Episode 33 - New Troubles in Echigo

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It is the beginning of the morning in Kai, where it centers on the Takeda castle.

While in the courtyard, Setsuna is seen training with his katana. Surprisingly seeing him with a couple of banages around his body from his earlier fight with Yuuta.

Although, his style while training is similar to how he fights as an armored rider. Adding some twirls and quick some quick thrusts from the tip.

But as he performed a powerful strike, he suddenly felt a little shock from his wounds, forcing him to stop practicing for now.

Setsuna: Nngh...! So, this is the limit of how much I can do while injured.

Setsuna closes his eyes as he looks up at the sky, bringing flashbacks of his fight with Yuuta earlier


The flashback has many scenes of their battle, quickly skipping of how both were able to injure each other.

Yuuta's voice also happens to be there while the scenes played.

Yuuta(flashback): ...I will keep fighting to protect that happiness! I won't let anyone be victims to the Inves. I may have failed to protect a life, but I will keep protecting the people, my friends, and all those I care about! I will save this country, and will help bring back peace and harmony. And that... will be my stage!

*end flashback*

Setsuna: Heh. Determination and mistakes are what a warrior needs to get back up on his own two feet. You really are an interesting individual, Yuuta Shirayanagi.

All of a sudden, Setsuna heard a voice from afar. Which happens to be his own sister.

Kanami: Yuuta...! Yuuta, where are you?! ...Oh dear, where has he gone now?

Setsuna: Kanami?

Kanami then turns to see her brother walking towards her.

Kanami: Setsuna? Why are you here?

Setsuna: That is what I want to ask. I was in the middle of training until I heard your voice. Did something happen?

Kanami: I was just looking for Yuuta, have you seen him?

Setsuna: I just happened to run by him. Says he needs to do an errand in the village.

Kanami: An errand? What is it?

Setsuna: I do not know, he didn't ask.

Kanami: I see. Thank you, Setsuna.

As Kanami began to leave, Setsuna immediately grabs her wrist to stop her.

Setsuna: Wait, you're not planning to go look for him, are you?

Kanami: I am. Why do you ask?

Setsuna: You forget we are currently under Takeda's protection. Who knows what dangers you'll face if you step over the wall.

Kanami: There is nothing to be concerned, brother. I am just going to look for Yuuta, and most of the people in the village are familiar with me.

Setsuna: *sigh*Very well, but I am coming along with you.

Kanami: Setsuna, there's no need to-

Setsuna: No, you're my primary concern as of now. Wherever you go, I go too.

Kanami just let out a sigh and reluctantly agrees.


Setsuna and Kanami are then walking around the village, searching for Yuuta.

As they walk down the street, some Kurokages and citizens are still cutting and burning down vines around shops and houses. Currently, there are less vines around the area than before.

So far, the two haven't found any clues in telling where Yuuta is.

Kanami: It is almost afternoon, and Yuuta is still nowhere to be seen.

Setsuna: Why are you so worried for him today, sister?

Kanami: Oh, well... Because of what happened between you two yesterday, I wanted to see if he's getting better.

Setsuna: ...I see.

Kanami: ...How about you? Are you still injured?

Setsuna: No need to worry, my wounds are healing faster than I thought. Although, I was responsible since I underestimated Yuuta.

Kanami: You should rest then. It's not good for you to push yourself.

Setsuna: Heh, very well. ...You know, this is a first in a long while you and I had a regular conversation.

Kanami: Ah, is that so?

Setsuna: Kanami, I... I sincerely apologize, for leaving you. I only wanted to protect you. Since we are both children of our father, disastrous things will happen to us in the near future. I left in order to achieve the power to rid of those who chase us. To protect you, and our family.

Kanami: ...How is he? Father, I mean?

Setsuna: ...He is well. Tadakatsu is currently looking after him while they are in hiding.

Kanami: I suppose that is good news.

Setsuna: Again, I apologize. I know nothing I do can ever make up for my past mistakes. I cannot even imagine your pain of being alone.

Kanami: ...I will be honest. It was really painful while you were away. Thoughts of being abandoned, betrayed, forgotten, has kept in my mind. For a period of time, my world was filled with darkness, because no one was there by my side. However, not everything was bad, I met Sakura and the kind people here in Kai, treating me as part of a family. And... there is one more person, who showed me the light.

Setsuna: Yuuta?

Kanami: Yes! Yuuta has saved me countless times when I was in danger. Out of everyone, he was always there for me. He comforted me in my personal issues, and even though he found out the truth, he never hesitated to rescue me. He... gave me meaning to my life. *chuckles*So you see, that's why I am concerned for Yuuta's safety. After all, I worry for him.

Setsuna: *chuckles*

Kanami: What?

Setsuna: Oh nothing, it's just that it seems you have affections for him from the way your are speaking so highly about him.

After hearing this, Kanami suddenly started to blush bright red.

Kanami: Eh!? N-No, that's not what I meant! I... I am only stating Yuuta is an important person to me, that is all! Ah...! I-I mean...

Trying to find another reason to explain, Setsuna responded by chuckling a bit more.

Kanami: Geez, brother... *sigh**thoughts*How embarrassing to reveal my feelings in front of him. But... I suppose Yuuta is right. I am starting to see the Setsuna I knew is still there.

Setsuna: What's wrong?

Kanami: *shakes head*It's nothing. Oh that's right, I haven't told you yet, but I made a promise with Yuuta.

Setsuna: A promise?

Kanami: Yes, that the three of us would go see the cherry blossoms together.

Setsuna: Ah, I see you're reminiscing about the time where we used to walk down a path full of cherry blossom trees as kids.

Kanami: Yes. Whenever there's a time, any time, we can go-

???: Oh, miss Kanami.

The moment was caught off when the two were approached by an elderly man.

Kanami: Ah! *bows*It has been a long time.

Elder Man: Ho ho ho, indeed it has. You were gone for a while and everyone was worried something happened. And who is this fine young man?

Setsuna: Setsuna, Kanami's brother.

Elder Man: A brother? Why, miss Kanami, you never mentioned you had a brother. And a fine one too.

Kanami: Well, it is a long story.

Elder Man: If you are here, are you finally going to work at your old mochi stand again? Apparently, someone has been filling your seat while you were away.

Kanami: Someone?

Elder Man: Indeed. Whoever he is, he's been doing a fine job to keep your business going.

As the elder man left, Kanami began to wonder.

Kanami: Can it be?

Kanami and Setsuna then arrived at Kanami's old mochi stand, which is open for business.

Where surprisingly, they spotted someone serving some to some citizens, who proves to be none other than Yuuta.

Yuuta: Here you go, please enjoy!*bows*

Kanami: Yuuta?

Yuuta then turns around to see Kanami along with Setsuna.

Yuuta: Oh, Kana, Setsuna! Good afternoon!

Kanami: So this is where you were. Thank goodness we found you.

Yuuta: You were that desperate for looking for me? Didn't know I was missing.

Kanami: Geez, Yuuta. You should have told me you were here, I was beginning to worry about you.

Yuuta: Heh heh heh. Sorry about that.

Setsuna: Why are you working here in this place?

Kanami: Ah, that's right. I almost forgot this is your first time being here, brother.

Yuuta: This is actually where Kana works. But ever since Lord Shingen issued the order to take you two under Takeda protection, I decided to keep this place up and running.

Setsuna: I never imagined you know how to run a sweets shop.

Yuuta: Well back in my world, grandpa taught me and everyone else in the family the ways of making traditional meals and sweets. But, I only know a little bit.

Kanami: Yuuta... I cannot thank you enough for everything you've done here.

Yuuta: Oh come on Kana, this place here was important to you, right? I couldn't just sit back and let it shut down, besides, everyone missed your tasty mochi.

Setsuna: It seems you've returned to your old self. I'm glad.

Yuuta: Setsuna... I managed to get my spirits back up because of you. You were right, I was too personal in blaming myself for a death of a innocent life. ...However, you taught me to keep moving forward so nothing like that ever happens again. So... *bows*Thank you so much!

Setsuna: ...Heh, you really are an interesting individual.

Itou: -Mister!

The three then got the attention of a voice, and as they turned, it was Itou who called. And he looked like he's working for the stand.

Yuuta: Ah, Itou!

Itou: We have another order coming!

Yuuta: Alright, I'll be right there in a minute!

Kanami: Itou? Why is he here?

Yuuta: Oh, ever since I thought of the idea of keeping this place going, Itou wanted to help me. Couldn't say no to a kid's wish. ...I also got told of what he said about what happened his father. I was afraid to face him, but I never thought he would forgive me. That's why I want to help him in anyway I can. To protect his, as well as the people's hopes.

Kanami: Yuuta... I'm glad.

Yuuta: Well, I gotta go back and work. This place ain't going to run itself.

Kanami: Ah, then allow me to assist you.

Yuuta: Oh, no you don't have to push yourself.

Kanami: No, I will help as well, besides it has been quite sometime since I worked here.

Yuuta: Alright, then. Come on!

As Yuuta and Kanami went inside, the customers were muttering very loud and happily to see Kanami back.

For Setsuna, he saw Yuuta and Kanami, both looking happy as they began to start cooking together. Which also made him happy too as he chuckled a bit.


The scene shifts to Echigo, seeing the situation ever since the Inves invaded.

And as expected, the village is seen covered up in vines and is a bit damaged.

The sad setting stopped when there's an explosion in a area.

The villagers began to run away in fear from the explosion in that area, as a group of Inves have appeared out of the fire.

It shows a little bit of their terrorizing of destroying some shops and damaging buildings.

Amidst the chaos, there was a boy crying in fear while hiding in a narrow alleyway.

One of the Inves spots him and is about to attack. However, the boy was saved by none other than Kenshin.

Kenshin appeared quickly to the side, blocked the Inves' path while performing a horizontal slash with his katana.

Then, he followed it up by laying the blade on the Inves before grinding it, cutting it in half.

Kenshin: *puts sword back*No innocent life shall be slayed by the enemy!

After Kenshin's arrival, many Uesugi Kurokages took action in dealing with the Inves threat.

As there are groups charging and attacking the Inves throughout the village.

Along with some armed with Tulip Hoppers, and using watermelon lockseeds.

The Uesugi Kurokages piloting Tulip Hoppers assisted their comrades by performing powerful wind-up kick attacks to the Inves, sending them flying.

As for those with watermelon lockseeds, they took out large numbers of Inves with a single strike of their Jumonji Yaris, along with firing their giant seed-shaped cannonballs from their shoulder cannons.

It shifts back to Kenshin, who is walking out to the open, looking at the village he rules. Where there are smoke fires and vines everywhere.

Kenshin: Such madness... I never thought these Inves would go this far.

???: My lord!

Kenshin then sees three Kurokages with Tulip Hoppers jumping down from buildings until they reached the ground.

The one who spoke up earlier got off his lock-vehicle for a moment and got on his knee before Kenshin.

Kenshin: Report.

Uesugi Kurokage: Right! The divisions handling the east side of the village have already taken out the enemy's forces. Same results came in from the west as well.

Kenshin: And the villagers?

Uesugi Kurokage: All evacuated with no casualty.

Kenshin: I see... That is good to hear. What is the current situation in the northern side of the mountains.

Uesugi Kurokage: We... still haven't gotten word yet, my lord.

Keshin: Very well. Notify all divisions to stay alert and continue their orders.

Uesugi Kurokage: Yes, my lord!

The Uesugi Kurokage then got back on his Tulip Hopper, and his grouped jumped away.

Kenshin: *sigh*Daughter, I pray that you are still well.


In the northern side of the mountains, specifically in a forest that is foggy forest, a few miles away from the village, the Inves appear from the mist while continuing their march towards the village.

However, they were stopped when the two women of Uesugi blocked their path.

Naomi: Lord Kenshin's hunch was correct. Enemies are approaching from this area as well.

Michiko: I will not let these foul demons taint Echigo with their presence any further. Let's go, Naomi!

Naomi: Yes, my lady!

The two then put on their belts and grabbed their respective lockseeds.

Lockseed: Zangetsu - Melon! ...Lock On!

Lockseed: Ryugen - Grape! ...Lock On!

Michiko & Naomi: Henshin!

Soiya! Melon Arms: Acknowledged by Providence!

Hai! Budou Arms: Dragon, Fire, Bang-Bang-Bang!

After their transformations, the Inves started to charge towards the two women.

And so the battle begins, and Michiko and Naomi began their attack.

The Inves tried to attack by charging at them, all at once.

Michiko bashed them with her shield to create some distance, while counterattacking with her Musou Saber.

Just as the Inves appeared from all sides, Michiko also strikes from all sides. As well as firing shots from her sword when the Inves were about to attack her blind spot.

And as for Naomi, she supports Michiko beside her, firing her Budou Ryuhou all sides as well.

There were two Inves remaining, which Michiko finished by slashing through it, and Naomi kept firing her blaster until the Inves exploded.

Zangetsu: *pant**pant*

Ryugen: My lady, are you well?

Zangetsu: Do not worry about me. Although, we have managed to secure the area.

Ryugen: Right. We should report back to Lord Kenshin.

But suddenly, just as the two thought they caught their breath, Michiko was suddenly attacked by something moving at fast speeds. Which seemed to be flying on low ground and slashed its blade onto her.

Michiko was then seen flying until she crashed to the ground.

Ryugen: My lady!

All of a sudden, Naomi was attacked from behind when something performed an upper-slash from a claw. Then, it was dragging Naomi to the ground while running, then threw her until she crashed through a tree.

Zangetsu: Naomi!

Michiko immediately recovered and went over to help her.

Zangetsu: Are you alright?!

Ryugen: Yes... My sincerest apologies...

As the two ladies managed to get up, they were confronted by the two beings that attacked them.

Zangetsu: Tch, more enemies...!

Ryugen: Wait a minute, I know that one, with the appearance of a lion. But I thought we have defeated it back in Kai... How is this possible!?

Zangetsu: It must have survived somehow, or maybe its another of the same one we fought before. But it doesn't matter who our enemies are, what matters is to defeat them before more damaged has been sowed.

Ryugen: Yes, you are right.

And so, Michiko and Naomi took their stances. However, they notice something weird.

The two red Inves each walked to a nearby tree that has a vine... with Lock Fruits dangling on them. And they picked one fruit off of them.

Zangetsu: Lock Fruits? Just what are they planning?

Then shockingly, the two red Inves... started to eat the fruits.

Ryugen: ...! Their eating them!?

After the two Inves scarfed their Lock Fruits like wild animals, they began to act strange.

While the two Inves behaved strangely, they both began to change...

For the Inves who looks like a bat, after eating the Lock Fruit, its skin started to shed or decay, until it shows a white color with holes around.

As for its blade located to the left, it started to shrink until it was the size of a knife. But at the same time, its right arm started to mutate into a wing-shaped blade.

And for the Lion Inves, it started to grow little wings on its back, and its claw's nails grew even further.

Zangetsu: By the heavens...

Ryugen: Impossible... they have changed... by actually eating those Lock Fruits?!

Then, the two red Inves began to attack the two women.

Michiko is dealing with the Bat Inves and both sides to be at equal power with each other.

Michiko attempted to perform another strike, however, the Bat Inves flew up high and performed aerial strikes towards her with its two blades.

The Bat Inves was too fast as it attacked in an unpredictable flying pattern, Michiko wasn't able to see or when to strike.

As she got back up, Michiko looked around to see the Bat Inves gone. But in actuality, it is hiding behind one of the trees, waiting for the right time to strike.

Michiko started to get stressed, but soon calmed down as she remembered her training.

After she threw her shield to the side, she held her Musou Saber in a kendo stance, closing her eyes from the inside of her visor.

There was a moment of silence, but the Bat Inves begins to lay the final strike.

However, Michiko sensed its presence and turns to where the Bat Inves is, performing a simple downward strike.

Then, Michiko put her Musou Saber back in its holster, like how a samurai does it, and the Bat Inves felt the impact of the strike and crashed on the ground. Showing a huge, opened scar on its torso before exploding.

In Naomi's side, she's continuing her fight with the Lion Inves.

In its new form, the Lion Inves proves to be more fierce and fast than it was before.

Showing some powerful claw attacks and combos while showing a red color, not even giving Naomi enough to time to fire her blaster.

The Lion Inves jumps high, about to finish Naomi off, but she managed to land a few shots at the Lion Inves.

After the Inves crashed, it stood up to see Naomi disappeared.

But suddenly, it was fired from the back, but when the Lion Inves turned around, nobody was there.

Naomi used her strategy of hide and sneak attack to throw the Lion Inves off-balance and wear itself down.

Naomi continued to use her strategy until the Lion Inves is injured.

Ryugen: And now... time to end this.

Naomi finally revealed herself and pressed her blade-handle three times.

Sengoku Driver: Budou Sparking!

As Naomi began to charge for her attack, a bunch of energy balls shaped like grapes appeared and began to gather towards the tip of the blaster.

Finally, as she pulled the trigger, a purple-colored Asian dragon raced towards the Lion Inves before it rammed and destroyed it.

After the battle, both armored riders de-henshined, but do not seemed relieved.

Naomi: My lady, what we just saw...

Michiko: Yes, if what we saw was true, then it seems everyone in this country is in more danger than ever.

Naomi: Then we must notify this situation to Lord Kenshin at once!

Michiko and Naomi then ran back to the village, but Michiko is seen with a more concerned look on her face.

Michiko: *thoughts*Yukimura... I pray nothing I feared has happened to you as well...

From elsewhere, deep within the forest, there is a being who is watching Michiko and Naomi from afar.

Which has happened to be Demushu...

Demushu: Hmph, they had even managed to defeat them in their evolved state... Perhaps these humans have been underestimated after all. Well, no matter... Because our time to finish them... will soon come to pass.

Demushu then turned around to see Yukimura approaching him.

It was last seen of Yukimura's eyes glowing bright red with determination...

To be continued...

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