Episode 7 - The Man Who Fell in Love with the Enemy

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In the castle, it centers to the training dojo, where the Takeda men train.

Right now, Yuuta and Yukimura are training with each other by battling with spears.

The other trainees are sitting by the side, observing their duel.

Trainee1: Yukimura seems to be in good shape.

Trainee2: Tell that to sir Yuuta too, his skills are equal to the general.

Yukimura continues to twirl his spear everytime before attempting to strike Yuuta.

However, Yuuta sees Yukimura's moves and he dodges and strikes back. Only for Yukimura to block them, but was pushed back due to the strikes being strong.

As Yukimura then thrusts his spear, Yuuta dodges and grabs it, laying both spears at his neck-point.

The trainees are surprised to see Yuuta win the duel, while Yuuta is of course disappointed in his defeat.

Yuuta: You're treating this pointy stick like a torch. You're pretending to play with fire. I saw how you fought Yukimura, your tactic was always to create distance between you and the soldiers, then seeing the opening to strike back.

Yukimura: ...

Yuuta: But that will also leave yourself wide open, so you should focus on staying defensive.

Yukimura: Yes, you're right.

Then, then two went back into training.


Yukimura is walking, while being catched up by Yuuta.

Yuuta: Yukimura!

Yukimura: Hm? ...Yuuta.

Yuuta: Yukimura, um... are you alright?

Yukimura: What do you mean?

Yuuta: You can't fool me, I know you've been behaving strange lately. Something did happen to you back at Kawanakajima, am I right?.

Yukimura: ...

Yuuta: I knew it, your face tells it all. Yukimura, please tell me what's wrong. If it's anything bothering you then I can help. We're friends aren't we?

Yukimura: Yuuta... Thank you for worrying about me. But this sort of matter is mine to deal with alone. Now please excuse me.

Yukimura then walked away, leaving Yuuta continuing to worrying about him.

Yuuta: Yukimura...


Both Yukimura and Sakura are speaking with Shingen at the top of the castle.

Shingen: Yukimura?

Sakura: Yes, Lord Yukimura has been acting strange after the day we battled the Uesugi.

Yuuta: We thought he might get better if we leaved him alone, but he's just being more silent. So we're kind of worried.

Shingen: Mmm...

Yuuta: Do you know anything that's bothering him, lord?

Shingen: This may be my guess, but it should explain his reasoning.

Sakura: What?

Shingen: I know it should never be known, but as of right now, you two have the right to know about this. Now, listen closely...

A few moments later...

Yuuta & Sakura: Eeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh!!!?

Sakura: L-L-Lord Yukimura has a... l-l-lover!?

Yuuta: And that happens to be that Michiko woman!?

Shingen: *sigh*... Yes.

Yuuta: Wow, to think Yukimura would have himself a girlfriend.

Sakura: Now even I'm surprised.

Yuuta: But wait, why would he sad about Lady Michiko?

Shingen: ...It's because of something happened in the past.

Yuuta: Huh?

Shingen: Allow me to explain the tale. It all began somewhere in our battles with our rival...


In the midst of another battle between the Takeda and Uesugi, the setting takes place in the battlefield.

Where there are Kurokage Troopers from both sides are battling each other, riding their motorcycles, and a bunch of explosions in the area.

It centers to Yukimura, who has managed to deal wit the Uesugi Kurokages along the way with the rest of his group.

Yukimura: Forward!

As Yukimura pressed on, he found himself in a forest.

Suddenly, he found himself surrounded by ninja assassins that were aiming for his blind spots.

Luckily for Yukimura, he learned over his past experiences in the previous war to always watch his back, especially his weak points.

Even though he managed to take a down a few, one of them managed to land a cut on him.

While feeling the pain, all the ninjas jumped and attempted to attack him at the same time.

Yukimura: *thoughts*Am I going to die... again?

Suddenly, someone appeared and landed a huge green slash on the ninjas, eliminating them all.

It was actually Michiko who's Zangetsu, and after she eliminated them all, she turned towards Yukimura.

Yukimura stayed cautious, but Michiko took out her lockseed and de-henshined.

Michiko ran over to Yukimura who's still in pain.

Michiko: Are you okay?

Yukimura: *grunt*... *pant*Who are you?

Michiko: Please, don't try to talk. Hang on.

Later, Michiko managed to carry Yukimura on her shoulders to a small river. Where she rested him on the ground and puts a towel soaked with water on the wounded part.

Yukimura: Ghk...

Michiko: Ah, does it hurt!?

Yukimura: N-No... I'm fine.

Michiko: ...Please do not act strong.

Yukimura: Eh?

Michiko: At times like this, it's okay for yourself to express your feelings of pain. There's nothing for you to be shameful of, it's proof you are alive.

Yukimura: Why are you helping me?

Michiko: I couldn't stand to see someone about to have his life taken. It's normal for one's self to take action to protect another. Is it not?

Yukimura: Your words... They do indeed speak good wisdom.

Michiko: Pardon for my late introductions, my name is Michiko.

Yukimura: Yukimura. Sanada Yukimura. Lady Michiko, I thank you for saving me life. I owe you a debt.

Michiko: Please, no thanks is needed. My heart is only relieved you are okay.

*end flashback*

The scene is back at present in the castle.

Sakura: So that's how it happened. No wonder Lord Yukimura didn't mention any of that.

Yuuta: *thoughts*Their meeting kind of reminded me of mine's with Kana.

Sakura: So during his battle, Yukimura was ambushed and severely injured...

Yuuta: -And after that, he was saved by Michiko, patched him up, and the two fell in love. Now it all makes sense.

Shingen: Yes, and ever since the day that I and Kenshin found out about their love, we saw that as an opportunity to end our rivalry and finally settled our differences. There were some difficulties and challenges, but in the end, we permitted them to continue their relationship.

Yuuta: Guess that's one way to live a happily ever after. But let me guess, something went wrong.

Shingen: *sigh*Indeed. It was about my rival, Kenshin.

Yuuta: Uesugi Kenshin? The daimyo of the Echigo Province, what of it?

Shingen: Sakura.

Sakura: Of course.


Sakura: It was only a few months ago when something went wrong. One of my other shinobi comrades reported that Lord Kenshin... is ill.

Yuuta: ...! Ill? You mean he's... sick!?

Shingen: Indeed. We don't know what's the cause, but after knowing his condition, I sent a messenger to ask about it. When he returned, he only reported that he collapsed upon some sort of rare illness.

Yuuta: Huh, now that you mention it, I didn't see Lord Kenshin anywhere at the battlefield that day. So I guess that sort of gives it away. But wait, how is Michiko involved in all of this?

Sakura: The truth is, Yu... Lady Michiko happens to be... Lord Kenshin's daughter.

Yuuta: What!?

Shingen: And it seems the young lady is fond to her father. I've even met her once, and she has the complete mindset of a warrior and dedicated to help her father's goal. The news of Kenshin's illness left her in pain, thus becoming the new leader of her clan. Unfortunately she changed her ways and only focused in helping her father's goals, leading her to shut her previous self and throw aside the love she had for my young cub.

Yuuta: Wow, that's just... Wait, is there any other way to cure Lord Kenshin's sickness?

Shingen: Gravely, I believe not.

Yuuta: But, wasn't he revived along with you and the others? There has to be something we can do!

Shingen then got up and approached Yuuta, putting his hand on his shoulder.

Shingen: There is none. But it's in our blood as warriors to live our lives to the end, proudly. I'm sorry.

Yuuta looks down wile gritting his teeth is disappointment.


Yuuta is seen at town, sitting on a bench, while reflecting the current situation.

Yuuta: I can't believe it, about those two lovebirds. But both of them are fighting from opposite sides, and by the looks of it, Michiko is prepared to kill Yukimura if it will help her goals. However, Yukimura is hesitant and looked upset about it. 

Yuuta then remembers some flashbacks about their fight and the look on Yukimura's face.

Yuuta: *sigh*Right now, this is definitely not good. I read enough tragedy books to tell where this is going. If this keeps up, then they will eventually... Dammit, is there anything I can do?!

Suddenly, Yuuta heard some screams in an alleyway and went to check it out.

While peeking through, he's shocked to see a bunch of kids throwing stones at a boy.

Child1: Ha ha! Take that!

Child2: Yeah, how do you feel, huh?!

While the kid threw a stone at the boy, Yuuta appears and catches it.

The kids who were throwing stones got scared by Yuuta's appearance.

Yuuta: Hey hey, didn't your parents tell you it's dangerous to play with stones?

Eventually they began to scream and run away.

Yuuta then turned to the kid and bent down to check on him.

Yuuta: Hey, you okay there?

Boy: Y-Yeah...

Yuuta: Oh god, look what they did to you. Why did they do that?

Boy: ...

Yuuta: Come on, I'll patch you up.

Yuuta then carried the boy and walked away from the alleyway.

Back at the bench Yuuta is sitting, he's treating the boy's bruises with banadages.

Yuuta: There, you feel better?

Boy: Yes, thank you mister!

Yuuta is glad to see the young boy smiling.

Yuuta: Hmm. You look familiar. Yeah, I remember now. You're that kid who I saved from those Kurokages that day.

Boy: Ah, yeah I remember that too. 

Yuuta: Heh heh, I knew I recognized you. I always wondered what happened to you.

Boy: Me too. You even saved me again, thank you Mr. Samurai*bows*.

Yuuta: Uh, please that's totally unnecessary. Anyway, how's your father, is he fine too.

Boy: *nods happily*Thanks to you.

Yuuta: That's great to hear. So, what happened back there with those kids? 

Boy: Bullies. Me and my daddy are poor, and they sometimes come to do that.

Yuuta: How horrible.

Boy: I... I wish I can be strong like you.

Yuuta: Why?

Boy: You're a samurai! You're so strong that you can stand up to anything.

Yuuta: Yeah well I might be strong, but I'm not perfect either.

As Yuuta started to look down, the boy notices and speaks up.

Boy: Why are you sad Mr. Samurai?

Yuuta: Ah it's just... I'm like this because somebody's sick.

Boy: Oh no. Are you worried for him?

Yuuta: Well, yeah. I guess you can say he's someone who's important, even to me. Because he's not feeling well, a lot of people are turning crazy. And now because of that, I'm afraid nothing will get better.

Boy: Oh, well that's no problem. Just go to the Mother Tree. When somebody's really sick, they're suppose to go to the tree.

Yuuta: Wait, "Mother Tree"? What is it?

Boy: My father told me it's a special tree where it grows special tea leaves that could heal anyone. So many people got better because of it.

Yuuta's eyes widen, and grabbed the boys shoulders and brought him up close.

Yuuta: Hey kid, what's your name?

Itou: Itou.

Yuuta: Okay. Itou, listen to me carefully. This is very important to me. So can you please tell me everything you know about this tree?

Itou: *nods happily*Sure, I will be happy to.

Yuuta: Great! *thoughts*Hang on Yukimura, looks like I found a way after all.

To be continued...

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