Episode 31 - Another Assault! The Green Overlord!

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In the middle of an area in Kai, a place where farmers grow rice near the village, it shows a little boy who is running around.

That little boy just happens to be Itou, the one who Yuuta saved and told him about the Mother Tree.

Itou seems to be happy, as he is picking up some rice plants.

After he bought what he needed, he is seen walking back with a basket with loads of rice plants.

Itou: Al... right*grunt*. I hope this is enough for today. Daddy will be so happy when I get back.

As he continues walking down, Itou looks up at the sky, thinking about something.

Itou: Hmm... I wonder how the mister is doing. *giggle*I hope I can see him again.

After a little time, Itou finally came back to his house and opened the door.

Itou: Father, I'm back!

But as Itou looked around, the room was empty.

Itou: Huh? Where is he? Daddy! Daddy, where are you!

After searching through the inside, Itou decided to go around the back of the house, where their garden is.

But suddenly, as Itou went to the back, his eyes trembled in fear.

He found his father, but he was being lifted and choked from the throat... by one of the Overlords, the Female Inves from earlier.

Female Inves: *evil chuckle*How I love to see a human struggling within the palm of my hand.

Itou's Father: L-Let... go. Please...!

Itou: Father...?

Itou's Father then turned to see his son who is scared.

Itou's Father: ...! Itou!

Female Inves: Hmm... What's this? A son?

Itou's Father: Run...! Run, my son!

After hearing his father's words while shaken in fear, Itou started to run away.

But oddly, the Female Inves did not react.

Female Inves: *evil chuckle*Let him run, it matters not. Soon, everything in this world will be in our grasp.

Itou's Father: W... What do you want, you demon?! Leave my son alone!

Female Inves: It's hopeless, no matter how much you humans struggle, the world will seen be ours.

Suddenly, the Female Inves seems to be doing something to Itou's father, since there are black roots creeping underneath his skin.

Then, Itou's father feels tremendous pain as his whole body begins to change after seeing vines creeping around him.

The transformation was not seen and the Female Inves just watched Itou's father screaming with an evil smirk...


Back at the Takeda Castle, Yuuta and Sakura are reporting their situations to Shingen.

Shingen: I see... Are you certain this was what Himika told you?

Yuuta: Yes, my lord. I know it's kind of hard to believe, but I swear it's true.

Shingen: Hmm... So a new army has revealed itself even before another tide turned. It seems my suspicions were true after all.

Sakura: What do you mean, my lord?

Shingen: You may not have heard, but throughout the the past, after our resurrections, many rumors have spread about some sightings of monsters deep within forests. Citizens went to investigate further, but have ended up vanishing without a trace. Some said they were probably demons or yokai.

Yuuta: Could they have been Inves too?

Shingen: *nod*Mm. If what Yuuta said is true about these new army's generals who call themselves the "Overlords", as well as their part in taking control of the country, then the situation is bigger than we thought.

Sakura: But just what is this "thing" they're trying to look for?

Shingen: I do not know. *stands up*But until we find answers, we still need to do whatever we can to reduce the damage and protect our people. Sakura, what is your situation?

Sakura: Huh? Oh, well, me and my ninja groups covered as much ground as we could, but we couldn't find a clue where the enemy is hiding.

Shingen: I cannot be helped, however time is of the essence, so notify your ninjas to resume their search.

Sakura: Yes, my lord.

As for Yuuta, he just hanged his head down, while having a few concerns.


Yuuta and Sakura are walking down the village after the meeting.

While walking, there are scenes of Kurokages patrolling, cutting and burning the vines that are still everywhere. As well as some carpenters rebuilding the houses and shops that were destroyed.

Sakura: *stretches*Mmmm...! Ah, I'm so tired. And I still have a lot of work on my hands~...!

Yuuta: Heh, can't be helped. With the Inves still causing havoc, everybody is already stepping up to resolve this as quickly as possible.

Sakura: *sigh*I know, Yu. It's just that we don't know what these monsters, where'd they come from, and what do they want. Geez, this is just giving me a headache.

Yuuta: Can't blame you there. I'm anxious to get answers too. But you heard Lord Shingen, until we get something out of this, we should focus on rebuilding and continue protecting the people.

Sakura: Still, I wonder why they would take over the country to just search for something.

Yuuta: My guess is that they were ordered to do so.

Sakura: Huh? What do you mean, Yu?

Yuuta: The red monster who calls himself Demushu, the one who kidnapped and brainwashed Yukimura, said something about him serving a snake.

Sakura: A snake? So, these Overlords are not doing these acts themselves?

Yuuta: Most likely that would be the case. But if what he said was true, then what is that snake planning to do once he found what he wants?

But just as the conversation goes further, Yuuta and Sakura were alarmed by the sudden hear of screams from afar.

Sakura: What was that!?

Yuuta: It sounds like it's coming from over there, let's go!

Sakura: Right!

The two rushed over to the scene, to find the villagers running away from a group of Inves.

Sakura: Are those-?

Yuuta: Inves, yeah. But... something's off.

He was right, the Inves who are causing fear and panic in the area are only green.

Sakura: Whatever the reason, we need to defeat them and quickly. Yu.

Yuuta: Right behind ya! ...*puts on belt and grabs lockseed*Alright, let's rock!

Lockseed: Orange! ...Lock On!

Yuuta: Henshin!

Soiya! Orange Arms: Path of Blossoms, on Stage!

Gaim: From here on, this is our show!

Yuuta then charges in as soon as he draws his two blades, followed by Sakura who drew her kunais.

The battle begins, and the two are already overwhelming the green Inves'.

Yuuta sticks to his two sword-style, as he's striking his attacks from left, right, and behind. Including shooting his Musou Saber at the Inves at far-range in gun mode.

These weak green Inves tried to close in and attack, but Yuuta's sword skills were to fast for them.

Then, as a bunch of Inves started to run towards Yuuta, he also ran towards them and struck each one down with his two swords at once.

As for Sakura, she's dealing the Inves in close-range.

Thanks to her ninja speed, she approaches the Inves and strikes them with both Kunais from behind before they can react.

Another pair of Inves tried to attack her by jumping up and pile onto her, but Sakura used her smokescreen and replaced it with a wooden dummy.

She was then soon on the roof, throwing her kunais while she was running, taking them out with each being strucked by only one.

Sakura then jumped down and continue attacking the Inves by using her extra pair of kunais, as well as using her kicking combinations.

Another Inves tried to charge in, but Sakura pulled a wheel kick that sent the Inves flying and crashing onto a wagon cart.

Surprisingly, the Inves managed to survive and stood up, but began acting strangely.

As soon as Sakura finished defeating another Inves, she turns and realizes the Inves behaving weird as well.

Sakura: Eh? Why is it...-

Before Sakura can question any further, the Inves began to roar loud that even caught Yuuta's attention.

Then, the Inves' body begins to change, like it was opening a huge mouth.


Sakura: Kyaaaaahhh!

The Inves then starts to charge fast towards Sakura and began to attack.

But surprisingly, the Inves' speed and strength has somehow increased, but Sakura was still a little more skilled than it.

But the Inves suddenly uses both "mouths" to attack Sakura.

Sakura jumped back while performing a backflip and threw her kunais at it.

Unfortunately, the Inves used its "mouths" to crunch the kunais into pieces.

Sakura: Ehhh!? No way!

The Inves began to engage once again, and Sakura was about to prepare herself. But not long after hearing a voice.

Gaim: Sakura!

It was Yuuta, who appeared and managed to strike the Inves, blocking its way towards Sakura.

Sakura: Yu!

It was now Yuuta's turn to engage with the Inves, which he decided to face his enemy with only his Daidaimaru.

So far, Yuuta and the Inves are exchanging blows, with Yuuta striking with his sword and the Inves' relying on its sharp teeth to do battle.

Both seemed to be an equal match, but Yuuta is slowly countering at just the right time.

Suddenly, the Inves closes in and used both "mouths" on the side to rip Yuuta to shreds. But Yuuta blocks them with his sword.

While struggling with the Inves, even using its strength that brought Yuuta down to one knee, Yuuta pulled a surprise attack by drawing his Musou Saber, and firing a few shots that greatly damaged the Inves since its mouth was open.

As the Inves is groaning in pain and still injured, Yuuta pressed down his blade-handle.

Gaim: It's over!

Sengoku Driver: Orange Squash!

Yuuta jumped up in the air with his swords filled with orange juice-like energy. Then, he pulled a powerful orange-colored cross slash, which not only sliced the Inves into fourths, but also made a crater shaped like an "X".

A little moment after the Inves exploded, Yuuta hurried over to Sakura.

Gaim: Sakura, are you alright?

Sakura: Y-Yeah. But that was scary just now. What happened?

Gaim: I guess these types of Inves are not as weak as we thought. Don't take them down soon, and they will run mad.

Sakura: Then we better be cautious when fighting, and make sure to finish them in one strike.

Suddenly, a shadowy figure appeared and jumped in the direction of Yuuta and Sakura.

Gaim: ...! Watch out!

As soon as Yuuta sensed it, he pushed Sakura away before the the shadowy figure appeared in the last second.

Sakura: W-W-What was that!?

The two stand ready when the figure turned around, revealed to be a new Inves.

Gaim: Oh, a new guy, huh?

The new Inves roared at them, growling like a hungry beast, signaling a desire for battle.

Gaim: So, you want to play tough? Then I'll return the favor?

Sakura: Be careful, Yu.

Gaim: Don't worry about me, just watch your back. Now let's do this!

It starts by Yuuta going in alone, facing the new Inves one on one.

The new Inves starts to attack first with its gigantic claw and Yuuta decided to go onto defense.

Yuuta had defend himself with both of his swords, as the new Inves' gigantic claw was cutting through things very clean while going on its rampage.

Gaim: *thoughts*Damn, I didn't know this monster could be such a handful...! I need to think of a way to fight back or else I'm done for...!

As the new Inves jumps and tries to perform another claw attack, it was suddenly stopped when he was hit and rolled on the ground by a bunch of kunais.

Gaim: ...! *turns to the roof*Sakura!

Sakura: Leave it to me to catch it off-guard, Yu! Go for it!

And so Yuuta does just that and fights back while the new Inves tries to recover.

He performs two downward slashes with both his swords, following it up with a cross slash that sent the new Inves back.

The new Inves tries to attack, but Yuuta went down and slashed through the body with his swords at once.

He then acted quickly and performed strikes, with his two swords at the same time, a right downward slash, a horizontal slash, finishing up with a upper-right slash. Which ended up sending the new Inves rolling down the ground.

Gaim: Not so tough now, are you?

As the new Inves tries to get back up, it suddenly starts to get on its knees while holding its head, acting like its in pain.

Gaim: Eh? What's it doing?

However, the new Inves started to get back to its senses and started to attack Yuuta again.

But suddenly, the Inves was then attacked by a surprise fast attack to the front.

It was Setsuna, who had already transfromed.

Baron: Are you alright, Yuuta?

Gaim: Setsuna! Nice timing.

New Inves: *growls*...

Baron: Allow me to aid you.

Setsuna then prepares his Banaspear and begins to charge in first.

Gaim: Heh, now you said, let's-!

???: No, don't!

Yuuta was halted when he hear the voice of young boy behind him.

It was Itou, who is seen running towards Yuuta and hugging him tightly from below.

Gaim: Itou? Why are you...?

Itou: Mister, please don't kill him! Please!

Gaim: What are you talking about?

Sakura: -Hey! What are you doing here? It's dangerous here. That monster can-

Itou: That's not a monster, it's my father!

Both Yuuta and Sakura are confused and surprised to hear this.

Gaim: What are you talking about? That's just an Inves.

Itou: No, you're wrong! I saw it, somebody started hurting my father, and then he... he... He turned into that!

As Yuuta turned around to see Setsuna still battling the new Inves, it was seen having a headache and in pain like it showed before.

Surprisingly, the new Inves actually spoke.

New Inves: Nngh... Gyahh...! I... Itou...!

Gaim: ...!? No way... It can't be...

Hearing the voice from afar, a voice he's familiar with, Yuuta is already convinced that the new Inves... is Itou's father.

Gaim: Sakura... stay with Itou. I'll handle this.

Sakura: Yuuta, wait!

Yuuta rushed in to battle, but instead of battling, he held back Setsuna just before he attacks.

Gaim: Hold it, Setsuna!

Baron: Yuuta...! What are you doing!? Unhand me!

Setsuna got free of the hold, but Yuuta stopped him again.

Gaim: Wait, listen to me! That Inves... is not our enemy.

Baron: What are you saying at a time like this? If this enemy is not quelled, it will continue to slaughter innocents!

Gaim: You don't understand!!! ...That Inves, is that kid's father.

As the two looked at the new Inves, still having a headache, it began to speak again.

New Inves: Itou...! Itou...!

Baron: ...! It spoke. Then... what you are saying is true.

Gaim: Right? We have to do something, Setsuna. We have to save him.

Baron looks at Yuuta for a moment before looking down.

Gaim: What? What's wrong? Come on, we have to save Itou's old man-!

Baron: Yuuta... I'm afraid there's nothing we can do.

Gaim: What are you talking about? That guy's still in there.

Baron: It may seem like it to you, but I'm afraid he's too far gone. He's beyond saving.

Gaim: Setsuna... You don't mean you...

Baron: I apologize, Yuuta... But for his sake... *readies spear*We must end this man's pain.

Setsuna then begins to charge, while Yuuta follows in attempting to stop him.

For the battle, Yuuta tries his best to get Setsuna to steer away from striking the new Inves.

However, Setsuna pushes him out of the way while managed to land a few strikes.

While the new Inves is down, Yuuta comes in and pins him to restrain him from moving.

Gaim: Snap out of it, I don't want to kill you!

The new Inves immediately snaps and pushes Yuuta back on the ground.

Yuuta is still lying on the ground to see the new Inves approaching him. But after hearing a familiar voice.

Itou: Don't do it, father!

This caused the new Inves to have a headache again.

Gaim: You hear that, don't you? It's your son. You're not a monster because you are still in there. Come on, you have to fight it!

Itou's Father(Inves): I... Itou.

Just when the moment continues, it was interrupted when the new Inves was attacked by energy arrows.

Everybody turns to see it was none other than Magoichi, who was responsible.

Sigurd: Honestly, I was only gone for a few days and there's already a fight on the street.

Sakura: Saika Magoichi?

Sigurd: *turns to see Inves*Ho... It seems my return to this village wasn't a complete waste after all.

Gaim: Wait, Magoichi! That Inves is-

Sigurd: Get your ass out of my way.

Magoichi pushed Yuuta away before fighting the new Inves.

She seems to be dealing the Inves more damage due to having a Genesis Driver.

Magoichi goes in to attack further, but was blocksed by Yuuta.

Gaim: Stop, Magoichi-! Gyah!

Magoichi didn't stop her attack from there and ended up following through, causing Yuuta to be on the ground and de-henshined.

She paid no attention to what she's done and continued to attacking the Inves.

It was a dealt with a few powerful strikes from her bow and arrow before the new Inves was on its knees.

Itou: Father!

Yuuta: Stop it...! Magoichi!

Yuuta attempted to crawl, but was stopped by Setsuna, who held him back. He then shakes his head to Yuuta, probably saying that there's nothing Yuuta can do anymore.

As the new Inves is still on its knees, injured and confused, Magoichi goes in for the kill.

Itou's Father: I...tou...

Sigurd: Now, time for the finale.

She grabs her energy lockseed from her belt and attaches to her Sonic Arrow.

Lockseed: Lock Off! ...Lock On! Cherry Energy!

Itou: ..!


Magoichi charges her attack as she pulls back her bow and arrow, which shows two cherries to appear.

After she charged enough, Magoichi fires a powerful arrow shot, to which the cherries follow.

As soon as the arrow hits the new Inves, the twin cherries started to swing around before crushing the new Inves between them.

Upon collision, the cherries explode and cherry juice came out... but along with the new Inves.

After the dust cleared, there is only remains of seeing the Inves' claw and parts of the skin.

The new Inves... Itou's father... is dead, killed by Magoichi.

Everyone was in a moment of silence upon seeing the sight.

Itou's the most shock of all, as his eyes are horrified by what they have witnessed.

Itou: Fa...ther...? No, no you can't be gone... You can't...! *sob**sob*Father...! Father...!

Itou was on his knees as tears were overflowing from his eyes.

Sakura was there with him and is showing tears upon seeing the innocent boy's sadness, that all she could do was hug him tightly as he continues crying.

Yuuta was also shocked and seeing Itou crying filled him with deep sadness that his heart was trembling.

But that sadness shifted to rage as he laid his eyes toward Magoichi as she de-henshined.

Yuuta: What have you done...!

Magoichi didn't even bother to listen and instead walked away, feeding more fire to Yuuta's eyes.

From afar, on a random roof, is seen the same female Inves from before.

She has also witness the events, but she focused her sight onto Yuuta.

Female Inves: *evil chuckle*Such a sight. It seems this will be entertaining after all.

To be continued...

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