Episode 22 - The Orange and Banana's Rescue! Siege at Akechi Castle!

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Following on what happened in the last episode, the scene starts back at the house where Nagamasa, Oichi, and Chacha are residented.

Right now, everyone is at present and are having a cup of tea.

Tadatomo: We apologize for intruding in your home like this, Lord Nagamasa, Lady Oichi.

Oichi: No, it is alright. We do not mind having guests, right my dear husband?

Nagamasa: Indeed, my wife. However, I never imagined to also meet the Ieyasu's heir in person at a time like this. What has brought you here?

Setsuna: Our reason for being here... is him.

Setsuna looked at Yuuta, followed by everyone steering their eyes onto him.

Yuuta: Right... Wait, how did you know I was here?

Setsuna: We have watched your battle against Hideyoshi's daughter. ...I also saw what happened to my sister. After that, we saw Lady Chacha carrying you back all the way here, so we followed.

Yuuta suddenly got down and bowed to Setsuna until he hit his head on the floor.

Yuuta: Please forgive me! I...You knew Kana was in danger, and I couldn't protect her. I'm really sorry!

Chacha: ...Yuuta.

Setsuna: *sigh*...I do not put the blame on you. That armored rider you fought was on a different level than you. In fact, it was my fault for not taking action.

Yuuta: But...! I swear this isn't over! I will find a way to save Kana!

Setsuna: I know... That is why I came here, to offer my assistance.

Tadatomo: But, my lord. Where is Miss Kana?

Setsuna: There is only one place I can be certain of. Akechi Castle.

Everyone in the room started to be surprised and had their eyes wide opened.

Yuuta: Akechi Castle? The home base of Oda Nobunaga?

Setsuna: *nods*If what rumors say are true about the Toyotomi returning to the Oda's side, that is exactly where my sister is held.

Nagamasa: Pardon for interrupting. But taking that course of action would ultimately lead to your doom.

Oichi: I know my brother well, he would never leave any openings. His security is tight, and only a fool were to step in there.

Nagamasa: Maybe there's another way to settle this peacefully. We can send him a message to-.

Yuuta: No.

Everyone then looked towards Yuuta after he stood up.

Yuuta: What happened to Kana was my fault, because I wasn't strong enough. We cannot involve anymore people. Even if odds are stacked against us, so what? We're armored riders, and we can handle a trouble!

Nagamasa: But-.

Chacha: Let them go.

Nagamasa: Yodogimi?

Chacha: Father, you also lived under the ideals of a warrior, correct? Look at these two individual's eyes. It is quite clear that once they made their decision, nothing will stop them.

Nagamasa: *sigh*Very well. Still, you two be careful.

Setsuna: We will.

Yuuta: Alright! Let's do this!

Everyone got outside in front of the front door of the house.

Yuuta is now wrapping a letter he wrote down on Kuroh's back.

Yuuta: There we go. You head back and make sure to give this to Lord Shingen. I'm counting on you, boy.

Kuroh: *bark*!

Then, Kuroh used his animal speed to rush off back to Kai.

Yuuta: Alright, I'm ready to do this Setsuna!

Setsuna: *nod*Mmm. But be on your mind that there is no turning back.

Setsuna then grabbed his lock-vehicle in his pocket. Which transformed into another motorcycle, the Rose Attacker.

Yuuta: Sweet ride!

Setsuna and Tadatomo then got on, with Setsuna in the driver's seat.

Setsuna: Shall we, Yuuta?

Yuuta then grabbed his Sakura Hurricane lock-vehicle and transformed to its motorcycle form.

Yuuta: Ready when you are.

After Yuuta got on, he turned his head back to the family.

Yuuta: Lord Nagamasa, Lady Oichi, Lady Chacha, thanks for everything!

With both parties waving goodbye, Yuuta and Setsuna rode off.


Back in Akechi Castle, it sees Kanami still in her prison cell.

While still in her negative thoughts, she heard the sound of some footsteps.

It was Hideko, as she was carrying a tray of food.

She then stopped at Kanami's cell and pushed the tray of food down through the small hole at the bottom of the bars.

Hideko: Eat princess, you need your strength.

Kanami: ...

Hideko: Do not get the wrong idea, Lord Nobunaga orders saying this is for your own good.

Hideko then began to walk away, but Kanami spoke up.

Kanami: What do you want from me? ...I already said many times, I do not know where he is. He... abandoned me, left me.

Hideko: *turns back*I believe you misunderstand, princess. We are not keeping you captive merely for you to give us his location, but to keep you safe from harm. It would be bad enough if you were to fall into the wrong hands.

Kanami: ...

Hideko: And another thing I need to remind you... If you attempt on planning an escape, then by the name of my father I shall not be merciful in bringing you in again.

After that, Hideko walked away.

Kanami stared at her meal for a moment, then she looked back up staring at the small window.

Kanami: Yuuta...


Outside the perimeters of Akechi Castle, Oda and Toyotomi Kurokage Troopers are patrolling the area.

While one is standing around, he was poked from the back.

After he turned around, it was actually Yuuta who already transformed to an armored rider.

Gaim: Surprise.

While the Kurokage tried to fight back, Yuuta struck him down before he can react.

However, the scream after the Kurokage has been slayed alerted the other Kurokages in the area.

Kurokage1: Wh-What was that!?

Kurokage2: Intruder! Sound the alarm-!

Before they can react however, they suddenly heard a noise.

Sengoku Driver: Banana Squash!

Before they can even notice, the Kurokages have been stabbed in the back, while Banana-shaped projections appeared.

Then, they were all taken out by a single powerful slash, at the appearance of Setsuna.

Setsuna: ...Hmph.

However, one of the Kurokages survived and is attempting to engage in battle with Setsuna.

Suddenly, Tadatomo appeared when he jumped over Setsuna and pressed the blade-handle on his belt two times.

Sengoku Driver: Donguri Au Lait!

Tadatomo's hammer grew into a projection of a huge acorn. Then, he dives from above and strikes the Kurokage with his hammer.

Baron: Good work, Tadatomo.

Gridon: Thank you, my lord.

Gaim: Guys!

Yuuta came running over to join with them.

Baron: Now then, it is time we infiltrate the castle itself.

However, before they can press on, the three hear the sound of grass rustling.

Gaim: Crap, reinforcements. Now what?

Gridon: You two go on ahead.

Baron: What?

Gridon: I will deal with the guards to buy you two some time.

Baron: No, it's too dangerous.

Gridon: My lord, I've been ordered to guard and assist you. Allow me to fulfill that duty.

Baron: ...Very well. We'll be back for you soon.

Gaim: Yeah, good luck out there, man.

Yuuta and Setsuna then began to ran off.

Gridon: My Lord, Sir Yuuta, take care of Miss Kanami!

After Yuuta and Setsuna continued running for a moment, they finally arrived to their destination.

Gaim: This is Akechi Castle? It's so huge!

Baron: Indeed, and my sister is inside.

Gaim: But how are we going to find her in there?

Baron: She must be in the prison cells. Come, this way.

As they sneaked inside, the two did their best to not stir up attention of their presence.

Eventually, they made their way inside the entrance to the prison cells.

Gaim: Alright, we're close.

But just when they were about to move forward, they are surrounded by a bunch of Kurokages.

Gaim: Heh, so much for this being easy.

Baron: Then let us deal with these pests with some new power.

Setsuna grabbed another lockseed from his hand and replaces it with the one on his belt.

Lockseed: Baron-Mango! ...Lock On!

Gaim: Yeah, you said it!

Now it was Yuuta's turn to grab one of his other lockseeds, and repeated the same process.

Lockseed: Pineapple! ...Lock On!

Soiya! Pine Arms: Pulverize and Destroy!

Come on! Mango Arms: Fight of Ham~mer!

Gaim: Let's go!

As the Kurokages started yelling out their battle cries, they began to charge towards Yuuta and Setsuna.

Unfortunately for them, they began to lose in numbers due to the two armored riders' teamwork.

Yuuta swings around his Pine Iron everywhere, bashing and even throwing them around.

As for Setsuna, he starts swinging and bashing the Kurokages with his Mango Punisher.

As a group of Kurokages charges towards Setsuna, he pressed the blade-handle on the belt two times.

Sengoku Driver: Mango Au Lait!

Setsuna started swinging his mace around to charge his attack.

But while he does so, multiple projections of pieces of mangos are trailing from behind.

Finally, Setsuna throws his mace after it grew to a giant projection of its head, and slams it to the group of Kurokages.

Yuuta and Setsuna got back together side by side, as they see the leftover injured Kurokages right in front of them.

Yuuta: Let's do this together.

Setsuna: Very well.

Setsuna pressed the blade-handle on his belt two times again, and Yuuta only pressed his blade-handle once.

Sengoku Driver: Baron-Mango Au Lait!

Sengoku Driver: Pine Squash!

Both executed their moves at the moment, where Setsuna repeated the same process, and Yuuta jumped up while kicking his Pine Iron.

As both of their special attacks hit the Kurokages, it resulted in an explosion with a bunch of pineapple and mango pieces flying out.

Now there's nothing left of the Kurokages, other than they all de-henshined and are unconscious.

Gaim: Come on, we got to move!

Eventually, both Yuuta and Setsuna made it inside, checking each and every cell for Kanami.

Baron: Kanami! Kanami where are you!

As they kept searching and searching, Yuuta finally managed to find her cell. With her inside, sleeping.

Gaim: Setsuna! Over here, I found her!

As Setsuna immediately rushed towards Yuuta, he grabbed the keys and unlocked the cell.

Yuuta went inside first and shook Kanami's shoulders to wake her up.

Gaim: Kana! Kana!

Kanami acted as though she's weak, but she started to open her eyes slowly.

Kanami: Yuu... ta...?

Gaim: Yes Kana, it's me.

Kanami: Ah, Yuuta! Is... Is it really you?

Gaim: Yeah... Sorry I'm late.

Kanami: Yuuta!

Without any hesitation, Kanami hugged Yuuta tightly to her.

Gaim: K-Kana!?

Kanami: You're alive... I was so worried about you. I thought you died after what happened. ...*shows tears*But now I know you are okay. Thank goodness... *sob*Thank goodness you're okay...

Gaim: *hugs back*Kana... I'm so sorry. I'm okay now, that's all that matters, right?

As both of them stared at each other, Yuuta helped wipe off Kanami's tears.

Gaim: I'm sorry you had to go through so much.

Kanami: *shakes head*It's okay, it wasn't your fault. But, how did you find me?

Gaim: Heh, I got some help.

Yuuta turns his head to Setsuna, and Kanami looked at him as well.

Kanami: Thank you so much. But, who are you?

Baron: Explanations can wait later, right now we need to get you out of here safely.

Gaim: That's right.

Yuuta then lends out his hand to Kanami.

Gaim: Let's go home, Kana.

Kanami: *nod*Yes.

As the three got back outside, they managed to get out from inside the castle.

However, they soon found themselves surrounded by Kurokages, again.

Gaim: You've got to be kidding me! I know the Oda and Toyotomi army is huge but this is ridiculous.

Kanami: What are we going to do now?

Baron: ...I will deal with them.

Gaim: What?

Baron: It's as I said. Leave them to me Yuuta, just take her out of here.

Gaim: But you will be outnumbered, will you be okay?

Baron: I will, you can be certain. After all...

Setsuna looked at Kanami for a moment before he spoke.

Baron: My purpose is to keep her safe.

Gaim: ...I understand. But here, take this just in case.

Yuuta gave Setsuna his watermelon lockseed.

Baron: This is...

Gaim: You better bring it back, you hear?

Baron: ...Thank you. Now you two should get going.

Gaim: Right, good luck.

Yuuta then summoned his Dandeliner and got on board with Kanami sitting in the front.

Kanami: Yuuta, who is that person?

Gaim: Someone you will know soon. At least I hope...

With that, Yuuta and Kanami flew off from the scene.

Now, as Setsuna stares at the Kurokages, he unlocks Yuuta's lockseed and puts it on his belt.

Lockseed: Watermelon! ...Lock On!

Come on! Suika Arms: Wrecking Ball, Big Bang! (Bowling pins falling)

Watermelon: Armored Mode!

After the watermelon lands on top of Setsuna, he transformed it to its robot mode.

However, unlike Yuuta, he now has a different weapon from him. It is a giant sword-lance that is in a shape of a watermelon slice.

The Kurokages then started to get scared upon seeing Setsuna's appearance.

Baron: Now, prepare yourselves!

Yuuta and Kanami are still flying up in the skies.

Gaim: We're almost there. Just about halfway to Kai.

Kanami: ...Yuuta.

Gaim: Hm? What's wrong Kana?

Kanami: What that armored rider said before I was captured...


Iduun: Do not tell me you did not know all this time, Takeda's armored rider? That you and all of Kai have residented the princess. The daughter of Tokugawa Ieyasu herself.

*end flashback*

Gaim: Oh, that...

Kanami: There's... There's something I need to tell you.

Gaim: That can wait until we get back. Okay?

Kanami: ...Alright.

Suddenly, Yuuta was almost hit by a gunfire from behind.

Gaim: Whoa! What in the...!

Kanami: Yuuta, behind you!

Yuuta looked behind to see some Oda and Toyotomi Kurokages from behind piloting Dandeliners.

And they start to fire their weapons systems towards the two.

Gaim: Dammit... Hang on!

Yuuta started to do some twists, turns, and barrel rolls to avoid the gunfire from the Kurokages, while Kanami was hanging on to him tightly.

Yuuta then turned around and started to fight back by firing his lock-vehicle's weapons system.

One by one, Yuuta fired them down, including with some playing hooky with him.

As expected, Yuuta took them all down with the skies cleared.

Gaim: Alright, I think we lost them.

Suddenly, while Yuuta wasn't looking, an arrow was being shot and hit his Dandeliner.

Now, the lock-vehicle started spiraling out of control and is about to fall down in mid-air.

Kanami: Yuuta...!

Gaim: Kana, hold on to me!

Kanami did as he asked and hold on to him tightly.

Then, Yuuta jumped off his Dandeliner, princess-carrying Kanami, and he landed safely on the ground.

However, it couldn't be said the same for Yuuta's lock-vehicle. As it continues to spiral out of control until it crashed and exploded.

Yuuta puts Kanami safely down and observes his Dandeliner's destruction.

Gaim: Well that's one way to put that our flight has been canceled... Who did that anyway?

Yuuta and Kanami then turned to see the sounding of footsteps, revealing to be Mitsunari, Nobuyuki, and Hideko.

All three of them in their rider forms, and stand ready for battle.

Gaim: Oh no...

To be continued...

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