Episode 5 - Samurai to Ninja! Go, Strawberry Arms!

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In the continuation of the battle, Yuuta is seen battling against Naomi.

Yuuta starts swinging his two swords, but Naomi is doing is dodging them.

Gaim: Gah! Stand still, will you!

But as Yuuta starts swing his swords again, he was suddenly being shot at by Naomi's blaster, the Budou Ryuhou.

Yuuta tries to strike Naomi again, but everytime Naomi dodges, she counters by shooting back with her blaster.

Yuuta eventually took too much damage, and is on the ground due to exhaustion.

Just as Naomi was about to blast Yuuta, she was suddenly hit by a few shurikens.

Ryugen: What!?

It was Sakura, who then appeared to Yuuta's side and started to carry him on her shoulders.

Sakura: Yu, are you okay?

Gaim: Yeah, I am thanks to you Sakura. Come on, how about we double-team?

Sakura: Sounds good to me~!

As Yuuta went back into combat, Sakura provided him support of throwing shurikens at Naomi to get her off-guard.

Eventually it started to work. Whenever Naomi dodges, she either gets hit by a shuriken or by Yuuta's sword strikes.

After Naomi was injured and got on her knees, Yuuta and Sakura started to charge right after.

But they were suddenly surrounded by a group of Uesugi Kurokages, and started to fight off.

Sakura: Geez, there's just no end to them.

Gaim: Come on, we have to keep fighting.

Sakura: I know, I know.

Sakura is dealing the troops with her ninja-speed and knocking them out from behind.

As for Gaim, he's dealing some of the troops with his sword techniques, showing orange slashes in some of them.

Gaim: Now this is just taking too long. Maybe this will help out!

Yuuta grabbed the other lockseed he received from Shingen and replaced the lock from his belt.

Lockseed: Strawberry! ...Lock On!

Soiya! Ichigo Arms: Swooshing Spark!

Ryugen: Strawberry...?

Sakura: Wow Yu, you look like a ninja, just like me!

Gaim: Heh heh, I do feel like one too. Now then, let's go!

Sakura: Right!

As Yuuta and Sakura engaged in battle again, in centers onto Yuuta who is displaying his new Arms' powers.

Yuuta also gained a new weapon called the Ichigo Kunais, which after he threw them to the enemies, they detonate at the moment of impact.

Yuuta has an unlimited supply no matter how many of those knives he throws.

He even combined three of his kunais to form a shuriken, which got rid of a lot of Uesugi Kurokages in its line of path.

Unfortunately, after Yuuta defeated them, reinforcements came closing in.

Gaim: Ah man, they just keep coming.

Sakura: Yu!

Gaim: Huh?

Sakura: Put the lockseed on your sword! It will do the trick!

Gaim: My sword? Oh, you got it!

As Yuuta drew his Musou Saber, he grabbed his lockseed and puts it on his sword.

Lockseed: Lock Off! ...Lock On!

1, 10, 100: Strawberry Charge!

As Yuuta got himself ready, he then slashes upwards and shoots out a projection of a kunai that turned into a giant strawberry.

Then, as the strawberry hovers over the group of enemies, countless Ichigo Kunais started to rain down from the strawberry's seeds.

The kunais detonated, ridding the Uesugi Kurokages, leaving only Naomi in the area.

Ryugen: Guess I will make a tactical retreat...

Naomi then fled, and the Takeda Kurokages roared out in victory.

Sakura came in and hugged Yuuta.

Sakura: Yuuta! You did it, you were great out there!

Gaim: A-Alright, Sakura! You... you can stop hugging me. ...But it's not over, come on, Lord Shingen and Yukimura still needs our help.


Yukimura readies his two spears, as he's about to face Michiko, who has already transformed to an armored rider from the previous episode.

Zangetsu: Why are you being hesitant, Yukimura? Are you filled with fear to attack first, perhaps?

Yukimura: Michi... We don't have to do this. Surely there has to be another way!

Zangetsu: There is none! You know it better than anyone, that we are fated to clash swords.

Yukimura: ...Then it seems talking is done.

Yukimura and Michiko stood still for a few more seconds, they sprinted towards each other and clashed.

As Yukimura is twirling his spears and landing powerful strikes, Michiko either blocks them with her Melon Defender, or sways them away with her Musou Saber.

They both locked blades with each other and got up close.

Yukimura: Please, Michi! I don't want to fight you!

Zangetsu: You don't understand, I have to fight because I have no choice!

Yukimura: Is this about Lord Kenshin...?

Zangetsu: Yes. That's why I need to fulfill his dream, even if it means I have to fight you!

Michiko pushed Yukimura back, but he stood his ground.

Then, he starts to run towards Michiko.

Yukimura: Aaaaaahhhhh!


Shingen is seen fighting alone on the battlefield.

Although he has the skill and strength of a warlord, he's still outnumbered while all alone.

As a few Uesugi Kurokages are seen jumping high and about to strike Shingen from behind, they were immediately hit and taken down by the Ichigo Kunais.

Shingen: What?

Gaim: My lord!

Yuuta and Sakura then appeared to the scene, while defeating enemies in their way.

Shingen: Ah! Yuuta, Sakura.

Gaim: Are you okay?

Shingen: Yes, I am well.

Sakura: Wait... Where's lord Yukimura?!

Shingen: I lost sight of him after he pressed on while fighting the Kurokages.

Gaim: Dammit!

A moment of surprise came when the three are fighting against more Uesugi Kurokages that charged right at them.

While all of them are fighting and having their scenes, it then centers to Yuuta, who grabs is orange lockseed.

Gaim: I'm actually more comfortable with this.

Lockseed: Orange! ...Lock On!

Soiya! Orange Arms: Path of Blossoms, on Stage!

Yuuta then was in full strength while back to his original Arms, as he kept striking the Uesugi Kuokages with orange slashes from both his swords.

Shingen: Yuuta!

Gaim: Yeah?!

Shingen: Me and our men will handle things from here, you go on ahead and support Yukimura!

Gaim: Are you sure?!

Shingen: Do not worry, we'll be fine! Now, go!

Gaim: Yes, lord!

Immediately, Yuuta left to the direction where Yukimura ran.


Yukimura and Michiko are still clashing, but Yukimura is being pushed back everytime Michiko strikes.

Zangetsu: Weak...

Michiko then lands a powerful strike to Yukimura, that caused him to roll on the ground.

Zangetsu: Very weak. Even with me as an armored rider, you seemed to be hesitating.

Yukimura is attempting to get pack up, but sustained injuries.

Zangetsu: I know you're trying to be noble in not attacking me. Unfortunately, your actions will lead you to your fate.

But as Zangetsu approaches Yukimura for the finishing blow, she was suddenly hit by a few shots.

Zangetsu: Ghk! What!?

Gaim: Yukimura!

Yuuta then appears at Yukimura's side, checking if he's alright.

Yukimura: Y-Yuuta?

Gaim: Sorry I took so long, bud.

Zangetsu: You... You're suppose to be dead!

Gaim: Hate to break it to you, woman. But I'm not some soldier you can get rid of that easily.

Zangetsu: Tch, then it seems I must finished what I started!

As Michiko engages Yuuta, both of them started to clash swords.

Yuuta has improved since last time, now both armored rider's skills and powers are equal.

When they got pushed back, both of them pressed down their blade-handles.

Sengoku Driver: Orange Squash!

Sengoku Driver: Zangetsu - Melon Squash!

When both of them charged, they filled their respective blades with energy before slashing at each other.

But as they struck blades at the same time, the energy from their blades exploded, causing them to be flying back.

While both attempted to get up, Michiko was the first to get up and de-henshins.

Michiko: *pant*I see you have improved, Takeda's armored warrior.

Gaim: Name's Yuuta Shirayanagi, and don't forget it.

Michiko: Hmph. We will retreat for now, but don't assume it's over. You may have won this battle, but you won't win the war.

Gaim: Yeah? Well, we'll be ready when that happens.

Michiko then walks away, but not before turning her face to Yukimura.

Michiko: Yukimura.

Yukimura: ...

Michiko: The next time we meet, I will not show mercy.

After Michiko stared him down with a sharp eye, she left the battlefield.

Yukimura: *thoughts*Michi...


It's night time, and everyone has gathered back at the castle to have a victory's dinner.

Right now, everyone is silent because of Shingen's announcement.

Shingen: Men, I thank you for gathering all on this fine evening! Even though it's a normal dinner, today shall be special. Ever since our new ally, Yuuta Shirayanagi has appeared before us and sent to the battlefield, he has demonstrated great strength for our clan. We've welcomed him with opened arms and treated him as part of our family. Therefore, this celebration goes to him. Cheers, for Yuuta Shirayanagi!

All: Cheers!

Shingen: Now, then... You may all feast to your heart's content!


As soon as the announcement was over, everyone started to dig in into their bento meals.

Noises echoes inside the castle with men talking and drinking their sake.

Yuuta is also digging in as well.

Yuuta: Mmm. This is so good!

Sakura: *giggles*And we have you to thank for all this, Yu.

Samurai1: Hey, Yuuta!

Yuuta: Yes? There something you need?

Samurai1: I saw you battle out there and your skills are impressive.

Samurai2: If you have time, could you teach me and our comrades some of your sword techniques.

Yuuta: Sure. Whenever you want to.

Samurai1: Thank you so much*bows*.

Yuuta: Oh come on, it's nothing really-... Huh?

Yuuta sees Yukimura on the otherside to where he's sitting. He hasn't eaten his meal and has a sad expression on his face.

Then, Yukimura gets up from his seat and walks out.

Yuuta: ...Yukimura?

Later, Yukimura is seen outside, at the castle's balcony.

As he looks up at the moon, he grits his teeth and angrily slams his fist down at the wooden ledge.

Yukimura then looks down and began shedding tears.

Yukimura: Michi...


Back at the Uesugi's base in Echigo, Michiko is seen standing and also looking at the moon from her balcony.

As she continues to stare at the moon, she grabbed something inside her yukata.

It appears to be some sort of a special comb.

Flashbacks played of Michiko spending time in that place where she fought Yukimura earlier.

About where Yukimura is combing her hair, and both of them slowly kissing each other in the moonlight.

Michiko then started to shed a tear and curls up, continuing to cry while covering her face.

Michiko: ...Yukimura.

To be continued...

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