Act 3/Chapter 3: Protect and Serve

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(Liu Kang enters Outworld again, Ichika Orimura and his compatriots are standing in front of him. Ichika then stands forward.)

Ichika: Return home, Lord Liu Kang. I am to let no one pass.

Liu Kang: I must see Lady Hokage. She must call off her attack on Earthrealm.

Ichika: It was the other headmasters' decision. I am no longer considered useful to them, and I bet they won't heed your advices

Liu Kang: The Hokage has been deceived. Ozma and Danzo Shimura have fomented this crisis as a means to steal her position.

Ichika: (confused) Danzo Shimura? I knew the other headmasters were hiding their true intentions about the Hidden Leaf Village. But join Ozma? (sighs) I knew they couldn't be trusted. Had I taken action, Danzo wouldn't breathe the same air as the Hidden Leaf Villagers. Naruto told me he appeared out of nowhere, and had the other headmasters' ears.

Liu Kang: He gained their trust by treating Yuuma's condition. Tragically, she's afflicted with the Fallen Angel curse.

Ichika: (shocked) Fallen Angel curse? (sighs) Azazel must be beside himself. (stern) If Ozma found a treatment, no wonder they embraced him.

Liu Kang: I have shared this with no one. I trust that you, of all people, will keep this secret.

Ichika: (sighs) Of course. Were it made public, it would put the Three Supernatural Factions in war with each other.

Liu Kang: Ichika. Tsunade, Mirella and Azazel need our help. Will you join me?

Ichika: The deaths of Hiruzen Sarutobi and Minato Namikaze, the pain it caused to the Hidden Leaf Village, has always haunted a few select. Tatenashi has failed the Hidden Leaf Village. I won't make this mistake.

(Some moments later, Ichika and his new girlfriend Serafall Leviathan, Sona's Peerage, Naofumi's Party, Asia Argento and Velvet Hel are seen rushing to save the Hidden Leaf Village.)

Ichika: Everything now makes sense. Some of the servants had said Sirzechs' soldiers have been encroaching. But still, I can't fathom it. Most headmasters committing treason against Tsunade?

(Liu Kang is seen along with the group.)

Liu Kang: It is the fruit of a poisonous seed planted by Ozma. He played the hadmasters' vanity, infiltrated their prejudices, to convince them that they along can save Union-Verse.

Ichika: They may be unstoppable. I don't have numbers, and we aren't exactly trained for war.

Liu Kang: Know that I, too, will aid in the Hokage's defense.

(They are suddenly stopped.)

Ichika: I might need that aid right now.

(Motoyasu and Houki (in her I.S. Suit) walk towards the group.)

Motoyasu: Return Liu Kang to the portal gate, Ichika. He isn't welcome in here.

Ichika: We won't support your so-called king, Motoyasu. Nor their plot to help Danzo usurp Tsunade's Hokage Title.

Motoyasu: Your sister was right about you. (crosses arms) You're a weakling, who will not live to see our triumph and new regime. (to Houki) You know what to do.

Houki: (sighs) You have forced my hand, Ichika.

Ichika: That's the problem, Houki. I had always forced your hand the moment I started existing in your damn life, right?

(Houki doesn't reply, but slashes Sona's chest while Motoyasu easily brings down several former Union Students.)

Ichika: They have us surrounded.

Liu Kang: I am Earthrealm's Protector, Ichika. I am no stranger to Kombat.

Ichika: Let's go for it then.

(Ichika slashes some of the I.S. Pilots while Motoyasu throws Saji down.)

Motoyasu: Houki and the others were wiser to join us, especially after what happened to Tatenashi and her sister. They have become useful to my party.

Ichika: They're no longer my problem, and soon, neither will you.

(Ichika charges at Motoyasu and slashes him twice before dodging his attack. Houki tries to attack Ichika, who dodges and slashes one of her legs before slashing Motoyasu again.)

Ichika: Leave and desist.

(Motoyasu responds with a spear attack, but Ichika counters him before slashing his legs before stabbing his stomach.)

Ichika: I thought the Spear Hero was better trained. 

(Motoyasu tries to react, but Ichika punches his lower jaw, and then the Spea Hero gathers his strength to kick the male I.S. Pilot before grabbing his wrist and throwing him down as he punches him before stabbing one of his legs with his spear. Cecilia is about to join, but Ichika reacts, and kicks Motoyasu before throwing him at the British I.S. Pilot. Both of them trade blows and slashes, but Ichika manages to defeat Motoyasu.)

Ichika: You and your accomplices will face judgement, Motoyasu.

(The officers come in and arrest Motoyasu and his accomplices as Ichika turns to Liu Kang.)

Ichika: We must leave, reinforcements will be on the way.

(As they leave, they finally arrive at the Hidden Leaf Village, but they are cautious as they see Sakura and Ino on their way.)

Sakura: Word of his arrival precedes you. (cracks knuckles) Surrender if you wish to remain unharmed.

Serafall: Let us pass, Sakura. Lady Hokage and the village are in danger. He brings word that Ozma and Danzo plot against Tsunade.

Sakura: Danzo?

(Then Sai comes in.)

Sai: So much for being easily taken by lies, eh?

Sakura: Looks like those traitors proved to be incapable of protecting this village.

(Liu Kang goes to fight Sai while Ichika charges at Sakura and slashes her and strikes her continuously before grabbing her neck.)

Ichika: And they call me useless...

(While Liu Kang's fireball goes through Sai's Beasts paintings and hits him, Ichika is punched by Sakura four times, which forces him to let go of her as she punches him again several times. Serafall blasts her, but she gets up, only for Ichika to easily slash her, leading ino to help her.)

Ino: Mind Transfer Jutsu!

(She transfers her mind to Ichika, preventing him from reacting to Sakura's blows. However, Naofumi helps and strikes Sakura, knocking her out as Liu Kang easily defeats Sai as well.)

Naofumi: I'm sorry, you made that necessary.


(The group is then surrounded by various ANBU Hunters.)

Naofumi: ANBU Hunters... (they circle around the group) You know who we are, of our deeds when we were with you. We may no longer be welcome. But we are still heroes. I won't dishonor my vows, and neither will my friends. Liu Kang is here to end the threat to Lady Hokage. Stand against us and she will lose her title. Stand with us, and we will save the village.

(Some moments later, the ANBU Hunters take Sakura, Ino and Sai cuffed as Sakura glares at the heroes.)

Sakura: Why didn't you kill me?

Naofumi: Because we mean you no harm.

Liu Kang: And that you live will help prove that fact to the Hokage.

(At Hokage's Office, Tsunade is in her chair as she sees the group holding Sakura, Ino and Sai as they approach the Hokage who is seen with Naruto and Shizune.)

Tsunade: (stern) How dare you, Naofumi? First, you Union scum let Sarutobi-sensei be murdered by Orochimaru? You'd let Liu Kang destroy the Hidden Leaf Village?

Ichika: Tatenashi's heart may not have broken when Sarutobi and Minato died, but ours did. We didn't lose only Sarutobi, we lost our closest friends, even some of them turned against us. I know you'll never forgive Tatenashi, but at least forgive me, don't be blinded by anger and grief. We are here to help you.

(Sakura breaks free from the cuffs and grabs Ichika as they start fighting again. Hinata goes to join the fight, and Naruto tries to, but Tsunade stops him.)

Tsunade: No, Naruto. The seal of Kyuubi.

(As Naofumi helps Ichika to knock Sakura down, Hinata prepares to fight them as Kiba Inuzuka joins her.)

Kiba: Your faithlessness astounds, Shield Hero! How can you side with Earthrealm against us?

Naofumi: We are acting for your village's benefit... if you guys look for a moment, you'd realize it.

(Ichika goes to face Hinata while Naofumi faces Kiba. The shield hero doesn't waste time and starts striking the ninja until Akamaru pounces on him. He shoves the dog and knocks him out.)

Naofumi: Please, guys. You fight the wrong battle.

(Kiba tries to attack, but Naofumi counters and kee's striking him until Akamaru bites one of his arms. He then throws the dog at Kiba, bringing him down while Ichika manages to defeat the Hyuga Princess.)

Naofumi: You must be smarter.

(Naruto goes to fight, but Tsunade stops him.)

Tsunade: No, Naruto. I forbid it.

Naruto: I must. If I don't risk my life, I cannot consider myself a ninja.

(He charges at Naofumi as they exchange strikes, and he kicks the Shield Hero in the gut, but he gets up.)

Naofumi: Jiraiya taught you really well, Naruto. I wish he'd realize that you are the child of the prophecy.

Naruto: I don't believe in fate. Much has changed long ago.

Naofumi: We are allies to your village. Trust us.

(Naruto draws his kunai, and tries to strike Naofumi, who counters with his shield.)

Naofumi: Please, Naruto. Just listen. We shouldn't fight!

(Naruto then gets dominated by Kyuubi's chakra, and Tsunade tries to stop him.)

Tsunade: (worried) Naruto!

(Naruto pounces on Tsunade and is about to strike her, but Naofumi grabs him and throws him down.)

Naofumi: Forgive me, but I won't allow you to hurt yourself or anyone else.

(Naofumi tries to strike Naruto, who shoves him off, but he doesn't give up and starts striking him, only for Naruto to counter his strikes as his attacks are faster and more brutal. Raphtalia then interferes as she tries to hold Naruto, giving Naofumi the time to attack him.)

Naofumi: Turn yourself in. (Naruto growls) I must be careful. I cannot harm him.

(Naruto shoves both Naofumi and Raphtalia away. Ichika strikes him, only for the jinchuriki to scratch his chest, damaging his suit. Serafall blasts Naruto, but he then forms a rasengan and hits her. In a moment of distraction, Naofumi performs a finishing blow, knocking Naruto down.)

Naofumi: Curses make victims of us all.

(Then Yamato comes in and performs his technique which returns Naruto back to normal as everyone smiles.)

Sakura: Praise Haguromo.

Tsunade: (gets up) Thank you, Naofumi and company. I am in your debt.

Naofumi: No, Lady Hokage. There can be no debt between friends.

Liu Kang: I am glad Naruto is safe, and that our conflict has ended.

Tsunade: It is paused, not ended. (walks towards Liu Kang) Naofumi and his group earned my goodwill. Whether you do remains to be seen.

Liu Kang: I seek only peace, Lady Hokage.

Tsunade: Is that why you send minions on secret missions into this realm? (crosses arms) You proved yourself the enemy I was long warned you would be.

Liu Kang: I understand your anger. But I had reason to believe that Ozma posed a threat to both of us. Until I confirmed them, I did not want to burden you, Mirella or Azazel with my suspicions.

Tsunade: And now?

Liu Kang: They've proved true. Ozma, The League of Darkness, The Other Headmasters, Most Pro Heroes... they conspire to destroy the Hidden Leaf Village, and conquer our realms. 

Tsunade: A serious charge. Where's your proof?

Liu Kang: At Ozma's palace. If what you see there does not convince you, I will surrender Earthrealm without a fight.

(Unbeknownst to them, Summer Rose, Mirella and Azazel are overhearing the conversation from afar.)

Mirella: (whispers) So Liu Kang was right... My husband...

Azazel: Sirzechs and the others are conspiring against Tsunade and us...

Summer: You believe in me now?

(Mirella and Azazel face back at each other, and nod in agreement.)

Mirella/Azazel: We do.

(Then the screen fades out.)

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