Act 2/Chapter 3: Upward Climb

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(Back to Earthrealm, Sideways is seen returning to Beacon Nexus after his fight with Akatsuki in which he barely won. As he walks to the infirmary, a voice is heard at the Beacon Nexus Headmasters' Office.)

Summer: You what?!

(Inside of the office, the Headmasters: Summer Rose, Tony Stark, Clark Kent and Diamocles heard Ryan's explanation about his hidden plan.)

Ryan: As I said, I'll finish Project "Regenesis" and "Predaking". It will be very useful in this battle. And yes, me and Kiana will get married.

(Everyone gets silent for a while.)

(Back to Union-Verse, Xenovia is seen leading the group through the forest.)

Xenovia: Rizevim is closer. The emanation of his evil grows stronger.

Tomura: You've got a powerful weapon.

Xenovia: And my perfect ally. As I smite the evils in this world, I am closer to fulfill God's prophecy.

Roku: Now I've done steps, so I'm all for self-help. But... since when does an angel go for extreme methods of purification?

Xenovia: Many others before me fell to their damnation in Netherrealm. They had assumed that's all there was to existence. While I saw beyond Union-Verse, I saw Earthrealm, saw there was a better way to live. And that to have it, I needed to make sure I didn't end up like the others. I also saw some of this realm's heroes and villains who had a change of heart. These were hunted down.

Roku: This Rizevim is a devil?

Xenovia: The worst of all, yes. He has a complete disregard for life.

(A fly approaches Tsuyu, who catches it with her tongue and crunches it before spitting it as Roku finds it weird.)

Roku: Any idea why the other villains buddied up with him?

Xenovia: They share a common benefactor, just like Ozma and most of Union's Headmasters. I've never met her, but there's no question that she is a sorceress beyond compare.

(She senses a presence.)

Xenovia: Rizevim is near.

(At the League of Darkness' Hideout, some members are seen gathered as they completed their task.)

Rizevim: We are ready for your contribution.

(Then Dohnaseek approaches Rizevim with an artifact.)

Rizevim: Excellent, Dohnaseek. (turns to Kokabiel) I need yours as well.

(Kokabiel then gives a piece of the Excalibur to RIzevim.)

Kokabiel: Overhaul and I have been thinking, Lucifer...

Rizevim: (glares) Do not try to renegotiate, fallen angel.

Kokabiel: We need proof that you'll deliver.

Autumn: That he's delivered from Orochimaru's experiments is all the proof you need.

Dohnaseek: Autumn is right. Because of Rizevim, I am no lobger bound by the false governor of the fallen angels. I am free from Azazel.

(Orochimaru and Squall come in as the former smirks.)

Orochimaru: Rest assured. With all pieces in place, we'll star a new war. A war we're going to win. Union City will crumble.

Kokabiel: (impatient) When we will start it, Orochimaru?

Squall: After the attack on Earthrealm... (in mind) While you start your petty wars, I'll capture some cute boys and make them my personal pets.

(All For One comes in.)

All For One: Which could be called off had we known some of ours would betray us.

(Then Xenovia and the group slowly approaches the villains' hideout.)

Roku: Well, this plot just got thicker.

Xenovia: (turns to the heroes) Earthrealm is in grave danger. They pan to start a war that will kill hundreds of thousands. If they succeed...

Suigetsu: Millions will die.

Red Hood: He must be stopped.

Xenovia: I will deal with Rizevim. The rest of you will subdue the others.

(They charge as Alix prepares to transform.)

Alix: Fluff, clockwise!

(Alix transforms into Bunnyx, and then she joins the group as Autumn notices them.)

Autumn: Squall!

(The leaders then see the heroes.)

Rizevim: Yet again you evade capture, Xenovia.

Squall: And you brought some heroes and traitors, I see.

Xenovia: We are joined against you, villains. You won't be starting any wars.

(Xenovia charges at the villains, but is forced to clash her Durendal with Dohnaseek's light spear while Dabi launches himself at Kokabiel, pinning him into a wall, but the fallen angel knees him in the gut, and dodges a blue fireball before punching him. Roku and Autumn activate their suits, and she blocks his shots before kicking him. Red Hood kicks Overhaul. Back to Xenovia, she finally lands a slash on Dohnaseek's right arm.)

Dohnaseek: Damn you and your Durendal.

Xenovia: It was forged to destroy evil. It's slain many of you fallen angels.

Dohnaseek: No wonder Freed left your faction. He was abandoned by God, just like those you consider evil.

(Dohnaseek launches a light spear at one of Xenovia's legs, but she counters by kicking and slashing him. Dohnaseek then tackles her and kicks her, but she gets up and slashes him several times, bringing him on his knees.)

Dohnaseek: (gets up) Is that your best, angel? You need much more.

(Xenovia then dealt more precise strikes on Dohnaseek, finally defeating him.)

Xenovia: I am one step closer to redemption.

(Suddenly some sounds are heard as Orochimaru performs an Edo Tensei, reviving a certain last Hokage before Tsunade.)

Wing Zero: (stern) Oh my god... this is the Edo Tensei.

Xenovia: What kind of unholy magic is that?

Minato: This is the Edo Tensei, a reincarnation jutsu performed by the Second Hokage: Tobirama Senju. My name is Minato Namikaze, revived and bound by Orochimaru and his allies. I am to obey their commands.

Rizevim: (smirks) Kill them.

(Minato then performs a rasengan, and shoots his kunai at Wing Zero before teleporting as he prepares to hit him.)

Minato: Rasengan!

(Wing Zero is then sent away as Minato picks up his Kunai, and launches it at both Red Hood and Xenovia as he hits the former with his Rasengan, and kicks Xenovia down. He then grabs Madoka in the neck before Tsuyu wraps her tongue around his neck, but he pulls her and slams both Froopy and M's heads at each other. As Xenovia charges at him, he elbows her before throwing her down. Kokabiel then approaches her.)

Kokabiel: Rizevim must succeed if I'm to liberate the fallen angels from Azazel's undermining. I'll not let him fall.

Xenovia: Killing innocent people to have your desired war is a heinous proposition! One I won't let you fulfill.

(Xenovia slashes Kokabiek several times, and then he launches two light spears at her, but she doesn't give up, and lands some fatal sword strikes at the fallen angel.)

Xenovia: That you aid Rizevim speaks volumes about you.

(With several more precise strikes at Kokabiel, Xenovia manages to defeat him.)

Xenovia: Take your wars elsewhere.

(Rizevim then tries to strike Xenovia, who dodges her attack.)

Rizevim: You proved to be more trouble than Ddraig and Albion ever did. You're not complaint like Freed and Dohnaseek.

Xenovia: And now they've fallen because you sent them against humanity. I never forgive devils for that, Rizevim.

(Many would think Rizevim could be trouble for anyone who defied him, but Xenovia isn't having much trouble as the Lucifer needed Orochimaru's help, even though it doesn't seem to be enough for him.)

Xenovia: There has been a long time coming, Lucifer. 

(Rizevim still keeps underestimating Xenovia, and eventually pays dearly for that.)

Xenovia: When I'm finished here, I'll finish YOU!

(She tries to strike Minato, who blocks her attack with his Kunai. She tries to strike him, but he dodges and punches her stomach, but Zuikaku shoots him, and then he dashes at her and kicks her before blocking more of Xenovia's attacks and punching her as he also counters Shoto's attack, and grabs Xenovia's neck before slamming her. He then sees Tomura and Ochako charging at him, and prepares a Double Rasengan.)

Minato: Rasengan!

(Minato blows the duo away before grabbing and slamming Zuikaku.)

Bunnyx: (comes in) I can't let them die.

(Bunnyx tries to strike Minato, who counters with one more rasengan, but as she gets up, she keeps trying her best to strike him as she stabs her umbrella at him.)

Minato: Well played... RASENGAN!

(Minato hits her with his Rasengan, but she gets up and deflects Minato's kunais and shurikens as Xenovia approaches her.)

Xenovia: That was unexpected.

Bunnyx: I'm not a member of Team Miraculous for nothing. Shall we finish this?

Xenovia: (nods) Let's.

(Then Bunnyx and Xenovia prepare to face the revived Minato.)

Xenovia: This fight is not over. I'll defeat all of the League of Darkness.

Minato: Before I destroy you. God didn't abandon anyone. God is already dead.

(Knowing that Minato could not be taken lightly, Xenovia decided to get serious. They then start trading blows, but Xenovia manages to gain the upper hand.)

Minato: Orochimaru requires your death. His demand will be satisfied.

(Minato strikes Xenovia, but she strikes back, and she eventually proved herself by defeating the undead former Hokage.)

Xenovia: Resistance is never pointless, unlike abandoning your own child.

Minato: (tries to get up) How... do you know... my son...?

(Bunnyx approaches Xenovia.)

Bunnyx: What's happening?

Xenovia: I mentioned a reminder of his past to him. He has a child named Naruto Uzumaki.

Minato: Naruto! I'll find you!

(Minato falls seemingly unconscious.)

Bunnyx: What was that?

Xenovia: Watch him. I'll finish Orochimaru for good.

(Xenovia prepares to strike Orochimaru, but Rizevim gets in the way, and she eventually stabs him with her Durendal.)

Rizevim: (weakly) Orochimaru... finish what I couldn't....

(Orochimaru then retreats along with the rest of the League of Darkness. Bunnyx then cuffs Rizevim.)

Rizevim: (weakly) Just let me... die...

Bunnyx: No, you're needed for questioning. You know of Ozma's plan somehow.

Rizevim: (weakly) Someone will replace me... her name is... (coughs blood) Salem...

(Rizevim then draws his last breath as the group reunites.)

Tomura: To think I used to refuse defeat...

Madoka: We all did, Shigaraki.

Suigetsu: Well, you can take us to Earthrealm instead. We might know some clues about their plan. Same goes to you five, if you want. (turns to Roku) Liu Kang will welcome us, won't he?

Xenovia: (smiles) I never had a home since church. It would be wonderful.

(Meanwhile Ozma is seen somewhere cold at Union-Verse as a certain female figure comes in along with a certain futuristic Web-Warrior.)

Damashi: Report, Ozma.

Ozma: Rizevim was defeated, and making things worse, he had my ex-wife replace him.

Damashi: And the army?

Ozma: They will obey your every command. Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels, Ninjas, Valkyries, I.S. Pilots, everyone. I also conceived a plan to break Omni-Man, Felix Fathom and the Lin Kuei away from Liu Kang and Summer. Instead of defending the Earthrealm, they will betray it. (smirks) Right, Gabriel?

(Gabriel Agreste comes in.)

Gabriel: Yes, Liu Kang will soon regret having turned my own son against me.

Damashi: Excellent. You've learned quickly, OZma. And well. You will soon reap the bounty of what you've sown.

Spider-Man 2099: While you guys carry your plans, I'll remove some anomalies from Earthrealm.

(Ozma smirks as the screen fades to black.)

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