Episode 32 - Gaim and Baron! Clash of Ideals!

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It begins with seeing Yuuta sleeping in his room in the Takeda dorms.

However, it was not a peaceful night for him. Although he was asleep, Yuuta twists and turns his head around while he's sweating a lot.

The reason is he's having a nightmare, of the time when Itou's father was attacked and killed.

There was also another part of the dream where Yuuta stabbed Itou's father (still has an Inves) through him.

And as he looked up, it was Itou's father who was back to normal, but showing blood all over his mouth.

But the way Itou's father looked into Yuuta, he saw eyes that are black and filled with pain.

Yuuta was horrified in actually killing an innocent man as he backs away in fear, and starts to grabbed his head in confusion while screaming.

While Yuuta was still sleeping, there was a voice calling to him, Kanami's voice.

Kanami: Yuuta...! Yuuta can you hear me?!

Yuuta slowly opens up his eyes, seeing his vision blurry before its clear. Being able to see Kanami by his side with a worried expression.

Yuuta: Ka... na...?

Kanami: You are awake, thank goodness...

Yuuta: *tries to get up*Hngh...!

Kanami: No, please don't push yourself. Here, let me help you.

After Kanami helped Yuuta to sit up, Yuuta puts his hand on his head, trying to wipe the sweat.

Kanami: Are you unwell, Yuuta? I heard your voice from my room and have decided to check on you.

Yuuta: Huh? Oh, I just had a bad dream. Sorry I woke you up.

Kanami: *shakes head*No, you do not have to apologize. I am just glad to see you are okay now.

Yuuta: Y-Yeah... thanks.

Kanami: Would you like me to get you some tea? It will ease the pain.

Yuuta: Sure... I would appreciate it.

Kanami: Of course. Wait here, I will be back soon.

Kanami then stood up and walked out of the room to get some tea.

While alone, Yuuta looked at his hands that are shaking before he covered his face with it, as he begins to cry.

Yuuta: Why...? Why did it turned out like this...?!


Back in the deepest part of the forest, it takes back to the same dark room the mysterious figure and the three Overlords meet.

Right now, the female Inves from before is just standing there, thinking back on how she witnessed things.

But her train of thought was interrupted when someone appeared out of the dark. Which happens to be the one wielding a Zanbato.

???: Why are you here, Redyue?

Redyue(Female Inves): *chuckle*I could ask you the same... Rosyuo. Shouldn't you be out looking out hunting down those pathetic insects? Looking for what the master desires?

Rosyuo(pther Overlord): That is Demushu's task into finding it. I only perform my tasks either when it is the right time, or if the Great Snake orders so. Causing such random destruction brings nothing but dishonor and mindless violence.

Redyue: Hmph, speaking as if you are a human yourself. Need I remind you those monkeys are different from us? They fight amongst their own kind, trample amongst the weak, and care nothing but themselves. That is proof they have no right to bear this world as their own.

???: That is correct.

Out of the blue, the sound of a light flickered and showed again the mysterious figure sitting on his stone throne.

As soon as the two Overlords saw, they immediately laid their weapons down and bowed on one knee.

Redyue & Rosyuo: Master...

???: Humans... they are inferior compared to us. That is why a new species need to replace them, for their malice and greed will only lead this world as a barren rock. I refuse to let the gods do as they please to let these insects taint my paradise.

Redyue: But of course, Master.

Rosyuo: ...

???: Redyue... I recently heard you attacked the ones Demushu encountered by turning a human into one of our own. Speak your reason.

Redyue: I simply decided to give us a little advantage in breaking the humans' spirits, to make themselves vulnerable.

???: Hmph. Still playing around, are you? I hope you have not forgotten your mission?

Redyue: Of course not, master. For that is our reason of our existence.

Rosyuo: ...

???: I should hope so. ...Where is Demushu?

Redyue: He has gone to crush more of the weak, along with his puppet. Claimed about removing anymore obstacles.

???: Very well. For now, you two will also join the search for the item. Search every corner of this pathetic land until you find it, even if you have to destroy everything in your way.

Redyue & Rosyuo: As you wish, master.

As both Overlords stood up, Redyue was the first one to walk away before being stopped by Rosyuo.

Rosyuo: Redyue. We are only finding the item for the Great Snake and nothing more. So keep in mind not to toy around as you please. There is no honor within your ways.

Redyue: *chuckle*You should worry more of yourself. You have your "honor", while I have my own ways.

With that, Redyue walked out into the dark.

???: Rosyuo.

Rosyuo: Yes, master?

???: I overheard your little quarrel, and I question your motives. Do you have a liking towards these humans?

Rosyuo: ...Of course not. I only have interest in the few who have honor and their fearless potential in their hearts. Nothing more.

Then, Rosyuo walked out into the dark, leaving the mysterious figure all alone.

While he laid back on his throne he looked up at the light and raised his hand.

???: Soon, very soon... The golden fruit... will be mine!

It ended with seeing his hand turning into a fist as if he held the source of the light in his hand.


Back in Kai, it immediately places inside the top floor of the Takeda Castle.

There, Shingen, Sakura, and Magoichi are having a meeting with each other, with Shingen shocked to find out what the two women have told him.

Shingen: ...! Are you certain this is true!?

Magoichi: According to what that kid said, his old man was transformed into a monster, or an Inves I should say, right in front of him.

Shingen: What ever happened to the lad, Itou?

Sakura: I, uh... took him here into Takeda's protection until we can find a place for him to stay. I'm worried for him, though. After the incident, he was traumatized and didn't say a single word.

Shingen: The situation is more grave than any of us have imagined. Sakura, notify all Kurokages to provide extra protection to the civilians with extreme caution. We cannot allow any more victims to be involved in falling into the Inves' hands.

Sakura: *bows*It... will be done, my lord.

Shingen: *sigh*I must also send a message to Kenshin as well about what happened. Speaking of which, where's Yuuta?

Sakura: After what happened earlier, he feels he needs to have time alone.

Shingen: Mmm... I understand. It is no doubt he feels responsible in not saving the child's father.

Magoichi: Heh, that kid is really soft isn't he?

Sakura: How could you say that?!

Sakura suddenly stood up and lashed out at Magoichi in a fit of rage.

Sakura: Of course Yu would feel that way! Even though the man was a monster, Yu could never bring himself to kill an innocent life! And the worst part of it all... you were the one who killed him!

There was silence in the room, as Shingen was seen with his head down, already knowing what happened.

As for Magoichi, she wasn't reacting to what Sakura said at slowly stood up.

Magoichi: And? What is the problem with that?

Sakura: ...!?

Magoichi: It was a do or die decision at that time. Either it was saving the monster for the cost of our lives, or killing him. Besides, you Takedas faced many armies and have fallen in your hands for the sake of your purposes.

Sakura: But that's-!

Shingen: Sakura, enough. Magoichi, we shall discuss further later.

Magoichi: Hmph, very well.

With that Magoichi turned and left, leaving Sakura growling at her.

Sakura: My lord, you can't be actually siding with her, right?

Shingen: I am not choosing sides, Sakura. It's just we have more important things to worry about. I understand your anger, but you mustn't let it control you. Whatever happened in the past cannot be undone, all we can do is take our mistakes into our hearts and move forward so the events will not repeat itself. Am I clear?

Sakura: ...I understand.

Shingen: Good. Now then, we must focus on resolving this crisis immediately. Continue your search for the Inves' whereabouts and report back if you find anything suspicious. We cannot waste anymore time, the future of this land is in our hands.

Little did the two know that Setsuna, who was hiding at the side of the doorway, overheard what they said and left the scene...


Kanami is seen walking around the castle's courtyard, who seems to be looking for Yuuta.

Kanami: Yuuta! Yuuta, where are you?! ...Oh, where could he be? He was not in his room when I woke up. My brother and Tadatomo have not seem him either. *sigh*I'm getting worried. Ever since what happened, he's been behaving strangely. I just hope he is okay...

Just then, Kanami hears some Takeda Kurokages talking about something.

Takeda Kurokage 1: Have you found him yet?

Takeda Kurokage 2: No, not yet.

Takeda Kurokage 1: Damm... Lord Takeda is not going to be happy once he hears this news. Notify all nearby and outside patrols to report if they see a child nearby.

Takeda Kurokage 2: Right!

Then the two Takeda Kurokages ran and continued their search.

Kanami: A child?

Kanami then heard footsteps and turned to see a child running to another hallway.

Kanami: Could it be...!

She then started to chase after the child in the same direction.

After a little bit of running, Kanami caught up and grabbed the child's wrist.

Kanami: Wait!

As the child turned around, he revealed his face that Kanami even knew.

Kanami: You're... Itou.

The two were later at the Takeda dorms, where they are sitting on the ledge beside each other.

Kanami: What a coincidence to find the child the soldiers were looking for.

Itou: You already know my name, miss?

Kanami: Indeed, Yuuta told me about you.

Itou: Oh, you already know mister, huh?

Kanami: ...He also told me about me what happened to your father. I... am sorry for your loss.

Before Kanami knew, tears were shedding on Itou's eyes.

Kanami: Ah...! I am sorry-!

Itou: No, it's nothing miss. Don't worry about me.

Kanami then gave the young boy a handkerchief to wipe his tears with.

Kanami: Here. You can wipe yours tears with this.

Itou: Th-Thank you, miss. You're kind.

Kanami: ... So Itou, why did you leave so suddenly? The Takeda Kurokages have been worried and are searching for you.

Itou: Ah, that's right! Miss, where is the mister?

Kanami: Oh, you mean Yuuta. I apologize, but I do not know where he is either. To be honest, I am searching for him myself.

Itou: Did something happened to him?

Kanami: Yes... After what happened to your father, he was not himself. He didn't eat his breakfast I prepared for him and left somewhere without telling me.

Itou: Oh... really?

Kanami: *nods*He feels responsible for what happened.

Itou: It wasn't his fault!

Kanami: I-Itou...?

Itou: ...I know mister was trying to save my father. And I know he didn't kill him, that guy was the one who did it! I already get it... It wasn't mister's fault.

Kanami: Itou... Is that the reason why you wanted to find him?

Itou: Mm-hm. I just want to say thank you to him... for trying to save my father.

Kanami: ...But, I'm pretty sure he still can't face you.

Itou: Because he thought I might hate him? No... I would never... Mister was the one who saved me back then, and my father from the bad guys. Why would I be angry at him after all the good things he did? It doesn't matter what he thinks, after all... the mister, is a hero.

Kanami was surprised by what he said, that she stood up

Itou: Miss...?

Kanami: Itou, it's best if you go back. Do not worry, I will be responsible for finding Yuuta.

Itou: S-Sure.

Kanami then walked away with determination.

Kanami: Yuuta... Do not worry yourself any longer. No matter what happened, I will be there to help you get back up with your own two feet.


The scene now shifts to Yuuta, who is seen walking slowly down a trail with a sad expression on his face.

As he continues walking, he finally reaches out to the open. Where he arrives at a beach.

The same beach where Yuuta claimed his worries would go away (see Episode 6).

Yuuta then sat down on the sand and curled up while watching the waves crashing on the shore.

As Yuuta looks at the waves crashing, quick flashbacks were brought back with Itou's father as an Inves. With seeing how he was being striked by Yuuta and Setsuna, hearing him anguishing in pain.

And finally... how he was slaughtered.

The scene of seeing him died snapped Yuuta back to the harsh reality. As he was holding onto his head, grieving in sadness while burying his face in his legs as he was crying.

Suddenly, as Yuuta continued to mourn, he heard a voice.

Setsuna: What do you think you're doing?

Yuuta then turned around to find out it was Setsuna.

Yuuta: Setsuna... What are you doing here?

Setsuna: Those are the words I should say.

Yuuta: ...Well, nothing much if you're wondering. Just... clearing my head.

Setsuna: But why here? Of all places.

Yuuta: Because the first time I came to this beach, I felt like it makes someone's worries go away. ...Now that I think about it, this is the place where you and I met for the first time.

Setsuna: You are right. As well as having our first match against each other.

As the two continue to gaze at the beach, Setsuna spoke up.

Setsuna: Shingen mentioned earlier, of how you are not of this world.

Yuuta: ...!

Setsuna: However, because you have been involved in so many of our battles, some things have changed. Back then, you are described as hot-blooded, you never hesitate to assist even if you have not been granted a reward in return. You always cared about the people of Kai, treating them as your own. And even against opposing odds, at times when you saved Kanami and against the Oda and Toyotomi army, your spirit never wavered as you moved forward. That was the sign you have the true honor and heart of a warrior.

Yuuta: ...

Setsuna: But now look at you. You act as though your spirit has already broken. All because of a small matter.

Yuuta: Small... matter...?

All of a sudden, Yuuta's sadness started to develop into rage as he stomped up to Setsuna and angrily grabbed him by the collar.

Yuuta: Itou's father was not a small matter!!!

But then, Setsuna by brushing Yuuta's hands off him and punched him in the face, causing him to roll down on the sandy hill.

Yuuta was surprised as he got up, while looking at the blood being drooled from his mouth.

He then saw Setsuna walking down the hill, drawing his katana.

Yuuta: What are you doing!?

Setsuna: You really are a stubborn fool. *points sword*If this is how you feel as of now, then you need to be reminded of facing reality, by force. Prepare yourself!

Setsuna suddenly jumps up and was about strike Yuuta down.

However, Yuuta manages to roll to the side and dodge the attack.

But it didn't stop Setsuna, as he followed it up with a bunch of sword combos.

Setsuna's strikes are fast that all Yuuta could do was dodge them, barely.

Setsuna attempts to strike again, and it managed to deliver a small cut to Yuuta's cheek before he dodged it.

Yuuta: *thoughts*Damn. He's definitely not kidding around here. It's like Setsuna is trying to kill me!

Setsuna runs in and performs and downward vertical slash, but Yuuta blocks it by catching the blade on its sides.

Yuuta: C-Cut it out... Setsuna!

Suddenly, Setsuna pulled a fast one and performed a wheel kick to the face.

As Yuuta was still on his feet, but still feeling the pain, Setsuna acted again and pulled a side kick.

Yuuta was then seen flying until he landed on the water from the shore.

Setsuna still didn't hesitate and still continued to press on towards Yuuta.

Setsuna: ...You still hold onto what happened to the Inves Magoichi killed. You keep lamenting on your opinion of being responsible for it.

Yuuta: And what's the problem with that?! I swore to myself that I would protect the people in this world with my power. But... I couldn't even save one life. And because of that, Itou doesn't have a family anymore... And it's all my fault!

Setsuna then stepped in and grabbed Yuuta and pulled close to him.

Setsuna: Listen... we are at a time of war. Violence and bloodshed are bound to happen, not only towards those on the battlefield, but as well as the innocents. Many warriors made decisions and suffered consequences, but unlike you, they do not just suffer under emotions of sorrow and rage, they press on the path they walk. No matter how much tears you shed, it won't make any difference.

Yuuta: ...

Setsuna: But now is not the time to get sentimental. Many will fall victim, and their fates will end up just like what happened to that man if you cannot pull yourself together.

The moment then got silent, as Setsuna kept staring onto Yuuta's empty eyes.

But it eventually cut off as Setsuna pushed Yuuta back as fell, sitting on the water and still filled with sorrow. He even dropped his belt and Orange lockseed along the way.

Setsuna: *turns his back*Very well. If you take this matter seriously, then you should leave.

Yuuta: Eh...?

Setsuna: As long as you're in this state, then you are no use to us. Feel free to run from the battle and smile on your own.

As Setsuna begins to walk away, Yuuta suddenly spoke up.

Yuuta: But... I don't want that, either.

Saying those words caused Setsuna to stop and turned his head slightly.

Yuuta then got on his knees, as he picked up his belt and lockseed from the water and stared at them.

Yuuta: ...When I first came to this world, a soldier gave me these before he died. I... I could've saved him, but it was already too late. I wasn't scared of dying like him and Itou's father... I was just scared of seeing death myself.

Setsuna: *turns a bit*Yuuta...

Yuuta: As time passed of staying with Takeda... I actually turned to one of those people who would fight for their own beliefs. Little by little, I managed to change things ever since I arrived. I helped end a rivalry, and got two lovers to be re-united. I just want the people living in this country, in this world, to be happy through the rest of their lives.

Yuuta then started to stand up, with his eyes starting to catch on fire.

Yuuta: That's why... I will keep fighting to protect that happiness! I won't let anyone be victims to the Inves. I may have failed to protect a life, but I will keep protecting the people, my friends, and all those I care about! I will save this country, and will help bring back peace and harmony. And that... will be my stage!

Setsuna: Heh... Then prove it to me here and now. Your strength, your determination, your true reason for fighting, show it to me!

Setsuna then puts on his Sengoku Driver and got out his Banana lockseed.

Lockseed: Banana! ...Lock On!

Yuuta: Yeah... *puts on belt*Setsuna, I lost my way just now. *grabs lockseed*But, because of you, I finally found the urge to fight again!

Lockseed: Orange! ...Lock On!

Setsuna: I see. Then prepare yourself, Yuuta!

Yuuta: Here I come, Setsuna!

Yuuta & Setsuna: Henshin!

Soiya! Orange Arms: Path of Blossoms, on Stage!

Come On! Banana Arms: Knight of Spe~ar!

After both armored riders transformed, both drew their respective weapons and got into their stance.

There's a moment of silence and tension in the area, as the two are preparing themselves.

Like a recreation of the scene of Miyamoto Musashi and Sasaki Kojiro about to begin their duel.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Suddenly, action took place as Yuuta and Setsuna began to run to the side. Not making any contact at all as they run along the beach while laying their eyes on one another.

After a while of running, both armored riders' swords have contacted.

The duel between the two is a lot more fierce than their previous ones. Yuuta attacks with an onslaught of strikes and orange-colored slashes, while Setsuna attacks with powerful twirls and thrusts.

The battle continues to be fierce, but surprisingly, both sides have not landed a strike yet.

Their battle continues on the sand, until it drags them out into fighting on the shores.

Yuuta was the one to land a first strike with his Daidaimaru, after bashing the Banaspear away with his Musou Saber.

But Setsuna spins around and lands a horizontal slash, causing Yuuta to crash into the water.

Setsuna then jumps up and attempts to strike Yuuta while on the ground, but Yuuta blocks it with his two swords.

Setsuna started to push Yuuta down, but Yuuta suddenly stops and started to push back.

Gaim: Not yet...! I'm not gonna... give up just yet!

Yuuta then pushes back the spear along with Setsuna, following with landing two cross slashes.

He then puts his two swords together, into the naginata.

Setsuna presses on to attack, but Yuuta twirls around his naginata very fast to block and re-direct the strikes.

Yuuta then acts fast and performed sword combos related to a bo staff. With each strike landing on Setsuna, before ending his combo with spinning around with his naginata and performing a horizontal slash.

Setsuna started panting a little due to his injuries, but remains standing.

Yuuta then cast his weapon aside and pressed down his blade-handle.

Sengoku Driver: Orange Squash!

Gaim: Time to show you the potential... of what I'm fighting for!

Yuuta starts to jump high up to the sky, but not until Setsuna pressed down his blade-handle.

Sengoku Driver: Banana Squash!

Baron: Very well. Come at me with your ultimate weapon, Yuuta Shirayanagi!

Yuuta then performed his rider kick by going through a path of orange slices, with his leg coated with orange juice-like energy.

As he continues down his path, Setsuna performed his rider kick by performing an upper round-house kick. Showing his foot coated in yellow energy with a projection of a *hand of bananas.

(*a smaller group that has been broken off of the bunch)

As the two armored riders' rider kicks have made contact, it resulted in a giant explosion.

===stop music here===

The explosion caused the two to de-henshin. With Setsuna rolling on the ground and landed by standing on one knee, and Yuuta flying and crashing to the ground, laying down on his back.

Yuuta tried to get up, but he was too tired that went back into lying down.

He was about to close his eyes, but not before seeing a person from afar running towards him...


Yuuta is seen still unconscious, but now he's slowly opening his eyes.

Kanami: Ah, Yuuta!

Yuuta then slowly turns his head to look up and sees Kanami, as he realized he's resting his head on her lap.

Yuuta: K-Kana...?

Kanami: Yes, it's me. Thank goodness, you're finally awake.

Yuuta: Where... am I?

Kanami: You are in your room. For a while, you have been unconscious.

Yuuta: ...! Right, I had a battle against Setsuna. Where is he?

Kanami: My brother is resting in his room, right now. After he helped me bring you back here.

All of a sudden, Yuuta heard sounds of barking, which happens to be Kuroh. And as soon as he came in, he immediately licked Yuuta's cheek out of happiness.

Yuuta: Kuroh! *petting*It's good to see you, boy.

Kanami: *giggle*Surprised? I was having trouble finding you, but Kuroh was the one who led me to you.

Yuuta: Is that right? Well, thanks a lot.

Kuroh: *bark*!

Kanami: Yuuta, I... I'm sorry about what happened with my brother. It was unforgiveable he hurt you like that.

Yuuta: No, it's alright. *thoughts*But the reality is that he actually helped me.

Yuuta notices Kanami rubbing his hair gently, and turns to see her smiling.

Yuuta: Kana...

Kanami: Does it feel good?

Yuuta: Y-Yeah. Gotta say, you sure make a relaxing pillow.

Kanami: *giggles* ...You must have felt so much pain within your heart. Haven't you, Yuuta?

Yuuta: Kana?

Kanami: I knew you were hurting deep down, but all I could do was watch. You have been suffering ever since that day, and I couldn't find a way to aid you. I felt so helpless, but I couldn't just turn away from your sorrow. I just... I just want to help you in any way I can-.

Kanami starts to tremble as she goes on, but Yuuta manages to speak up.

Yuuta: Kana.

Kanami: Eh?

Yuuta: You already helped me. Even though I wanted to be alone, you... you never gave up in trying to find me. I can already feel your warmth in staying by my side, and that's more than enough. So, thank you so much, Kana.

Kanami was surprised by Yuuta's words, that she started to blush and shedded some tears.

Yuuta: Kana, I'm okay now, so you don't have to cry.

Kanami: *sob*N-No, don't worry about me. I am just so glad you said I helped you, it made me... so happy.

Yuuta then raised his hand, wiping some of Kanami's precious tears from her eyes.

Yuuta: I'm back... Kana.

Kanami continues to blush, while gently holding onto Yuuta's hand to her cheek.

Kanami: *sobs and chuckle*Welcome home, Yuuta.

It ends with seeing the two continuing to look at each other while smiling...

To be continued...

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