Episode 23 - Back to the Front Lines! Raise Your Flag, Triumph Arms!

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Back to where we left off from the last episode, Yuuta along with Setsuna and Tadatomo went to rescue Kanami. Who was being held captive by the Oda and Toyotomi.

The rescue attempt was a success and they attempt to escape.

However, just when they thought they were in the clear, Yuuta and Kanami are backed into a corner once again.

Right now, the two are being faced against Oda and Toyotomi's three armored riders out on the wide open field.

Duke: Did you honestly believe you can escape from our grasp?

Gaim: Tch, how did you find us?

Iduun: Father and Lord Nobunaga had their suspicions intruders would come to take the princess as soon as she was captured. So they devised to ambush you here on this very spot.

Duke: Now then... return the princess to us, Takeda's armored rider.

Kanami: Yuuta-.

Before Kanami can speak, Yuuta puts his hand on Kanami's shoulder to comfort her.

Gaim: No, I won't do it!

Iduun: How foolish of you... *draws sword*Then we shall take her back by force.

Gaim: I won't allow that! I may have lost, but I'm better than ever and ready this time.

Yuuta then grabbed his two lockseeds and holds it up.

Gaim: Kana... This time, I will protect you.

Lockseeds: Orange! Tangerine Energy! ...Lock On!×2

After he puts his locks on his belt and the Genesis Core Unit he installed, Yuuta transformed.

Soiya! Mix! Orange Arms: Path of Blossoms, on Stage! Jimber Tangerine! Ha-Ha!

Gaim: Kana, stay back.

Kanami: O-Okay...

After Kanami moved a few steps back, the four warriors got themselves readies their weapons and prepared themselves.

There's silence in the air, with leaves gracefully blowing in the wind.

Suddenly, Yuuta was the one who took the first move in charging towards the three armored riders. Following with them charging to Yuuta as well.

Yuuta continues to shout his battle cry until he finally reached and crossed swords with the three.


In the same area Yuuta is in, there is an army racing through the fields at full speeds.

It was Shingen and Kenshin's army, following with Yukimura, Michiko, and Naomi riding on their horses.

The others in the army are Kurokages who are riding fast on the motorcycles/horses behind them.

While they continued to ride, Sakura appeared beside Shingen while she's running with Kuroh.

Kuroh: *bark*!*bark*!

Shingen: Ah, Sakura. Report.

Sakura: Yes! My squad reported they saw signs of Yu out here in this area. They saw him crashing down on his lock-vehicle.

Kenshin: Is he still alive?!

Sakura: I am not sure... My squad are still observing as we speak.

Naomi: What is Shirayanagi thinking of disappearing like that!?

Michiko: He must have his own reasons... But from what?

Sakura: Actually... The others also reported they saw big sis- I mean Kanami, was also seen alongside by Yu.

Everyone who heard this are surprised and almost to the level of being shocked.

Yukimura: Lady Kanami? She's the one who is running the mochi stand back in town, right?

Kenshin: Now I see... It all makes sense.

Michiko: What do you mean, father?

Shingen: He means about what happened of the attack upon our home earlier by the Oda and Toyotomi. Naomi also said that one of their own, Ishida Mitsunari, spoke of their forces looking for something inside our walls... or someone.

Everyone (except for Shingen and Kenshin) then started to get quietly shocked upon their realization.

Naomi: Impossible... You mean what the Oda and Toyotomi were actually looking the whole time was-.

Sakura: Big sister Kanami...?

Yukimura: It can't be... But why? She is an ordinary citizen of Kai, correct? Why would they bother in wanting to kidnap her?

Shingen: That, I am not certain. But at least we know why Yuuta has disappeared. It appears he desires to rescue her.

Sakura: That does make sense... I mean, Yu and Kanami both have deep care towards each other.

Michiko: But if that were to be true, he shouldn't have gone off alone.

Yukimura: Let us hope we are not too late...

All that was left of this scene was the Take-Uesu army continuing to run towards where Yuuta is.


It now shifts back to Yuuta, where he continues to fight with the three opposing armored riders.

He is outnumbered with 3 to 1, but he managed to stay toe-to-toe thanks to his upgraded arms.

Yuuta is being attacked from all sides. However, because of his sword skills and treating his bow and arrow as a regular sword, he managed to keep his enemies at bay.

He even fired orange-shaped blasts to serve as keeping their distance from him, and he managed to land good hits with a few of his shots.

Now, it focuses on Yuuta's fight with Nobuyuki, as he was being hit by some powerful punches before fighting back.

Knuckle: Just what do you want from Lady Kanami?!

Gaim: That should be obvious...! I'm here to rescue her!

Knuckle: Rescue her!? Your words and way of speaking sound as if you are capturing her!

Gaim: Haah!? What do you mean by that? You're the ones who kidnapped Kana!

Knuckle: No, you are wrong! We are trying to protect her.

Gaim: By treating her as a prisoner? You got some big words!

As they continue to fight, Nobuyuki finished managed to land an attack that pushed Yuuta back. But he was still standing.

Knuckle: What choice did you think my brother had?! ...For the sake of protecting this land's peace, we must find and protect the successors of Lord Ieyasu. And I won't have you standing in our way!

Nobuyuki then pressed down his blade-handle.

Sengoku Driver: Kurumi Squash!

Nobuyuki jumped high to perform his rider kick, while his leg is being surrounded by golden energy to form the shape of a walnut.

But as he makes his way towards Yuuta, he grabs his energy lockseed and puts it on his Sonic Arrow, and pressed down his blade-handle.

Lockseed: Lock On! Tangerine Energy!

Sengoku Driver: Orange Squash!

Yuuta then fired his arrow through the path of orange and tangerine slices alternating, and hits the walnut energy.

This resulted in an explosion that sent Nobuyuki flying and crashing to the ground, forcing him to de-henshin.

Iduun: Nobuyuki!

Duke: You... shall pay for that!

Mitsunari charges in and now continues his fight with Yuuta.

As they continue to fight, Mitsunari was now joined by Hideko and both of them used their teamwork on Yuuta.

Both sides keep clashing swords, with both of them receiving damage.

Yuuta started firing his bow and arrow, but Hideko pressed forward by blocking the arrows with her shield.

Now the tables have turned for the worse when Yuuta was caught by a surprise attack from Mitsunari after he appeared behind Hideko's shield.

Both opposing riders performed quick strikes on Yuuta, with not nearly enough time to block or attack.

Hideko and Mitsunari finished their barrage of attacks that caused Yuuta to roll on the ground.

As Yuuta tries to get up, Hideko pressed her blade-handle down and Mitsunari puts his lockseed on his Sonic Arrow.

Sengoku Driver: Ringo Squash!

Lockseed: Lock Off! ...Lock On! Lemon Energy!

Finally they delivered their attacks, and Yuuta was eventually hit by them.

After that, an explosion took place that caused Yuuta to scream in pain.

Kanami also witnessed it, and was horrified by what happened to him.

As the dust cleared, Yuuta is still standing and already de-henshined.

However, he is seen with blood drooling out of his mouth and scared on his face. Then, he got on his knees and lied down while still feeling pain.

Kanami: ...! Yuuta!!!

Kanami started to run over towards Yuuta, but she was blocked when Hideko pointed her sword at her.

Hideko: Resistence is futile, princess. Now come with us quietly.

Kanami started to be afraid as she took some tiny steps back.

Suddenly, she got surprised when she heard a scream from Yuuta.

He's seen back up on his feet and charging towards Hideko. He managed to reach her and tackled her to the body in an attempt to get her distant from Kanami.

Yuuta: *grunts*I'm not... done yet. *grunts*I won't let you... hurt Kanami!

Iduun: How humiliating. It seems you are that desperate to lose your life.

Hideko attacks Yuuta's back that forced him to lose his grip. She then bashes him with her shield.

Yuuta then got back up immediately and tried to attack Hideko. However, his attacks didn't make a dent through her armor.

But again, he got hit and got kicked down.

Yuuta: Not yet... not... yet... I swear that I... I will protect Kana!

Kanami: No... Stop...

Yuuta begins to attack at first, but then Hideko started to abuse him by attacking without mercy.

Kanami: Stop it, Yuuta... Please...!

Hideko then sent out red energy slash projectiles at Yuuta, and was caught in the explosions caused by them.

Kanami: No!!!

Seeing Yuuta in pain, Kanami had enough and immediately went to Yuuta's side.

As Yuuta tries to get up, Kanami arrived and prevented Yuuta from getting back up.

Kanami: Yuuta, stop! Please, that is enough!

Yuuta: Let me go Kana! I... I have to protect you!

But then immediately, Kanami hugged Yuuta tightly close to her.

Hideko also stopped where she is and wondered what Kanami was doing.

Yuuta: Kana...?

Kanami: Yuuta... That's enough... Please, don't fight anymore...

Yuuta: What are you talking about? I can still-.

Kanami: I... I'm the one responsible for this. I have gotten you involved because of... because of who I am.

Yuuta: Kana...

Kanami: ...I know you are trying to protect me because I am the daughter of that man. But Yuuta I... I can't bear to see you sacrificing yourself for my sake...!

Yuuta: Kana...

As Kanami was trembling, Yuuta breaks the hold with ease and looks closely at Kanami while holding onto her shoulders.

Yuuta: -You really thought I came all the way out here just to save you because I now know you're a princess or the daughter of Tokugawa Ieyasu? ...You're wrong.

Kanami: ...?

Yuuta: I came all the way out here of my own free will, all so I can save you. I don't think of you as anyone different. No matter who you are or what you are, you are still the Kana I know to me!

Yuuta then tries to get back up, but he continues to struggle. However, Kanami was there to ease him in what ever he's trying to do.

Kanami: Yuuta, don't! Please, you can't keep going like this. Your injuries-.

Yuuta: Heh, who do you think I am? These are nothing. ...*grunts*Besides, I can't afford me and my friends efforts to be in vain...! Am I suppose to sit back and let someone I care about suffer, and being pushed against her own will!?

Kanami: Yuuta...

Yuuta: I... I will continue to keep on fighting as long as I can stand! And I will keep on protecting everyone I care about... with the strength within my heart!!!

After Yuuta said that, something began to glow in his pocket.

When he reached out, he grabbed the metalized orange he was given by Himika earlier.

The orange began to transform... into a new, huge-looking, lockseed.

Iduun: ...!

Duke: A new lockseed!?

As everyone present was surprised, at the same time, the Take-Uesu army finally arrived.

They are now at a standing point of seeing from afar.

Sakura: Look!

Yukimura: It's Yuuta, he's alive!

Kenshin: Should we assist him, Shingen?

Shingen: No, standby for now. ...This is Yuuta's fight.

Anyway, for Yuuta, he's about to transform into a new form...

Yuuta: ...Alright... let's rock!

Lockseed: Triumph! ...Lock On!

Yuuta: Henshin!


Soiya! Kachidoki Arms: To The Battlefield! Hip, Hip, Hurrah!

After Yuuta pressed the blade-handle, a new orange-themed armor appeared above.

Then, when it got equipped onto him, he transformed his super form. Which takes the appearance of a completely armored Japanese Shogun.

Everyone on the field are all surprised out of their minds by Yuuta's new transformation.

Yuuta then turned towards Kanami, with her surprised as well.

Gaim: Kana... I'll take it from here.

Kanami was silent, but she showed a small smile and slightly nodded.

Yuuta started to walk towards Hideko and Mitsunari.

Iduun: Hmph. So you have gained a new power just now, impressive. However, it doesn't make a difference.

Duke: Besides, did you honestly believe we are the only ones present?

Before Yuuta knows it, a whole bunch of Kurokages riding Dandeliners appeared and immediately began to fire towards Yuuta.

Shingen: ...!

Kanami: Yuuta!

As Yuuta is being hit by a rain of fire, he stands firm and not damaged at all thanks to his thick armor.

After the Kurokages stopped firing, they saw when the dust cleared Yuuta holding a huge blaster he summoned.

Blaster: Hinawadaidai-DJ-Ju!

Gaim: I always wanted to play one of these. From here on, this is my show!

As Yuuta held up his blaster, he begins to scratch the orange-like DJ Table. After he scratched it up, Japanese Horagai music begins to play.

Then, Yuuta made the first move in firing his blaster with shotgun-like blasts.

The Kurokages also took action by also attacking with their lock-vehicles, although most of them have already been taken down.

As Yuuta continues to fire while he's being under fire, he began to scratch his table again.

This time however, he turned the switch to the red section and the music began to play faster. Then, as he scratched the table again, he began to fire his blaster once again.

But he changed his blaster's style to rapid-fire mode.

Now, Yuuta takes down the Kurokages easily one by one.

Iduun: He's much more powerful as he was before...!

After Yuuta took his moment of his new firepower, he scratches the table once again and turns his switch to the blue section.

Now the music is being played slowly, but after he scratches the disk again, Yuuta fires his blaster with powerful cannon-like bursts.

He scratches his table again and again before he fires, eventually taking all the Kurokages down from the skies.

Iduun: This is impossible...

Duke: No... We shall not tolerate such defeat! All troops, what are you still laying around for?! Stand your ground and continue to engage!

As per command, most of the Kurokages who survived in their crashes got up and began to charge towards Yuuta.

But while they are charging, Yuuta grabbed and drew his flags, the Kachidoki Bata and prepared himself.

Shingen: Those sashimonos of his are also weapons?

As the Kurokages surrounded Yuuta, they immediately attack him all at once.

However, Yuuta kept waving his flags around and pushed them back.

Then suddenly, Yuuta filled his two flags with fire and swept around low to the ground...

-Causing the Kurokages to be lifted up into the air.

Then, Yuuta raised one of his flags and filled with fire. He then twirled around and unleashed a strong fire wave to wipe them all out.

The fire wave even traveled at a far distance to where Hideko and Mitsunari are. Where it was pushing them back in their attempt to block it with their weapons.

Though they have stood their ground, Hideko and Mitsunari are still injured, with seeing burned marks and some parts of their armor melted. Even Mitsunari went down on one knee as a result.

After the dust cleared, Yuuta stood victorious and began walking towards the two armored riders.

===end music here===

Gaim: You still want to fight?

Iduun: ...

???: No! I think we'll call it a day from here, Takeda's armored rider!

Kenshin: This voice... Could it be?

As everyone knows it, they saw the appearance of none other than Hideyoshi on the battlefield.

Hideyoshi: I've got to say, I never expected of our forces to be up against the wall from you.

Gaim: You're... Toyotomi Hideyoshi!

Iduun: Father!

Hideyoshi: Hiddy, my girl! There's no shame in today's defeat. It's time that you all retreat.

Iduun: But father, we haven't lost yet...!

Hideyoshi: Haste makes waste, remember? You all need to fight for another day after all.

Hideko was hesitant, but she listened to her father's words and de-henshined.

Hideko: ...I understand.

Hideyoshi: Listen up Takeda's armored rider! We'll let you keep Ieyasu's little princess for now. But know this isn't over and we will get her back!

Shingen: What!?

Kenshin: Did he just say... Ieyasu?

But without anymore words, Hideyoshi and the rest of everyone from the Oda and Toyotomi army have retreated while carrying their wounded.

After they left, Yuuta de-henshined. But suddenly, he started to fall down on his back.

Kanami: Yuuta!

However, he was fortunately saved by Kanami who caught him just in time.

Now, Kanami is cradling Yuuta, while using her legs as a pillow for him.

Yuuta: Kana... Is it... over?

Kanami: *nods*Yes... it is. Do not worry anymore, I am here by your side.

Yuuta: Heh heh. I told you... that I would... protect you...

Yuuta then closes his eyes out of exhaustion.

Kanami: *chuckle and gently brushes his hair*Thank you, Yuuta.

Sakura: Big sister!

Kanami then turned to see Sakura and the rest of the Take-Uesu army behind her.

Kanami: Sakura!

Sakura: *pant*You're okay, thank goodness!

Kanami: I am. Yuuta has saved me.

Yukimura: ...! He's hurt! Is he...

Kanami: No, he's just exhausted from the fight just now.

Shingen: We should take him back and get his wounds treated immediately. However young lass, we need to have a talk with you.

Baron: It seems Yuuta has pulled through in the end, after all.

Everyone at present noticed the appearance of Setsuna and Tadatomo.

Kanami: You're... the one from earlier.

Baron: It's finally the right time when I say... It has been far too long, Kanami.

Kanami: How do you know me?

Unexpectedly, Setsuna and Tadatomo de-henshined in revealing who they are.

Kanami was shocked by what the armored rider who appeared alongside Yuuta was all this time.

Kanami: No... Could it be? ...Setsuna!?

Setsuna: As lord Shingen said. We need to talk.

To be continued...

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