Episode 8 - Melon Rider, Prepare for Battle!

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Focusing on another character's story, the setting takes place in the Uesugi base.

It is actually a village, hidden in the mountains of the Echigo Province. The people living there are living comfortable lives and Uesugi Kurokages are patrolling around.

Inside one of the buildings is a training room where it's dark with only a light. And Michiko is standing below it.

Right now, she's only wearing white clothing and is wielding a katana. She is also seen closing her eyes, as if she's trying to focus.

Meanwhile within the dark room are a bunch of Kurokages sneaking around. They began circling around Michiko while sticking in the shadows, waiting for a perfect chance to strike.

One of them took action and tried to stab Michiko from behind. 

However, Michiko saw this coming and blocked it with her sword and defeating him.

Suddenly, one by one, the Kurokages appeared from the shadows and began to attack Michiko all at once.

Even though she didn't turn into an armored rider, Michiko proved to be an exceptional fighter while wielding the katana.

Even though she's outnumbered, she dodged the Kurokages' spears with ease and struck them down with powerful strikes.

After she took them all down, she gracefully puts her katana back.

Michiko: Good work, everyone. This shall be all for today.


Michiko is seen taking a bath in her private onsen.

After she dumped some water on her long, black, beautiful hair, she went into the bath itself.

While taking a bath, she looked up to the sky, thinking there's something on her mind.

A flashback is played back where Michiko is facing Yukimura back in Kawanakajima. About some of the scenes of their fight, especially the words she said before she retreated.

Michiko's face seemed saddened, as though she feels regret that she spoke those words.

Then another flashback played, where Yukimura and Michiko are dating, walking around while she wrapped her arm around Yukimura's. Michiko even smiled cheerfully while being with him.

Michiko: Yukimura... I wonder what he's doing now?

After Michiko finished her bath, her mistresses helped her dry her body and assisted in putting on her yukata.

note: This is actually what she looks like in real life.

She is then walking down the hallway, going through the reports at present with Naomi.

Michiko: Report the situation.

Naomi: Yes. Many of our soldiers have already been recovered. However, some of them have their lockseeds and few of their Sengoku Drivers are destroyed.

Michiko: Send some of our Kurokages to retrieve more Lock-Fruits. As for the ones with their belts destroyed, notify patrol teams 3 and 7 that they will be in the battlefield soon.

Naomi: Of course, my lady.

Michiko: And how is the lord doing?

Naomi: So far, Lord Kenshin's illness isn't getting serious. However, the doctors said he still needs to remain in bed.

Michiko: Notify the caretakers to say I will be arriving there shortly to have a talk with him.

Naomi: It shall be done.


Michiko is walking around the village with a couple of Uesugi Kurokages escorting her to where her father's at.

While walking, the citizens are praising in whispers of seeing Michiko in person while walking.

Female Citizen 1: It's Lady Michiko!

Female Citizen 2: She's really beautiful and lovely today!

Michiko begins to smile upon their greetings to her. 

Male Child: Big sister! 

Female Child: It's you, big sister!

Michiko: *giggles*It's nice to see you two. You both have grown.

While seeing the two children smiling cheerfully, Michiko went down and patted them gently on their heads with a gentle smile upon her face.

Continuing down the road, Michiko heard the voice of a man who runs a comb shop.

Man: Hey, Lady Michiko! Long time no see!

Michiko: Ah, it has been a long time. I see you are doing well.

Man: Ha ha! I could say the same to you.

Michiko: How is your business doing?

Man: Very good, actually. My wife made these new designs and more customers started to come by. Oh, would you like to see them?

Michiko: Of course.

The store owner then brought out the combs with some filled with cherry blossom petals, colorful flowers, and other beautiful designs.

Michiko: My, these are indeed very beautiful.

Man: I know, right? Would like to buy one of these? I could make a special discount for you.

As Michiko continues to look at these designs, she started having flashbacks of Yukimura combing her hair with the special comb she held in the earlier episode.

Michiko: I apologize, these are fine combs, but I do not feel like buying one.

Michiko: Again? *sigh*Oh well, it can't be helped. But come by anytime you like. I promise I will have even more astonishing combs to your liking.

After walking along the way, Michiko suddenly hears something.

Woman: Help! Somebody stop them, please!

As the woman pleads for help, the cause is from three thugs who are running away with money.

As Michiko sees it, she trips the one holding the money. And as the bag of money was flying, Michiko catches it.

Michiko: Take it and leave.

Woman: Yes, thank you Lady Michiko!

After the woman left, the thugs then turned towards Michiko/

Thug1: Hey bitch! Do you have any idea who you're messing with?!

Michiko: A bunch of pathetic flies.

Thug1: What did you say!?

Thug2: Heh, you really don't know who you're messing with, do you?

Thug3: Oh, how we're going to have so much fun with you*licks*.

The Kurokages escorting her got themselves ready, but Michiko lowered their spears.

Michiko: There's no need. Allow me to take care of this.*puts on belt*

After she puts her belt, Michiko then grabs her lockseed and puts it on it.

Lockseed: Melon! ...Lock On!

Michiko: Henshin.

Soiya! Melon Arms: Acknowledged by Providence!

After Michiko transformed, she started to walk over to them. Then, the thugs started to charge at her with only knives.

As the thugs attack her, Michiko used her Musou Saber to make sure the thugs get distance from her.

As one of them began to attack, Michiko used her sword to disarm the knife from the thug's hand and knock him down with a side-kick.

Another thug was about to attack her, but she bashed him with her Melon Defender to the face, knocking him down.

All of a sudden, Michiko heard a scream.

When she turned, it was the third thug who held a girl at knife-point to the neck.

Thug3: Don't do anything, or else the kid will-. Blegh!

Michiko then pulled a fast one and threw her shield at the third thug. Which hit him in the face, then it ricochets to hitting Thugs 1 and 2, and then the shield returned back to Michiko like a boomerang.

Zangetsu: I shall not let anyone harm the people of Echigo!

Then, Michiko de-henshined, and before she knew it, the girl she saved came in and hugged her.

Girl: Big sister! I was so scared!

Michiko: There, there. It's alright now.

The two Uesugi Kurokages then arrested the unconscious thugs right on the spot.

Michiko: Take them to the dungeons! Make sure they pay for their crimes!

Kurokages: Yes, ma'am!

After that little show back there, Michiko has arrived to where his father, Uesugi Kenshin is housed.

Located in another part of the village, inside the tall structure.

As Michiko went inside, the atmosphere is quiet, but tensed in every step she took.

Eventually, she made it to the top and as she entered the room, she saw Kenshin in a white robe, lying down on his bed.

Kenshin: Daughter...

Michiko: Father.

Kenshin then turned to the Kurokages for a moment.

Kenshin: Leave us.

After Kenshin gave the order, the Kurokages left the room, while guarding the door.

Michiko: It has been a long time since I saw you.

Kenshin: Indeed. Three months, for I haven't seen you stepped into this room.

Michiko: Father, how is your condition?

Kenshin: It has remained unchanged. Neither good or bad.

Michiko: I see...

Kenshin: Forgive me, my daughter. Ever since this illness began to take me, I left you with the heavy responsibility of leading my forces.

Michiko: Father, you have no need to say such words. For I knew this burden would be pushed upon me sooner or later.

Kenshin: ...Speak daughter, about the situation.

Michiko: Of course. Our forces started to push back the Takeda. However, it seems they have their own secret weapon. A new armored rider.

Kenshin: The Takeda now has an armored rider?

Michiko: Yes. I identified him to be Yuuta Shirayanagi, and it seems he's a capable fighter. 

Kenshin: I see. It seems everytime one side tips the scale, the other manages to find a way to balance it.

Michiko: Yes... indeed.

Kenshin realizes Michiko's change of behavior based on her look.

Kenshin: Daughter, speak your mind.

Michiko: Eh? Uh, no, it's nothing father. I apologize for worrying you.

Kenshin then slowly sits up, with Michiko helping him.

Kenshin: You cannot fool me. There is something troubling you.

Michiko: ...

Kenshin: Is this about young Yukimura?

Michiko: ...! No, father. I assure you it is not.

Kenshin: My daughter... I know the feelings you still harbor for Yukimura. Shingen and I have watched your relationship. I understand and approve of how you feel.

Michiko: Father...

Kenshin: You do not need to continue on this path I set for you. You do not have to force yourself to fight the one you love.

Michiko: My love for Yukimura has already been cast aside. Now I only want to carry out your goals to the very end. If I were to change, I would lose who I am.

Kenshin: ...

Michiko: I shall go now. Please, rest well father.

As Michiko bowed to her father, got stood up and left through the door.

But before she left, Kenshin spoke up.

Kenshin: Daughter. If there's anything troubling you, just look into your heart.

Michiko didn't say anything, but showed a small smile before leaving.

All that was left is Kenshin still in his room, as he lets out a sigh...


It is seen a bunch of Uesugi Kurokage Troopers on top of horses and some on Sakura Hurricane motorcycles. All of them standing in front of Uesugi main base, preparing for battle.

Inside, Michiko is meditating, already transformed into Zangetsu, with her helmet in front of her.

As she continues to meditate, Naomi, already transformed into Ryugen, came in.

Ryugen: My lady. It is time.

Michiko then opened up her eyes slowly, filled with determination.

Michiko: Let us go.

(note: Characters who transformed to Kamen Riders, but with their helmets off, will be called by their original names.)

To be continued...

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