Act 2/Chapter 4: Narrow Escape

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(Tsuyu Asui is seen hopping through the rooftops as Sirzechs is walking through Union City's streets along with Aultcray, Olga Marie, Otto, Chifuyu and Nezu during the Festival. As she keeps going, she sees both Melty and Yuuma waving at the people. Tatenashi approaches the headmasters.)

Tatenashi: Who are those Eathrealmers we're looking for?

Chifuyu: (monotone) You have their descriptions.

Tatenashi: Why are they here? What have they done?

Chifuyu: Not even my brother is that curious.

Sirzechs: State secrets, not for anyone's ears.

(Back to Yuuma and Melty, Rossweisse approaches the former.)

Rossweisse: Yes, my princess?

Yuuma: Fetch us water, please?

Rossweisse: (smiles) As you wish.

(As Rossweisse walks away, Melty talks with Yuuma.)

Melty: Careful, Yuuma. Entanglements with Valkyries are forbidden. You know their vows.

Yuuma: (not looking at Melty) Who told you?

Melty: No one. I have eyes. As do snakes at the court who would cheer your downfall, especially that bastard, who unfortunately is my father.

Yuuma: His rules are ridiculous, and so are Sirzechs'.

Melty: And you can change them when you become the leader of the fallen angels. For now, you cannot jeopardize your ancescion.

(Yuuma leaves as Melty gets concerned.)

(Meanwhile, the group is seen tying up Endeavor, who got knocked out.)

Shoto: (glares) Nighty night... father.

(They are then seen with disguises.)

Tenya: Well, it fits right.

Xenovia: I should have asked for a more functional hat.

Ochako: What, they hide our faces, and... they suit us.

Alix: I still don't know about this. Carrying him around will attract unwanted attention.

Shoto: Don't worry, they're partying. People will think he celebrated too early.

(Tsuyu comes in.)

Shoto: What's the word?

Tsuyu: Ribbit! Go toward the stage, then to the right for the portal gate. But there are soldiers and constables everywhere. Kuro!

Red Hood: Are you sure these are enough? One person spots us... and we are dead.

Ochako: And that's why we'll create a diversion.

Alix: They're out for you, Iida, Todoroki and Froopy too, Uraraka.

Iida: (smirks) To catch me, they gotta be faster than me.

(Iida dashes away.)

Zuikaku: Damn, he didn't tell me he could go full Sonic.

(As the heroes walk among the crowd, they see some Devil Soldiers.)

Alix: We could use that diversion.

(Suddenly some lamps are cut, and the fire starts as the crowd screams, and a riot begins.)

Xenovia: Good work, guys.

(As they see the fire, Ren Amaki approaches Melty.)

Ren: Come, princess.

(He grabs her hand, but she shoves him.)

Melty: (glares) Unhand me, I'm going nowhere.

(The Headmasters notice the fire.)

Aultcray: (to his knights) Douse the fires. Find who set them!

(Suddenly Ichika gets in front of Aultcray.)

Ichika: Stand down. This is my problem, not the Melromarc's.

(Nezu sees something.)

Nezu: Your highness, look.

(Aultcray sees Shoto, Ochako, Tsuyu and Tenya on the rooftops.)

Aultcray: (stern) So it's true... they betrayed us.

Ichika: Who? And why?

Aultcray: Unnimportant. But it means the Earthrealmers are here too. MOTOYASU!

(Motoyasu comes in along with Tatenash, and then they chase after the four. Motoyasu launches his spear, and it hits Shoto's right arm as he keeps running.)

Tatenashi: I'll get him.

(Motoyasu shakes his head as they keep chasing after Shoto, but Alix notices that.)

Alix: Todoroki! (pulls out his Kiwami) Fluff, clockwise!

(Back to Shoto, he stops running as Tatenashi and Motoyasu approach him.)

Tatenashi: You betrayed your own father?

Shoto: Touya told me everything, especially what truly happened to him.

Tatenashi: Touya? But he is-

Shoto: There's much things you don't know, like what the Headmasters are truly up to.

Tatenashi: Surrender, and I'll hear you out. I can't if you resist arrest.

Shoto: You arrest me, I'll be executed. And I don't intend to die just because I betrayed you fools.

(Shoto shoots his ice, but Tatenashi summons her spear and stabs his stomach before kicking his lower chin. Shoto then gets up, and slides under her, tripping her twice before he unleashes a snow storm, and sneaks behind her as he strikes her. He keeps striking her with ice, but she counters with her spear again. Shoto gets up and keeps fighing using only ice as he brings her down.)

Shoto: My quarrel is not with you. Don't make me use the fire.

(Tatenashi simply gets back up, and tries a counterattack as Motoyasu joins her, only for Bunnyx to come in and stop their attack as Shoto defeats both of them.)

Shoto: I'm sorry for disturbing the peace, but not for betraying my father!

(Back to Ren, Malty comes in, and growls in anger.)

Malty: (sighs) Ludricous.

(She charges at Shoto as Issei joins in.)

Ren: Malty, Issei, don't. You can get hurt.

(Iida dashes and saves Shoto as Roku comes in his Wing Zero Armor as he shoots them, but they back away. Malty then charges at Tenya, who quickly dodges her attacks, and then Ren tries to strike him, only to be kicked in the stomach. Issei then activates his Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker as he and Wing Zero exchange blows.)

Issei: Fellow students inciting an insurrection? That's a day I never thought I'd see.

Wing Zero: You hold no sway against us, Red Lizard Emperor. Therefore I have the right to beat you to a pulp.

(Wing Zero slashes Issei while Iida dashes at Malty, who counters his attack. Bunnyx helps the speedster while Issei counters Wing Zero's attacks and shoots a Dragon Shot at him, but the Gundam Armored Hero returns fire before slashing him again. Issei and Ren try to combine their attacks, but Wing Zero shoots his chest, and at the same time, Iida kicks Malty's stomach, making her cough blood.)

Issei: You fight tenaciously for a weakling.

(As Wing Zero and Issei charge at each other again, Iida dashes at Malty again, and kicks her six times, but then she conjures a magic, and blasts him, but the attack wasn't enough to faze Iida as he dashes at her and performs his move.)


(Iida knocks Malty out while Wing Zero pumps Issei full of lead.)

Iida: Soon everyone will know the truth.

(Ren Amaki gets up as Itsuki approaches him, but the latter gestures the former to step aside. Then Tsuyu comes in.)

Tsuyu: Ribbit! Wanna fight me? Come on. Kuro!

Ren: You've put your lives at risk the moment you betrayed us, but for Tenya Iida laying his hands on the princess of Melromarc, I'll take your life as a punishment.

(Tsuyu whips her tongue at Ren, slapping his face twice, but then he slashes her three times, only for her to wrap her tongue around his legs and trip him down. Tsuyu and Ren start exchanging blows until Ren and Itsuki perform their combined attacks as the Bow Hero shoots his arrows at Tsuyu, and Ren stabs her stomach with his sword. Tsuyu then performs a combined attack with Bunnyx as well as the Rabbit Miraculous punches Ren three times before Tsuyu slams the Sword Hero several times as his ribs are crushed.)

Tsuyu: Ribbit! No need to be like this.

(Ren charges at Tsuyu again, but she counters several times until Itsuki shoots his arrow at her. Bunnyx retaliates by hitting Ren with her umbrella, and then Tsuyu lands some precise blows that finally knock the Sword Hero out.)

Tsuyu: You won't sentence anyone, Sword Hero. Kuro!

(Back to the headmasters, they found the other Earthrealmers.)

Sirzechs: (stern) Found you.

(Then Red Hood and Zuikaku see Endeavor waking up as they decide to attack him relentlessly, forcing him to retreat. Cu Chulainn turns to Olga Marie.)

Chulainn: What about him?

Olga Marie: Worry only about the Earthrealmers.

(Red Hood and Zuikaku get in their fighting stances as Shoto, Tsuyu, Iida and Ochako come in along with Bunnyx and Wing Zero.)

Ochako: If we die today... we die together.

(Then Red Hood charges at Cu Chulainn and attacks him while Xenovia slashes some Devil Soldiers. Chifuyu draws her katana and tries to slash Ochako, who stops her with her quirk and shoves her down.)

Chifuyu: It's unlike Ozma to leave loose ends.

Ochako: Now that we're free of your influence, we'll reveal your conspiracy against the Hidden Leaf Village.

Chifuyu: (laughs) You'll do nothing of the kind. Dead people don't tell tales.

(Ochako slams some rocks at Chifuyu, who slashes them all, and then both Bunnyx and Cu Chulainn clash their weapons. Ochako finally lands a hit on Chifuyu.)

Ochako: Know your limits.

(Ochako keeps striking Chifuyu, who is barely brought down.)

Chifuyu: You've got more grit than my brother ever had. It will make your defeat that much more satisfying.

(Chifuyu strikes Ochako, who counters and slams some more rocks at her until Cu Chulainn hits her stomach with his staff. Ochako doesn't give up, and eventually lifts and slams a big rock at Chifuyu, eventually knocking her out.)

Ochako: You will not silence us, Chifuyu.

(Then the other I.S. Pilots comes in as the heroes already defeated the Devil Soldiers.)

Ochako: We must go, now!

(They run away as Wing Zero knocks Olga Marie down.)

(Meanwhile at Earthrealm, the portal opens up, and then both heroes and villains come out of it as Liu Kang and Summer come in along with the Beacon Nexus Academy Staff and other students.)

Liu Kang: Roku, Red Hood, Zuikaku, Bunnyx, Team RWBY, you have returned.

Summer: (sees Yang with only one arm and gasps) Great Oum...

Ruby: We had a run in with Yuuma's inner fallen angel, known as Raynare.

Yang: She took one of my arms, besides giving a scar close to Weiss' eye.

Bruce: I knew this wouldn't end well...

Summer: (turns to Bruce) You did?

Bruce: Ryan told me about what happened during the events of "Fall of Beacon".

(Summer gets silent for a while, but then speaks to the staff.)

Summer: Take them to the infirmary, the doctors will tend their wounds.

(As the staff takes Yang, Weiss and the others to the infirmary, Roku speaks up.)

Roku: We found Ozma, but he used some Rider Power, and got away. I can now see why you're twitchy about him. He's neck deep in some serious-

Summer: Go home and rest, Roku. When you recover, we'll discuss.

Roku: Okay. By the way, meet our new allies.

(Tomura, Dabi, Madoka, Suigetsu, Karin, Kalawarner, Shoto, Ochako, Tsuyu and Iida and Xenovia step in.)

Roku: We couldn't have made it without them.

Liu Kang: Tenko Shumura, Touya Todoroki, Suigetsu Hozuki, Karin Uzumaki, Kalawarner, Shoto Todoroki, Ochako Uraraka, Tsuyu Asui and Tenya Iida.

Iida: You know us?

Liu Kang: (smiles) As Earthrealm's protector, there's much I know.

Xenovia: Do you also know of Gabriel Agreste and Miguel O'Hara? They collude with Ozma.

Liu Kang: A new deadly alliance?

Summer: Gabriel Agreste is alive?

Liu Kang: Come. You must tell us all you know.

(They follow Liu Kang and Summer back to Beacon Nexus Academy.)


(Liu Kang is seen having another talk with Geras.)

Liu Kang: Another conspiration against Earthrealm? Such report should not be possible. (turns to Geras) You witnessed how I rewrote history. I made sure Ozpin was executed and Gabriel dead for what he did. They should have never gained power, let alone joined forces.

Geras: And your work was flawless. But someone interfered, and gave Ozma a chance to reincarnate, besides having Gabriel survive the attack from Ladybug and Cat Noir.

(Liu Kang faces back at Geras.)

Liu Kang: Interfered? What do you mean?

(Geras projects some kind of hologram that shows Damashi and Ozma along with Gabriel Agreste and Spider-Man 2099.)

Geras: Both of them were visited by this person. It's her interference that bend the arcs of their lives.

Liu Kang: Who is she?

Geras: Unknown. Her identity had been obscured from the Hourglass.

Liu Kang: Who could have that power? Is it Kronika, somehow resurrected?

Geras: Impossible. Titans, once destroyed, cannot be revived.

Liu Kang: Then someone else must have survived the previous timeline... Someone with a vendetta against me.

Geras: It is the only possible theory.

(Liu Kang gazes at the holograms before facing back at Geras.)

Liu Kang: You must determine its validity, Geras. The fate of the realms may depend on it.

(Act 2 Cleared)

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