RED Soldier.)

RED Soldier: (bleeding) My blood, no... (grabs two pickaxes) If you want my blood... come and get it, maggot!

(RED Soldier yells as he charges at the Australium Robo-Heavy and slashes him, but receives an uppercut. RED Spy chockes a Robo-Demoman to death, but then a Robo-Sniper comes in.)

Robo-Sniper: Spy, you filthy scandal! (draws his blades) I'm gonna turn you into coloring!

(Then the Robo-Sniper spins as the RED Spy uses a sword to try to defend itself, but it gets sliced, and then he shoots the robot. Suddenly he gets his gun shot.)

Robo-Scout: Come and get some, you freaking fuss.

(Then RED Spy smirks as he gets in his fighting stance.)

RED Spy: Ohohoho! Stab time!

(Then he slashes, kicks and shoots the Robo-Mercenaries. He even uses the Robo-Scout as a forced support before stabbing the Robo-Sniper. Suddenly the RED Soldier is shoved into him.)

RED Soldier: (smiles) Spy!

(Then the Australium Robo-Heavy charges at the RED Soldier and uppercuts him again before trying to punch him, but gets kicked, much for his anger as he grabs and grinds him. Drake sees RED Soldier trying to choke the Australium Robo-Heavy, and tries to shoot him down, but gets grabbed and used as a baseball bat to hit RED Soldier, and then he gets slammed and stomped. Wizard charges at him, but gets grabbed as well.)

Australium Robo-Heavy: Be in trouble now!

Wizard: Get a haircut!

(Suddenly the rest of the heroes come in.)

RED Scout: WHOOO! 

(Then he lands and shoots the Australium Robo-Heavy, causing him to let go of Wizard, and then he smirks as the Australium Robo-Heavy growls in anger. Cuddles and SPi shoot as well while RED Scout dodges his attacks.)

RED Scout: Hey, nice kneecaps!

(RED Scout throws a butcher's knife at the Australium Robo-Heavy's kneecap, and he screams in pain, and then RED Spy stabs the knife into his ass.)

RED Spy: Ah-ha! I'm BACK!

Drake: Rider Kick!


(Kamen Rider Drake destroys the Australium Robo-Heavy with a rider kick, and then the RED Soldier approaches him.)

RED Soldier: Never forget. A human grit always defeats robot magic.

(RED Soldier then stabs a pickaxe into the Australium Robo-Heavy, killing him. Suddenly Gray Mann's voice is heard again.)

Gray Mann: What the... what's happening out here? Hello?

(Then RED Spy turns the TV as Gray Mann glares at the heroes.)

Gray Mann: You... heroes!

RED Spy: Go to hell!

Gray Mann: Your pitful resistance is inconsequential. I am coming to get my crystal. And I am going to bring my entire army. So go ahead. Get ready, seriously, get ready for this.I made a lot of robots and I really want to use them. I will stop at not...

(Wizard destroys the TV.)

Wizard: Go fuck yourself.

(BLU Team goes out of hiding, but Scout and the other heroes aim at them.)

BLU Combat Medic: No!

BLU Winter Heavy: This is not good!

(Then Red Spy gestures them to stand down as he speaks to BLU Team.)

RED Spy: Promise us your help, and I will let you live. They will not take this magic rock. So let's settle this like gentlemen!

BLU Winter Heavy: Very well!

RED Spy: Good!

RED Soldier: Okay, let's get one thing straight. You are scum!

BLU Combat Medic: Shut up!

RED Soldier: But you have joined this team today, you are an american.

(BLU Winter Heavy and RED Spy shake hands.)

RED Soldier: Is that understood? 

BLU Winter Heavy: I am ready to fight robots, but... we need more men.

(The heroes band together.)

RED Spy: Hmmm, maybe I'll ask a dear friend.

(Cut to Redshed Distilery, at the resupply room, the phone rings as Rimbaud attends.)

Rimbaud: Hello?

RED Spy: Rimbaud?

(Cut to Rimbaud's RED Team and the Main RED Team. They are sitting in the table.)

RED Spy: Gather your team. We need your help!

(Rimbaud chuckles as the screen goes black.)

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