Episode 6 - Arrival of a Rival! The Banana Transformation!

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It's now the start of the morning, and Yuuta is seen still sleeping in his room.

But he starts to wake up, but still a little sleepy.

Yuuta: *yawn*...Boy, I slept like a log this time. Kind of weird though, 'cause these past few days I was able to have a goodnight's rest.

Yuuta then remembered some nights where he had those dreams of the mysterious voice.

Yuuta: *thoughts*Still... what were those dreams I had? That talk about some "golden fruit"... It feels like I'm suppose to do something here in this world. ...I wonder if I'll be able to go back home.




Yuuta already got in his clothes and started walking around in the castle's courtyard.

Yuuta: *stretches and yawns*

As he continues to walk around, he suddenly heard the sound of a tree branch shaking.

When he looked around, Yuuta then spot Sakura up on a tree.

Sakura: Tee hee. Good morning, Yu!

Yuuta: Ah, morning Sakura!

Sakura: *jumps down from tree*You're up early today.

Yuuta: I could say the same to you.

Sakura: Well, father said that shinobi must take naps during night and day. That way we're fully energized to be on lookout.

Yuuta: That's... kind of a rough schedule you got there.

Sakura: Yeah, I know. But it's not bad once you get used to it.

Yuuta: Whatever you say. By the way, Sakura...

Sakura: Yeah, what is it?

Yuuta: Have you seen Yukimura lately?

Sakura: *shakes head*Mm-mm, not really. Why, do you need him for something?

Yuuta: No, it's not that. It's just that these past few days, he's been acting kind of weird.

Sakura: What do you mean?

Yuuta: Well, ever since that day in Kawanakajima, he wasn't talking, like at all. He also had a weird look in his eyes...

Sakura: Huh, you got a good point. But It's Lord Yukimura we're talking about. I'm sure he'll get better soon.

Yuuta: Yeah, I guess you're right.

Sakura: By the way Yu, what are you going to do today?

Yuuta: Um, what do you mean by that?

Sakura: I mean, today there's no sudden movements from the Uesugi or any other armies, so most likely you got the day off.

Yuuta: Really? Hmm, well maybe I'll just go out for a stroll around town. Still trying to get familiarized around here.

Sakura: Sounds good. Well, I'm going to go back to patrolling, so I'll see you later Yu!

Sakura then left, seen jumping from tree to tree.


Yuuta is seen walking around, and the villagers bowed at his passing by.

Villager: Ah, sir Yuuta, good morning!

Yuuta: Morning! *thoughts*Man, even though I've been here for a few weeks, everyone has been nice to me. Feels like I'm starting to fit in.

Meanwhile, it centers to the mochi stand, and Kanami is picking up the dishes. But she stopped when she heard someone coming in.

Kanami: Welcome-.

Yuuta: Yo.

Kanami: Yuuta! It's good to see you.

Yuuta: Yeah, me too. How're you doing, Kana?

Kanami: I am fine, thank you. Please, come in.

Yuuta then took his seat in one of the matts.

Kanami: What would you like?

Yuuta: Mmm, just green tea. I'm kind of relaxed today.

Kanami: Is that so? Is work for the Takeda Clan lightened today?

Yuuta: Better, got myself a day off.

Kanami: My, it seems Lord Shingen has been very generous to you.

Yuuta: Ha ha, I guess so.

Kanami then put a cup of green tea right in front of Yuuta.

Kanami: Here you go.

Yuuta: Ah, thanks Kana.

As Kanami looks at Yuuta drinking his tea, she started to speak up.

Kanami: Um... Yuuta.

Yuuta: Mm? What's up?

Kanami: Why are saying my name like that? I'm just curious.

Yuuta: Don't you like it? I thought saying your full name would be kind of a mouth-full, so I decided to call you "Kana". Besides, I think it's cute when I say it.

Kanami: Eh!? C-Cute, you say?

Yuuta: What's wrong, don't tell me you don't like it.

Kanami: *blush*N-No, that's not what I meant!

Kanami began to blush with showing her face glow red, but hid it with her round tray.

Yuuta then laughed when she saw her like that.

Kanami: Geez... Yuuta, you're making me embarrassed!

Yuuta: Sorry, sorry.

After seeing Kanami turn away while still blushing, Yuuta then realizes there's a picture of at the counter of a young boy.

Yuuta: Hey, Kana. What's that picture over there?

Kanami: Oh, you mean this?

Yuuta: Yeah, who's that picture of?

Kanami: ...That's my brother.

Yuuta: Really? I didn't know you have a brother.

Kanami: His name is Setsuna, and he's actually the same age as me.

Yuuta: Where is he now? I kind of want to meet him.

Kanami: He's gone.

Yuuta: Eh?

Kanami: Well, not dead. It's more like, he disappeared.

Yuuta: Then, what happened?

As Kanami picked up her brother's picture, she expressed a sad smile.

Kanami: My brother... he was kind, respectful, and always showed dedication. At times, he would always protect me, just like you. And I loved that part of him. But one day he just vanished without a trace, without telling me anything. All he left behind was a simple farewell letter, and this...

Kanami went over to sit down with Yuuta, and hand over the picture to him. As he was looking at it, he noticed something.

Yuuta: Hey, this picture... it's like it was torn or something.

Kanami: Yes...

Yuuta: But I don't get it, why would he just leave you without telling why?

Kanami: I do not know. But he must have had his reasons. At least... that is what I want to believe.

Yuuta: Kana...

Unknown to the two of them, is that there's a young man with a hood on outside the stand, watching them.


Yuuta is seen walking in though trees, continuing his walk. But have a frowned look because of his talk with Kanami.

Yuuta: *thoughts*Boy, I hope Kana will be okay. She must've had it hard, losing someone from her family, even though he just disappeared.

While he continues to think, he reached the wide open to see a beautiful beach and starts to run up close with amazement in his eyes.

Yuuta: Wow!!! Now this is something called "a sight to behold".

The beach is long, and beyond the ocean is the endless horizon, which fascinates Yuuta.

Yuuta: Kind of funny, just looking at this view makes all my worries go away.

Suddenly, Yuuta hears the sound of footprints being printed in the sand. And as he turns his head, he sees the same young man with the hood on earlier walking up closer.

Yuuta: Um, can I help you?

???: ...

Yuuta: Dude, quit with the silent treatment. Speak up will ya?

???: You...

Suddenly, the mysterious young man puts on his Sengoku Driver and grabbed his lockseed. Which caused Yuuta to be alert.

???: Show me your power.

Yuuta: A lockseed!?

The young man then puts his lockseed on his belt.

Lockseed: Banana! ...Lock On!

???: Hen... shin.

Come on! Banana Arms! Knight of spe~ar!

After pressing the blade-handle, a banana appeared above the young man, puts onto him, and transformed into armor. Turning him into, Kamen Rider Baron.

Yuuta: He transformed!

As the young man prepared himself, he immediately attacked Yuuta with his weapon, the Bana Spear.

Yuuta was caught by surprised, but managed to dodge the attacks.

After side-rolling to the side, Yuuta immediately puts on his belt and gets his lockseed.

Lockseed: Orange! ...Lock On!

Yuuta: Henshin!

Soiya! Orange Arms: Path of Blossoms, on Stage!

Yuuta draws out his two swords and engages with his mysterious opponent.

In the first action, both fighters are swinging and clashing their weapons, and managed to land some strikes to one another.

Yuuta managed to misdirect the young man's weapon with his two swords, and countering back with a large orange cross-slash.

As Yuuta engages again, he tried to pin down the young man with pressing his swords against his. But he used his strength to knock back Yuuta, and made an opening to himself.

The young man then performed a few slashes with the tip of his spear. Then, he stabbed Yuuta, sending him flying and rolling along the sand.

After that, the young man pressed down his blade-handle.

Sengoku Driver: Banana Squash!

Suddenly, the young man's spear transformed into a projection of a large banana. He then tried to crush Yuuta with it.

But Yuuta got up and pressed the blade-handle on his belt 3 times.

Sengoku Driver: Orange Sparking!

At the last minute, Yuuta's orange armor turned back to its original form and started spinning fast, which blocked the young man's attack.

As the young man stood back, Yuuta combined his two swords into a naginata.

Yuuta then charged again, now using his combined weapon to counter back.

He started spinning around his double-edged sword, treating it like a bo staff. Along with treating his strikes like a katana.

As both are at blade-point, Yuuta starts to speak up.

Gaim: Who are you?! And what do you want?

Baron: You're strong.

Gaim: Eh?

Baron: But not strong enough!

The young man broke the blade-point and strikes Yuuta again.

But then, Yuuta grabbed his lockseed and puts it on his naginata.

Lockseed: Lock Off! ...Lock On!

1, 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000: Orange Charge!

After Yuuta readied his double-edged blade, he sprinted towards the young man, while spinning it.

Then, as he reached to the young man, Yuuta performed a powerful straight slash, which shows the projection of a large orange slice.

After the young man got hit, he got injured and is on his knees.

Yuuta then approached him with his two swords back to normal.

Gaim: It's time for some answers. Why did you suddenly attack me?

But as Yuuta continues to approach, the young man recovered and swings his spear. Luckily, he backed out of the way.

Then, the young man stood back up and de-henshins.

???: It seems your skills are without doubt.

Gaim: What?

???: You may be strong, however, you may be unprepared for what comes next.

Gaim: What comes next? What do you mean?

???: I may not trust you, but I trust you enough to take care of Kanami.

Gaim: ...! Wait, how do you know Kana?!

The the young man didn't answer and simply turned around.

???: Please, take care of her.

Then, he walked away.

As for Yuuta, he de-henshined, and didn't bother going after him because he wasn't going to give out answers easily.

Yuuta: *sigh*Great, now what have I gotten myself into?

For the mysterious young man, he's seen walking more of the beach.

As he stopped, he grabbed something out of his clothing.

It happens to be a picture, but it's half of a picture that was torn. While it revealed to be a young girl with a similar appearance to... Kanami.

???: Just a little longer, Kanami. Until then, please wait just a little longer.

To be continued...

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